Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465120 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #600 on: May 30, 2015, 10:58:40 AM »
I felt sorry for the males that kept getting abducted but funny as well.

All the kids have great looks from each parent.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #601 on: May 30, 2015, 12:29:32 PM »
Nooooooo!   I can't be all done with catching up reading.  More!  I need more!  Will Christine muck up the lives of all the house members.  Will the nooboo be a sweety or a shark?  Will Julien EVER get a clue?   *impatiently shuffles off for a calming cuppa*
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #602 on: May 30, 2015, 02:47:27 PM »
Oh that Cristine is a piece of work, I hope she gets her just desserts! Poor Julien, but at least he has Abi.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #603 on: May 30, 2015, 07:53:11 PM »
I was going to ask if Randolph had been living with the Hollingsworths, then I looked again at his bod.  Lol, the Hollingsworth watcher would NEVER have let Randolph get so out of shape.
Just goes to show how well the Hollingsworths age, both men and women.

I adore how Meagan looks all innocent and nice, with her light makeup and conservative coif. In contrast, you give Christine the semi-beehive hair and dark lipstick, befitting her boss status. Laying a bet that she eventually falls for Julien.  I mean who could resist the male sim who Playalot describes as "way cute."   ;)

Love all the drama!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #604 on: May 31, 2015, 03:09:43 AM »
@Nettlejuice , All my townie sims that I've invited into the house have been L1 of a career or had no career so it's really surprising to know that you've generally had L5 or lower. It could actually be really handy early on in a dynasty to snag a higher level townie. I'll have to start learning the levels by their uniform!
@sdhoey , hahaha.. me too. Pfffft
@Shewolf13 , yeah, I've got a wee special spot for Caleb, might not be the most handsome sim the simverse but he's such a sweetie. He's always autonomously hugging his family members etc... aww.
@Nancy01905 , There are more abductions than I put in my story as once my household is full I don't bother activating the satellite to prevent them, just one less thing to remember.  :) lol Poor Hollingsworths. *Snicker*
@Joria, LOL. Sounds like an advert for The Days of Our Lives. *Grin* I seem to be playing for longer and longer these days and getting less and less screenshots! I guess it's having 8 sims again, if I could just stop micromanaging everyone and everything!  ::)
@hazysmith , isn't she just. What a witch!
@oshizu, I wish Randolph had been in the house. He was such a cool sim. Him and that flirty suit! He spent half his life flirty!  ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #605 on: May 31, 2015, 03:38:42 AM »
Chapter 137: Fishing

Julien:...and then, one day, when you're a big girl, it will be your turn to do your bit for the dynasty. *Sigh* You'll probably do a better job than your old man... he's an idiot.

Julien: Aw don't cry baby. Daddy's just feeling sorry for himself. Come here darling.

Julien: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me baby girl and I love you so much. I promise to always be here for you.

Julien: *Big sigh* I can do this...
Hey! There ya are. What cha doing?
Julien: Oh! Umm...just talking to Abi and stuff.
You know you only have to max your job and all your requirements are done. Incredible, right?
Julien: Wow, that's pretty good.
Yeah... you're a machine! Fastest anyone's done their stuff.
Julien: Well... I feel kinda proud about that.

What cha doing?
Caleb: Just enjoying the beautiful morning watcher.
It's pretty awesome....Actually, it kinda feels like a fishing kind of a day, don't cha think?
Caleb: That's an affirmative watcher.
lol, dont get all 'cop' jargon on me. Heheheh...10. 4 buddy. *giggle*

Perfect. Abi will be well rested for daycare.

Helena: Righty-o pretty lady, time for daycare.

Dude: Hehehe, bit of a tiddler there Caleb.
Caleb: lol... aw well, can always use it for bait later.

Dude: Oh! Wait! Fish on!

Dude: Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about.
Zahra: Good catch granddad.

I love it here, it's so pretty

Where are you going?
Cristine: Got some business to take care of.
Cristine: I'll be back soon.
Like I care.

Caleb: Wish we could go sailing.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Caleb: Was?
Yeah, I used to go sailing in Isla Paradiso... *sigh*

Nice! Beginners luck Julien.
Julien: Skill watcher, skill....

Mac: Got to celebrate your first angelfish Julien.

Caleb: Hehehe... got another one...

