Chapter 139: Making FriendsAbi: So would this be a good move?
Dude: Sure, give it a go and see what happens.
Abi: K, then.
Dude: Umm, you expecting anyone princess?
Abi: Yes, just some school friends.
Dude: Well, you better go get the door.

Abi: Hi Ella, hi everyone else. Woah, you sure look grumpy Nash.
Nigel (Brown beanie): Tell us about it, he's been grumping at us the whole way over here.

Abi: K, well I've got a joke that will cheer you up....
Elle: Hmm mm?
Nigel: Uh oh.... your jokes normally are...

Bryon:(Blue kid)...Aw GROSS!!!

Bryon: LOL...hehehe, that's actually pretty funny.
Abi: I know, right.
Van:(Red shirt) Lol...AaaaBiiiiii! *giggle*
Nash: It hasn't made me any happier... I don't get it. *grump*

Helena: You know Mac, something's definitely not right between Maegan and Julien.
Mac: Hmm, I agree.
Helena: I think we may need to step in a little.
Mac: I wonder if Cristine's got anything to do with it all.
Helena: Well, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't think she's all sweetness and light like she'd have us believe.
Mac: <Thoughtfully> Hmm... she does seem to be quite determined to get her own way...

Abi: Woo! I love dancing.
Nigel: This place rocks.
Byron: Lol Nigel, your face... its scary.
Nash: Now that I'm inside, I feel much better. I hate being outside with all those revolting insects...*shudder*
Dude: Sheesh, I need a drink.
Oh no you don't.... you need to feed these kiddies so they have loads of energy for the afternoon.Dude: K..Hey! Where are you two slinking off to?
Zahra: We don't slink.
Helena: I'm sure you can manage a few little kiddies by yourself. *Grin*

Dude: <Calling out> Roast chicken's served!
Abi: Great! lets grab some!

Abi: So what do you think Ella? Are you keen to play space adventures too?
Ella: Sure, I prefer dolls but its ok... we can play dolls some other time.
Nash: You know, I kinda like playing inside..
Abi: I promise there are no spiders or any creepy crawlies Nash. My daddy sweeps the spaceship often 'cos he knows I don't like spiders either.
Bryon: I like collecting insects. I've got three stink bugs and two fire ants back home.
Nigel: OOoo, I'd like to see those. Do the stink bugs really stink?
Bryon: Yep. *grin*

Dude: Come on in Ezequiel, have to warn you... we're over run by rug rats at the moment.
Ezeq: Thanks. No worries, I actually really like kids. Kinda have to at our place.

Ezeq: They sure to make a lot of noise all together though I must admit.
Dude: Yeah! Funny how they all talk at once and yet still hear each other. Nice bunch of kids though.

Byron: You girls sure are slow eaters.
Nash: That's 'cos they talk the most.
Abi: Well... that's 'cos we've got stuff to say.

Van: Have a nice day at work Mr Hollingsworth.
Julien: Thanks Van, you guys have fun and be safe.
Nash: Did you check for creepies Mr Hollingsworth?
Julien: Sure did Nash... you're A-O.K. to go.

Van: Captain...I see trouble ahead!
Abi: You do? ? I can't see anything...

Zaiden: Hiya Mac, you got a moment?
Mac: Sure, what's up?
Zaiden: Well... I was wondering if you could give me a few pointers on writing... I seem to be a bit stuck.
Mac: Of course. Hey, happens to us all. Especially in a new job.
Zaiden: I do enjoy being a writer... just sometimes the deadlines feel impossibly close.

Mac: I really hadn't noticed how much a like you two look.
Ezeq: Well... we are cousins.

Nigel: Bye Abi, that was fun.
Bryon: See ya, thanks for having me.
Abi: Thanks for coming over. Bye. See ya at school.
Byron: Oh, that reminds me...don't forget about that special writing task for Mrs Frazer...
Abi: Oh yuk...*sigh* thanks for reminding me, I think!

Dude: ...and then the pretty pink llamacorn floated away gently in the afternoon breeze. Hmm.
Abi: You know what granddad?
Dude: What hun??
Abi: That was the best story EVER.

Abi: Don't you think so?
Dude: Well, I'm glad you liked it. I was hoping for a ... well... maybe a different ending but I guess it all ended happily.
Abi: I guess they could have rode away into the sunset... but I liked them floating away. It's cute.

Mac: So Maegan, let me get this straight, Cristine told you that her and Julien had got back together...
Julien: We didn't, we've never even been 'together'...
Mac: Hang on a sec... and then she told you that Julien didn't want to see you?
Maegan: That's correct.
Julien: Oh I never. I would never do that to you Maegan...We've always been able to talk.
Maegan: I know, I guess I was just shocked.
Mac: Well, you know what, I've got a few things to do upstairs so I'll leave you to have a chat.

Maegan: Before you say anything, let me say I know you didn't do or say any of those things. I should have answered my phone and then we would have sorted this all out days ago.
Julien: <tongue-tied> Look, not that I am... but if I ever didn't want to not see you again, well I wouldn't not tell you. I would always tell you that I didn't want to see you... Only I'll never say that. it wouldn't be true.
Maegan: lol... I think I understood that.

Julien: <rueful laugh> I think what I am trying to say is that we have always been good friends and I would never treat a friend so shabbily.
Maegan: I know. Now we have to figure out what to do about the situation, right?
Julien: Right.