Chapter 190: Nate's Teen BirthdayNate:Hey watcher?
Hmm?Nate: I've just completed my homework for the very last time!
Huh? How's that? ?Nate: It's my birthday tomorrow so I won't be going to school ever again.
Umm, you'll still have High School though.Nate: Oh yeah, but that doesn't count.
*Shakes head* Doesn't quite work that way but, yeah, I get what you mean.
So what are you going to do seeing as you can choose.Nate: I can chose anything, right?
Sure...Nate: hmmm, lemme think...

Nate: Dad?
Mal: Son.
Nate: Instead of you and mum going out on your date night will you stay home and hang out with me?
Mal: Sure, spending time with you is always my fav thing to do.

Nate: Thanks dad.
Mal: So, you wanna hit the tub?

Nate: Gosh! What happens if no one likes me at High School?

Madelyn: That's silly. Isn't it Mr H?
Dude: Sure... you've already got many friends at High School Nate.

Mal: It's natural to be worried but honestly son, you've got loads of friends who can't wait for you to join them. Isn't that right, love?
Charlotte: What are we talking about?

Mal: Nate's worried about High School.
Charlotte: Oh, totally... I saw Maci today and she said to tell you that she'd see you by the lockers on Monday morning.
Nate: Are you having your teen birthday over the weekend Madelyn?
Madelyn: Yep, on Sunday.

Mal: *Quietly* I missed you today hun.
Charlotte: Me too.
Oh! Are you leaving Mal?Mal: Yeah, time for me to go. I'll see you all tomorrow I guess.
K, see you then.
The Next morning...
Nate: Umm... I hope I'm gonna be just as awesome as a teen...
Mackenzie: I'm sure you will be sweetie.
Dude: Oh dear, teen angst here we come.
Happy Birthday Nathan!! 
Nate: Woah! Weird as!

Abi: Well, that shirt is very bright.
Nate: *snort* It's hideous!

Charlotte: Happy birthday sweetie.
Nate: Thanks mum, for everything.
Charlotte: You're welcome Nate. Love you.
Nate: Love ya too mum. I'm going to head for the mirror though... really have to change my look!!

Dude: Well, you certainly look better and more like you now.
Nate: Yeah, it was pretty hideous. I'm going to see dad. Is that ok?
Dude: Yep, be good... you know... now you're a teen.
Nate: *grumpy* I know Pop.. I will be.

Mal: Oh happy birthday son!
Nate: Thanks dad.

Nate: Better take a selfie eh.
Mal: 'Smile'!!

Mal: You're looking awesome Nate.
Nate: Thanks dad. Pop's already read me the riot act...I just needed to get out.
Mal: lol, he loves you son that's why he cares.
Nate: Yeah, yeah. Wanna head to the park with me?
Mal: I can't right now but you go and I'll hopefully catch up with you there eh? Have a good time!
Nate: K, see ya.

Nate: Hi Juniper.
Juniper: Hi Nate, you've had your birthday!!
Nate: *Shrug* yeah.

Nate: Oh, so you became a gluto... umm *cough*... into your food... Nice. I'm more cheerful than I was as a kid.
Juniper: Well, I really like my food so it's worked out well.
Nate: *Nods* That's .. umm good then eh.

Nate: You just have to remember that you're beautiful just as you are, right? Doesn't matter what you are or what you're not.
Juniper: Aww, that's so nice of you to say that.

Juniper: *General chit chat... and then quite a lot more chit chat...
Nate: *Thinking* Woah... Juniper can really talk!

Nate: Well, it's been great catching up. I guess I'll see you at school on Monday eh?
Juniper: Yeah, we're in the same English class.
Nate: Nice, see you there then.