Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 468023 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #946 on: September 09, 2015, 01:59:12 PM »
@KRae exactly, I'm sure Dude's having 'guilt' flashbacks lol
@Cristina , Poor Nate, such a sensitive wee soul, *snort* must be his 'creative' side coming out.  :)
@JudesSims , yeah I think that quite a few of my NPC sims are ghosts now I guess the game sees them as a viable replacement sim when looking to fill the role. I also think this is designed to be like that rather than a mistake. I guess it's part of the Dev's idea of 'weirder stories'. I find it annoying as once you've got a ghost NPC you're suck with them as of course they don't die! Not that it really matters... I suppose.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #947 on: September 09, 2015, 02:40:32 PM »
Sorry I haven't posted.  Been trying my hand out with Metro's challenges so was hyper-focused on that.  That teen age boy is just so handsome, as are all your guys.  It was a treat to see him with Destiny.  What a couple they would make!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #948 on: September 09, 2015, 02:46:14 PM »
@Joria:) They would make a cute couple for sure... obviously I had to play that chapter in another file but wouldn't it be cool if we were able to marry across dynasties, what fun!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #949 on: September 09, 2015, 02:51:11 PM »
Chapter 194: Getting Stuff Done

Mal: Give it a try Nate, come on.
Nate: Ugh...ok.

Mal: Oops, not as easy as it looks!
Nate: Hm.

Nate: I nailed this one.
Mal: I don't seem to be as flexible as I thought I was.
Nate: Getting old dad. *snort*

Nate: Whadya doing?
Mal: Umm passing I think.

Mal: So, did you enjoy that?
Nate: Yeah, it was pretty fun actually.
Mal Hm hmm!

Mal: Salad's nearly ready.
Nate: Oh, it's Pop, wanting to know what I'm doing. *Sigh*

Mal: Look Nate if Pop didn't care so much about you he wouldn't txt and stuff.
Nate: I know but it's like he.... oh, forget it.

Mal: Look Nate there's something we should talk about. When your mother and I met....
Nate: *thinking* Oh paaleease not the 'woohoo talk'
Mal:.... love at first sight. After that, when we knew we wanted to be together forever... <Blah blah woohoo talk blah blah>

Nate: Ohhhmaahhgoshhh.... Noo
Mal: Heh, that was more embarrassing than I anticipated...

Mal: Well, now you at least know why Dude's been on your case...*grimace*
Nate: Somebody kill me.

Mal: Aww, come here son. Life's good, you'll be right.
Nate: I know. Love you.
Mal: Love ya too. I'll see you later.
Nate: I'll txt you the time the parties are starting. K?
Mal: Perfect.

Hiya Nate.
Nate: Hi watcher.
What cha doing?
Nate: Painting.
Hmm.... are you using food?
Nate: lol... something like that.
K, well your first party is starting, so you better clean up this arty mess and get ready.
Nate: *snort* Will do watcher.
You're a good boy.
Nate: Keep tellin' me, I might just start believing you!

Some hours later...

Julien: Well, I'd say everything went really well eh?
Nate: Yeah, the house party was a lot of fun actually.

Nate: I thought we'd nearly lost Nan though when the watcher made them all playful during the dinner party though!

Mac: I think you might have over done it a bit watcher.... hysterical, just sayin...

Dude: Actually, I've been meaning to tell you how proud I am of you Nate. Your parties were a lot of fun, well done.
Nate: Thanks Pop! I've finished my aspiration too.
Dude: Better and better, good for you!
Nate: I thought I'd head out and do some fishing. The watcher wants to show me some 'good spots' apparently. Do you want to come to Pop?
Dude: Next time I will, go and enjoy yourself.

Nate: Hmm... I dunno about this spot watcher. All I've been getting is these guppys.
Rats, normally it's really good fishing here.
Nate: Well I've certainly been getting a lot of fish, just not any angelfish.
K. Umm, let's go try another good spot I know.
Nate: K

Nate: Wow, it sure is nice down here.
Nate: Beautiful, spectacular, enchanting...
That's better, your generation use 'nice' way too much.
Nate: I know, right.
Sooo... you and Pop seem to be getting along just dandy.
Nate: Hmm, I think dad was right, he just cares too much.
I don't think you can ever care toooo much, but I know what you mean.

So what's next?
Nate: Well, thought I'd like to become a chef, if that's ok?
Sure, no one's done that yet in your family so be my guest.
Nate: Cool, err, I mean awesome...nice...
Nate: What I mean is that would be really exciting, I've wanted to put my cooking skills to a good use and I can't think of anything else I'd rather do.
Wow... a whole sentence Nate! Lol. I agree. I think you are going to make a fantastic chef.
Nate: Thanks. Well, I've got a few angelfish so time to head home eh?
Sure, I need to check up on a few things anyway.
Nate: This turned out to really be a 'good spot' watcher.
Told you so.

