Author Topic: How To: Turn On/Off and Use Testingcheats - PC/Mac and Console (Sims 4)  (Read 429877 times)

Offline TaliaSimmySim

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Updated: Nov.02.2021

SimGuruGrant's thread on why they disabled some of the cheats.

Fix for Broken Cheats - TwistedMexi's AllCheats Mod click link for more details

Quick Links:

- How to: Turn On/Off TestingCheats
- TestingCheats on PS4/XBox One
- Examples of How-To: Use Testingcheats
- Troubleshooting Ctrl-Shift-C Not Working / Cheats Not Working
- Tips on Testing Cheats
- How-To: Copy and Paste Cheats
- How-To: Unlock All Hidden Objects of the Game
- How-To: Copy and Paste Files

How to: Turn On/Off TestingCheats

From Sims 4 Main Menu.

1. Load a game and click the household you want to play.
2. Click the play button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
-- This puts you in Live Mode.
3. Once game is loaded. Click the Pause button.
4. Press Shift-Ctrl-C all together at the same time to bring up the cheat console or cheat box.
5. type in testingcheats on or true.
-- Once this is enabled, it should show you a message in the cheat console that Cheats are enabled.
At this point use the cheats as normal.
6. Press the ESC key or Shift-Ctrl-C again to exit the cheat console.

If the above doesn't work, try this key combo:

Try CTL-Shift Windows button C instead (Windows Only)

FAQ ~ How To Use Cheats

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How to: Turn on TestingCheats on PS4/Xbox

There are some cheat codes that aren't available due to packs not being available at this time.

To bring up the Cheat Console or Cheat Bar PS4 and XBox:

Choose a family to play, and in Live Mode. -

Hold down all 4 shoulder buttons, this will turn on the cheat console. Click the X button to turn on the onscreen keyboard. Enter the cheat and click done to enter the cheat.

To Shift-Click on an item, move the cursor to the item hold down the circle button and tap the X button to open the menu for the PS4 and Xbox is hold down the B button and tap the A button.

The Sims 4 Console Cheats

Please Note: Turning on and using Testingcheats may disable achievements and trophies for Sims 4 on the PS4, for the active saved game (the saved game that actively being played). Same may be true for Xbox.

The Sims 4 Will Support Cheats on Console, but There’s a Catch

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Examples of How-To Use Testingcheats

Skill level cheat not working? - See this post linked below for an example of this cheat:

Click the Spoiler link below (in bold) for an example of how to use the relationship cheat.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

To fully edit Sims use the cas.fulleditmode cheat.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

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How to: Copy and Paste Cheats

1. Make sure you're in Live mode, then press Shift-Ctrl-C all together to bring up the cheat console.
2. Copy and paste the desired cheat. (Mouse over the cheat with left-click held down to highlight, right-click and select copy.)

For example:
stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking

3. Paste it into the cheat console by pressing Ctrl-V together. Then add the number 10 if you want to max the skill.

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Troubleshooting Ctrl-Shift-C Not Working / Cheats Not Working

1. Try different key combos to get the cheat console to open such as:

Ctrl key on the left side along with the Shift key on right side with the C key all together. This should work in both Sims 3 and 4.

Another combo to try: Ctrl+Shift+Alt / Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C / Press Ctrl+Shift together and while still holding down those two keys, press C. This should bring up the Cheat Console.

For those with MSI Laptops try this key combo:

Control + Shift + WindowsButton + C to open the cheat console with ease.

According to some people, some brands already have control + shift + c as a shortcut to something else, so for PC users playing Sims 4, you will need to add the windows button to get the cheat console to work

2. For testing purposes, try another keyboard to see if that helps get the cheat console to come up.

3. Again for testing purposes, disconnect the keyboard, and connect into a different port.

4. Some programs may interfere with being able to use the cheat console and will need to be turned off or disabled.  A couple/few known programs are called:

-- Gyazo - Screen Capture program that may use the same key combo as the Sims games. - If you have this program it may be best to uninstall it.

-- Action! Screen Recorder - Similar to Gyazo.

-- Skitch - Screenshot and photo editor for Mac that uses the same key combo as the Sims games. If you have this program, it's best to uninstall it or disable it.

-- Skype - A Instant messenger/video chat program may interfere with Sims 4.

-- Discord and it's overlay software - A VOIP (Voice over IP) program. 

-- Parts of the video driver software that have to do with recording or streaming may cause issues with being able to open up the cheat console.

If you have similar programs as these above, they may cause issues with Sims 4. They may need to have their hot keys changed to a different key-combo or may need to be turned off or uninstalled if issues are severe.

If you do not know how to use or change these programs listed above, go to their website to get more information. That is the best place to get help.

Check to see that you don't have any other app/programs that use the same key combination Ctrl-Shift-C, such as a shortcut

5. If mods are install, move the mods folder to desktop and delete the localthumbcache.package from inside the Sims 4 folder and try again. This helps troubleshoot game and mod/cc issues.

6. Try using the cheats in a different saved game or household.

7. Sometimes traveling to another lot and testing to see if the cheat works helps.

8. Repairing the game may help. - In Origin > Games Library > Right-click on Sims 4 and select Repair.

9. Fully exit game and Origin and then reload Origin and the game to see if that helps.

10. Try a Factory Reset - (How-To link below)

11. If using Windows 10 with the Creators update or newer update, Turn off the Game Bar as it's known to be causing issues with a lot of games.

Turn off or disable Game bar in Windows 10

12. Try checking to see if there are programs running in the background that could be keeping the game from running correctly.

13. Try a Clean Boot to see if it helps.

Clean or safe boot your PC or Mac

14. Make sure you don't have any mods that may interfere with trying to use the cheat console or cheats. For example the UI Cheats Extension is known to cause issues with the cheats.

