Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 468034 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #900 on: September 03, 2015, 09:37:09 PM »
Congrats!  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #901 on: September 03, 2015, 10:31:24 PM »
Congratulations! to Abi for her first ambrosia, to Charlotte for her wedding and giving birth, and to you for making it to Generation 8. Nate is a cutie.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #902 on: September 04, 2015, 04:38:19 AM »
Congrats Abi! Good call on changing that top  ;)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #903 on: September 04, 2015, 04:29:39 PM »
What a handsome boy Nate is!  It's kind of sad to see such beautiful people get all wrinkly and saggy.  Ah well, one of the reasons I avoid mirrors.  lol
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #904 on: September 05, 2015, 12:25:27 AM »
Thank you everyone for sticking with the story! Much appreciated.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #905 on: September 05, 2015, 12:59:47 AM »
Chapter 184: A Visitor

Mal: Hey! How was your day?
Nate: Hi dad! It was pretty good, nothing much happened except this really annoying girl keeps wanting to copy my work.

Mal: Aw she probably just feels a little lost, try saying hi to her tomorrow. You might be surprised how nice she actually is.

Nate: Hmm, ooo, this is tricky Dad.
Mal: Want me to take a look and give you a clue?

Nate: No way! Lol, I'm a big boy now!
Mal: K, then, play your best hand.

Oh! You're home!
Dude: Hm hmm.
Tough day huh?
Dude: Yep overrun with tourists again.
Dude: You know it.

Dude:Well, that made a big mess.
Um yeah! Maybe you should upgrade the tub to self cleaning eh?
Dude: Yep, that's a good idea.

Abi: Oh! *Gasp*

Abi: Oh honey, it's so good to see you again.

Justin: Oh Abi, I love you darling.

Charlotte: Dad!!
Justin: Gosh! Look at you all grown up! Love you sweetheart, how are you?
Charlotte: Good dad, real good!

Dude: Take a load off, relax for a bit. Are you hungry? Do you want anything?
Justin: *Groan* Oo, it's good to sit down. I'm good thanks Winston, it's just great to be here.
Abi: It's fantastic!

Nate: Hi you must be my granddad!
Justin: Well, hello there wee man, nice to meet you.

Dude: You know you're really missed Justin, visit whenever you can, anytime.
Justin: I know, thanks Winston. I will... if I can. How is everyone? What have you all been doing?
Nate: Mum's been working really hard, she's nearly completed everything!
Justin: That's wonderful news. And how are you going at school Nate?
Nate: I'm an 'A' student granddad.
Justin: Good for you.

Abi: Time for bed Nate.
Nate: It's been awesome to meet you Granddad.
Justin: You too Nate, keep up the good work my boy, we're all proud of you.

The Next Day...

Charlotte: Happy birthday Katelyn!
Nate: Hi Teresa and Madelynn.

Katelyn(Blue kid): My party's going to be a flop ...
Dude: Don't say that hun, we're all here to make sure you have fun.
Nate: It's not that Pop, the caterer hasn't turned up!
Dude: I'll bake you a cake sweetie.

Gosh it's dark in here.
Dude: I know.
Poor wee Katelyn, good thing you were here.
Dude: Hmm, it's no problem baking her a birthday cake.

Maci: (Blue Hat) I had my teen birthday yesterday. I didn't really want a party.
Teresa: That's ok, I probably won't have a party either.
Nate: Well, I'm just glad we're all here now. School's too busy to be able to talk to you all properly.

Nate: Come on everyone, cake time!

Dude:Make a wish Katelyn!

Nate: Woo! Happy birthday Katelyn!

Nate: Many happy returns Katelyn.
Katelyn: Thanks!

Nate: Happy birthday Katelyn, I hope you had a happy day.
Katelyn: I did Nate, thanks.

Oh! You arrived then. Nice place for the cake.
Caterer: Least I tried.
*Sigh* true.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #906 on: September 05, 2015, 01:53:56 AM »
Chapter 185: Family Time

Abi: That looks really nice Nate.
Nate: Thanks Nan, I'm making it for dad. It's a surprise.
Mac: Well, it's time for you to go pack your bag Nate.
Nate: Cool!

Mal: Gosh, Nate's already heading off without us!
Charlotte: Lol, I know, it's all he's been talking about all week.

Mal: It's so beautiful here. Part of me feels a bit guilty for not inviting everyone....

Mal: ... but part of me is quite happy being selfish, it's so lovely having you all to myself.

Nate: Hey dad, you want to go head-to-head over horseshoes?
Mal: Sure thing.

Mal: That was a pretty good toss Nate.

Nate: OOo close miss Dad.

Nate: Aw, that toss sucked.

Mal: Yuk, mosquitoes! *swipe*

Nate: Well dad, I kinda kicked your butt.
Mal: lol, I think you kinda did!

Nate: How do you know if your chef is a clown?
Mal: Dunno?
Nate: Your food tastes funny.

