Chapter 183: Abi's ImmortalZahra: That's the way! You really need to max your fitness out before your birthday my dear. Exercising is very exhausting if you aren't at the top of your game once you become an elder.
Abi: I know Gran, it's just that I've been quite busy writing my comedy memoirs.
Zahra: Well, have a good day Abi, I'll see you after work.

Mal: Morning.
Charlotte: Morning hun, I didn't know you were here!
Mal: Just wanted to spend a bit of time with Nate this morning, making sure he was ready for school.
Charlotte: Hm hmm, want to grab some breakfast?
Mal: Sure, that would be good.

Nate: Did you know that locusts have leg muscles that are about 1000 times more powerful than an equal weight of our muscles?
Abi: Nope, I didn't know that at all.

Abi: How do you know that?
Nate: Well I was looking at Grandpa Caleb's insect collection and he was telling me all about them.
Abi: What? How did you get down into the basement?
Nate: I used my special powers!
Abi: Huh?
Nate: Nooo, the watcher let us go down there 'cos she said she had some stuff to put into the museum.
Abi: oh, right. You didn't touch anything when you were down there though did you?
Nope: Granddpa Caleb made me put my hands in my pockets the whole time.
Abi: lol, good idea!

Mal: Wow! This tastes great! Did you cook it?
Charlotte: I wish, no granddad did. He's been telling me I'm too skinny. *sigh*
Mal: I love you just the way you are hun but a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt, just saying.
Charlotte: Clever answer husband!

Well that's everyone off to school or work. Nice to have a quiet house.Abi: Hmm, it is actually.
You know you don't have to write any more comedy books eh?Abi: Yep, I'm playing My Sims.

Nate: Woah! I wasn't being rude watcher but this lady's all mean.
Never mind her then... how was your school day?Nate: Good. 'pose you're going to make me do my homework then?
You guessed right.
Nate: Umm, are you ok Grandpa Caleb?
Caleb: Never better.
Nate: K, then.

Julien: Homework all done Nate?
Nate: Yep, first bit anyway.

Nate: Thought you could help me with the last bit later mum 'cos its all about numbers and letters. It's a bit strange.
Charlotte: 12 minus a equals 6?
Nate: Exactly. I mean how can you even take 'a' away from 12. And 12 what's anyway. It makes no sense.
Abi: Why are you looking like that watcher?
Umm.... no reason.Dude: Would you like to help Nate with his math? *snicker*
Umm... no, I'm a bit busy later...Dude: lol

Nate: I love this bit. Do the funny voice mum.

Dude: That really is a funny voice!
Nate: Told you Pop, mum's the best at reading stories.

Dude: So did you get your math homework done. The watcher doesn't look very busy right now.
Oh...I am...totally.Nate: Ummm.... I might ask mum. I think she get's it a bit better than you do watcher. Probably anyway.
Dude: I'd say definitely Nate.
I get it...*Glares at Dude* Just that it would be better for Charlotte to do it 'cos I've got Abi's birthday to sort.
Charlotte: It's actually really easy... you just have to use the facts you know to work out 'a'. So... 12 minus what equals 6?
Nate: Ohhh! That is easy... why didn't my teacher just say that?
Charlotte: Maybe she wanted you to figure it out at home...anyway, next question?

Nate: Thanks mum.
Charlotte: You're welcome.
Nate: I wish dad was here.
Charlotte: Me too.

Abi: Here goes.
Happy birthday Dear Abi!
Abi: Oh!
Dude: Oh!

Abi: Oh!
Dude: Yep, it's something.
Just keep going till it's all gone Abi then we can give you a bit of a mini-make over. Give you something a little more suitable for your age...Abi: But I like this top watcher.
I know hun, but it's making you look ginormous...
Well *sigh* That's another of you joining the ranks of immortal sims.Dude: Yep, its another great milestone.
Julien: We're getting closer and closer to the end of it all.

Dude: There you are! You look lovely.
Abi: Thanks!

Dude: Congratulations on completing all your requirements and making it to immortality. The 6th Hollingsworth to do so.
Abi: Thanks so much. *sigh* I can finally just relax now.
Well done Abi, you've done the dynasty proud.
So this is what the museum looks like now. Abi's comedy book on the table to the right, under Julien's mixology drinks... that have now spoiled! lol

A close up and from left to right starting with the bottom row: Jokes7 $1320, Jokes From The Punderground $1316, Jokes 2 $1290, And Another Thing More @1228, Jokes From Somewhere $1139, Once More $1032, And Another Thing $992, Jokes 3 $967, LOL $935, And Another Thing Yet Again $925, Total = $11,144.
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