Chapter 148: Starting To Find Her WayDo you ever get bored of doing that?Dude: Nope.
Never?Dude: Never.
Ever?Dude: *sigh* No watcher, I do not ever get bored of calibrating the worm hole generator. Besides it helps me to get focused for work.
K. just checkin'
So watcha got planned for your day off?Julien: Lots of training. Since my birthday I seem to be piling on the weight round my gut.
Yeah. Noticed that. That has to stop.Julien: Right. Way to make me feel good about myself.
No problem.
Julien: *Eye roll*
Have a good day at work.Dude: Thanks. Don't strain your eyes.
Huh?Dude: With all that watchin' you do.
Oh! *snort* Gotcha.
Caleb: Your homework looks fine Abi.
Abi: Thanks granddad. I think all that extra mentoring has helped quite a bit.

Abi: Hey did you hear the one about <various gross comments>?
Caleb: Ewww, Abi! That's not at all lady like.
Abi: Hmm, I did wonder if it was a bit much.
Caleb: Yeah. It is. Totally. Just because you want to be a comedian doesn't mean you have to develop a crude sense of humour, love.
Abi: K. Gotcha. I'm heading out in a bit. Can you tell dad for me?
Caleb: Yep. Have fun, be safe and don't tell anymore gross jokes!
Quick boost to your confidence?Abi: Na, just maxing out charisma and my first aspiration.
Abi's gone out for the night.Julien: Oh! O.K. then.
How you liking yoga?Julien: Surprisingly fun watcher.
Well if that doesn't trim your waist down I don't know what will.Julien: It's actually more about hitting the zone.
What zone?Julien: The one where I can't hear your voice anymore.

Abi: Oh there's Van. Gosh, he looks pretty sad.

Abi: Hiya Van. You're looking a bit glum.
Van: Yeah, didn't make it home for my birthday...just sorta aged up here all alone.
Abi: Oh Van! Poor you, happy birthday though. You know you look pretty cute all aged up.
Van: Thanks! You're not so shabby yourself Abi!
Abi: Lol. I'm heading to the club to try out some jokes. Wanna come too?
Van: Would love to but I really need to get home. Some other time for sure though. Right?
Abi: Right. See ya!

Abi: Oh it's nearly empty!
Probably better that way. Least if you bomb no one will know.Abi: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Oh no! What I meant was... umm... the smaller the crowd the easier it's gonna be for your first gig, eh. After all, you're still finding your way with all this.Abi: I know watcher. Relax. I'm used to you now.

Journey(Pink striped shirt): Ooo this should be good.
Lisa SKL: Hmm... she looks a bit nervous.
Abi: <Clearing throat> Two aliens walk into a bar.....

A few jokes later...
Abi: Thanks for watching guys.
Journey: That was great Abi! Well done!

Abi: So what did you think Lisa? honestly?
Lisa SKL: It was good Abi. better than I could have done on my first time performing.
Journey: I reckon! Stick with it Abi and before long you'll be famous.
Abi: Well, just employed would be a start, you know!

Mark: Wow you're up early!
Abi: Oh, actually I'm just heading home!
Mark: Gosh Abi, your dad will tear strips off you staying out all night!
Abi: Oh no....nothing like that. I've been trying out my jokes at the nightclub.

Abi: I didn't think I had to do extra credit homework now I'm an A student.
Cristine: Can't afford to let that grade slip though Abi.
Julien: Besides it doesn't take long. Watch that punctuation.
Abi: K.

Abi: Man all the grands have been in the hot tub for ages. I hope they're not incontinent.
Julien: Good grief! So do I! I always take a soak after a work out...ewww.
Abi: Lol, might wanna change that water dad.
Julien: Lol

Zahra: Look Granddad, I really think we need a holiday, or at least a weekend away somewhere.
Caleb: Mum's got a point. It's been nose to the grind stone for ages now.
Dude: Hmm, I don't think Abi can afford the time away but I do know of somewhere new we could go check out for a day trip...