Okay, now onto the diseases themselves! I’ll first start by listing the diseases, and the symptoms I commonly found associated with them. Then I’ll explain the symptoms themselves.
NOTE: Even with a fairly large test group, (35 patients), it's likely that my data doesn't cover everything. Some diseases I only encountered a handful of times, and randomness and glitches might've prevented me from seeing all the symptoms and rashes. Don't hold this list as law, but just a strong guildline open to suggestions and changes.
Bloaty HeadThis was one of the two most common diseases, at least in my game file.
Rashes: None
Symptoms: Headache, Steam Blowing Out of the Ears.
Burning BellyThis was incredibly uncommon. Only one patient of 35 had this, so the data might not be as complete for this one as the others.
Rashes: None
Symptoms: Fever, Stomach Ache
Gas & GigglesLess common than the other non surgery diseases. Seemed weirdly lacking in supposed symptoms, but a good indication of this disease if if the sim if Playful. You can find this out by talking to them or just by observing their idle animations (lots of laughing. lots.)
Rashes: Tiger Stripes
Symptoms: Stomach Ache
Itchy PlumbobNot as rare as Burning Belly, but still rather rare. The way to tell this apart from Sweaty Shivers is the presence of Tiger Stripes and lack of a Fever.
Rashes: Tiger Stripes
Symptoms: Itchiness
Llama FluA relatively common disease. Fairly easy to tell apart from the others, as it only shares it’s symptoms with Triple Threat, without Swirls and sometimes with a Fever.
Rashes: Orange and Green Spots, None
Symptoms: Fever, Coughing, Sneezing
Starry EyesAlso relatively common, and easy to recognize due to the Dizziness (which features the eponymous stars) and the weird Swiping, which is shares with no other disease.
Rashes: Swirls, None
Symptoms: Dizziness, Swiping
Sweaty ShiversIf Bloaty Head isn't the most common, this is. The only disease aside from Itchy Plumbob to experience Itchiness, and far more common.
Rashes: Orange and Green Spots, None
Symptoms: Fever, Itchiness
Triple ThreatLike the other two surgery diseases, this one is rather uncommon. Can be differented from Starry Eyes by the lack of Swiping and Llama Flu by the lack of Fever.
Rashes: Swirls, Orange and Green Spots
Symptoms: Dizziness, Coughing
Since I don’t believe there are official names for any of the symptoms, I referred to them by what I believe their real life equivalents are. I’ve decided to add brief descriptions and picture of all of them (along with the rashes) to make sure anyone using this info knows what I’m referring to.
First, the rashes:
Orange and Green Spots
Tiger Stripes
Now the Symptoms:
Coughing/SneezingUnfortunately, I don’t have an image of coughing or sneezing, but they look exactly like their real life counterparts. Indicates Llama Flu or Triple Threat.
Smoke out the EarsAgain don’t have images, but this one is possibly the most obvious. You’ll know it when you see it. Indicates Bloaty Head.
ItchinessAgain, no good image. Sims itch their chest and legs. Indicates Sweaty Shivers or Itchy Plumbob.
Stars whirl around the head. Indicates Starry Eyes or Triple Threat.
Sims wipe their forehead and fan themselves. Indicates Llama Flu, Burning Belly, or Sweaty Shivers.
Rings appear around a sim’s head and throb. Indicates Bloaty Head.
Stomach Ache
Sims rub their stomach as if nauseous. Indicates Gas & Giggles or Burning Belly.
Possibly the weirdest symptom. Sims swipe at the air and then look very confused, as if they weren’t controlling themselves. Indicates Starry Eyes.
Most likely not a symptom, but something I included because I had never noticed it before. Only occurs with aliens, so it might just be something I hadn’t noticed before. (
ETA: This is indeed not a symptom! Aliens just glow when they're 'Very' whatever emotion. They do this in human disguises, too, so it's useful for determining if someone's an alien!)
If any one has any additional thoughts/observations, let me know. I'd love to hear them.