Author Topic: The Ciara Dynasty Ch 14 June 9  (Read 29246 times)

Offline CiaraCarter

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The Ciara Dynasty Ch 14 June 9
« on: May 13, 2015, 02:12:37 PM »
  Chapter One
  Chapter Two
  Chapter Three
  Chapter Four
  Chapter Five
  Chapter Six
  Chapter Seven
  Chapter Eight
  Chapter Nine
  Chapter Ten
  Chapter Eleven
  Chapter Twelve
  Chapter Thirteen
  Chapter Fourteen

See this beautiful world? This, this was MY world. The beautiful town of Willow Creek.
This was the view from my bedroom window when I was a little girl. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.  My story doesn’t begin with me.

It begins with this lovely sim, Ciara Shameless. 

She wasn’t only beautiful, she was feisty!

And funny! Depending on your sense of humor. Such a prankster!

Ciara, my mom, loved to have a good time, often have too good of a time, if you know what I mean. Quite a party girl. She always had a Cupid Juice in her hands.

She was impulsive, and charismatic, and she always got what she wanted. One sunny day she met a sim, she said it was love at first sight. 

Like I said, she got what she wanted. The man said he didn’t really want a commitment of any sort, but Mom had her ways of persuading sims to do things that went against their nature.

Before he knew what hit him, she was planning the wedding, making a gorgeous cake. Did I mention that she was a gourmet chef? Everything she touched was delicious!

My mom was a sim with a plan, she wasn’t wasting any time. She planned a quickie wedding immediately.

Their vows were short and sweet. Sergio became Mr. Shameless, househusband and helpmate to Ciara.  And my father.

Surprisingly, married life actually agreed with both of them.  She says being so happy made it easier for her to manage to max three skills, be married  to her soulmate, and she ended up fulfilling two life time aspirations! She also thanked someone she called Watcher, and promised to tell me all about her when the time was right.

She never seemed to grow up, but my dad was a little more along in years than she was, and showed his old age much earlier than she did.

My mom says that the day he found out she was pregnant with me was the greatest of his life.

Unfortunately I would never know that for sure, because he passed away before I was even born. My mom was devastated, and I’m told that my existence as a nooboo was pretty typical, although there are no pictures of me to prove that. I guess she was too sad to get her camera out.

I may not remember being a nooboo, but I can easily recall many happy memories of my life as a child.

I was a bit of an introvert, and my favorite playmate was Bob, the cowplant. What, you didn’t have one of those in your front yard when you were growing up? Everyone I know did.

Even though I have a lot of pleasant memories, my mom was pretty strict with me, making me skill skill skill…

study study study….

All of that ended abruptly one day, when she had her elder birthday. She went into a deep depression, and I heard her muttering to herself that she just wasn’t going to make it, she wouldn’t get everything done in time.  I didn’t know what she was talking about, but I knew it bothered her. 

So I begged her to take me away for a long weekend. We went to Granite Falls to just relax. Or so I thought. We fished most of the time. Which was fun, but she threw back everything that wasn’t an angel fish. Sigh.

Mom had become the Public Enemy in town and I think she started to feel badly about some of the mischief she had gotten into, because she started apologizing and making friends like her very life depended on it.

Before I knew it, poof, I had my birthday too and suddenly had acne and mood swings. I was a teen! I was kind of excited, and kind of sad. Mom said it surprised her and so we didn’t have a party, or even a cake,  which was a bit of a bummer.

Mom was really stressed about getting to the top of the criminal career, she wasn’t satisfied being a Safe Cracker, she said our whole lives could change If she could just take over the Family and become The Boss before she dies. So we left our vacation early and headed home.  I immediately went to Magnolia Promenade and got a makeover, and Mom was so proud she made me take a selfie with her so she could share it on Simbook.  Embarrassing.

As it turned out, I am forever grateful for that momento. Not long after, my beloved Mom passed away. Her last words were curse words, saying she thought she had the secret to eternal life, she was SO close, she said, but she had failed. I was too distraught to wonder what she meant by all that.

  I wasn't only sad, I was scared, too! I had never been on my own, and I was still a teen.  But life goes on, as they say, and so I got a job in town at a local coffee shop. I had decided at a young age to become a Mixologist and I knew my Mom would want me to give it a shot.


I even met a cute older sim, and imagined myself in a beautiful white wedding gown someday, with lots of little nooboos.
 I thought my life would continue on in that predictable sim way, but boy was I wrong.

After work one afternoon I noticed this shady character. He had been hanging around Simbucks Coffee all day, looking very out of place.  I hurried past him to head home, but it seems he wasn’t hanging around for our famous caramel macchiatos. He said he wanted to talk to ME. Right now. And then two goons threw me into the back of a black limo and drove off with me.

