Chapter 147: Julien's Adult BirthdayWyatt: Wow, Abi grew up so tall!
Julien: She sure did Wyatt.
Abi: K Dad, your party is all called in.
Oh! A proper call-it-in party?Abi: Yep, I wanted dad's birthday to be my first party.

Justin: Oh I hope you're not going to spit on your cake Julien.
Happy Birthday Julien! May all your adult days be filled with joy!
Caleb: Congratulations son.
Julien: Thanks dad.

Abi: Happy birthday dad.
Julien: Happy birthday yourself hun. I love you.
Abi: Love ya too dad.

Caleb: Here's to the two special birthday sims! I would toast you with a proper drink only our watcher's a big meanie and won't return our bar!
Lol, serves you all right for abusing the privilege!
Three sims dancing, check. Thanks guys, you got that goal done in record time.Mac: Well, we're pretty clued up now on gold parties watcher.
That you are Mac.Justin: Besides, dancing's fun.

Abi: Quick GGG Granddad, go grab the most fattening thing you can find before the watcher notices.
Dude: I might just do that Abi!
Julien: You ladies all look very pretty tonight.
Cristine: Thank you.
Maegan: Not so shabby yourself Mr Hollingsworth.

Abi: That's such a funny hat Ezeq, how does it make you feel?
Eseq: I haven't got a clue actually. I think that's because it's so inspiring here that I can't actually feel anything else.
Dude: That might be a good thing.
Justin: Tell me about it, this silly hat makes me super flirty. I've done the most embarrassing things while wearing it out!
Abi: Lol, that's too bad Justin. *Giggle*
Diane: Maybe we should make a petition so that party hats are banned.
Dude: Oh I wouldn't go that far, besides, as long as it's all between friends no real harm is done.

Julien: Oh that's better.
Justin: Were you feeling unwell?
Julien: No, I just had to feel happy so I could get Abi's last requirement checked off.
Justin: Well being out here would make anyone happy, I love the outdoors.
Julien: You know Justin, not to be weird, but talking to you when you're all flirty is quite disconcerting.
Justin: Tell me about it.
Oh! Thanks for doing the dishes.Cristine: That's fine. Abi's grown up well wouldn't you say?
Yes, yes she has hasn't she....Cristine: Julien's been an amazing father.
Umm, yes. He has.Cristine: I'm glad I've lived long enough to see Abi and Julien like this.
Err... yes. Umm... *awkward pause*Cristine: Right, well I better go check for any more dishes.
K then.
Zahra: Do you want any more cake Justin before I put it away?
Justin: No thanks. Hmmm, I think the answer probably should be 267 there Abi, looks like you didn't quite add that up correctly.
Abi: Ahh, right, got that. Thanks.
Thanks for coming Maegan, it wouldn't be the same without you!Maegan: Thanks watcher, it's always a pleasure.
Better watch your diet Eseq for the next few days. Now you're an adult cake goes right to your waistline. It's a killer.Eseq: Thanks for the tip! Night watcher.

Julien: You wanted to talk?
Cristine: I wanted to say sorry.
Julien: Oh... I see. *awkward*

Cristine: I am terribly sorry for everything Julien. We could have had so much more... I'm so sorry.

Julien: *removing his hands and gives Cristine a friendly hug* I appreciate your apology Cristine. I'm happy we can be friends. I am, really.

Julien: You know Abi is such a great kid, so we got something right eh.
Cristine: You got that all right, we both know I didn't. Maybe it's not too late....
Julien: It's never too late, Abi loves you, you're her mum!
Cristine: Is it too late for us?
Julien: You know it is... but friends, real friends, well that's something worth smiling about, right?
Cristine: Of course. I just don't know how to talk to Abi...
Julien: Well, maybe try listening for a change then eh.
Cristine: *Rueful laugh* When did you get to be so smart?
Julien: Don't know Cristine, somewhere along the way I grew up I guess.

Abi: Granddad?
Caleb: Hmm?
Abi: How come if we are going to live forever we still have to keep fit and work out everyday?
Caleb: Well being fit makes us feel younger and healthier, it's that simple.

Julien: It's a good discipline too, you know, being aware of committing to something that's good for you in the long run.
Abi: Ha! Long run! That's a pun...opps!
Caleb: You have to concentrate hun, you'll fall off the treadmill if you keep swinging your head around like that.

Abi: School time!
Julien: Have a good day and...
Abi:..and work hard! I know *grin*. See ya Justin. Thank for mentoring me Granddad.
Caleb: <<<crack>>> Ooo, that's fine Abi.
Julien: I hope you haven't over done it dad!

Dude: You've got to really put your everything into each rep Justin, dig deep.

Dude: There ya go!
Justin: Oh, that makes it much easier! Thanks for the tips.
Dude: I know, right! And you're welcome.