Caleb: That puts me at the top of the scoreboard.
Dude: lol, not for long son...

Zahra: Well... that's five for me too.
Dude: Argh... come on fishy fishy!

You're back then.
Cristine: As you can see.

Oh, was that an angelfish?
Cristine: Nope.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #606 on: May 31, 2015, 04:07:04 AM »
Chapter 138: Abi's Birthday

Julien: Be a good girl for daddy. I'll see you when I get home...I love you baby.
Abi: Gurgle
Have a good work shift.
Julien: Will do.

Cristine: You're a funny looking little baby.

Cristine: Pity you're a girl.

Oh! It's your birthday Abi!

Abi: Oh!

Abi: Oh watcher, look at my funny clothes!
Where is that mother of yours....oh happy birthday darling...I'm so sorry no-one is here....

Abi: That's ok watcher. I'll just have some food then get changed.
You look very pretty anyway darling.
Abi: Thanks.
Ummm...daddy's at work, in fact nearly everyone's at work...but everyone will be home soon.
Abi: It's fine watcher... I know how much everyone loves me.
You're a good girl. <Thinking: I'm gonna kill Cristine>

Cristine: Hang on just a second Maegan. Julien doesn't want to see you.
Maegan: Oh, why not?

Cristine: Well, not to be mean or anything but we've got back together. I mean after all, we've got a child to think about.
Maegan: Oh...I'm pleased for you. Maybe I should just let Julien know....
Cristine: No. He really doesn't want to talk to you about it. He just wants to move on.

Maegan: Right...ok....I ..... sure.

Cristine: So, I'll see you round then. Bye.
Maegan: <Holding back tears> Right, good bye.

Cristine: You know, you're better of without him, he's been seeing me the whole time anyway... he's just not your sort Maegan. Takes someone mature enough to handle him you know. I'm sure you'll find some nice boy to settle down with.

Mac: You look beautiful Abi!
Abi: Thanks Nanny.

Julien: What do ya think watcher?
Very clever. Lol, certainly is a show stopper.
Julien: Hmm... I've been practicing heaps. Going to show Maegan when she gets here. lol, she thought I wouldn't be able to do it.

Julien: Mmwaah!
Abi: Eww, lol dad... all sloppy.

Abi: You look sad. Are you sad?
Julien: Oh, just a little. My friend hasn't shown up... but that's ok. I'm sure there's a good reason.

Abi: Well, you've always got me dad.
Julien: And you've always got me. Love you hunny.

What are you doing out here?
Julien: Hmm? Oh! Just looking to see if Maegan was around.

Julien: It's really strange 'cos she's not answering her phone. I hope nothing's happened to her.

Cristine: You ok?
Julien: Yeah... sure.
Cristine: Well, how 'bout I sit with you eh. Nothing better than a little company eh.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #607 on: May 31, 2015, 04:31:19 AM »
Grrrr, Cristine is turning out to be a verrrrry unlikable character.  Maybe she'll fall in the pool.
Now I feel bad about what I previously said regarding Julien's pink one deserves Cristine.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #608 on: May 31, 2015, 04:33:11 AM » it now, thanks.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #609 on: May 31, 2015, 05:58:51 AM »
I love the drama. There aren't many evil sims around and now I see why. But I find their relationship very entertaining. I do feel bad for Julien and Meagen though. I'm curious as to why she's doing all this. Is it cause she's evil or does she actually get something out of it? And why did she want a son so much? Too many questions. . .


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #610 on: May 31, 2015, 06:27:57 AM »
Oh I really dislike Cristina now! But Julien and Abi's relationship is sweet. Well written!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #611 on: May 31, 2015, 06:28:36 AM »
I love Christine, so drawn to evil/mean characters, lol. Get some backbone for crying out loud, Maegan =P
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #612 on: May 31, 2015, 08:10:23 PM »
I like Evil characters, but not in this case!  It would be different if she cared about her daughter!!!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #613 on: May 31, 2015, 10:39:10 PM »
Thanks for reading everyone.  :) In fairness to Cristine... I think she's just being true to her nature *snicker*, she just can't help but plot and plan and undermine the happiness around her. Aannnd after all if you hate children then you're probably not even going to feel very connected to your own. Lol, she's fun to a horrid way.  ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #614 on: May 31, 2015, 11:24:21 PM »
Chapter 139: Making Friends

Abi: So would this be a good move?
Dude: Sure, give it a go and see what happens.
Abi: K, then.
Dude: Umm, you expecting anyone princess?
Abi: Yes, just some school friends.
Dude: Well, you better go get the door.

