Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465103 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #885 on: September 02, 2015, 02:22:47 AM »
Congrats on Gen 8. Almost there! Can't wait to read the rest of the story even though I know that means it has to end!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #886 on: September 02, 2015, 03:19:17 AM »
Congrats! You're so close to the end. I'm gonna miss this story  :(

It's too bad that Mal didn't even get to see the nooboo be born

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #887 on: September 02, 2015, 08:03:48 AM »
Oh Congrats Play!! Congrats to Charlotte and Mal..
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #888 on: September 02, 2015, 08:55:57 AM »
Looks like I have caught up in time for the finale! Well done Play, you have managed to stick with it and pulled through with fresh ideas and a good story! Finish line is so close now!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #889 on: September 02, 2015, 01:36:07 PM »
@Magpie2012 , thank you, I can hardy believe I'm playing gen 8 myself!
@Cristina , I chose Dude and Mal to join Charlotte at the hospital, Mal appeared outside and then stood waving his arms at the door and Dude never showed up at all... I wasn't amused.  >:(  Still, gen 8 made it safely anyway I guess.
@sdhoey , thanks.  :)
@KTK10 , yay, you're back again! I must admit to just racing through the last few chapters, story is kinda taking a back seat to actually just getting to the end but there's still quite a way to go. I'll try to keep it interesting... hopefully!!  ::)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #890 on: September 02, 2015, 01:37:46 PM »
You can do it. I am trying to get thru to the end with mine. Lol I just can't believe your almost there..

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #891 on: September 02, 2015, 02:15:23 PM »
@sdhoey, it takes a really long time on normal life span eh... those last 5 days of child and teen kill me! lol
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #892 on: September 02, 2015, 02:15:41 PM »
Chapter 188:Meeting the Neighbors

Charlotte: Well little Nate, you better be  a good boy today for your daddy. Your great times 6 grandfather's taking me out and about to meet some of our new neighbors.

Charlotte: Ooo so cute little Nathan Hollingsworth, I could just kiss you all up.
Nate: *Coo*

Mal: Oh I so want to cuddle Nate, I can't wait for him to wake up!
I'm sure he'll be awake in no time at all. Have fun, see ya later.
Mal: Thanks, see ya watcher.

Dude: Hi ladies, Nice to meet you. I'm Winston.
Carla: (Shorts) Hello, this is my daughter, Lesley and my son's inside somewhere.
Dude:'ve picked a lovely neighborhood to move into.
Carla: And what do you do for a job?
Dude: I'm a scientist.

Lesley: So, is it true... do you really get to make contact with aliens?
Dude: *huge dramatic story about first contact*
Lesley: Ooo
Carla: Right.

Dude: Umm... so bit tricky to watch TV when you keep changing the channel...
Carla: Was just thinking that myself Dude.

Yeah, might be time to leave Charlotte, seems this teens getting a crush on you... hasn't stopped grinning since you said 'hello'. *snort*
Charlotte: Well, lovely playing chess with you but we've got to keep moving, lot's more neighbors to meet. You know.
Teen: *Grinning madly* Bye then. *Grin*

Charlotte: *huge fangirl convo about some random anime character*
Petra:(Ugg Boots): OMG, I know, right!!
Dude: Well, gosh, poor you Barron having to live with two chatter box ladies!
Barron: *Glumly* Tell me about it... they both just never stop... *sigh*

Dude... I seriously hope you are not trying to look up Petra's skirt!
Dude: What?? Oh my gosh...can it watcher... as if!

Dude: Thanks for lunch Hailey.
Hailey: You're most welcome Winston. It's nice to meet you both, sometimes it can be a bit difficult making new friends in a new town.
Dude: Oh I'm sure you'll make new friends quite easily here, most people are very welcoming.

Dude: Oh! You're evil. Right.

Dude: You know Hailey, it's never too late to change your ways.
Barron: Uh oh, full scale battle ensuing.

I think I might join you out here... getting a bit heated in there.
Charlotte: Hmm hm.
Dude's trying to convince Hailey to change her evil ways.
Charlotte: How's that working for him?
Not good. I think Hailey's enjoying making a new enemy.

