We are family
Hebe:Hello baby girl.
Voice:Hey there Butterfly.
Hebe:Why didn't I get to choose my child's name?
Voice:Because you would have chosen something silly.
Hebe:I would not how very dare you.
Voice:Okay how about you choose the next generation theme.
Hebe:Oh,I know I know types of mold.
Voice:You want to name a child after mold?
Hebe:Okay maybe not mold...erm cheese?
Voice:Okay the next generation theme is cheese.
Hebe:You look just like me.
Bumble:I know right!
Hebe:Its like looking in a mirror.
Voice:She is a different shade of blue.
Hebe:Blue scmoo!
Voice:Because that is a well thought out argument.
Hebe:Argument schmargument!
Voice:I rest my case.
Voice:If you say schmase I may have to make you bald.
Butterfly:Its my birthday daddy. Why are we out in the garden. I expected cake and parties.
Shayne:Listen sweetie you are a spare.
Butterfly:A what now.
Shayne:Let me put it this way you are going to be doing a lot of gardening.
Butterfly:But why?
......Time passes.
Shayne:So thats pretty much it. Gardening yad a yada death.
Butterfly:I feel kinda sad now.
Shayne:I know princess I know.
Butterfly:I don't even like gardening.