Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154911 times)

Offline mpart

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First off before we get into the story I want to say thank you to all the helpful people who helped me figure out how create your own story with pictures. You people are the best! Thanks to Mrs.Flynn for helping with the chapter list! Let's get back to the story.

                                                     The Labelle Family Tree

(Megan Labelle, 1st Generation. Ben Labelle, 2nd Generation. Equinox Labelle, 6th Generation. Eire Labelle, 10th Generation. Aries Labelle, 6th Generation. Gwen Labelle, 3rd Generation. Solstice Labelle, 4th Generation. Celeste Labelle, 7th Generation. Griffin Labelle, 8th Generation. Cosimo Labelle, 9th Generation.)

Chapter List

Generation 1
Chapter 1:1 - Crazy Homeless Lady
Chapter 1:2 - Marry Me?
Chapter 1:3 - Who's the Stalker Now?
Chapter 1:4 - All About the Nooboos!
Chapter 1:5, part 1 - Toddlers Gloria!
Chapter 1:5, part 2 - All the Triplets's Outfits!
Chapter 1:6 - A New Home
Chapter 1:7 - Sometimes Sad Things Just Have to Happen
Generation 2
Chapter 2:1 - Arrested
Chapter 2:2 - The Secret's Out!
Chapter 2:3 - All the Pieces Suddenly Fit
Chapter 2:4 - Love Day Came Early This Year
Chapter 2:5 - Another Turn on This Roller Coaster
Chapter 2:6 - Birthdays, Birthdays for Everyone!
Chapter 2:7 - Something You Have Seen Before

Chapter 2:8 - New Beginnings, Sad Endings
Chapter 2:9 - Back from the Dead....this Time
Chapter 2:10 - Just When Things Were Looking Good

Chapter 2:11, Part 1 - Ben Gets His Happy Ending

Chapter 2:11, Part 2 - Ben Gets His Happy Ending
Chapter 2:12 - Don't Play With Fire

Chapter 2:13 - A Present on the Doorstep
Chapter 2:14 - Guardia's Birthday
Chapter 2:15- Two Genius's Birthday
Chapter 2:16 - Daddy's Little Girl
Chapter 2:17 - The Ghost
Chapter 2:18 - Cake!
Chapter 2:19 Who's the Heir?
Chapter 2:20 - Gone
Chapter 2:21 - More Birthdays!
Chapter 2:22 - Be Careful What You Say
Chapter 2:23 - Give Me a Reason
Chapter 2:24 - Giving up on You
Chapter 2:25 - Four Years Later….
Generation's 2 House
Chapter 2:26 - Magic Always Comes with a Price
Generation 3
Chapter 3:1 - Allies
Chapter 3:2 - Monster
Chapter 3:3 - Awkward Teenager Stuff
Chapter 3:4 - Betrayed
Chapter 3:5 - Tricked
Chapter 3:6, Part 1 - Stranger
Chapter 3:6, Part 2 - Stranger
Chapter 3:7 - Who Are You?
Chapter 3:8 - Changing Fate
Chapter 3:9 - Glowing Eyes
Chapter 3:10 - Everyone is a Weirdo
Chapter 3:11, Part 1 - Stop Underestimating Her
Chapter 3:11, Part 2 - Stop Underestimating Her
Chapter 3:11, Part 3 - The End of Mercy's Story
Chapter 3:12, Part 1 - Stop Messing with Fate
Chapter 3:12, Part 2 - Stop Messing with Fate
Chapter 3:13 - Nightmare
Chapter 3:14, Part 1 - The Proposals
Chapter 3:14, Part 2 - The Proposals

Chapter 3:15 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 3:16 - A New Generation Is Born
Chapter 3:17 - Is This the End?
Chapter 3:18, Part 1 - You Fool (End Of Generation 3)
Chapter 3:18, Part 2 - You Fool (End Of Generation 3)
Generation 4
Chapter 4:1 - Traitor
Chapter 4:2 - Fate Is Strange
Chapter 4:3 - Cursed
Chapter 4:4, Part 1 - Ghosts
Chapter 4:4, Part 2 - Ghosts
Chapter 4:5 - This Is How It Ends
Chapter 4:6 - Time Goes by So Fast
Chapter 4:7, Part 1 - Champs Les Sims
Chapter 4:7, Part 2 - Champs Les Sims
Chapter 4:8, Part 1 - Chaos
Chapter 4:8, Part 2 - Chaos
Chapter 4:9 - Torn
Chapter 4:10 - Something Is Going On
Chapter 4:11 - Surprise!
Chapter 4:12, Part 1 - Shutting Down
Chapter 4:12, Part 2 - Shutting Down
Chapter 4:13 - Another Change in the Game
Chapter 4:14 - You're No Hero
Chapter 4:15 - Tragedy
Chapter 4:16, Part 1 - The Siren and the Pirate
Chapter 4:16, Part 2 - The Siren and the Pirate
Chapter 4:17 - Freight Train
Chapter 4:18 - Shattered
Chapter 4:19 - Ada