Charlotte: Well, that wasn't too bad, considering.
Dude: Are you kidding me? I feel like I've done 20 rounds at the gym. That woman's got a mean streak a mile wide. Sheesh.
Charlotte: Lol, well it was your idea to meet the new neighbors.

Dude: Time for the last newbie on the street. Gotta be better than the last anyway.

Dude: Ooo, seriously cold in this house!
Charlotte: Huh?

Charlotte: This is a bit strange G5. It feels a little awkward just sitting here....
Dude: Tell me about it. Maybe they had work or something.
Charlotte: Hmm, I guess we should go.

Dude: Oh! Solved the case of the missing neighbor... *sigh* OK. Time to go.
Charlotte: Home?
Dude: One last stop before home.
Charlotte: I think I've had enough meet'n'greet for one day G5.
Dude: Oh, you'll love this last visit, trust me.

Charlotte: Mal!!
Dude: Lol, I'll leave you two alone then. See you both.
Mal: Thanks Winston. Love you Charlotte, how was your day?
Charlotte: lol, you wouldn't believe how strange it all got!

Mal: Well this might help you forget all that now! *wink*

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #893 on: September 02, 2015, 02:42:49 PM »
Chapter 181: Meeting Nate

Time to get cracking people, things to do etc.
Dude: Hmm? K.

Nice unity there boys. lol

Dude: Here, lemme give you a hand out of the cot.. Oooo, my back!

Nathan: Woah! I can't believe that seconds ago I was just a tiny thing that actually fitted inside that cot!

Charlotte: Happy birthday son.
Nate: Thanks mum.

Dude: Happy birthday Nate.
Nate: Thanks pop.

Nate: Keep talking amongst yourselves, just gotta make a quick wardrobe change.
Dude: Oh!

Nate: So this dynasty thing we're in... I'm the last one?
Dude: You are.
Nate: And I have to get all those requirements done?
Dude: You do.
Nate: And if I don't the last 300 or so sim days will have been all for nothing?
Dude: They will.
Nate: K, so no pressure.

Nate: So how did all this start anyways pop?
Dude: A long, long time ago the watcher...
Oi! Don't blame this on me!
Dude: As I was saying.... a long long time ago the watcher...

Dude: You'll be fine. Mwhaa!
Nate: Aw! Pop!
Come on squirt, places to go, people to meet....
Nate: Coming watcher...

Nate: Dad!!!!
Mal: Come here wee fella! *squeezy hug*

Nate: Come on Dad!
Mal: K, *surprised* Hope I don't bowl you over!

Nate: Woo! No way! I'm tough!
Mal: lol, so you are!

Nate: Smiiiiiile!!
Well, that's some serious male bonding going there Nate.
Nate: You know it watcher, me and my dad are tight!

Nate: Aw, pleeeease dad, a trip to the park would be awesome! Mum could come too....

Nate: Pleeeease? I wouldn't even care if you and mum sneaked away to kiss and stuff....
Mal: Lol

Mal: What dad could refuse such a face! Come on, let's do it. Go tell your mum we'll go as soon a she's ready.
Nate: Woo! Thanks dad.

Charlotte: Do you want to go find a seat? Or something?
Mal: Certainly something....
Nate: You know what watcher?
Nate: I'm not even grossed out that my dad and mum like to kiss...I think it's pretty awesome.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #894 on: September 02, 2015, 03:13:46 PM »
Chapter 182: Park Trip

Mal: I have my sons full permission to 'sneak away and kiss you and stuff'. So how about it?
Charlotte: Well, if you put it like that, you might just get lucky.
Mal: Lol, love you hun.

Maci: (Glasses) Hi, are you new?
Nate: I guess so. I'm Nathan, but you can call me Nate.

Charlotte: So, this morning G5 sat down with Nate and told him all about his role in our dynasty. It seems a bit young to be telling him but G5 seemed to think Nate would be better off knowing it all from the start.
Mal: Good, I agree. Winton and I talked about this the other day... I think Nate needs to know that he'll need to knuckle down early eh.
Charlotte: I guess so.
Mal: He'll be fine, he's got so many people who love him and can help him. Honestly... Nate'll be totally fine love.
Charlotte: *smiling* It's nice being here with you Mal.
Mal: You took the words right outta my mouth.

