Author Topic: Lighting the Path - A Life States Dynasty  (Read 43071 times)

Offline KRae

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Lighting the Path - A Life States Dynasty
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:58:38 PM »
Persia Lumen had spent most of her life in a magic lamp. She wasn't sure exactly how much time. Time is not the same there. A sim would occasionally find the lamp and clean it, temporarily releasing Persia. The sims, fairies, vampires, ghosts even, made wishes usually for fortune or a long life then Persia was whisked back into the lamp to wait. Over and over and over. One time was different though. The last time. An ancient sim cleaned the lamp. Surely he would wish for long life, but no, he chatted with her. They became good friends. He chose to release her. Persia's wait ended.

She found herself in Sunset Valley on a nearly empty lot with limited funds. Just enough for some basics.

After resting up, she took her remaining funds to the grocery store and bought some produce, much more than she actually needed. Her next stop was the Elixir consignment store. She hoped the nice clerk would take some of the extra off her hands.

Persia had always wished to learn Alchemy and made use of the equipment in the shop. The clerk warned her, however, that the locals weren't totally accepting of alchemy , and that it's good for a hobby, but not so much for a career.

Although nothing in Persia's personality (Daredevil, Eco-friendly, Great Kisser, Inappropriate, and Shy) pointed her in any particular direction, she decided to take up sculpting.

While Persia rested, a little house appeared around her. Well, she had wished for a bed. Was someone fulfilling her wishes for a change?

The town was very accepting of Persia's sculpting. Even the police asked for her help. They needed an ice sculpture of a sim, and the vampire, Christopher Steel, was happy to pose.

She made some friends around town. Her favorite place to visit was the Bunch household. They appreciated her perfect angel food cake, and she loved the bickering, chaos, and love.

That night at home she realized something was missing in her life. As she rocked and pondered, he sensed a presence in her mind.

Persia: Are you the one fulfilling my wishes?
Presence: No, mostly that's you, Dear. You do seem a little lost, though.
Persia: I just don't feel like I have any direction. I don't really understand simanity.
Presence: I have a proposition for you, a path for you to follow. A Lifestates Dynasty. If you and your descendants follow the path unto the 7th generation, observing, helping and loving each other, you will achievement enlightenment. It won't always be easy, but you are stronger than you realize.

Persia gasped as the rules entered her mind. She would try.


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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2015, 05:51:52 AM »
Great beginning, and you're using my favourite life state for the founder  ;D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline KRae

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2015, 09:04:24 AM »
@Malley, I find it easier to stay motivated if I sharing a dynasty. While I intend to follow all the rules, this will not be an HoF attempt. One's enough for me. All this means is that if I have problems, I may try to solve them on my own without stopping to get permission. The mods are really quick to help though.

@Nettlejuice , I thought I might as well get the Genie benefits from the very beginning.

Thanks for the comments.

Offline KRae

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 07:36:53 AM »
Persia's sculpting was progressing well. She made many sales at the Elixir shop. In fact she developed and impressive reputation there. It was time to find a non-genie partner. She decided to go barhopping. Maybe she could find a man she was attracted to or at least liked.

The only occult she found in the first joint was Jack Bunch. No. Not going to happen. She moved on to the karaoke club where she finally found a man she shared an attraction with (honestly the first one in weeks of searching). Perhaps she would just have to accept a human sim. So, she started chatting up VJ Alvi and asked him about his scales. Scales! It was dark in there and someone hadn't noticed. Knowing how townie merfolk don't take care and often revert to human, Persia toss a potent friendship at VJ and immediately asked him to move in. And just in time too. An immediate ocean swim was called for.

Despite his traits (Evil, Inappropriate, Childish, Snob, Adventurous), VJ was a valuable addition to the household. Not only did he share Persia's lifetime desire to be an Alchemy Artisan, he also turned out to be a talented gardener. Persia harvested his flame fruit bushes for him so he would have to deal with those nasty, drying flames.

With her requirements almost complete, Persia sent VJ off to China on a shopping expedition where he had a great time trying to scare all the merchants (they didn't cooperate).

Persia finally reached her wished for level 10 of the sculptor career and was ready to produce the next generation.

Generation One - Persia Lumen

Life State - Genie
Traits -Daredevil, Eco-friendly, Great Kisser, Inappropriate, Shy
Lifetime Wish - Alchemy Artisan (incomplete at this point)
Best Friend - Agnes Crumplebottom/Fairy
Career Rewards - Sculpting Skill Certificate, Successful Sculptor's Medal
Opportunities - The Importance of Sculpting, Sculpt a Suspect, Sims on Ice
Lifetime Rewards - Suave Seller, Artisan Crafter, No Bills Ever, Fireproof Homestead
5K + wishes - Master Sculpting Skill, Make a Masterpiece Sculpture, Earn 20K Simoleons Sculpting, Reach Level 10 of Sculptor
                     Career, Marry VJ
Unique Skill Challenges - Consignment Store Sales, Consignment Profit, Chiselmeister, Master Sculptor, Prolific Sculptor,     
                     Consignment Store Reputation
Mausoleum Pieces - 7 topiary sculptures
Vacation Used by Founder - 0 of 7 possible

Persia with her sculptures and rewards

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 10:56:02 AM »
Someone can finally put up with VJ xD Lucky you had a potion to get him moved in pronto. Congrats to Persia  ;D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2015, 11:16:49 AM »
Congrats to Persia! Can't wait to see the nooboos she makes with VJ (he's surprisingly handsome).

