Chapter 192: Caleb's Work DayMorning.Dude: Morning.
You ok?Dude: Yep, why?
You're being so tough on Nate.Dude: He needs it.
I'm not sure he does. He takes a lot of things to heart you know.Dude: He needs a strong hand, just take my word for it.
I'm not taking your word on it. I want you to explain why suddenly you're the mean guy.Dude: It's that flaming aspiration he's doing.
*Pause* Oh... you know.Dude: Yes... *massive punch* I know.
Oh.Dude: It's nothing but trouble.
I'm keeping an eye on him.Dude: Fat lot of use that will do.
Look... he's only a teen... he only needs to kiss and few sims... nothing else. Heck he doesn't even need to have a 'first kiss' with anyone apart from the first few sims...Dude: Hmm, well, I'm telling you it's trouble and can lead to a lot of people getting hurt.
I promise it won't, I'm making him take his time, after all he's got his whole life in which to get this done. Don't let this drive a wedge between the two of you. I know he's feeling it.Dude: Go away and give me some space and I'll think about it.
K... I might head out with Caleb today then.Dude: Good idea.
*gasp* You have ghost co-workers?Caleb: umm... not that I've noticed, I think she's just some citizen coming to make a complaint.
Oh...right then.
Gosh, you look so *searches for word* serious sitting in the bosses chair.Caleb: I am the chief now watcher. I've got a lot of responsibility.
Well, least all your minions seem to be working hard.Caleb: Officers of the Law watcher, it's not good form to malign officers.
*Cough* No, sorry. 
Caleb: Any further leads Officer Hardi?
Officer Hardi: I'm working on it boss.

Caleb: Hmm, this really isn't adding up. Come on watcher, we're heading to the scene of the crime.

Officer Hardi: Cripes! What's the boss doing here?
Officer Salsbury: I think he's showing his watcher around, we better get busy.

Caleb: I see, so the items were missing on your arrival home?
Ghost eye witness: That's right.
Caleb: And yet there was no sign of a forced entry?
Ghost: Umm.. no..
Caleb: I see. Well my officers will take it from here. Thank you sir. Come on watcher, I have all the info I need.
You do? I haven't got a clue.Caleb: lol Really watcher? Make sure you clean up the scene before you leave Officer Finch.
Officer Finch: Yes sir.

Caleb: Hey Mal! Good to see you!

Caleb: You haven't happened to see a blond male with a short sleeved top on wearing slacks around here anywhere would you?
Mal: Woah, funny you should ask....
How the heck did you get those clues from looking at the crime scene? ?Caleb: Gut instinct and years of experience watcher.

Caleb: Here we go.

Perp: I've been here all along Chief.
Caleb: Even last night?
Perp: *Looks shifty* Err... of course. She'll tell you that, won't you girly?
Lady: Nope, never met this man before in my life Chief.

Caleb: Let's try these on for size eh.
Whadya know, a perfect fit.Perp: Stow it watcher.
Caleb: Manners or I'll do you for being foul-mouthed too.
Officer Finch: Good bust Chief.
Perp: I don't think it was that good.
Caleb: Heh

Perp: That better be just a mirror and not that one way glass stuff.
Caleb: Of course it's just a mirror.

Caleb: Now sonny, let's just take a moment to peruse these holiday snaps of yours shall we?
Perp: Huh? That's not *nervous swallow* me... I must have a ... twin, yeah, a twin.

Caleb: *Casually swinging the handcuffs* So is there anything else you want to add to your statement?
Perp: umm... do you do plea bargins?

Caleb: Sure we do sonny, you just make your confession and we can talk about it.

Perp: When do we do the bargain?
Caleb: lol, they never change eh watcher.
Nope, congrats on closing the case Caleb.Caleb: All in a days work watcher, making the world a safer place one perp at a time.

Caleb: Righty o 'Hotpants' out you come.
*Snicker* 'Hotpants'...
Hotpants: You lettin me go free?
Caleb: Yep sonny, that's what I'm doing... letting you go free to hot wire every fake car from here to Granite Falls.
Hotpants: Swwwweeeeet.

Hotpants: You said you were lettin me go free.
Caleb: Hm hmm. Well, life's full of disappointments.
Well, that was a pretty busy day Caleb.Caleb: Home time soon, just want to finish filing the paper work
Funny how it's still called 'paper work'.
Caleb: Hmm, force of habit I guess. It sure is a lot quicker and easier to access and cross-ref now all the reports are digitalized.
Thanks for letting me tag along.Caleb: You're welcome. Looked like you and Dude needed some space eh.
*Sigh* yeah, I forgot I still need to sort that.Caleb: Come on watcher, you'll be fine. Let's go home.