Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 468034 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #930 on: September 07, 2015, 08:14:17 AM »
He is a real cutie! Thanks for showing his face  ;D


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #931 on: September 07, 2015, 08:50:13 AM »
Yay! We get to ogle him now. He's a very attractive sim  ;)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #932 on: September 07, 2015, 09:21:58 AM »
He's nice on the eyes there. ;) but I sense some teen trouble. Lol

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #933 on: September 07, 2015, 10:02:26 AM »
I was wondering about that. This sounds awful, but has anyone died yet?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #934 on: September 07, 2015, 03:00:09 PM »
Thanks everyone, glad you approve of seeing Nate from the get-go.

@sdhoey , yeah there might be a wee bit of tension there between Nate and Dude...  :-X

@KRae , yes I have some townies die 'off-screen' in their houses or where ever the game does it. They just show up as ghosts in my sims relationship panel like normal. Trouble happens if one of my sims is on the same active lot when someone dies... the game just gets caught up in a never-ending cycle of dying as Grim doesn't reap and for whatever reason my game won't spawn a new one. I even tried (in a test file) deleting Grim and killing a sim but the sim just lay dead on the ground for days and no Grim appeared while my sims just mourned non-stop! My guess is some error occurred when Grim actually was placed in a household and because I didn't realize and have been playing and 'savin-as' like normal I don't actually have a save from before Grim was placed. Had I remembered to make a back up each week then, sure I would have lost a fair bit of play but at least then I could have deleted the corrupted file and played on. I'm really bad at remembering to make back ups.  ::) My last back up was about a month ago...
Anyway.... at least the game 'kills' elders on non-active lots so hopefully I can get to the end. Moral of the lesson... make back -ups!! Often!! *head desk*
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #935 on: September 07, 2015, 03:39:59 PM »
So sorry to hear about your problem with grim. Fingers crossed you'll make it to the finish line with little trouble. :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #936 on: September 07, 2015, 04:02:58 PM »
Chapter 191: Charlotte's Adult Birthday

Nate: Congratulations mum, you look great!
Charlotte: Thanks Nate.

Mal: You do look beautiful love, happy birthday.
Charlotte: Thanks, I'm so glad you were able to make it Mal.
Mal: Me too.

Charlotte: Hmm, what to wish for, I feel like I have everything I could possible want...
Dude: How 'bout clear sailing through Nate's teen years... teen boys can get up to all sorts of trouble, just sayin...

Charlotte: Ok, here's goes.
Aw Fred, you're ruining the moonlight shot...

Happy Birthday Charlotte, may all your wishes come true!

Still look gorgeous as ever.
Fred: Thanks!

Nate: So you're a bit squeamish yet you work as a community gardener. Doesn't that seem like torture?
Fred: Umm.. I manage to keep my spirits up by watching the clouds and things like that. It's not too bad.
Charlotte: As long as you're happy in what you do then nothing else really matters.
Dude: And are kind to people and don't hurt their feelings, eh Nate?
Nate: Hm
Mal: Well, it's been a lovely party hun, not often the watcher let's us all eat cake for breakfast.
I know, I seem to be more lenient towards food and stuff just recently.
Caleb: Long may that continue.
Charlotte: Thank you everyone, for coming and celebrating with me

A little later...

Dude: Look Nate I've told you about leaving your homework until the last minute. It's really not good enough.
Nate: I forgot because of mum's birthday.
Dude: You're an heir, things like this are too important to 'forget'.
Nate: *grits teeth* Sorry Pop

Have a really great first day at High School Nate.
Nate: Thanks! Will do watcher.

Julien: Oh so you had your elder birthday too, sorry we missed it, things seem to have been quite busy recently in the house.
Clyde: Yeah, it was a few days ago now. I didn't feel like celebrating to be honest.
Julien: I know what you mean, creaky bones!
Clyde: I know, right.

Julien: Gosh, I didn't even realize you were home from school.
Nate: Yeah.
Julien: Would you like a hand with your homework.
Nate: Thanks Great granddad, that would be nice.
How was your first day?
Nate: It was fine, I have friends in every class.
That's nice.
Nate: Yeah

Nate: I might beat you...

