Author Topic: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Love Is An Open Door  (Read 18487 times)

Offline Tiamet

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Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Love Is An Open Door
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:33:24 AM »
Chapter One - This Is Gonna Be Good

Charlotte La Bouff was a determined woman.  She had a dream, nay, a destiny.  Something called to her, told her that she was born to be a princess.  Even after the fiasco with Tiana and the frog, she had not given up.  So when a shadowy voice spoke to her, she was more than ready to listen.

"I want to do another dynasty," Tia told her.

"And I'll be the princess this time, right?" Charlotte asked eagerly.

"Not right away," Tia said.  "I have seven other girls who should be princesess as well.  If you all get to the end of the dynasty, I'll crown you all."

"Me first!" Lottie yelled, jumping up and down.

"I've only got the base game installed," Tia cautioned her.  "It won't be easy.  There's no quick money, no potions or vacations.  There's not even a motive mobile."

"Don't care, let's get started," Lottie exclaimed, tugging Tia to the computer.

"But the requirements..." Tia started, but it was too late.  Lottie had launched herself into the game.

"Okay, where do I live?  Where do I get decent clothes?  What do I need to do?"

Tia handed her a list.  Lottie read it over quickly, then looked up in horror.  "I have no money?" she shrieked.  "And I have to learn to cook?"

"Big ol' crown for you at the end of it," Tia said.

"Right!  Where's the cooking school?"  Lottie was off and running.  She spent her first day taking a cooking class, getting a job at the Bistro and reading the cooking manual at the library.  Charismatic as anything, she met people, winning them over with her bubbly personality.

"I've got a date, Tia!" she exclaimed, after showering at the gym.  "Gus Hart called me up!"

"Um, about Gus," Tia started, but Lottie was gone again.

"You're home early," Tia remarked, as Lottie huffed back onto the lot.

"Oh, it was awful!" Lottie said, pacing.  "All he wanted to talk about was his muscles and his mullet.  And then I found out about Dory."


"His partner, he claims.  Ha!  I know Dory, she looks after Nemo.  She wouldn't be caught dead with someone like him."

"Gotcha," Tia sighed.

"I'm just going to make a snack and go to bed.  Maybe tomorrow I'll meet Mr Right."
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: "I Want To Be A Disney Princess" Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2015, 03:22:05 PM »
lol!  Oh, I love your approach to things, Tia.  --huggles-- Can't wait to see how this goes ^^

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Offline Trip

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Re: "I Want To Be A Disney Princess" Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2015, 08:01:01 PM »
I'm expecting great things from this dynasty.

Clever idea after seeing a number of Disney princess dynasties/legacies/etc. that used the official princesses.
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: "I Want To Be A Disney Princess" Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2015, 05:08:32 AM »
Oh, I can't wait to see who the other princesses will be. And playing base game only, wow, you are brave. Best of luck =]
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Offline Tiamet

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Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Bring Honor To Us
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2015, 09:08:13 AM »
lol!  Oh, I love your approach to things, Tia.  --huggles-- Can't wait to see how this goes ^^

Thanks, Wolf!  *huggles back*

I'm expecting great things from this dynasty.

Clever idea after seeing a number of Disney princess dynasties/legacies/etc. that used the official princesses.

Way to put on the pressure, Trip!  :P  You know my brain is slightly twisted.

Great start!  ;D

Thanks, Oh Fabulous One!  Hope I don't let you down!

Oh, I can't wait to see who the other princesses will be. And playing base game only, wow, you are brave. Best of luck =]

Thanks, Nettlejuice!  Gwendy gave me a hand deciding on the lineup, so I think it's going to be entertaining.

Only the base game? You are very brave.

Only if brave is another word for crazy, KRae.  I always wanted to try it, since it was designed for the base game.  But I miss the motive mobile, I tell you what!  And self-employment.

Chapter Two - Bring Honor To Us

"Tia, look who I found!" Lottie exclaimed.  "You remember Grandma Fa?"

"Lottie, that's not..."

"And she brought Cri-Kee!  Isn't he adorable?"

"Grandma, why is Lottie calling me that?" Sam asked, puzzled.  "What's happening?"

"I'm with Cri-Kee, here," Tia said, rubbing her eyebrow.  "What's your game, Yumi?"

The old woman shrugged.  "I want more grandchildren.  Sam needs a mother.  And Lottie and Leighton are crazy about each other."

"Does she think he's Mushu?" Tia asked.

"Don't be silly." Yumi snapped.  "I'm just helping things along."

"By actually being part of the date that gets them married?  I may have underestimated you, Yumi."  Tia apologized.