The End of the Labelles

Great Stories By @LivvieLove:
Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment
Risen From the Ashes

I just want to say thank you to LivvleLove for helping me so much with developing my characters, organizing chapters, saving characters from death ect. (She really has kept a lot of characters alive.) She has helped me so much and instead of mentioning how much she has helped me so much each chapter I would like to mention it here. Thank you Mrs.Flynn for creating a wonderful house for the Labelles and always telling me your feedback on my story. I appreciate it.  :)

*This is now a full collaboration between LivvieLove and I. Please check out her wonderful stories!*


Meet our founder, me. It's true. She's my simself, except a more fabulous me with neon hair. You can also call my sim Megan. Due to the fact I don't have the title "Watcher"  just call me, the person writing this story, supreme awesomeness and well be all good. ;D Enough rambling! My founder with fabulous clothes:



Supreme Awesomeness -" Girl, why are you closing your eyes?"
Megan -  "Shut up!"

Supreme Awesomeness - " Why don't you look happy, it has SPARKLES!"
Megan - "It makes me look fat!"
Supreme Awesomeness - "Nooooo! No complaining, it took me like, 5 minutes to do that outfit!"

Supreme Awesomeness - " Whats so horrible?"
Megan - "You dressed me like a 5 year old, even the cat agrees, and the dog is running away in horror!"
Supreme Awesomeness - "So, I would totally wear that in a heartbeat!"
Megan - "That is why you have no fashion sense!"
*Due to the fact that my computer was having a war with me over doing this story, I could not find her swimwear and pajamas.*
When your creating your simself how do you except your sim to survive without their loyal companions?
Supreme Awesomeness - "The Cat that Megan is so rudely referring to is Bell and she is proud, a mad Genius, and a hunter. The dog's names is Steve, and since EA sadly did not put labrador retrievers as a breed, I tried my best to create one as closely as I could. His traits are friendly, genius, and playful. Now I bet your wondering what Megan traits are? Well tell me if you can spot three of them by this example;
Megan walked in the charity office and pushed a envelope full of money on to the desk. "Here take it." The chubby short lady replied, " No, no we have enough money to fund the boats to clean up the ocean!" What, you don't want my money! Why, I wasted my gas money and my energy walking to this counter and you won't accept my money,for charity! You disgust me,absolutely disgust me! I calculated the exact change, where my money was most needed and then double checked! Good day lady, you have wasted my time!" The lady stood there shocked.
If you guessed correctly, air high five! Three of her traits are: Hot headed, good, and genius!
She is also absent-minded and forgot in the process that she dislikes children and will have to have as many nooboo's as it takes to have the perfect genetic child.

I think she remembers this now:

Supreme Awesomeness - "Maybe she also forgot she would start with little money on a big plot of land?"
Megan - "What? I thought this was a challenge, not a legacy!"
Supreme Awesomeness - "For right now, it's a challenge due to the fact my game doesn't like multiple generations in one town, but we will see how it goes. Oh, and answer one question, why do you hate nooboos their so adorable, and cute and-"
Megan - "-shut up! All they do is poop, cry, eat, then grow up and don't pay rent!
Supreme Awesomeness - "Okay then…."

That's where I will leave it for right now,sorry if it was short it just took me forever to get photo bucket to work. " Copy, copy, Photo bucket why aren't you copying on the document? 20 minutes later….. oh you're suppose to push paste! (face - palm)

Offline Malley

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 11:04:36 PM »
Nice to see someone taking a stab at the perfect genetics challenge. A simself version? Fascinating! Best of luck to you :)

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Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2015, 11:23:52 PM »
Nice to see someone taking a stab at the perfect genetics challenge. A simself version? Fascinating! Best of luck to you :)

 ;D Thank you! Though since I am fairly new at writing sim stories I hope this will keep people entertained. I love your Sakura Immortal: Looking into the future story! Sadly though for the genetic challenge my sim had to have the dislikes children trait and a crazy hair color, but that was okay. Due to the fact I love neons.

