Author Topic: Kyleigh's Creek .. Lost file GRAVEYARD PLEASE  (Read 19307 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Kyleigh's Creek .. Lost file GRAVEYARD PLEASE
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:20:11 PM »
Well, Kyleigh is back at it. I'll let her tell you what happened in her introduction. We all know she is so good at telling things.

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Offline sdhoey

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Heir Stats Updated 7/18
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 01:22:30 PM »
Heir Stats:

Family: 1/10

Creative: 1/10

Fortune: 1/10

Love: 1/10

Knowledge: 3/10

Athletic: 4/10

Nature: 1/10

Food: 0/10

Popularity: 0/10

Deviance: 1/10

Penalties: 0/10

Offline sdhoey

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Introduction By Kyleigh
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 01:39:34 PM »

Hello my name is Kyleigh Rockwell. I was chosen to do this by my watcher AGAIN!. If you don't remember me, I'll give you the 411 on my stats again. She said I could find my Soul Mate here in Willow Creek. See I'm from Bridgeport and we have nothing but fakes there. I mean please. If you don't have the money, they don't have the time for you. I'm not saying my family doesn't have the money. We are well off, well they are well off. My dad cut me off when I told him I did not want to learn the family Shipping business. I want to find my Soul Mate and settle down and have a family and leave behind my own legacy. Not one that he has built up. Well as you can tell that didn't settle well with dear ole dad. Plus he didn't approve of my "behavior" in my last attempt to live my life. So he called in his IT dept to miss with the watchers things and my "file" was "lost" as they say.

Daddy summoned me back to Bridgeport and gave me a stern dressing down. About how my behavior was "not becoming that of a Rockwell and my mother, would roll over in her grave." As if, she hated playing the proper wife for his families name's sake. Anyways, he said that he had taken the liberty of cleaning up the Rockwell Land here in Willow Creek that I had purchased, it was still mine, lock stock and barrel. But this time he had a small house erected for me with the funds I had to start my new life with. With that I was dismissed, but on the family jet and sent back to Willow Creek. That's okay, before I left, I went shopping in Bridgeport and got a lot of new clothes, wait til the old man gets his credit bills, and then when I land, I'm told that we now have a new shopping district called Magnolia Promenade. 

Well, Here we are. My new house. It looks so tiny, but I know looks can be deceiving right?

*walks over*
I planted some flowers earlier when I got here so it would look nice.


Anyways, Shall we go in and have a look?

Ummm? Okay, Just like daddy to do this.

I guess it's a roof over my head and I'm not sleeping out in the open. Right?

Welcome to my Small, bare, but humble abode.

A bed and a toilet. Just what I was looking for a new home. Thanks father dear.

Well, I guess while I wait for the watcher to show up and start barking out my orders, I'll do a little collecting. See you all later.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek 5/12
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2015, 03:31:21 PM »
I was going to say what a cute little house then I saw the inside, lol. Welcome back K, hope she has better luck this time  ;)
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Re: Kyleigh's Creek 5/12
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2015, 03:47:06 PM »
I was going to say what a cute little house then I saw the inside, lol. Welcome K, hope she has better luck this time  ;)

Yes the house is really cute from the outside. Yes her daddy is a real meanie. Hopefully the file won't get deleted this time.

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek 5/12
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2015, 04:18:11 PM »
Good to see Kyleigh back! I think her dad was a bit tough on her though! lol  :P Good luck, can't wait to see what happens next!
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek 5/12
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2015, 05:03:16 PM »
Good to see Kyleigh back! I think her dad was a bit tough on her though! lol  :P Good luck, can't wait to see what happens next!

I agree, but what can we do, he is her dad. lol

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek .. Neighbors 5/12
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2015, 09:07:19 PM »
There you are. I have been looking all over Willow Creek for you.

Well, you must not have been looking to hard. Anyways, I'm busy.

Where are you going?

Visiting, if it's any of your business. You weren't around so I decided to go out and make some friends.


*voice* Hang on..

Johnny Zest??

Oh Is that his name? Well good I won't look like a total idiot now.

Hi. I'm Kyleigh, I just moved to Willow Creek. I was out and about and thought I would pop in and meet a few neighbors.

Johnny: A little far from home ain't ya?

Hang on now. Why are you being a jerk?

Johnny: "Why are you being a prissy pot?"

Johnny: Please sit, forgive me. I was up late last night working a gig, and I am usually a nice person. I don't get a lot of visitors.

It's okay, I understand. I can relate to the late nights and not being a morning person too. Can we start over?

Johnny: Sure, Good morning, I'm Johnny, Johnny Zest.

Morning, I'm Kyleigh, Kyleigh Rockwell.

So your a Entertainer? That sounds so interesting.