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Offline KRae

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2015, 01:14:15 PM »
I'm playing a bit ahead of the posts. I wasn't really sure I would be posting at all so the screenshots will be a bit lacking. VJ has been remarkably unveil, no candy stealing or scaring family members. And yes, the nooboos are stunning. I'll probably post up through their toddlerhood later today.

Offline Malley

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2015, 04:36:15 PM »
Congrats to Persia on completing her requirements! Looking forward to the nooboos  ;D

Offline KRae

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2015, 06:12:54 PM »
The Lumen's wasted no time. Potions were drunk, chimes were heard. You know the drill.

And a pregnancy was spent doing this.

VJ joined in, and being childish, had a great time. The results:
Abel Lumen: A Disciplined, Eccentric Merboo!

Andrew Lumen: A Loner Merboo who Hates the Outdoors. (and is super adorable)

One thing I've discovered completing this challenge in the past is that traits really aren't as important as careful selection of Lifetime Happiness rewards. Both babes will be treated as possible heirs.

They learned their toddler skilsl and quickly mastered the xylophone.

The boys were read different skill books, quickly becoming best friends with both parents. (VJ had a mid-life crisis and changed his hair by the way)

Birthday time had soon arrived.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2015, 06:22:46 PM »
I guess Andrew will have to stick to indoor pools. They're both really cute. I like VJ's new hair style.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2015, 06:32:42 PM »
They decided to age up the boys in alphabetical order. Why? Who knows. Abel was laughed at first. Soon followed by Andrew.

The family bought a computer to celebrate the boys' birthday. The amazing thing was that with two inappropriate adults in the house, Andrew was still the first one to use it. He'd had special books read to him as a toddler and made the stunning discovery that he could write. He wished to write a novel. He wished to write a science fiction novel. He wished to increase his writing skill. This was not due to his gaining the Lucky trait.

Abel was read the art books. He wished to talk to his Mom. I guess that was Good of him.

When VJ realized their old friend Lisa Bunch had become a witch, he invited her over for a visit. Even though she was an adult, she got along well with both boys. While they visited and had an epic time, VJ went upstairs to mix some Fountain of Youth Elixirs.

Lisa became friends with the brothers without chemical interference.

It was once again time to age up in alphabetical order.

Abel is now a Gatherer.

Andrew decided eating kelp made him a Vegetarian.

Note: I've been keeping a close watch on the original townies. Sandi French is a werewolf and seems to be stuck in young adulthood. Holly Alto and Sam Sekemoto are fairies and should be around awhile. As should the vampire, Christopher Steel. It would be fun to be able to use original townies as partners.
Also although Abel has good traits, Andrew will be the heir. Red hair, blue skin. And he is a wish mine. Where as Abel pretty much just wishes to talk to his parents and use the waterslide.

Offline Malley

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2015, 08:19:26 PM »
I agree that it would be awesome to see all of those original townies as spouses, for sure  :)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2015, 04:28:55 AM »
Glad you've decided on an heir already and I love the idea of founder spouses  :D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline KRae

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Re: Lighting the Path - A Lifestates Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2015, 08:38:25 AM »
I think the main reason for choosing an heir so quickly was the cemetery job. I only wanted to put one of them through that. I still intend to roll for Abel's traits and select from the offered Lifetime Wishes. I usually design sims for the task at hand. The chaos is quite refreshing.

Andrew signed up for a job at the cemetery right away, and wished to buy a guitar. Playing would help him relax after work and school.

Andrew found less time for writing than he wished, but having his own laptop really helped.

With his inappropriate parents posting at every opportunity, the family desktop was rarely available.

It took a little while, but Andrew reached level 3 of his job. At both levels he missed being promoted on the second day by an invisible hair. As soon as he got that last promotion, he quit.

The next evening, after spending the day playing for tips at Overlook Park, he registered as a self-employed writer.

His mother seemed to think that it was important for Andrew to have a girlfriend, so he tried to invite a babysitter he knew from school over, but she was never in the mood and then abruptly disappeared from town. Andrew decided to pay a visit to the only other girl in school, Khalilah Noel. In the midst of her family, Andrew had his first kiss. Awkward.

Talking to Persia later, Andrew explained that while Khalilah was okay, she was over-emotional and hard to get along with. Persia said "Oh, that's okay. You can break it off now. In fact you probably should before your birthday." Mom's gone mental.

It was once again time for alphabetical aging. Abel first. He became a Genius and wished to become a World Renowned Surgeon. Immediately after graduating, he got a job at the hospital and moved out to 3 Sunsong Avenue by the beach.

Speaking of birthdays, while everyone was at the library, subway, or waterslide, this happened.

It looks good on you, VJ.

Then Andrew the following day. He may be older now, but has developed a Childish attitude, and yet wishes to become a Professional Author.

Andrew: You look pretty good, Abel, but I think I resemble a yeti.

No sense having pretty red hair if you can't see it. Our heir, Andrew Lumen, as a Young Adult.