Dude: Maybe...

Dude: Not today though, that's meck chate!
Nate: *sigh* I'm going to head out to the library.
Dude: K, be good and don't get into any trouble.
Nate: I won't.

You look... serious.
Nate: Hmm

Nate: I need to figure out... hmm... maybe. K, so that's how it's done...
What are you researching?
Nate: Just some fishing tips and stuff.
Why didn't you ask your Pop? He knows tons about fishing.
Nate: That and everything else. I want to do something for myself. I'm not stupid.
I see.

It's nice out here.
Nate: I guess.

Nate: Can you see any?
Yep, there's one right here.
Nate: *perking up* Thanks watcher.

A while later...

How's it going?
Nate: Nothing.
It'll happen.
Nate: It better 'cos I'm not going home without one.

Nate: Ooo got something...cripes, it's massive...
Umm...about that...

Nate: Oh.
Just throw your line out again, I know you'll catch an angelfish soon. I feel it.
Nate: K.

Nate: Thanks for joining me.
Caleb: No problem Nate, it's so peaceful out here. I really enjoy fishing.
Nate: I enjoy getting away from everyone.

Nate: At last.
Good job!
Caleb: Just in time too, we need to head back Nate otherwise you'll be late for school.
Nate: K, I'm good with that.

Nate: Oo... I think my cooking skills need a bit more work.
Caleb: Yeah.. err, I've tasted worse, I think.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #937 on: September 07, 2015, 04:08:03 PM »
@Roxanne07 , thanks, should be ok.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #938 on: September 07, 2015, 04:53:16 PM »
Chapter 192: Caleb's Work Day

Dude: Morning.
You ok?
Dude: Yep, why?
You're being so tough on Nate.
Dude: He needs it.
I'm not sure he does. He takes a lot of things to heart you know.
Dude: He needs a strong hand, just take my word for it.

I'm not taking your word on it. I want you to explain why suddenly you're the mean guy.
Dude: It's that flaming aspiration he's doing.
*Pause* Oh... you know.
Dude: Yes... *massive punch* I know.
Dude: It's nothing but trouble.
I'm keeping an eye on him.
Dude: Fat lot of use that will do.
Look... he's only a teen... he only needs to kiss and few sims... nothing else. Heck he doesn't even need to have a 'first kiss' with anyone apart from the first few sims...
Dude: Hmm, well, I'm telling you it's trouble and can lead to a lot of people getting hurt.
I promise it won't, I'm making him take his time, after all he's got his whole life in which to get this done. Don't let this drive a wedge between the two of you. I know he's feeling it.
Dude: Go away and give me some space and I'll think about it.
K... I might head out with Caleb today then.
Dude: Good idea.

*gasp* You have ghost co-workers?
Caleb: umm... not that I've noticed, I think she's just some citizen coming to make a complaint.
Oh...right then.

Gosh, you look so *searches for word* serious sitting in the bosses chair.
Caleb: I am the chief now watcher. I've got a lot of responsibility.

Well, least all your minions seem to be working hard.
Caleb: Officers of the Law watcher, it's not good form to malign officers.
*Cough* No, sorry.

Caleb: Any further leads Officer Hardi?
Officer Hardi: I'm working on it boss.

Caleb: Hmm, this really isn't adding up. Come on watcher, we're heading to the scene of the crime.

Officer Hardi: Cripes! What's the boss doing here?
Officer Salsbury: I think he's showing his watcher around, we better get busy.

Caleb: I see, so the items were missing on your arrival home?
Ghost eye witness: That's right.
Caleb: And yet there was no sign of a forced entry?
Ghost: Umm.. no..
Caleb: I see. Well my officers will take it from here. Thank you sir. Come on watcher, I have all the info I need.
You do? I haven't got a clue.
Caleb: lol Really watcher? Make sure you clean up the scene before you leave Officer Finch.
Officer Finch: Yes sir.