Johnny: It is but it has long hours and a lot of hard work. People think it's all fun and games, but it's not. Are you from around originally?

No, I'm originally from Bridgeport. My family owns a mega Shipping Business, but I didn't want to have anything to do with that. It's just not me. What about you?

*grabbing a bit to eat*

Johnny: Well my family hails from Sunset Valley originally. Deep roots and all. When we moved here, I realized I wasn't cut out to be a Landgraab. I wanted to be a Comedian. Some said I don't have the talent for it. When I told my family, I was quitting school to be a Comedian, I was kicked out.

Your family sounds a lot like mine. It's either daddy's way or the highway.

Johnny: You are so right.

So, are you in a relationship? A pretty little lady hiding out there somewhere?

Johnny: I wish, but nobody for me. I'm afraid I'm single. I'll probably die single.

Oh come now, there's always someone for everyone out there. Never give up.

So after a few minutes of dancing and talking Kyleigh got do to brass tax. Now I know why she came over.

So, Johnny, since your living here all alone and I am new in town and live on a huge piece of land. what would you say to moving in with me. I think we could have a blast. You can help me with my dreams of putting down roots and starting my own legacy away from my fathers. I'll even introduce you to my watcher.

Johnny: You have a watcher? Is she here now?

Hello Johnny. How are you?

Johnny: Cool, so if I do this. Can I have a makeover? I hate this outfit and my hair is a joke.

*giggles* He's cute isn't he watcher?

It's a deal. I don't like tweed anyway.

Where's Johnny?

Inside playing in the mirror. Deciding on his makeover.

My flowers needed watering. Do we have enough for another bed? He did bring in any money.

I know, I'm sorry, but sure, just enough for a bed. Tomorrow we need to work on some cash.

Johnny: *excited* WELL?? What do you think?

Johnny!! I love it. You look great. I love your hair.

Johnny: All I did was wash it and comb it out.

Johnny: Thanks Kyleigh, I needed this. I really did.

Your welcome sweetie. I think things are going to be fine.

Good night Johnny

Johnny: Good night Kyleigh

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek .. Neighbors 5/12
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2015, 10:45:27 PM »
Oho, another Johnny story, lol!
Kyleigh is sizzling in her little fringed....uh, is that a dress?

Didn't get a good look at Johnny's makeover so I'm looking forward to your next chapter.
Poor Kyleigh and Johnny in that bare, little house!

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek .. Neighbors 5/12
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2015, 11:07:37 PM »
Oooo, K's back!  And it's Zest!  Oh how I love him lol

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek .. Neighbors 5/12
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2015, 04:46:32 AM »
I love that hairstyle on Johnny, so cute.
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Re: Kyleigh's Creek .. Neighbors 5/12
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2015, 07:24:32 AM »
YAY!! K is back and she is looking great! Terribly bad start on the inside of the house. The outside is gorgeous though! Can't wait to read more  ;D

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Kyleigh's Creek .. Just Playing Around Updated 5/16
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2015, 01:52:20 PM »
Johnny: So watcher, where is Kyleigh?

She's out doing some collecting. Seeing what she can find.

Johnny: Oh that's cool. So, can I ask you a question about Kyleigh?

Sure, what you want to know?

Johnny: *mouth full of food* Does she av a oyend?

A what? A boyfriend? Nope, not a the moment.

K: *inhales* Isn't just beautiful here?

Yep it sure is. Any luck?

K: I found a couple of the same trophy thingies. We can sell the extra. I need to keep at least one of each.

K: Nice a fossil. Wonder if it looks like my father? *giggles*

Johnny: Hey watcher, while Kyleigh is out collecting, how about I go around and work on my jokes and my aspiration?

Sounds good to me, have fun.

Johnny: So, What do you call a fake noodle? 

Lady: No idea?

Johnny: A Impasta!! *laughs*

Johnny: And then this huge ball of fire just flew out of the sky.

Guy fishing: You don't say?

Johnny: Scouts honor. It blow up the town of Twinbrook. The town and folks weren't the same after.

Fish Guy: So that would explain the Bayless', the Pennypincher's and Rackets.  Well that does explain a lot.

Johnny: I know we don't have a separate bathroom yet, but some privacy please?

Oh I'm sorry. I was off in space.

So, playing a game?

K: Yep, Dinner is done, so Johnny can eat anytime. Rats!! the stupid little ghost got away.

K: I have to say Johnny, the hair do and the clothes look pretty hot on you.

Johnny: Really? Wow, Thanks Kyleigh.

K: But then I was like, NO WAY and she was, yes way. *laughs*

Johnny: Did you ever figure out which "way" you where going?

K: Oh that's good Johnny. Really good.

Johnny: Selfie?

Together: Cheese *flash*