Maci: What is that boy even doing?
Madelyn:(Red hair) Telling a joke Maci, you know.... humor?

Maci: Oh! I get it! Lol, that's pretty funny!

Charlotte: Oh! There's Grim!

Charlotte: Whatever you do hun, don't play chess with Grim, he's a terrible cheater.
Mal: Huh, that seems pretty unsportsman-like even for him.

Mal: You know babe, I've been thinking...
Charlotte: Did it hurt?
Mal: Lol, NO! Anyway, we should go on a family holiday, after all we didn't get a honeymoon because of your work commitments.
Charlotte: Good idea. Let me figure out my work shifts and then we can sort it from there.
Mal: Nate will be so excited.

Katelyn: I don't play with boys.
Nate: Naa... that's silly, come on, let's go have some fun. I'll meet ya by the pirate ship in a sec.

Nate: Not being rude but you really shouldn't litter.

Townie: It wasn't me, it was that lady over there.
Nate: Oh! That's pretty strange 'cos I'm pretty sure it was you I saw rummaging in the bin.

Nate: Kraken in coming!!!
Katelyn: *Giggle* You were right Nate, this is fun!

Charlotte: Bye sweetie.
Mal: *muffled* Ohhh!
Charlotte: Just something to think about on your way home.
Mal: Hm hmm...*melt*

Katelyn: Ewwww gross! Look at those two...
Nate: No, that's my mum and dad, they're cool and they love each other.
Katelyn: Oh. How come they don't live together then?
Nate: We've no more room at home.
Katelyn: We've got 8 sims in our house too. So... it's kinda like your fault that your dad has to live somewhere else then.
Nate: Oh! Umm... I guess so....
Katelyn: Well, it's late I better go. I had fun today.
Nate: Me too, see you at school.
Katelyn. Yep.

Dude: *Growling* What time to you call this young man???
Dude: LOL, Na, just goshin' with ya. Did you have a great day?
Nate: Whew Pop, you scared the life outta me... and yeah, had a good day.
Dude: Good, well... bed time.
Nate: I don't think I can sleep now after you scared me like that!
Dude: LOL

Next morning...

Dude: And that's check mate...again!
Nate: Aw, rats. You're too good Pop.

Charlotte: Have a good day at school hun.
Nate: Eww, will do mum.

Zahra: That is some work uniform you've got there Charlotte.
Charlotte: I know, can't wait for my next promotion.
Zahra: It might be worse!
Charlotte: Than this? I seriously doubt it!
Zahra: Lol.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #895 on: September 02, 2015, 07:08:39 PM »
That Nate is one cute little guy.
You are just zipping right along, but for you it must still seem a long slog.


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #896 on: September 03, 2015, 06:12:17 AM »
Aww loved the family trip. Nate seems like a great kid  :D

Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #897 on: September 03, 2015, 03:41:11 PM »
@KRae , it does feel like I have quite a while still to go. The childhood stage seems to take forever! For dynasty purposes 13 days is just waaaay too long. Luckily Nate should be pretty busy through his teen years so that should help those 13 days zip by.
@Cristina, it is fun to play Nate although I'm finding it quite tricky as I had all these ideas about great father-son trips... but of course I don't control Malcolm so these aren't really working out too well.  ::) *Cue Dude*  ;)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #898 on: September 03, 2015, 04:21:56 PM »
Chapter 183: Abi's Immortal

Zahra: That's the way! You really need to max your fitness out before your birthday my dear. Exercising is very exhausting if you aren't at the top of your game once you become an elder.
Abi: I know Gran, it's just that I've been quite busy writing my comedy memoirs.
Zahra: Well, have a good day Abi, I'll see you after work.

Mal: Morning.
Charlotte: Morning hun, I didn't know you were here!
Mal: Just wanted to spend a bit of time with Nate this morning, making sure he was ready for school.
Charlotte: Hm hmm, want to grab some breakfast?
Mal: Sure, that would be good.

