Since I got the game back in November, there have been multiple times when I've been interested in having a full list of the paintings you can create in game. After my most recent failure to find one a few weeks ago, I decided to make my own. I eventually did find a full list, but it was buried in a thread on the official forum to the point where I didn't stumble across it until I was almost halfway done. I decided to continue compiling my collection for these reasons among others, one being the fact that it was on Photobucket which is personally a pain to use.
I did however use that list as a reference for my own, and it was a massive help, along with another post in that thread which contained the number of each type of painting in the game broken down by size and quality. Since they helped me so much, it would feel wrong not to credit them.
Pictures of PaintingsType/Quality ListAnother thing of note before we get on to the list proper is that I have uploaded all* of the paintings to the gallery, sorted by type and size (ie, Abstract Large, Classic Medium, Playful, etc). My origin ID is the same as my profile name, officialghosts. You can also find them by searching the type and size classifiers I just gave (only the name of the emotion for emotional paintings) and under #carlsguide.
With all that said, here we go! I'll start with emotional paintings since there are less, and save the regulars for a post with less exposition.
Playful Paintings
Flirty Paintings
Confident Paintings
Sad Paintings
Angry Paintings
Focused Paintings
*1. While it is in the pictures, there is one painting missing from the Small Pop Art collection on the gallery- the one of the grilled cheese. I do have it saved, so if you have an insatiable desire for that painting in your home (or just think it would look nice on your wall), feel free to post a message here or PM me and I'll gladly upload it. ETA: This painting has now been added to the collection.
2. Both of the references I used were before the release of Outdoor Retreat, so I'm unsure if I collected all of the Landscape Paintings. I believe I did, but If you notice one I missed I would greatly appreciate being informed.
3. There are two Surrealism paintings found in the game's code that neither I or the person who originally took pictures of the paintings were able to find. I'm going to assume they were left out of the game proper for whatever reason and are unable to be created.