To Be Continued….

Offline CiaraCarter

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 02:14:45 PM »
Just a quick note from the author: I am a complete lurker, been reading dynasty stories, all I could get my hands on, trying so hard not to fail at my own. This really is my fifth attempt,
and I have made it further than ever before, so, here goes. I will try not to be such a creepy lurker anymore. :)

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 02:24:01 PM »
I am loving this, such a fantastic start to a dynasty. Such a shame Ciara didn't get to find the secrets to immortality but I hope her daughter does. Good on you for continuing even with so many failures =]
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2015, 04:23:49 PM »
A fantastic start! All the very best, got you bookmarked.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2015, 05:18:56 PM »
What a cliffhanger ending to your first chapter!
Love the whole shady, view from the back, hunkiness vibe, lol.
Looking forward to your next update.

Offline CiaraCarter

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2015, 07:37:29 PM »
Thank you so much everyone! It really does help to keep playing when you get to share your stories, even if they fail. I'm just going to keep chugging along with this one. Fingers crossed.

Offline CiaraCarter

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2015, 08:30:30 PM »
 Chapter Two

To my amazement, when the door to the darkened limo opened, I was in my own front yard. “What in the world…” I began.
“Grab a bag, and pack it, and make it quick. Your life as you know it is effectively over, do you understand?”
“Ah, no” I hedged.

“My name is Big Tony, and I’m here to save your life. But we don’t have much time, so grab your bare essentials and let’s get this show on the road.”

Of course, there was no way I was going to willingly get into that vehicle again with those thugs. He obviously understood that, and decided that telling me a bit of the truth to get me moving was better than the kidnapping feat he had undertaken in the middle of downtown Willow Springs. By now the cops were probably on their way anyway, and so I was trying to borrow time.

“Look, I knew your mother, long long ago. She was a beautiful dame, had me wrapped right around her finger. Problem was, she fell into the wrong crowd. My crowd. Turns out criminals didn’t really take too kindly to pranksters and mischief makers, even ones as lovely as she was.  It wasn’t long before there was a price on her head. She freaked out when she heard, understandably, and went right over my head, to Mr. Corleone, the Family Boss. “

“She made a deal with the devil, so to speak. Mr. Corleone told her he would bid her freedom and save her life from all of her enemies, if she could prove herself worthy to him first. Before her death she was to fulfill a list of dynasty qualifications, pretty strict, but not undoable.”

“But, she didn’t do it, did she?”

“No, and that’s why I’m here. I want to give you the chance to do what she couldn’t. Think of it like the witness protection program. Because your mother’s debts were never paid, they will come looking for you.  I want to help you.”

“How, why?”

“Like I said, I had a soft spot for your mother. May she rest in peace.  Look, just smoogle “Immortal Dynasty rules” on your computer and you can read all about it. But we really have to get going!

So, even though I was immensely confused and terrified out of my mind, I did what he said. I went to Carl and Pam’s Sims Forum and began to read about the Immortal Dynasty Challenge. I had to print out the rules to take with me and read in the limo. I didn’t bother to grab anything else, other than a few photos. Big Tony told me I would have a whole new wardrobe when I got there. Wherever there would be.

Turns out, I ended up in a whole new world. Or so it seems to me. In spite of all the flowery talk of my mom, I was unceremoniously dumped out in the middle of the barren desert. I had been wiped clean of all my skills, inventory, and family and friends. I really was starting over. Also, I wasn’t a teenager anymore. I had grown up quickly, and was now a young adult. Where was Big Tony? Would I ever see him again? In spite of the circumstances, I have to admit, I was a little attracted to him.

Ugg, all this stress was giving me a headache! And I was hearing voices.

Watcher: *Waves hello* “You aren’t insane, although you are very creative, which is often confused with the former.  You are a genius, as well. So surely you can put two and two together, and figure out that I am the Watcher that your mom told you about. The All Seer. The Sim Goddess. I can be a little bossy, but I will always have your best interests at heart.  I will also always have my nose in your business, but you’ll get used to that.”

I think at that point I was in shock. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t speak, even if I had tried. So, while I let all this new information sink in to my fatigued brain, I headed to the Rattlesnake, to get to know some sims in the neighborhood. 


Turns out, most of them were quite drab and boring. Which for some reason made me tense.

Watcher: “I believe it’s because you’ve realized you’re attracted to danger. Well, I’m sorry, but Big Tony is gone, long gone, capisce? Now don’t make enemies on your first day out. Go to the girls room and calm yourself down in the mirror. Then get back out there and be nice!”

So I did. Beginning a long habit of jumping when she spoke, and doing her bidding around the clock. But again, I’m getting ahead of myself.

