--is on the ground laughing-- Oh my Watcher, Tia! I love Yumi! And that last part is sooo true XD
*grins* Thanks, Wolf! I'd never played Yumi before, but she is awesome!
This is too funny! Looking forward to more 
Thank you, Malley, I hope you enjoy the rest!
Haha! Excellent! Yumi's last comment about Disney is very funny.
Thanks, CeresIn. Disney mom's never seem to get a break.
That is crazy! I bookmarked this.
Thanks for the bookmark, mpart. I'm glad you like it!
Love it! Looking forward to the next chapter! 
Thanks, Rikki8528, it's coming right up!
Chapter Three - Let it Go"Leighton?" Lottie called. "Can you still hear Grandma Fa? I swear, her voice is stuck in my head."

"Yeah, me too," Leighton called back. "I know she wanted us to have a baby, but we've been so busy."

poor!" Lottie continued. "Even with selling off everything we can, I don't see how we're ever going to get the money together for the property."
"I'm looking for money tree seeds," Leighton told her. "But I haven't found one yet."
"I guess we'll just have to wait a little longer," Lottie sighed.
"Right," Tia said, grinning. "We've got a schedule, you know."

"Eww!" Lottie jumped into the shower. "Nobody said anything about this."

Gwendy's Pa strolled by. "Why are they all in corrals?" he asked, stopping to watch for a moment.
"Mum can't build houses." Gwendy told him, sipping her coke.
"They're very comfy corrals," Tia pointed out. "And there's no weather or seasons."
"Excuse me," Lottie called. "I think the baby is coming, if y'all wouldn't mind getting back to the story."

"Whoops! Sorry, Lottie. Just keep breathing and making those faces."

And sparkles and

"Hello, Kida!" Tia smiled.
"Kida? From Atlantis? She's already a..." Tia shushed Lottie.
"Don't say it! You'll just make her cranky! She has some firm opinions on that!"
Of course as soon as Kida aged up...

Lottie started questioning her.
"You're already a princess," she said. "Back in Atlantis, with the fish and everything else."

"Oh, really?" Kida said, showing an extreme amount of snark for a child so young. "Have you ever seen my dolls? All the little girls dress up like me for Halloween, yes?" She shook her head. "It's all about Elsa! I didn't even get a song!"
"It might have been a little difficult since you weren't speaking English," Tia put in. "Maybe you should let this go, have some fun with the dynasty."
"But you saved the kingdom!" Lottie protested. "Technically, you're a queen."
"So is Elsa! No, I'm going to be a princess." Kida said, setting her jaw. "Nothing's going to stop me. I've got a plan, Lottie."