I didn't know you were into gardening too?
Nate: Hmm... I've got to grow my own death flower plant.
Huh? Just go harvest Pop's one.
Nate: Nope, I want to do it all from scratch.

Nate: I'm going to skill up until I can graft and then go collect my own wild plants.
Ok... if that's what you want to do.
Nate: It is. Umm... could you buy me my own garden beds?
Sure. How many you want.
Nate: Two should be enough.
Consider it done.
Nate: Thanks!

Nate: Right... here goes!
You know you'll have to evolve these too, right.
Nate: Yep, it's a shame that wild plants aren't better quality but I'll get there.
I'm confident you will hun.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #950 on: September 09, 2015, 03:27:52 PM »
Chapter 195: Nate's Young Adult Birthday

Wow, you've packed on the bulk! What the heck?
Nate: Guess I'm built like dad *grunt* watcher.
Yeah, might want to go easy on the weights then or you'll end up looking like... well...
Caleb: Like a massively huge body builder?
Yeah... not really my cup of tea. I mean there are muscles and then...well... :-\
Nate: Lol, chill watcher I'm just getting fit.
K, then.

Dude: Last time you'll be doing homework, want a hand?
Nate: Sure, that'll be great. I was just trying to call dad. It's such a pain, his work keeps him busy so much of the time.
Dude: Call him later.
Nate: Yeah, just wanted to make sure he'd be here for my birthday...

Dude: Well Nate, I think you can be pretty satisfied on your achievements during your teen years eh?
Nate: Yeah, it turned out ok in the end.
Dude: It did.

Nate: Has the watcher told you what career I've chosen?
Dude: Yep, it's a great choice.
Nate: *Nods* I was thinking that we should go out tonight, after my birthday, to celebrate.
Dude: Sounds a plan.
Nate: Cool!

Heh, what are you doing?
Nate: Oh darn it, opps, nearly dropped it. Trying to graft this lily cutting to my snapdragon... it's so fiddly though.

Nate: Cool!
Where did you get the lily cutting? We don't have any lily plants in the garden.
Nate: I told you watcher... I'm doing this all from scratch, I took a cutting from a wild plant down by the SKL house when we were fishing last night.

K, well, it just seems you're doing everything the hard way.
Nate: Some things are better for putting in major effort watcher. Mind you, it does seem a lot of work just for such pale little plants.
I think they look better once they've grown a bit.
Nate: Hope so!

Well, have a great final day at High School hun.
Nate: Thanks watcher and don't eat my cake thats in the fridge. Better yet, don't let mum near it, she's got such a sweet tooth.
On it!

Soo.... are you going to meditate all day?
Caleb: Ommmm.
*Sigh* So boring...

How was your last day?
Nate: Awesome. And before you ask, I'm grafting cherry onto my apple tree.
K, noted.

Nate: Hmm.... I wish for ... the health and happiness of all my readers.
Huh?Did you just break the fourth wall??
Nate: Watcher, this dynasty has broken it so many times it just doesn't even exist anymore.

Everybody: Happy Birthdayyyy Dear Naaaate!

Nate: Whadya think watcher?
*Stares* Umm... where did my wee boy go?
Nate: Lol

Charlotte: Happy birthday son.

Nate: Aww come here Pop.
Dude: Happy birthday Nate.

Dude: I might as well put your cake back in the fridge.
Nate: Yep, I'm just off to grow some facial hair.

Nate: Whadya think now watcher?
*Stares* Umm... new hair do too... *nods* I think it'll grow on me hun.

Dude: I think I might be getting too old for this scene.
Nate: Never too old Pop, you'll be dancing in no time.

Mal: Yeah, about my new job, it's not one I really wanted to be honest... but somehow I've found myself working in the... eerrrr.... crime ridden underworld...
Dude: Woah! That sucks.
Mal: Yeah, tell me about it. Still, maybe I'll pick up some useful information to pass on to Caleb.

Nate: Woo!
Katelynn: Happy birthday Nate, great idea to get us all together here.
Nate: Thanks, yeah, felt like kicking back and having some fun.

Mal: Happy birthday son.

Mal: You're a real mixture of genes! Lol, I can see your mum in you... and of course you've got the Hollingsworth green eyes. Can't really see my side of the family though.
Nate: Dad, my good nature is all you! That and my grin!