Being in the bar reminded me of my dream to become a Mixologist, but after studying the lengthy dynasty challenge rules, I had decided against that. I didn’t want to fail where my mom had. I wouldn’t be afraid to have helpers, for one thing. I thought about inviting the Landgraabs to move in, I had heard they could be very helpful, but I thought I’d keep looking. Maybe for someone a tad younger.


I met this softie on my first night in town. I had to remember not to give anyone my real name. From now on I was to be known as Adeline Ciara, in honor of my mom. It’s a pity the Shameless name won’t carry on, but I still hope to do my mom proud.  Anyway, the softie was Giancarlo something or other. He said he was in the Astronaut career, and he was so needy and clingy, like a puppy, that I moved him in right away. Turns out he had a brother Harold, too, and I would need a built in gardener/handyman/chef so voila. Win/Win.

 Also, I was going to try a safer, easier career than my mom had.  I had always been very creative, so it seemed a natural choice for me to go to work as a painter. I got to practicing right away in my spare time at home, and thanks to the new connections I had acquired recently, I had a good head start when I went to work.

Watcher: “You know, that little softie has a mad crush on you”.

Adeline: “No way! He knows I don’t have time for stuff like that, I am a sim on a mission. I explained all the rules to him when they moved in.  Furthermore, he is too dang nice!

Watcher: “Maybe so, but it looks like he’s working on not being quite so soft anymore. Besides, what good is it to live forever if you don’t have a family to live for?”

Adeline:  “Hmm. Good point. But give me some time to think about it Watcher. This is an important decision that I’d like to make myself.”

Watcher: “That I can do. I suppose.”

Watcher: “Harold, I really appreciate all the work you do around here, but I kind of moved you in for another reason, as well.”

Harold: “I’m afraid to ask.”

Watcher: “Well, don’t be, this task will be very fun for you, and will help fill up our neighborhood homes with real live sims, not the ghosts that I’ve heard tend to take over.”

Harold: “Well, I’m not really a romantic kind of sim, but with a little persuasion I’m sure I could be!”

Watcher: “That’s the kind of enthusiasm I was looking for. Now get out there and meet some chicks. Er, sims.”

Harold: “Look, I know you really like her, and so far she really likes you too, as a friend. But you don’t want to get stuck in that friend zone. Watcher explained to me how much fun this whole Immortal  Dynasty helper thing could be, and I am jumping in with both feet. You should really do the same! Do whatever you have to do to get your girl!

Giancarlo: Sigh. “Ok, I guess”.

Watcher: “Good for you, Giancarlo! I know you are working very hard to overcome your natural tendencies to be lazy and gluttonous. Nothing you can do about being too nice, I don’t think.  I’m sure Adeline will see your strong will and be very impressed. And if she’s not, well, let’s just say I can help her along a bit if need be.”

Giancarlo: “Thanks Watcher. It’s just so hard to get myself off the sofa, I have all I can do just getting up and going to work in the mornings. But Adeline is so beautiful, and she really is within my grasp. If I can convince her I’ll be a good sim husband, a great sim dad, a good provider…”

Watcher: “All you needed was a little incentive, Gian. I’ll leave you to your self- improvement and go check on your brother.

Watcher: “Oh. Good picking, Harold. Wait, isn’t she married? Ugg. Don’t let her husband find out. Next time pick someone without a wedding band.  I’ll, uh, just leave you two alone then. Go, make those nooboos.”

Bella: “Wha? Is that…oh no, not the Watcher again.  She is horrible at this you know, Harold. Don’t get your hopes up about any immortal thingamajig, ok? I hear she means well, but, you know. She tends to take on more than she can chew."

Harold: “Eh, she’s all right. Fifth time’s the charm, right Watcher?”

Watcher: “Yeah, that’s what they say.” Cough. “Anyways…I’m off to check on my founder before I turn in for the night. Have fun you two.”

Watcher: “Squeeee”

Adeline: “You are too old for such nonsense chatter, Watcher. Turns out the ol’ softie is tougher than I thought, and he’s so sweet. I just couldn’t brush him off any longer.  I mean he’s no Big Tony…but life is short.

Watcher: *Singing* “Love is in the air, everywhere I look around…”

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2015, 08:37:48 PM »
I love this!  Definitely bookmarked ^^

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2015, 09:47:19 PM »
Great start! Am looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds  :D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2015, 05:15:19 AM »
She got lucky to meet such useful young guys  :D I really love her new colourful choice of outfits.
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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2015, 06:29:55 AM »
Chapter Three

Watcher: “Good morning! You sure are looking all smiley today.”

Adeline: “Morning Watcher!”  *Whistles* I am super happy today, as it turns out.”

Adeline: “I spent some quality time with Gian last night, you know, he can be very romantic when he puts his mind to it.”

