Author Topic: Witness Protection  (Read 95497 times)

Offline KRae

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Witness Protection
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:02:49 PM »
Edit: This is not intended for the Hall of Fame. I will follow all rules, but I may use Overwatch and Error Trap if I find it necessary.

John and Jane Doe have moved into a small house on a good sized lot in Moonlight Falls. Now I'm not saying that they're actually in the Witness Protection Program, or that those aren't their real names. I don't know, and they're not talking.

John is Ambitious, a Born Salesman, Family Oriented, Nurturing, and a Heavy Sleeper. Jane has a Good Sense of Humor, is Ambitious, Family Oriented, Neat, and Irresistible. They both have the same Lifetime Wish: Living in the Lap of Luxury.

Their first day in Moonlight Falls, they visited the elixir shop. While Jane learned Alchemy, John did a little commodities trading. A little was all they could afford. Then it was John's turn to learn Alchemy while Jane registered as an Alchemist, soon followed by John, and all before 5PM. After John's sales, they could afford 2 alchemy stations. Alchemy, due to its lack of career rewards and limited opportunities, will be an open skill and career, as will consignment.

Oh, and Jane is a witch. Not one of the butt burning kind. She's more of a good luck charm kind of gal. She also produces apples for elixirs.

And breaks multiple toilets and dishwashers.
John: Why, Jane, why?
Jane: Because I must. And off to the family inventory they go.
(You may notice this is a little out of order by the munchkin in the background.)

For a couple without the attracted moodlet, John and Jane are autonomously romantic.

Very romantic. I didn't tell them to do this.

Me: Okay, how about you try for baby next time. It is day two, after all.
The Does: How about now!
And a few days later, we have Broccoli Doe, an Outdoor Loving, Heavy Sleeper.

In an amazingly short time, Broccoli sprouted up becoming Ambitious.

She has her father's eyes and her mother's hair.

Broccoli was already best friends with John, but she and Jane both wanted to become closer. What better way than to repeatedly run away from each other.

Broccoli's childhood was brief but mostly fun. Without tutoring, she had an A on her second day of school. (Someone's Watcher had Life States training.)

I swear, I just blinked, and she's a teen.

We'll leave Broccoli now in her garden. It has 3 basic sections. The career builders (red berry and money trees). The you might need it for an opportunity (garlic, green peppers, etc.). And the some nectar maker's going to want these someday section. Broccoli's Gatherer trait has sped things up, quality-wise, enormously.

Offline Malley

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015, 09:16:02 PM »
Awesome start, KRae. Looking forward to this one. Oh, and welcome to the 4x4 board! It's nice to not be so lonely here anymore, lol :)

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Offline KRae

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2015, 08:44:47 PM »
We gotta keep this board alive!

Life moves so quickly. Broccoli became a young adult.
Broccoli: What the heck am I wearing!

These are the every day clothes she came with. I let her keep them.

The next day Broccoli graduated valedictorian and was voted most likely to achieve her Lifetime Wish. Well that was an easy call as she all ready had (Living in the Lap of Luxury).

The next night we had typical evening a the Doe house.

That turned not so typical. Happy elder birthday, Jane! Don't look so depressed!

Your husband is right behind you. (The very next night.)

Broccoli only needs her best friends, one more opportunity, and about 10,000 to the top of her career. Next harvest should do it. It seemed like a good time to invite her high school boyfriend, Roberto, over for a visit. Of course, as a babysitter, he aged up to young adult on his way over. Very convenient.

He moved in that night.
The following day the family attended his graduation where they made a horrifying discovery. The hair peeking out from under his cap was olive drab.
John: It can't be. You fooled us with your buzz cut.

So Roberto went home and dyed his hair. Anything for family.
Roberto Barnard soon to be Doe, Great Kisser, Charismatic, Family Oriented, Vehicle Enthusiast, Natural Cook. And he wants to be a stylist. Sorry not going to happen. We could really use a chef's fridge, though.

Offline Malley

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2015, 12:57:40 AM »
Curse that puke green hair! Always ruins an otherwise great spouse choice. I do like the highlights you gave him, though. Very nice :)

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2015, 10:51:39 AM »
Another 4x4! Good start! :D  Roberto have very good traits.