Caleb: Hey Mal! Good to see you!

Caleb: You haven't happened to see a blond male with a short sleeved top on wearing slacks around here anywhere would you?
Mal: Woah, funny you should ask....
How the heck did you get those clues from looking at the crime scene? ?
Caleb: Gut instinct and years of experience watcher.

Caleb: Here we go.

Perp: I've been here all along Chief.
Caleb: Even last night?
Perp: *Looks shifty* Err... of course. She'll tell you that, won't you girly?
Lady: Nope, never met this man before in my life Chief.

Caleb: Let's try these on for size eh.
Whadya know, a perfect fit.
Perp: Stow it watcher.
Caleb: Manners or I'll do you for being foul-mouthed too.

Officer Finch: Good bust Chief.
Perp: I don't think it was that good.
Caleb: Heh

Perp: That better be just a mirror and not that one way glass stuff.
Caleb: Of course it's just a mirror.

Caleb: Now sonny, let's just take a moment to peruse these holiday snaps of yours shall we?
Perp: Huh? That's not *nervous swallow* me... I must have a ... twin, yeah, a twin.

Caleb: *Casually swinging the handcuffs* So is there anything else you want to add to your statement?
Perp: umm... do you do plea bargins?

Caleb: Sure we do sonny, you just make your confession and we can talk about it.

Perp: When do we do the bargain?
Caleb: lol, they never change eh watcher.
Nope, congrats on closing the case Caleb.
Caleb: All in a days work watcher, making the world a safer place one perp at a time.

Caleb: Righty o 'Hotpants' out you come.
*Snicker* 'Hotpants'...

Hotpants: You lettin me go free?
Caleb: Yep sonny, that's what I'm doing... letting you go free to hot wire every fake car from here to Granite Falls.
Hotpants: Swwwweeeeet.

Hotpants: You said you were lettin me go free.
Caleb: Hm hmm. Well, life's full of disappointments.

Well, that was a pretty busy day Caleb.
Caleb: Home time soon, just want to finish filing the paper work
Funny how it's still called 'paper work'.
Caleb: Hmm, force of habit I guess. It sure is a lot quicker and easier to access and cross-ref now all the reports are digitalized.
Thanks for letting me tag along.
Caleb: You're welcome. Looked like you and Dude needed some space eh.
*Sigh* yeah, I forgot I still need to sort that.
Caleb: Come on watcher, you'll be fine. Let's go home.

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Offline mpart

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #939 on: September 07, 2015, 08:16:10 PM »
Ghosts? Is that part of the glitch or does that just randomly happen? It's quite hilarious though.  :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #940 on: September 07, 2015, 08:23:49 PM »
@mpart ghosts just randomly happen once you have been playing the same file for a while. They often take the role of various NPC's such as Doctors etc too... Can get a bit weird!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #941 on: September 07, 2015, 08:24:22 PM »
Chapter 193: Making a Friend

Are you still angry?
Nate: Nope, not really. Why?

You just kinda looked a bit out of sorts, that's all.
Nate: I'm still not happy with all the grief Pop keeps giving me. It's not like I'm doing anything wrong.
*Sigh* I know... he's just a bit touchy about this aspiration.

Yeah, well least you can get away from the house to have some down time eh.
Nate: Yeah. Is that an angelfish watcher?
Where? Oh! Yeah it is!

Nate: Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about!
Nice! Anyway, I've got someone I'd like you to met.
Nate: Oh watcher, I'm not in the mood for girlfriends...
No.. this is just someone to talk to. I think she gets what you're going through.
Nate: Can't I just keep fishing?
Come me.
Nate: Last time you said that I ended up in this mess I'm in now.

Nate: Hey.

Destiny: Hiya. Nate right?
Nate: Yep, Destiny? Yeah? I've heard so much about you and your famous family! Nice to meet you!
Destiny: Thanks. Yeah my granddad Colt is pretty famous.
Nate: Heck yeah! He's legendary! I can't believe I'm meeting a real live member of the Brooks family!
Destiny: Hmm, I see what your watcher means... in-built charm. Luckily I'm immune to it. So, what's been going down in your house?

