Chapter 194: Getting Stuff DoneMal: Give it a try Nate, come on.
Nate: Ugh...ok.

Mal: Oops, not as easy as it looks!
Nate: Hm.

Nate: I nailed this one.
Mal: I don't seem to be as flexible as I thought I was.
Nate: Getting old dad. *snort*

Nate: Whadya doing?
Mal: Umm passing I think.

Mal: So, did you enjoy that?
Nate: Yeah, it was pretty fun actually.
Mal Hm hmm!

Mal: Salad's nearly ready.
Nate: Oh, it's Pop, wanting to know what I'm doing. *Sigh*

Mal: Look Nate if Pop didn't care so much about you he wouldn't txt and stuff.
Nate: I know but it's like he.... oh, forget it.

Mal: Look Nate there's something we should talk about. When your mother and I met....
Nate: *thinking* Oh paaleease not the 'woohoo talk'
Mal:.... love at first sight. After that, when we knew we wanted to be together forever... <Blah blah woohoo talk blah blah>

Nate: Ohhhmaahhgoshhh.... Noo
Mal: Heh, that was more embarrassing than I anticipated...

Mal: Well, now you at least know why Dude's been on your case...*grimace*
Nate: Somebody kill me.

Mal: Aww, come here son. Life's good, you'll be right.
Nate: I know. Love you.
Mal: Love ya too. I'll see you later.
Nate: I'll txt you the time the parties are starting. K?
Mal: Perfect.
Hiya Nate.Nate: Hi watcher.
What cha doing?Nate: Painting.
Hmm.... are you using food?Nate: lol... something like that.
K, well your first party is starting, so you better clean up this arty mess and get ready.Nate: *snort* Will do watcher.
You're a good boy.
Nate: Keep tellin' me, I might just start believing you!

Some hours later...
Julien: Well, I'd say everything went really well eh?
Nate: Yeah, the house party was a lot of fun actually.

Nate: I thought we'd nearly lost Nan though when the watcher made them all playful during the dinner party though!
Mac: I think you might have over done it a bit watcher.... hysterical, just sayin...

Dude: Actually, I've been meaning to tell you how proud I am of you Nate. Your parties were a lot of fun, well done.
Nate: Thanks Pop! I've finished my aspiration too.
Dude: Better and better, good for you!
Nate: I thought I'd head out and do some fishing. The watcher wants to show me some 'good spots' apparently. Do you want to come to Pop?
Dude: Next time I will, go and enjoy yourself.

Nate: Hmm... I dunno about this spot watcher. All I've been getting is these guppys.
Rats, normally it's really good fishing here.Nate: Well I've certainly been getting a lot of fish, just not any angelfish.
K. Umm, let's go try another good spot I know.Nate: K

Nate: Wow, it sure is nice down here.
Nice?Nate: Beautiful, spectacular, enchanting...
That's better, your generation use 'nice' way too much.Nate: I know, right.
Sooo... you and Pop seem to be getting along just dandy.
Nate: Hmm, I think dad was right, he just cares too much.
I don't think you can ever care toooo much, but I know what you mean.
So what's next?Nate: Well, thought I'd like to become a chef, if that's ok?
Sure, no one's done that yet in your family so be my guest.Nate: Cool, err, I mean awesome...nice...
Lol... Nate: What I mean is that would be really exciting, I've wanted to put my cooking skills to a good use and I can't think of anything else I'd rather do.
Wow... a whole sentence Nate! Lol. I agree. I think you are going to make a fantastic chef.Nate: Thanks. Well, I've got a few angelfish so time to head home eh?
Sure, I need to check up on a few things anyway.Nate: This turned out to really be a 'good spot' watcher.
Told you so.
I didn't know you were into gardening too?Nate: Hmm... I've got to grow my own death flower plant.
Huh? Just go harvest Pop's one.Nate: Nope, I want to do it all from scratch.

Nate: I'm going to skill up until I can graft and then go collect my own wild plants.
Ok... if that's what you want to do.Nate: It is. Umm... could you buy me my own garden beds?
Sure. How many you want.Nate: Two should be enough.
Consider it done.Nate: Thanks!

Nate: Right... here goes!
You know you'll have to evolve these too, right. Nate: Yep, it's a shame that wild plants aren't better quality but I'll get there.
I'm confident you will hun.