Watcher: “Yes, I figured as much. And?

[b[Adeline:[/b] “Brown chicken, brown cow” *raises eyebrow*

Watcher: “Oh! Oh my. You do move quickly, don’t you? Which is good, really. You’re moving right along in the Painter career, and I know for a fact you spend every free moment working on your cooking skills. I think you have a three day weekend coming up soon. Perfect time to have a nooboo.”

Adeline: “Exactly my thinking! Which is why I took a test last night, and it was positive! Now I just have to tell Gian and hope he’s on the same boat as we are.”

Later that night….

Gian: “A nooboo? Oh my Plumbob, I thought that only happened to other sims, in other games. It’s never happened to me before! Well, you know what we’ll have to do now, right?”

Adeline: *Laughing* “Watcher isn’t that old fashioned, we don’t HAVE to do anything we don’t want to, Gian”.

Gian: “Oh, but I want to! I really, really want to!”

Watcher: “I see what you mean about that puppy analogy. He’s very eager.

Adeline: “Yep, and now he’s all mine!”

Watcher: “Hey Harold, great job with the garden, it’s looking awesome! We should have Death Flowers in no time. This is much easier this time around with a little help from my friends. I get by with a little help from my friends…

Harold: “Everything is a song for you, isn’t it? You must have hundreds of them rattling around in your head. I know you really want to know if I’m pollinating the town, not just our backyard, right Watcher?”

Watcher: “Guilty.”

Harold: “I’ll see Bella tonight at the wedding and let you know.”

Watcher: “Giancarlo, you’re getting married tonight?”

Giancarlo: “Yeah, we both have the night off work, and Adeline really has to start working on those five gold medal parties, so why not?”

Watcher: “Shouldn’t you be getting ready, writing your vows, bathing, something along those lines?”

Giancarlo: “I will, just finishing up a few last things on my rocket.”

Watcher: “Wow, you guys sure know how to get wild at your bachelor party. Your first mistake was hiring your fiancé as your mixologist.”

Adeline: “Hey, I need to get some last minute skilling in before the nooboo comes, and besides, I’m not letting this handsome softie out of my sight until that ring is around his finger.”

Watcher: “Ok then.”

Watcher: “Your guests are starting to arrive. Are you excited?”

Adeline: “Of course! Having a real wedding with real guests is already an improvement on my mothers failed Immortal Dynasty attempt. I really want to do it right, you know?”

Watcher: “ Right. But you know that a wedding is more than an attempt for a gold medal party. It’s about a marriage

Adeline: *crickets*

Watcher: “Ok, gold medal party it is then. Get to it!”

Adeline: “Giancarlo, with this ring, I thee wed.”

Watcher: “Simple, to the point, okay.”

Giancarlo” Adeline from the moment you entered my world, you have filled it with life, color, and energy like never before…like kool-aid in a mud puddle…or a cupcake in a salad…or a rose garden in a junk yard. You are my rose, Adeline, and I promise to devote my life to being your dirt.”

Watcher: “Perfect!”

Giancarlo “I can’t take credit, I smoogled the vows, they’re what John Caprulo said to his wife at their wedding.”

Watcher: “Ah, you’re missing your true calling as a comedian, Gian.”

Watcher: “Awww, sniff, sniff.”

Adeline: “Be careful, Watcher, or we’ll start calling you the softie!”

Watcher: “It’s just, he cleans up so nicely, doesn’t he? And those dance moves! Are you sure you guys never heard of Saturday Night Fever?”

Watcher: “Harold, have you asked Bella yet? How does she look to you? She doesn’t look pregnant to me.”

Harold: “Can I do this in my own time, with a bit of privacy, perhaps? Besides, if she is, it won’t be a secret for long, will it?”

Watcher: “Fine. But patience is not my thing, in case you haven’t figured that out by now. I’ll let it go for now as long as you promise to keep trying.”

Harold: “No problem there!” *winks*

Watcher: “Hmmm, well she does seem to be awfully interested in the nooboo on the way…”

Adeline: “Watcher, I think it’s time!!”

Offline CiaraCarter

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2015, 06:35:52 AM »
Thanks everyone! Again, nothing like knowing someone out there is reading to keep you motivated to play LOL
@Nettlejuice: I found her outfit at All About Style, love the clothes there, so bright and realistic looking!

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2015, 01:38:26 PM »
I love your commentary and byplay with your Sims!  So funny ^^

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2015, 01:43:11 PM »
I am enjoying this very much and looking forward to the nooboo! (or should I say Nooboos if Harold does his 'job'!) ;)

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Re: The Ciara Dynasty (Fifth times the charm!)
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2015, 01:43:47 PM »
I like that she has a black wedding dress. Good luck with Bella, I've given up trying to get my Sims to romance her.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