Offline mpart

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Chapter 1 - Crazy Homeless Lady
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2015, 04:00:07 PM »
;D Before we get into the story thank you for all the views! I found her outfits!



Weird Glitch!

Didn't realize sims could walk on water!

"Hello people of Dragon Falls! This is Brad from Sims Channel 5! Today, we are looking at an exotic species unknown to Dragon Falls in till recently. We have decided to call it, 'Crazy Homeless Lady,' let's take a look at this strange species."

"As we can see here it's foraging for resources for it's home. On the outskirts of civilizations this strange species….."
"...leave me alone!"- Megan
" Ahhh! We have drawn to close to it's hoard! Run for your lives! Save yourselves!" - Brad
"Really dude, really?" - Megan

Megan - "Okay let me explain, it all goes back to a couple of hours ago….."
"I was building my 'house' with the little money I was allowed."(glares)


"Thats all that it's right now. So I was beginning my day with a trip to the diner to apply for a job. Due to the fact that there were 'routing issues', I had to move. (sighs)"

"Yep! I saved up enough money for my own transportation!"
Supreme Awesomeness - " It's a broom!"
"Ugh! You again! Let me finish telling them! So, while I was riding my broom to the diner, Bell was letting Steve know who's boss."

"So I finally arrived at the diner and got hired right away due to my expertise!
"So everyone knows the best way to impress your boss is to go rummaging through the diner's garbage! Duh!"
Sp(supreme awesomeness) - "No comment."

"So here I am dealing with this lunatic!" - Megan
"You don't seem so sane yourself!" - Brad
(Storms off)
"He has no right to judge me!"
SP - "Okay"
"Then I went to sleep thinking about my first day here." - Megan

SP - * Due to the fact that Brad is so 'famous' I was not allowed to get a picture of him." (Sigh)
Megan - "Better start working on my cooking skill!"

SP - That does not look like a cookbook!"
"I will get to it I'm just busy, um…."
SP - " Stalking Brad."
Megan - " No!"
SP - "Someone's got a crush..."
Megan - "Stop, I will get to the stupid cook book!"

Megan - " I then went to work and got enough money to upgrade my shack!"


I will now leave you guys with cute pictures of Bell.

Offline Malley

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2015, 05:41:37 PM »
I love those weird glitches. One of the heirs in my decadynasty was walking on water too. Never ceases to amaze me :)

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2015, 05:49:07 PM »
I love those weird glitches. One of the heirs in my decadynasty was walking on water too. Never ceases to amaze me :)

Yeah their pretty amazing in my opinion. She walked across water and then complained she couldn't walk across water. Sims  ::)

Offline mpart

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Chapter - 2 Marry Me?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2015, 07:52:14 PM »

Yay! 100 views! I tried to get a good photo, but she seemed determined to take a cheesy photo. (Sigh) Oh, and also thank you Malley for commenting!

Apparently someone has heard about "Crazy Homeless Lady" too.

Just not from this world. While, Bell was busy fighting with parrots.

Okay, do you all remember Brad? The annoying news channel guy Megan was stalking/complaining about?
Megan - "Stop!"
Fine, you explain.
"Okay, so I was going to visit the local pet place…"
"You mean stalk Brad and find where he lives?"
"Shut up! So, I happened to bumped into Brad…"

"I talked about his work because I found out he is a workaholic."

"Then, I found out he lost his job because of that report he did about me."

"Then I found out he is a hothead and a genius! Finally, someone like me! I preceded to make a dumb face."

"I asked if he was single and flirted with him."

"He moved in with me! He added enough money to build us a cheap house."


Living room/Kitchen

Bathroom/Pets room

'Steve met Brad's dog, Lola."

"It also seems he doesn't like Brad…"

"When I came home, he was doing who know's what!"

"He finally explained it to me and apparently he is a witch? Okay then…."

"I guess this explains this then."

"He then said sorry with flowers."

"We went on a date…"

"He then proceeded to kiss me, then asked me to go steady with him."

"He asked me to marry him!"

"Sorry, I am out of number of pics. So do you guys think she is going to say yes or no?"