Offline KRae

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2015, 01:35:18 PM »
@Malley I don't normally change hair color, but couldn't stand the thought of passing that green hair down to future generations,
@CeresIn  Roberto didn't even have the usually babysitter slob trait. I was going to have him help in the garden, but when Natural Cook showed up off he went to the café for work.

In her beloved garden next to her even more beloved waterslide, Broccoli asked Roberto to marry her.

He not only said yes, but wanted to get married right away.

The next day, Roberto joined the culinary career.

The family decided it was time to add a second story to the house. Money was no longer an issue. They owned all the businesses in town and owned and upgraded the five most expensive properties. (And the graveyard because I hate placing that extra mausoleum and wanted to get it over with.)

Offline Malley

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2015, 01:38:57 PM »
I actually don't mind having to put the mausoleum in the graveyard. That's probably the easiest upgrade  :)

Congrats to Broccoli and Roberto!!! I still cannot get enough of Broccoli's name. I love it. Too bad I'm done with the green themed house in my deca or else I could have used it there, lol.

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Offline KRae

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2015, 02:07:28 PM »
Oops, I hit post instead of preview.

Jane headed upstairs to magically make the tv and stereo unbreakable. John, nerd that he is, jumped at his first chance to play video games. Roberto apparently just wanted to admire the new windows.

Life went on in the Doe household. Roberto cooked.

John and Jane, well John and Jane did what John and Jane do.

Broccoli gardened and waited for her phone to ring.

Late one evening, two days before her adult birthday, Broccoli finally got a call - her 4th opportunity. Immediately after the call, Roberto wished not only to have a first child, but to have a child with Broccoli.
As soon as she could, the next morning, Broccoli headed off to deliver a bag of produce. Before going home she stopped at the park and made two best friends. Broccoli had been warned by Jane to choose elder friends. They're not likely to be around long and won't get too nosy.  Not wasting a moment, before Roberto headed to work and before her two new elder best friends could die, they tried to start their family.

Success! The second heir is on the way.

Heir One
Broccoli Doe - Heavy Sleeper, Loves the Outdoors, Ambitious, Gatherer, Green Thumb
                     LTW - Living in the Lap of Luxury (an ongoing theme here)
Maxed Career - Gardening, Agricultural Mastermind
2 Best Friends - Faith MacDuff, Miriam Hoppcraft
3 Skill Challenges - Master Planter, Botanical Boss, Master Farmer
4 Opportunities - Fruit Flambe, A Just-In-Time Harvest, Outstanding Tasting Ingredients, A Bag of Produce

The current state of the family museum

Elixirs worth 4,952  Red Berry Beans worth 800
Broccoli's Gardening Hero's Trophy

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2015, 04:06:31 PM »
Congrats on the firts heir achieving her requeriments!

Offline KRae

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2015, 02:34:49 PM »
Thanks! I'd forgotten how much I enjoy playing on medium speed. There very little "not much happening" time.

Okay guys, its not nice to glare at an expectant mother like that even if she is in your favorite chair.

As Broccoli went into labor in the loo, no one was aware and no panic ensued. (having had a home birth myself, I mostly just wanted to be left alone)

Well done, Broccoli. Time to introduce Spanner Doe, a Brave Heavy Sleeper, to the rest of the family.

His grandparents were beyond their expiration date, but were pleased to live long enough to meet little Spanner.

It was soon time for toddler training - the potty first, well, because.

Then talking and walking with Papa. Oh, and instructions on the importance of oral hygiene.

Shortly after midnight...

Rest in peace, John Doe age 57.
Roberto was quite worried about his mother-in-law. She and John were so close, he wasn't sure how she would handle it.
Jane handled it by Toadifying her daughter, the first negative thing she had done.

And then 2 days later at age 60, she too left with Grim.

Who stayed to chat and play with the water toys.

Offline Malley

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2015, 09:41:18 PM »
Grim always does the most interesting things when he hangs around  :o Welcome to Spanner! He is so cute.

Offline KRae

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2015, 11:17:06 PM »
Grim really seems to love the waterslide!

