Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154940 times)

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2015, 07:15:01 PM »
Wow! The heir on your first shot? Congrats! All three kids are very adorable though.

Thanks, it was definitely surprising when she had the heir, I though she was going to have 20 kids! The kids are probably some of the most adorable toddlers I have had.

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2015, 08:08:59 PM »
Wow!! 3 babies, now toddlers... All who are adorable!! Love the hair!!

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Offline mpart

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Chapter 5, part 1 - Toddlers Gloria!
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2015, 05:52:36 PM »
I had to split this part into two because I had some many pics! Also, I won't be able to post any chapters for a couple of days.  Thank you guys for more than 200 views!

Mercy's new room:

The Toddlers all learning how to walk:

Ben and Charlie learning to talk:

The Claw!

Then my game decided to turn Mercy invisible! Yay! So that means early birthdays!


Mercy became Equestrian to add to Clumsy and Grumpy.

Charlie became friendly to add to brave and excitable.

Ben became a mooch to add to neurotic and loves the cold. It seems just like yesterday they became toddlers,
oh, thats because they did just yesterday. I know this was short, but part 2 will becoming out very soon and all
the parents did was train the toddlers.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2015, 05:54:11 PM »
Wow!! 3 babies, now toddlers... All who are adorable!! Love the hair!!


Thank you, they are definitely some of my most cutest toddlers ever, and I got the hair from the exchange.

Offline mpart

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Chapter 5, part 2 - All the triplets outfits!
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2015, 06:09:01 PM »
I forgot to mention our stalker is back! Apparently many of them love to stalk Megan. That's totally not creepy at all.

Mercy's outfits:







Charlie's outfits:





* I forgot to take  pictures of his athletic and swimwear*

Ben's outfits:







"That's all folks!"

Offline Neurotic

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2015, 06:53:26 AM »
Good job! The kids are all adorable.  :)
I'm neurotic all right...

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2015, 02:33:14 PM »
Good job! The kids are all adorable.  :)

Thanks! Though the real drama starts in chapter 7.

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Offline mpart

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Chapter 6 - A New Home
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2015, 04:09:20 PM »
Finally! I get to be the narrator of a story. Even though I am not the "heir" doesn't mean I'm not the favorite. So I was busy being awesome when my brother started acting more annoying then usual, even though I never thought a thing could exist.

While I was busy dealing with Ben dad got a promotion! He took a bunch of days off to get his lifetime wish, The Tinker.

He needs a shower! Luckily though we got to go to Egypt! Not before Charlie managed to get himself in trouble.
Mercy - " Dad! Charlie bit my finger! He was also late for school!" So, he got scolded.

I was busy bonding with my mom/mum.
Mercy - " Mom, can I call you mum for now on?
Megan - " Why?"
Mercy - " I want to wear pretty dresses and drink tea and have a cool accent and - "
Megan - "Okay, fine!"
Everyone says she has the dislike children trait, but she is always want to become best friends with us kids, I think she just doesn't like other people's children. Anyways, to Egypt! Dad was finishing a logic opportunity.

I have no idea what the heart thing above his head means. Mom was being awesome, as usual.

Discovering tombs for weird guys with hats.

Then catching on fire, like a boss.

Finding treasure.

I went to the market.

I really don't like my brothers, did I mention that already?

Apparently zombies think their cool though.(sigh)

We returned home and mom was talking to this guy:
Megan - So, I need you to move in so we can have your money for a new house then, you can move out.
Guy - That's a great plan!

Apparently something called a mover mod was not working, and I heard someone say, "Object - delete," and BAM! It was like one sim had never exist. Anyways, here is the new home. A lot people say I talk to much, do I talk to much to you?

Living Room:


Mum's bedroom:

My bedroom + brothers:


Oh! Did I forgot to mention we live in a barn now?

We have chickens!

Mom then fell asleep when the strange people were moving.

I wonder why anyone would leave a perfectly good, purple apple on the table?

Offline butterfly

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2015, 05:25:55 PM »
I love this so much, the kids are adorable and I love the way you decorate! Can't wait to read more :)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline mpart

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Chapter 7 - Sometimes Sad Things Just Have to Happen
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2015, 09:18:49 PM »
Before we get into the story I do have permission from LivvieLove to mention the Reaper's in this story. If you haven't read the Reaper's legacy yet it's awesome and I totally recommend it. This Chapter is depressing so read it at your on risk.

Not all stories end in happy endings. Don't think mine will either. I was having a great day, the sun was shining, it was Spooky Day. We had a foreign exchange student, Alexander, move in from Moonlight Falls. Apparently Mercy was fascinated with magic.

Alexander - " So the Reapers are the most powerful magical beings."
Mercy - "Why?"
Alexander - " Agnes made a deal with a watcher, and then some how down the line Majnun, this insanely powerful dude's son, married into the the line. The current heir, Mary, had a kid named Eveline who is blind, and who is crazy powerful.

Mercy - " Is Majnun insane?"
Alexander - " Yeah. Personally I think Bear is the real genius though."
Mercy - " Isn't he the dog?
Alexander - "Yes, and he is immortal."
Mercy - " Ooh, do you think we can meet them?"
Alexander - Sadly, no their in a different dimension."
Ben - "Who's the Reapers?"
Alexander - (Sigh)
He then explains it all to Ben.

" Spider Charlie, Spider Charlie, Spider Charlie does whatever he does."

One moment I am above ground, the next moment I am not.