Nate: Did you know that locusts have leg muscles that are about 1000 times more powerful than an equal weight of our muscles?
Abi: Nope, I didn't know that at all.

Abi: How do you know that?
Nate: Well I was looking at Grandpa Caleb's insect collection and he was telling me all about them.
Abi: What? How did you get down into the basement?
Nate: I used my special powers!
Abi: Huh?
Nate: Nooo, the watcher let us go down there 'cos she said she had some stuff to put into the museum.
Abi: oh, right. You didn't touch anything when you were down there though did you?
Nope: Granddpa Caleb made me put my hands in my pockets the whole time.
Abi: lol, good idea!

Mal: Wow! This tastes great! Did you cook it?
Charlotte: I wish, no granddad did. He's been telling me I'm too skinny. *sigh*
Mal: I love you just the way you are hun but a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt, just saying.
Charlotte: Clever answer husband!

Well that's everyone off to school or work. Nice to have a quiet house.
Abi: Hmm, it is actually.
You know you don't have to write any more comedy books eh?
Abi: Yep, I'm playing My Sims.

Nate: Woah! I wasn't being rude watcher but this lady's all mean.
Never mind her then... how was your school day?
Nate: Good. 'pose you're going to make me do my homework then?
You guessed right.

Nate: Umm, are you ok Grandpa Caleb?
Caleb: Never better.
Nate: K, then.

Julien: Homework all done Nate?
Nate: Yep, first bit anyway.

Nate: Thought you could help me with the last bit later mum 'cos its all about numbers and letters. It's a bit strange.
Charlotte: 12 minus a equals 6?
Nate: Exactly. I mean how can you even take 'a' away from 12. And 12 what's anyway. It makes no sense.
Abi: Why are you looking like that watcher?
Umm.... no reason.
Dude: Would you like to help Nate with his math? *snicker*
Umm... no, I'm a bit busy later...
Dude: lol

Nate: I love this bit. Do the funny voice mum.

Dude: That really is a funny voice!
Nate: Told you Pop, mum's the best at reading stories.

Dude: So did you get your math homework done. The watcher doesn't look very busy right now.
Oh...I am...totally.
Nate: Ummm.... I might ask mum. I think she get's it a bit better than you do watcher. Probably anyway.
Dude: I'd say definitely Nate.
I get it...*Glares at Dude* Just that it would be better for Charlotte to do it 'cos I've got Abi's birthday to sort.

Charlotte: It's actually really easy... you just have to use the facts you know to work out 'a'. So... 12 minus what equals 6?
Nate: Ohhh! That is easy... why didn't my teacher just say that?
Charlotte: Maybe she wanted you to figure it out at home...anyway, next question?

Nate: Thanks mum.
Charlotte: You're welcome.
Nate: I wish dad was here.
Charlotte: Me too.

Abi: Here goes.

Happy birthday Dear Abi!

Abi: Oh!
Dude: Oh!

Abi: Oh!
Dude: Yep, it's something.
Just keep going till it's all gone Abi then we can give you a bit of a mini-make over. Give you something a little more suitable for your age...
Abi: But I like this top watcher.
I know hun, but it's making you look ginormous...

Well *sigh* That's another of you joining the ranks of immortal sims.
Dude: Yep, its another great milestone.
Julien: We're getting closer and closer to the end of it all.

Dude: There you are! You look lovely.
Abi: Thanks!

Dude: Congratulations on completing all your requirements and making it to immortality. The 6th Hollingsworth to do so.
Abi: Thanks so much. *sigh* I can finally just relax now.
Well done Abi, you've done the dynasty proud.

So this is what the museum looks like now. Abi's comedy book on the table to the right, under Julien's mixology drinks... that have now spoiled! lol

A close up and from left to right starting with the bottom row: Jokes7 $1320, Jokes From The Punderground $1316, Jokes 2 $1290, And Another Thing More @1228, Jokes From Somewhere $1139, Once More $1032, And Another Thing $992, Jokes 3 $967, LOL $935, And Another Thing Yet Again $925, Total = $11,144.

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“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #899 on: September 03, 2015, 05:04:41 PM »
Congrats Abi

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