Spanner soon became a child. As soon as he finished his cake, he made his wishes known,

Spanner: I wish to learn logic, take a logic class, go to the park, and oh yes, I wish to be best friends with Roberto.
Me: I know you're Ambitious, but that's a lot to squeeze into one day.
Spanner: I'm just starting.
Me: Okay, you can learn logic, but no discovering stars or potions.
Spanner: Deal! (goes to class) I want to meet a supernatural and play chess. So to the park! (a vampire walks by) I want to meet a vampire.
Me: Two birds, one stone.
Spanner (playing chess): I want to buy a chess table.
Me: Okay, who can deny a kid with such great fashion sense, but you need to go get some sleep.

Next morning...
Spanner: Come on Dad, we have just enough time to become best friends.

Spanner (walking out the door): I want to be best friends with Mom. I want to be on the honor roll.
Me: Okay, but you'll have to work hard all day.
Spanner: Deal!
And before becoming a teen, he made the honor roll. And I was exhausted.
On becoming a teen, he maintained his keen fashion sense.

Spanner seemed to relax a bit as a teen, like he realized it was going to take more than two weeks to accumulate 150,000 lifetime happiness points.

He played video games with his father.

One day he sat at the top of the slide at the park until I finally made him go home.

It was around this time that Broccoli and Roberto became elders. They may look different, but they don't act much different.

Janelle Juarez came home with Spanner after school. Math Hard!

He asked her to prom. She said yes, but he'd better be able to keep up with her on the dance floor. Apparently he did as they decided to go steady at the dance.

Immediately after prom, Spanner became a young adult. He graduated valedictorian and was voted Most Popular. He was a Friendly sort and now he was also Handy.

Offline Malley

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2015, 11:37:33 PM »
Aww! Spanner got a girlfriend! How cute :) And why yes, math is hard.

Offline Playalot

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2015, 01:53:24 AM »
I've never attempted a 4x4. It looks fun. I'm loving the Doe's.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline KRae

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Re: Witness Protection
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2015, 07:23:33 PM »
@Malley   I haven't done math homework in close to 45 years, as I recall, Math Hard!
@Playalot  Thanks for reading. If you ever go back to TS3 dynasty play, I think you'd find the 4x4 fun. There's so much less waiting time.

After graduating, Spanner set off to the fire station to get a job. He then started repairing everything that Jane had broken.

He was a level 8 firefighter when he began his first shift.

Janelle invited Spanner to a party that night, and he was so excited by his progress that he proposed marriage. The bride-to-be quickly accepted as she had other pressing matters to attend to.

On his second day of work, Spanner reached the top of his career.

His mother lived just long enough to see it happen. Rest in peace, Broccoli Doe, age 53, and thanks for all the perfect produce and our third large tombstone.

Grim tried to play on the waterslide, but Roberto insisted on telling him a ghost story instead.

Spanner explaining to his father that he just quit his job to begin working in the medical field. He needs some opportunities.

Roberto: I know I'm just a dynasty spouse, but I'm less than 4,000 points away from a large tombstone. Please, just a little more time. I'm only 58.
Grim: Sorry, it's not my decision...just following orders. You won't be the only one with a medium tombstone. And thanks, your family's always fun to reap.

Poor Spanner was all alone, grieving, and in the middle of a mid-life crisis. He invited Janelle over and asked her to move in.

She agreed, but Spanner, you shouldn't berate a Divas ignorance.

Especially if she's an over tired witch.

Spanner quickly apologized, and told Janelle that they would be married when he got his last opportunity. He couldn't afford to take any time off work until then. She wished to marry right away, but as an Angler appreciated finally being encouraged to fish.

Spanner was offered an opportunity that required travel to China so off he went. He asked the locals about riddles and bought incense burners. Maybe the shortest trip to China on record.

At eight days to elder, Spanner completed his requirements.

Second Heir
Spanner Doe
Brave, Heavy Sleeper, Ambitious, Friendly, Handy    LTW: Living in the Lap of Luxury

Maxed Career: Fire Chief, Firefighter Level 10
Best Friends: Dante Morganthe, Roxanne Burden
Skill Challenges: Plumber, Electrician, Tinkerer
Opportunities: Puzzle Panic, Fixing the Books, Waste Management, Riddle War in China

The current state of the family museum. Spanner added three firefighter career rewards, and although they are tucked safely away until moving time, he also has added 4 upgraded gyroscopes currently valued at 22,875. They depreciated rapidly just being upgraded. All buildings have been purchased and all properties purchased and upgraded to level 3.