The Stranger than disappears.

Mercy - "Mum!"
Megan - " Get out of here! Don't trust-"

I felt numb, and saw the light. I walked up to the gates of Heaven and smiled.
Alexander extinguished the fire. I forgot, it's my birthday.

I gained the neat trait,(says in depressed voice), y-e-e-p!
Next was Charlie.

He gained the vegetarian trait. Then Ben, no sparkles for him. He gained the Handy trait.

Here's our teenage room, I got the best ballet award, whatever.

R.I.P mom, I miss you already.

Generation 1 overview:

Megan Labelle

Spouse: Brad
Children: Mercy Grace, Charlie E., Ben Daniel

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2015, 09:34:55 PM »
I love this so much, the kids are adorable and I love the way you decorate! Can't wait to read more :)

Thanks butterfly!

Offline mpart

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Chapter 8 - Arrested
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2015, 03:10:20 PM »
Due to the fact I ran out of screenshots last chapter, here are the rest of the triplets outfits.

Mercy's outfits:


*Already have seen formal*
*Athletic is very similar to pajamas*



Ben's outfits:
*Already seen casual*



*Swimwear is so similar to athletic*

Charlie's outfits:

*Already seen formal*




I didn't like the triplets teenage room, so I redid some of it.

Spider Charlie never ceases to stop amazing me!

Ben - "So I guess, I am the new narrater of this story."
Sp - "Hi!"
Ben - "Who are you??"
Sp - "I'm the annoying voice in your head that will follow you around for the rest of your life."
Ben - "So your a watcher?"
Sp - " Yeah."

We all handled are mourning in different ways, Charlie played sports, Mercy went Goth, and dad just got angry all the time. I just freaked out.

This is how many of the conversations now go with Mercy:
Ben - " Why are you sad all the time."
Mercy - "Happiness is irrelevant."
Ben - " You know it's okay to like the color black, but not be depressed all time!"
Mercy - (glares)

Mercy is definitely taking it the hardest, it seems like their is more to moms death then we thought….oh, and probably because her only friend got arrested for being accused of starting the fire that killed mom. Dad really doesn't like him. So far, he has pleaded not guilty. Dad got a call in the middle of the night about it.

Here is the jail.

Did I mention already, dad really doesn't like him?
Brad - "Stay away from my family!"
Alexander - " I didn't start the fire, just because…."
Brad - "Silence!"

Mercy - " How could you!"
Brad - "How could I what?"
Mercy - " You're the one who accused him!"
Ben - " What's going on?"
Mercy - " You didn't tell them?"
Ben and Charlie - " Tell us what?"

What is Mercy keeping from us? Oh, did I forget to mention random people know hang around our house like creeps? Thats totally not weird, at all.

Random People: We should stay here forever!
Though some people seem to be stranger then others….

Who do you think started the fire?

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 8 - Arrested
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2015, 05:11:53 PM »
Now that I think of it, the jail looks terrible, my amazing building skills!  ;D  ::)

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 9 - The Secret's Out!
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2015, 12:48:21 PM »
I flipped through the pages of my mom's notebook, called the Perfect Genetics Challenge and found "Not everyone get's happy endings." I think that explains this chapter well too. We were all in mourning still, even the cat, remembers mom's obsession with pancakes.

I have no idea where Mercy was though, she usually stays around to complain about her life.
Mercy -  I knew what I had to do.

I know to some people it may seen insane, but I knew he didn't start the fire!
Mercy - " Hello, I want to talk to the prisoner." ( I forced a smile)
Cop - "Okay, in you go, wait don't I know you from somewhere?"
Mercy - " I don't know."

Alexander - " Mom I didn't do it!"

Mercy - " Turn off the phone, were getting you out of here"

I went and changed into a new outfit.

Alexander - " Are you okay, Mercy?"
Mercy - "No, I can't believe he blamed you!"

Alexander - " Calm down."
Mercy - " I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but how-"
Alexander - " My Grandma is an alien, my dads a werewolf, my mom's a witch, my aunt's a fairy, my uncle is a ex- imaginary friend turned vampire."
Mercy - " Woah!"
Charlie - I was just eating chips when all the suddenly," breaking news a escaped juvenile breaks out with the help of his accomplice. " Dad!

(Brad walks up to Alexander)
Brad - " How dare you!"

Alexander - " I didn't do anything!"
Mercy - " Stop screaming at him dad!"

Brad - " You pathetic, little girl, I will set you on fire, just like I did to your mother."
Alexander and Mercy - " What!"

Brad - " If you ever mention this to anyone, I will - "
Ben and Charlie - " Fire in the house!"

( All the sims go to freak out)
Sp - "Ugh! Game this is not the time to be doing this!"
Mercy - " Ben, Charlie, come on we need to get out of here!
Ben and Charlie - " Why."
Mercy - " Dad set the fire that killed mom!"
(All of them run out)
Brad - "Ugh! Teenagers ( Calls police) Yes I would to report 3 runaways, and a murderer with them."

Mercy - " In the car, we go!"

Charlie - " Wait!"
Cop - " Come on, kid your going home."
Mercy - " I'm so stupid, why didn't I wait for Charlie!"

"Not exactly happy how this chapter turned out, hopefully its not to cheesy."  ::)  :P

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 9 - The Secret's Out!
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2015, 04:19:22 PM »
I'm back and all caught up! Wow. That was really good and I certainly did not see that coming. The triplets are all really pretty/handsome too  :)