Nate: Oh you wouldn't believe the grief my Pop's been giving me. Constant lectures on behaving myself and not hurting peoples' feelings... it just never. Ever. Stops. Ugh...
Destiny: *Nods* Hm hmm, I can see that would be pretty annoying.

Nate: Annoying! I'm telling you, something's gotta give. He just won't let up. It's like he just doesn't even know me anymore.

Destiny: You know, I do get it. Nothing worse than have your 'rents and family down on you for stuff that you haven't even done or even thought eh. My big brother Kale's kinda like you but he eventually sorted himself out. I mean he got in a bit of a tangle doing the same aspiration your doing. It was kinda embarrassing for me too 'cos everyone talked about him.

Destiny: But you know Nate, this is what you've got to get done for your dynasty and there's no use crying over it all. In a way your Pop's right, what you're going to have to do to get this completed is going to hurt some people somewhere along the line. You can't keep pretending like you're Mr Nice Guy and go around breaking hearts everywhere. I guess the difference is my brother was so full of himself that he actually enjoyed it until it came time to break up with all his girlfriends... You gotta choose your own fate really... and stop whining about it.

Nate: Ouch. That was a burn if I ever heard one...
Destiny: Yeah, but I'm right, right?
Nate: Umm... I guess so. I hadn't really thought about it all like that.
Destiny: Well, you gotta man up and get your requirements done. Either that or runaway and let everyone who loves you and is counting on you down. Just saying.
Nate: I'm not going to do that.
Destiny: Right. So what's your options then? Cry about it all the time or just do it? Besides... it's kinda funny that your Pop is chewing you out for doing what he keeps telling you to do anyway...
Nate: Huh?
Destiny: Completing your "requirements"... <duh>

Nate: Oh!! Lol, you're right! That is kinda funny!
Destiny: *Cracking up* Lol, see?

Nate: Talking to you was awesome Destiny!
Destiny: Don't get to be a Brooks and not be awesome *snicker*
Nate: Hug?

Destiny: Yeah...don't think so. No offense but you just keep your hands to yourself there Nate.
Nate: Lol, can't kill me for trying.

Nate: Hi 5 it is. Woo!

Nate: Kale is so lucky having you as a sister... so lucky.
Destiny: Thanks, but we can be friends, right?
Nate: Right. And, thanks, eh.

Nate: See ya round Destiny.
Destiny: Not if I see ya first!
Nate: *Snort*

Nate: You know watcher, every time I come here there is always rubbish lying around.
I know, right... it's a right pain.

So did talking to Destiny help?
Nate: *grunt* Yep, she's pretty awesome.

You still look sad though...
Nate: I just keep thinking about what Pop said last time we spoke.
Which was?
Nate: That only idiots do what I'm doing.
*Sigh* he just isn't handling this right. You know you're a great kid. Try to forget about Pop and focus on yourself for a bit eh.
Nate: I guess. It's just hard to let him down 'cos he's so perfect and does everything right all the time.
Oh my gosh... Kid, I'm telling you, as good a guy as your Pop is... he 'aint perfect. Take it from me.

Nate: Oh cool! There's dad.

Mal: So how's everything going?
Nate: *Sigh* O.K. I guess.  *Pause* Not sure really.

Mal: Well I've got just the thing to cheer you up! Come on!
Nate: Umm, O.K.

* Destiny Brooks was very kindly lent to me from sdhoey and of course, I'm sure you all know Destiny from sdhoey's amazing dynasty story 'The Return Of Brooks'
Thank you so much sdhoey, playing with Destiny was really fun.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #942 on: September 07, 2015, 08:37:17 PM »
It was great to see the two dynasties merging even if only briefly.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #943 on: September 07, 2015, 10:56:43 PM »
Those Get to Work workplaces sure seem to have a lot of ghosts floating around them!


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #944 on: September 08, 2015, 04:00:23 AM »
Oh wow! Lot of drama. I can see where Dude is coming from but I still feel bad for Nate  :-\