Sam was immediately chained to an easel, painting until he fell down from exhaustion.  Leighton added gardening to his skills, while Lottie cooked and Yumi checked the stove, freaked out, and bossed people happily.

"Coffee maker, Tia," she said.  "We need one.  Leighton," she called to her son, sweating over the plants, "that row isn't quite straight."

"Lottie, I'm scared," Sam confessed one day.  "What if I can't get this all done?"

"Don't you worry, Cri-Kee, you're a lucky bug," Lottie told him.  "And I love you already."

She came in like a hurricane, but she got the dynasty off to a good start.  Then the inevitable happened.

"It's time," the Reaper told her.

"I'm surprised I didn't drop down as soon they got married," Yumi replied.  "Disney has never been kind to mothers.

..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Bring Honor To Us
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2015, 12:17:17 PM »
--is on the ground laughing-- Oh my Watcher, Tia!  I love Yumi!  And that last part is sooo true XD

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Offline CeresIn

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Re: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Bring Honor To Us
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2015, 09:33:01 AM »
Haha! Excellent! Yumi's last comment about Disney is very funny.

Offline mpart

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Re: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Bring Honor To Us
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2015, 09:47:21 AM »
 :P That is crazy! I bookmarked this.

Offline Rikki8528

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Re: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Bring Honor To Us
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2015, 04:10:42 PM »
Love it! Looking forward to the next chapter!  :D

Offline Tiamet

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Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Let It Go
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2015, 06:03:23 PM »
--is on the ground laughing-- Oh my Watcher, Tia!  I love Yumi!  And that last part is sooo true XD

*grins*  Thanks, Wolf!  I'd never played Yumi before, but she is awesome!

This is too funny! Looking forward to more  :)

Thank you, Malley, I hope you enjoy the rest!

Haha! Excellent! Yumi's last comment about Disney is very funny.

Thanks, CeresIn.  Disney mom's never seem to get a break.

:P That is crazy! I bookmarked this.

Thanks for the bookmark, mpart.  I'm glad you like it!

Love it! Looking forward to the next chapter!  :D

Thanks, Rikki8528, it's coming right up!

Chapter Three - Let it Go

"Leighton?" Lottie called.  "Can you still hear Grandma Fa?  I swear, her voice is stuck in my head."

"Yeah, me too," Leighton called back.  "I know she wanted us to have a baby, but we've been so busy."

"And poor!" Lottie continued.  "Even with selling off everything we can, I don't see how we're ever going to get the money together for the property."

"I'm looking for money tree seeds," Leighton told her.  "But I haven't found one yet."

"I guess we'll just have to wait a little longer," Lottie sighed.

"Right," Tia said, grinning.  "We've got a schedule, you know."

"Eww!" Lottie jumped into the shower.  "Nobody said anything about this."

Gwendy's Pa strolled by.  "Why are they all in corrals?" he asked, stopping to watch for a moment.

"Mum can't build houses."  Gwendy told him, sipping her coke.

"They're very comfy corrals," Tia pointed out.  "And there's no weather or seasons."

"Excuse me," Lottie called.  "I think the baby is coming, if y'all wouldn't mind getting back to the story."

"Whoops!  Sorry, Lottie.  Just keep breathing and making those faces."

And sparkles and voila!

"Hello, Kida!" Tia smiled.

"Kida?  From Atlantis?  She's already a..."  Tia shushed Lottie.

"Don't say it!  You'll just make her cranky!  She has some firm opinions on that!"

Of course as soon as Kida aged up...

Lottie started questioning her.

"You're already a princess," she said.  "Back in Atlantis, with the fish and everything else."

"Oh, really?"  Kida said, showing an extreme amount of snark for a child so young.  "Have you ever seen my dolls?  All the little girls dress up like me for Halloween, yes?"  She shook her head.  "It's all about Elsa!  I didn't even get a song!"

"It might have been a little difficult since you weren't speaking English," Tia put in.  "Maybe you should let this go, have some fun with the dynasty."

"But you saved the kingdom!" Lottie protested.  "Technically, you're a queen."

"So is Elsa!  No, I'm going to be a princess." Kida said, setting her jaw.  "Nothing's going to stop me.  I've got a plan, Lottie."
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Malley

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Re: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Let It Go
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2015, 07:16:22 PM »
I love how Kida is already plotting things even though she is just a toddler  :o. She is really cute, too.

Offline mpart

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Re: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Let It Go
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2015, 07:25:21 PM »
You should name the next kid Elsa. XD

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Wannabe Princess Dynasty - Let It Go
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2015, 07:31:47 PM »
I love Kida!! She's a toddler with attitude. :D

And the chapter's name... I don't know if sit well with Kida.