Mal: You know son, I'm really proud of you. Can't wait to see where you go next.
Nate: Sky's the limit so they say!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #951 on: September 09, 2015, 04:04:50 PM »
 Wow, the Brooks are getting around in the dynasty stories here lately. They looked so cute together. I hope she helped him with all his thoughts and all. Nate looks so Good!!!!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #952 on: September 09, 2015, 05:10:39 PM »
I generally dislike facial hair on guys, so how come yours always look so great?  I'm loving this story but sad because I know soon it will be over.  sigh......*sorry to see the "Reports" went to graveyard*
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #953 on: September 09, 2015, 09:26:38 PM »
@sdhoey, that's because we all love them so much! Yeah Nate's a good mix of genes eh.
@Joria, that particular facial hair is CC  ;) I put the Treath Reports into the graveyard just because I won't have any time to play it for a while... it may come out again. Actually... Nate's got ages to go... 18 days as YA, then 20 more as an Adult, I have no idea what I'm going to do with him as basically everything is done except maxing his career... I might not do many more chapters as really there isn't much going on. It's taking me a long time to play as I just can't speed it up because when I do all the sim's just stand there, stuck with their heads nodding. I can speed it up off the home lot but then I run the risk of being near a death. LOL  ::)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #954 on: September 09, 2015, 11:03:59 PM »
This must be the worst part.. on the last generation, no nooboos coming and just having to wait.. you can do it!! I just can't seem to get the motivation...  :-\

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #955 on: September 10, 2015, 01:24:03 AM »
@KTK10 , that's so true. Dude and I were just talking about how we miss not having any nooboos and kiddies around the house!  ;)  I'm trying to play 10 sims days each rl day so that I can get this completed although today I only managed 7.  :) In-game Nate's got another 33 days till elder.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #956 on: September 10, 2015, 02:12:11 AM »
Wow! Nate looks great!

The last generation must be the hardest. I've never gotten that far but I can imagine. Hopefully everything will go smoothly ( and fast! ) for you and the Hollingsworths. Lots of good luck! :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #957 on: September 10, 2015, 03:17:31 AM »
@Roxanne07 it some ways it is although really the founder is the hardest requirement wise. I'm really enjoying moments with Nate, like fishing and chatting with the other family members then other bits go very slowly...
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #958 on: September 10, 2015, 03:54:58 AM »
Chapter 196 Ice Cream

Nate: Have you really nothing better to do than watch me garden?
Lemme check.... Nope.
Nate: K then.
Sooo, you're fertilizing ...?
Nate: My orchid plant watcher... o.r.c.h.i.d.

And now...
Nate: Watcher!!
Nate: You know what I'm doing.
Tell me again.
Nate: *Sigh* I'm evolving my orchid plant so that when I graft pomegranate to it the resulting death flower will be better quality.
Nate: And now I'm going to work.
K. I'm going to watch...something.

Are you guys just going to do that all day?
Anyone want to play on the gaming rig?
Dude: I'm in.
Charlotte: Me too!

Dude: I love this game.
Me too... I really want to play it too.
Dude: Well, least you can watch it eh.

Watch out Charlotte! In-coming!
Charlotte: Ugh, got it!
Ooo close call!

The house is sooo quiet eh.
Dude: Hmm! Yes, I guess it is.
I miss not having any kids running around... I don't suppose we could go to the park and kidnap some.
Dude: What? No! We can't do that... Sheesh, that's one of the worst ideas you've ever had.
Oh, I dunno. I'm sure I've had worse.

You know, I think you should treat yourself and have some ice cream for dessert.
Dude: Really? Well, that would be quite nice.
Cool. Go for it. I've got a new flavor you could try out.

Dude: Hmm, this seems quite a strange recipe, you sure you've got it right watcher?
Oh totally. *Smirfff* Yep, totally got it right.

Dude: Okay... it smells sort of... umm...
Dude: Yes, something like that anyway.

Dude: Brain freeze! Ohhmahhgoossh.
Lol, eat it slowly!

Like the flavor?
Dude: Sure, it is a little unusual but not at all unpleasant.
Nice. *Smirk*

Well *cough* That was dessert then.
Dude: Lovely change watcher. I could get used to eating a two course meal each day.

Well, you know what they say, a little of what you fancy is good for you. *Snicker*
Dude: Quite right.

Dude: Hey! What the...?

Dude: Watcher??  >:(
*Runs away*

Dude: *Sigh* Oo lovely.

Dude: Oh no! Not again!

Dude: My gosh! That really is a leaf. I'm going to really kill her this time.

Mac: Umm... Dad? What's happened to your skin? ?
Dude: Don't ask love, the watcher's idea of a joke. *Sigh*

Nate: Hi watcher!
You've got a promotion!
Nate: Yep.
Congrats! There's some left over ice cream on the kitchen bench if you feel like celebrating. *Giggle*
Nate: Nice! Thanks, that would be awesome.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #959 on: September 10, 2015, 04:10:36 AM »
Haha well you got to entertain yourself somehow  ;D

Congrats on the promotion. I actually like his stubble which is uncommon with me. Loved a green Dude  ;)