Charlotte: What do you call a line of rabbits bouncing backwards?
Nate: Dunno mum.
Charlotte: A receding hare line.

Nate: This has been the best day ever!
Charlotte: Agreed, it's been pretty fun.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #907 on: September 05, 2015, 02:25:22 AM »
Chapter 186: A New Skill

Nate: Pop, I've been thinking.
Dude: About what?
Nate: I want to learn how to fish.
Dude: Nice, we can go do that.
Nate: Now?
Dude: Sure, no time like the present. Let's go.

Dude: Right, so you might not catch a fish immediately. Takes patience, k?
Nate: So, how long am I going to have to wait?
Dude: Who knows! You've just got to get your line out there and wait.

Dude: That's it, get your lure right out to the far side of the stream.
Nate: Got it Pop, thanks.
Dude: K, now just wait.

Nate: Wow, this really is a waiting game.
Dude: Yep. *Nods* It sure is.

Hi Grim! How's it going?
Grim: I'm actually a bit stuck. Dude's not with you is he?
Sure, he's just over by the stream fishing with Nate.
Grim: Do you think he could give some pointers?
Dunno, I'll go ask...

Dude: Well.... you can't really move your King like that.
Grim: Why not?
Dude: 'Cos he can only move one square at a time.
Grim: But I need him all the way over here.
Dude: Hmm... still can only move him one square at a time...

Dude: There ya go. See, by using your other pieces you can win fairly, without having to resort to cheating.
Grim: Hmm, I quite like cheating though.

Nate: WATCHER!!!
I'm here! Lol.
Nate: *Excitedly* I've got something!

Nate: Ugh... a weed fish.
Well, I'm sure it will be a real fish next time.

Nate: Thanks for your encouragement watcher.
You're welcome. That's what I'm here for.
Nate: I think I know what I want to be when I'm all grown up.
Really? Gosh! You've got ages before you need to make any decisions.
Nate: I know but I've been thinking about everything already...
Well, whatever you want will be fine I'm sure. Besides, you've got a house-full of people who all will be cheering you on.

Dude: Right, so no cheating... remember what I've taught you and may the best player win.
Grim: K. *looks at Maci* Woah! What's with the attitude Maci?
Maci: Nothing personal... just hate seeing a cheater.
Dude:*cough* Umm... it's all good here Maci, I'm sure Grim's got his game sorted...

Nate: Yeah...lost another one. *sigh*
No worries, there's plenty fish still jumping, throw your line out again Nate.

Dude: What did I tell you Maci, Grim's game was clean!
Maci: I'm impressed Grim.
Grim: Thanks. *blush*

Dude: Check these out, not bad for an old man eh?
Grim: oooOOO.
Maci: *eye roll* Really?

Grim: Thanks for the tips Dude, better run.
Dude: Thanks for the fun afternoon Grim, see ya round.

Dude: How's it going Nate:
Nate: Aw, I haven't caught anything yet.

Dude: You need to remember that every minute spent fishing increases your skill, which means that your likelihood of catching a fish goes up. Give it another go Nate, I bet you catch something.
Nate: K, Pop...

Nate: Come on fish.

Nate: I've done it watcher!
Woo! It's a cutie!

Nate: Ooo, this one feels HUGE!

Wow! That's a great catch Nate. Good job!
Nate: Thanks. *grin*

Dude: Can you go get Nate, I don't know about him but I'm starving!
K..on it.

Another great catch!
Nate: Thanks!
Dinner time by the way.
Nate: Awesome.

Dude: So how's your day been Nate?
Nate: The second best day ever!
Dude: Nice.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #908 on: September 05, 2015, 03:03:49 AM »
Chapter 187: Busy Day

Nice to see you all eating breakfast. What are you talking about?
Julien: Whether aliens are real.
Huh? What kind of conversation is that? Like, hello? Of course aliens are real.....UFO's... you know?
Zahra: Maybe it's just some sort of mass hysteria.
*Drily* Riiight. So all of Dude's alien nooboos have just been figments of my imagination.

Dude: Morning watcher.
So... are you busy today?
Dude: Kinda, well I've got work in a minute.
I thought I might come with you.
Dude: Sure! That'll be fun!

Wow, it's been so long since I've been here. I'd forgotten how huge this place is.
Dude: Been too long watcher, let's have some fun!
*Snicker* Ok!

Dude: Oops! Takes a bit of time getting serum's correct. No worries though, you've got plenty of time to learn.

Dude: Right, off you go, through the portal and I expect a written report on my desk first thing tomorrow.
Lab Tech: Gotcha Boss.

Umm.. are you sure it's safe for him to travel to Sixam without a suit on?
Dude: Nope.

Dude: Well, it's a shame you're know what's coming, don't you?

Lady Lab Tech: Oh nooo NOOoo....

Dude: Lol, well, that'll hold her for the day!
Aw man! I've missed this. What's next?