If after trying the above tips, you still can't get the cheat console to come up, please report it using the link below:

I can't bring up the cheat window/console

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Tips on Testing Cheats

If you can't get the cheats to work: Try copying the cheat from the cheat page and paste (by pressing Ctrl-V together) what cheat you're trying to use into the cheat console.

The cheat console is the "box" that is brought up when you use Ctrl+Shift+C. In that "box" also known as the cheat console is where you type in testingcheats on and whatever cheat you're trying to use.

It's a white box in Sims 4 and Blue in Sims 3.

Testingcheats will only work once you have chosen a household to play with in Live Mode. It will not work while on the Map screen.

The game may give an error message: Unable to execute command, if you try at any other screen when trying to turn on testingcheats for the first time in a game. However, after it has been turned on, you should be able to use most cheats as you like.

If you're looking for Restaurant Perks/ Debug items, etc. Look in Build/Buy mode. -- The perks don't magically give your sim the item... just unlocks them.

Some cheats only work in Live mode, and not Build/Buy mode.

Testingcheats may have to be re-enabled every you travel or use CAS.

There should be a message saying Cheats Enabled in the box under the cheat console.

Press Esc to exit out of the cheat console.

Links to Sims 4 Cheats -

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To Unlock All the Hidden Objects of the Game

1. Get into game, go to Live Mode, press pause and make sure testingcheats are on [Press Ctrl-Shift-C together and type in testingcheats on]

2. Type or copy in the cheat: bb.showhiddenobjects true - hit Esc to get out of the cheat console.

** Note: bb.showhiddenobjects on, may give a failed message, so try bb.showhiddenobjects true instead. If it doesn't say failed, go to next step.

3. Enter Build/Buy mode and in the search bar type debug -- After that, all "hidden" objects should be available to use.

This is what debug showed when I typed in debug. Click thumbnail to see larger view.

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How to: Copy and Paste Files


1. First, Highlight them by left-click on a file (hold down the Ctrl key if you have multiple files you want to copy.
2. Right-click on one of the files and select Copy.


1. Paste the files by navigating to the folder you want to place them in and Right-click Paste.

How-To: Copy and Paste in more detail

Is there a reason why drag and drop its not advised to be use? What's the difference between copy and paste and dragging and dropping saves into another folder?

Copy/paste ensures you don't accidentally erase the original files.

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Original post under the spoiler.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Offline ClayMask

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Re: Cheats not working
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2015, 07:16:10 PM »
Testingcheats should be one word.  Testingcheats on.  It will give a message to say they'reenabled.

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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Cheats not working
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2015, 07:32:46 PM »
Hi Talia,

I went into my game to test this, and was at the Willow Creek screen. testingcheats true didn't work. Then it dawned on me that it may not work there. So I went play my Sim, paused the game and tried it again and it worked. I was able to kaching them some money.

So try going into your active family's lot and try testingcheats true to see if that helps.

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Offline TaliaSimmySim

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Re: Cheats not working
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2015, 07:37:17 PM »
I was actually in my family first when I tried it. Then I went to the neighborhood, then back to the main screen. Nothing.

There's no more message?
I'll try again and see if I can shift click on something.

Offline TaliaSimmySim

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Re: Cheats not working
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2015, 08:05:44 PM »
Testingcheats should be one word.  Testingcheats on.  It won't give a message to say they're active.

Hi Talia,

I went into my game to test this, and was at the Willow Creek screen. testingcheats true didn't work. Then it dawned on me that it may not work there. So I went play my Sim, paused the game and tried it again and it worked. I was able to kaching them some money.

So try going into your active family's lot and try testingcheats true to see if that helps.


Thank you both!
The game not giving me a message that the cheats were on was really throwing me off. I'm glad my game isn't mad at me for typing it in so many times. Ha
I appreciate the help!

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Cheats not working
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2015, 08:13:24 PM »
I'm sorry I didn't put this in my last post. It was giving me a message: Unable to execute command, when I was trying the cheats at the Willow Creek screen. That's what gave me the idea that it wasn't working at that screen. So I went into play my active family, and at that point I was able to get the cheat to work.

And yes, that threw me off too - That there isn't a message saying the cheat is actually on/off. So from what I can tell, you have to be in Live mode, to get the cheats to work.

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Offline tonycdh

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Re: Cheats not working
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2015, 08:25:31 PM »
I've heard somewhere at sometime that testingcheats on can be buggy and to use testingcheats true instead. Don't know if that's applicable or not. Just a thought.

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Offline ElfQueen14

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Re: Cheats not working *Fixed!*
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2015, 10:24:35 PM »
I've always gotten a message saying that the testingcheats were on/off when I did it.

Offline ClayMask

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Re: Cheats not working *Fixed!*
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2015, 01:57:47 AM »
I've always gotten a message saying that the testingcheats were on/off when I did it.
Looks like they say on and off again.  There was only a short time when they didn't.

Offline pjrpepsi

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Re: Cheats not working *Fixed!*
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2015, 08:15:29 PM »
Can't get testingcheats to work. I used on, true, yes, 1. I tried in on map screen and live mode, but paused. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, please help!! 

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Cheats not working *Fixed!*
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2015, 08:26:53 PM »
From Main Menu.

1. Load the game and choose the household you want to play.
2. Click the play button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
-- This puts you in Live Mode.
3. Once game is loaded. Click the pause button.
4. Press Shift-Ctrl-C all together at the same time to bring up the cheat console.
5. type in testingcheats on.
-- Once this is enabled, it should show you a message in the cheat console that Cheats are enabled.
At this point use the cheats as normal.

I just took these notes in-game and they work for me. So try these steps to see if they work for you.
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