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Offline Malley

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2015, 12:08:51 PM »
That was such a scenic proposal! Better than the usual bathroom or other non-romantic locale, lol. I hope she says yes. Brad kind of looks like one of my sims in my 4x4 (who has yet to make an appearance)  :o.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2015, 06:12:04 PM »
That was such a scenic proposal! Better than the usual bathroom or other non-romantic locale, lol. I hope she says yes. Brad kind of looks like one of my sims in my 4x4 (who has yet to make an appearance)  :o.
Thx,:D though I do have to say a proposal in the bathroom is quite romantic,lol. Does Brad look like next generation/Apollo's son? :o

Offline Malley

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2015, 06:33:09 PM »
Thx,:D though I do have to say a proposal in the bathroom is quite romantic,lol. Does Brad look like next generation/Apollo's son? :o

No, that heir doesn't appear for a bit. But he does have a similar look, even down to the glasses.

Offline mpart

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Chapter 3 - Who's the Stalker Now?
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2015, 07:01:08 PM »
Special thanks for the person who gave me the idea for the title, you know who you are.  ;D

"Here comes the Bride all dressed in white, here comes the Bride all dressed in white, (annoying song plays)"

Megan - "Shut up!"
Brad - "Who are you talking to?"
SP - (Says in childish voice)"Yeah, who are you talking to?"
Megan - (mutters under breath so that Brad can't hear) "You're so immature."

So if you guessed correctly, ding! ding! She said, no. Kidding, she said yes!

(Apparently, the ring was invisible, but whatever.) Here's her wedding dress.

Now, time for the wedding!

Then, they sat there being cheesy.(sigh)

The good news is, Aliens are stalking us again! Apparently the "Crazy Homeless Lady" is quite popular on their planet.

Megan and SP - "No!"

SP - (Says nervously),"Maybe he forgot about her?"  Then they, went to the fair for Leisure day!
Brad - " I am totally awesome!"

Megan - " I am so hungry, I want pancakes with syrup, with whipped cream…."
SP - "Stop!"

Megan - " I am going to die!"

Brad - " This snow cone is fabulous like me, just not as fabulous!"

Brad - " We got a ghost, thats worth a lot of money! Yes, I know I am awesome, thank you very much!"
SP - "Just when I though things couldn't get worst…

He seems obsessed. I hope Megan doesn't know.

"Nope she is still in that,"Oh, I am married, phase or she just found out she's pregnant!"

Brad can't keep all his secrets…

Sooner or later people will figure it out…..

Author's note: I didn't get the alien to come, I am still a bit shocked. ???

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2015, 07:21:08 PM »
They're missing for me too. Edit: New posts beat me.

Yeah, sorry about that apparently when I put the photos from later posts in a separate album they decided to not show up. :( If your refresh it should work now.

Offline mpart

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Chapter 4 - All about the nooboos!
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2015, 07:03:47 PM »
So, I recently ran into a problem with photo bucket. If it becomes a issue I will not give up this story, I will just have to post it on a blog. Special thanks to Mrs.Flynn for the blog idea!

Megan told Brad that she is pregnant!
Brad - "What, I am to handsome to be a dad!"

Megan - " Get over it. Plus they may look exactly like you, so you won't have to waste your time running to the mirror!"
Brad - "Excellent idea, if they look anything like me they will be almost as awesome as me!"

I am glad Brad is adjusting to fatherhood.

However, he was not helpful during the delivery.

Megan - (screams) "Why does that cat look so smug!"
Sp - Calm down!
Brad - " I can't do this!"

Just when Megan though she was going to die, a nooboo was born! Ben Brandon Dabelle a little,cute boy.

His traits are - Neurotic and Loves the Cold.
Then another nooboo was born! His name is Charlie E. Dabelle. His traits are excitable and brave.

Then,yet another, to Megan's despair, was born! Her name is Mercy Grace. Her traits are - clumsy and grumpy.
This is what their bedroom looks like redone.

Birthday time! ( I didn't use a birthday cake, so no pretty sparkles, sadly.)
Charlie E. Labelle: Not heir





He's a blonde! Maybe he will be rebellious?

Mercy Grace Labelle: Not heir




She is so cute! I love her red hair, at least she got her mom's eyes.

Ben Brandon Labelle: Heir!!!





I am so excited about having the heir already!

Offline Malley

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Re: Perfect Simself Genetics Challenge
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2015, 07:11:31 PM »
Wow! The heir on your first shot? Congrats! All three kids are very adorable though.