OOoo, how'd your trip to Sixam go?
Lab Tech: *Traumatized* Don't ask.
*Gleeful snicker*

Dude: Hmm... that's strange, the portal hasn't shut down....


Dude: Right, so this is my lab and as long as you don't touch the scientific equipment you're more than welcome to have a good look around....

Dude: Just need you to do one thing for me first...
Alien: Sure, just ask!

Hmm, where is she sprinting off too?
Dude: Oh, nowhere in particular... lol

Hahahha, Panic Stations! LOL

Dude!! I've just remembered something!!!

Dude: Oh yes, my spare satellite... hmm where's my remote control...
Oh man! This is gonna be great!


Oh lol, panicking and imminent bladder failure... Perfect!

*Sigh* The day just goes way too quickly.
Dude: Yeah, it's been fun with you here.
Well, nice of you to chip her out.
Dude: *snicker* That's me, Mr Nice Guy.

Awww frozen and now imminent bladder failure. *Sigh* Perfect end to a perfect day.

Lab Techs to each other: Do you think the Boss'll bring her back tomorrow?
... Man, I seriously hope not, today's sucked.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #909 on: September 05, 2015, 03:36:12 AM »
Haha... that's a great work day Dude had!  :D

I haven't exactly been able to follow the story from the beginning, but about the chapters I've read during the past few weeks, I just wanted to say, fantastic story, keep up the great work and soon enough the Hollingsworths will have their place in the Hall Of Fame!  :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #910 on: September 05, 2015, 03:38:35 AM »
Chapter 188: Charlotte's Done

Abi: You know watcher, it's a bit creepy having this skeleton right outside's the kids bedroom don't you think?
Oh...good point, I didn't really think about it from that perspective!

Nate: Would you mind if I finished my homework over at dads?
Abi: Not at all, that's a good idea. Have fun.
Nate: Will do!

Nate: Hiya dad.
Mal: Hi kiddo, great to see you.

Mal: Well, let's get your homework out the way eh?
Nate: K.

Nate: umm, you haven't got any cookies by any chance have you dad?
Mal: What kind of dad do you take me for? 'Course I have!!

Nate: Hmm... pretty good!
Mal: Hmm, maybe a tad too much baking powder...
Nate: Still my fav cookies.
Mal: Well, time to get you home eh.

Nate: Mum should be home really soon. She'll be so excited to see you.
Mal: Is that right. You know son, I think I'll be pretty happy to see her too.

Mal: This is really good son. I'm impressed!
Nate: Thanks dad, I've been doing my extra credit homework all week.
Mal: Nice, it shows. Good job.

Mal: Just watch those capital letters Nate.

Nate: You know dad, I think that I'm going to enjoy being a teen.
Mal: I'm sure you will but what's making you think about that?
Nate: Well most of my good friends are now teens and they talk about all the fun stuff they get up to.
Mal: Fair enough... just remember you've got certain requirements and goals to do too son.
Nate: I know dad.

Charlotte: You're showing my face watcher? And I'm in my daggy work clothes!!!
Lol, I know hun but you have just got your last promotion and maxed your career!

Charlotte: So what else do I need to do?
Nothing hun, just time now.

Mal: Congratulations hun, I'm really proud of you.
Charlotte: Thanks love.
Mal: Shall we celebrate?
Charlotte: After you!

Charlotte: Woo! Feeling good!

Mal: Well you know what hun? I've just realized we've got the rest of our lives just to focus on Nate and to do what we want.
Charlotte: I know, lol, it feels so good!

Mal: Thanks for the pointers Julien.
Julien: No worries.

Charlotte: Wow, that was a great work out! I'm so pumped!!
Mal: Agreed. I think I'll sleep well tonight though.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #911 on: September 05, 2015, 03:49:23 AM »
@Roxanne07 thanks. Still got a fair bit to do with gen 8 but fingers crossed no accidents happen!!  :)

So Charlotte's finished all ambrosia requirements with 5 days until her adult birthday. She has used 'hack work progress', 'negotiate a bonus' and 'make connections' to max her career. The skills were maxed out in her teen years. She has collected 10 microscope prints for her museum items so they are already placed in the museum. I will update her stats with her friends once she is an elder as they will undoubtedly change between now and then.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #912 on: September 05, 2015, 06:01:20 AM »
Congrats to Charlotte! You're flying through this now. She's really pretty. I love seeing her and Mal together  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #913 on: September 05, 2015, 10:38:52 AM »
I'm away for a day and look at the progress you've made. Here's to no accidents *toast with coffee*!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #914 on: September 05, 2015, 11:18:38 AM »
Oh My Wow, she is gorgeous! You really have had amazing luck with Simnetics, Play! But then again, you started with Winston and a hotter Sim I have yet to see! It stands to reason that any fruit of his loins would continue the hotness! Congrats on almost finishing! Can't wait to see that HoF entry!

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