Abi: Hi Ella, hi everyone else. Woah, you sure look grumpy Nash.
Nigel (Brown beanie): Tell us about it, he's been grumping at us the whole way over here.

Abi: K, well I've got a joke that will cheer you up....
Elle: Hmm mm?
Nigel: Uh oh.... your jokes normally are...

Bryon:(Blue kid)...Aw GROSS!!!

Bryon: LOL...hehehe, that's actually pretty funny.
Abi: I know, right.
Van:(Red shirt) Lol...AaaaBiiiiii! *giggle*
Nash: It hasn't made me any happier... I don't get it. *grump*

Helena: You know Mac, something's definitely not right between Maegan and Julien.
Mac: Hmm, I agree.
Helena: I think we may need to step in a little.
Mac: I wonder if Cristine's got anything to do with it all.
Helena: Well, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't think she's all sweetness and light like she'd have us believe.
Mac: <Thoughtfully> Hmm... she does seem to be quite determined to get her own way...

Abi: Woo! I love dancing.
Nigel: This place rocks.
Byron: Lol Nigel, your face... its scary.
Nash: Now that I'm inside, I feel much better. I hate being outside with all those revolting insects...*shudder*
Dude: Sheesh, I need a drink.
Oh no you don't.... you need to feed these kiddies so they have loads of energy for the afternoon.
Dude: K..Hey! Where are you two slinking off to?
Zahra: We don't slink.
Helena: I'm sure you can manage a few little kiddies by yourself. *Grin*

Dude: <Calling out> Roast chicken's served!
Abi: Great! lets grab some!

Abi: So what do you think Ella? Are you keen to play space adventures too?
Ella: Sure, I prefer dolls but its ok... we can play dolls some other time.
Nash: You know, I kinda like playing inside..
Abi: I promise there are no spiders or any creepy crawlies Nash. My daddy sweeps the spaceship often 'cos he knows I don't like spiders either.
Bryon: I like collecting insects. I've got three stink bugs and two fire ants back home.
Nigel: OOoo, I'd like to see those. Do the stink bugs really stink?
Bryon: Yep. *grin*

Dude: Come on in Ezequiel, have to warn you... we're over run by rug rats at the moment.
Ezeq: Thanks. No worries, I actually really like kids. Kinda have to at our place.

Ezeq: They sure to make a lot of noise all together though I must admit.
Dude: Yeah! Funny how they all talk at once and yet still hear each other. Nice bunch of kids though.

Byron: You girls sure are slow eaters.
Nash: That's 'cos they talk the most.
Abi: Well... that's 'cos we've got stuff to say.

Van: Have a nice day at work Mr Hollingsworth.
Julien: Thanks Van, you guys have fun and be safe.
Nash: Did you check for creepies Mr Hollingsworth?
Julien: Sure did Nash... you're A-O.K. to go.

Van: Captain...I see trouble ahead!
Abi: You do? ? I can't see anything...

Zaiden: Hiya Mac, you got a moment?
Mac: Sure, what's up?
Zaiden: Well... I was wondering if you could give me a few pointers on writing... I seem to be a bit stuck.
Mac: Of course. Hey, happens to us all. Especially in a new job.
Zaiden: I do enjoy being a writer... just sometimes the deadlines feel impossibly close.

Mac: I really hadn't noticed how much a like you two look.
Ezeq: Well... we are cousins.

Nigel: Bye Abi, that was fun.
Bryon: See ya, thanks for having me.
Abi: Thanks for coming over. Bye. See ya at school.
Byron: Oh, that reminds me...don't forget about that special writing task for Mrs Frazer...
Abi: Oh yuk...*sigh* thanks for reminding me, I think!

Dude: ...and then the pretty pink llamacorn floated away gently in the afternoon breeze. Hmm.
Abi: You know what granddad?
Dude: What hun??
Abi: That was the best story EVER.

Abi: Don't you think so?
Dude: Well, I'm glad you liked it. I was hoping for a ... well... maybe a different ending but I guess it all ended happily.
Abi: I guess they could have rode away into the sunset... but I liked them floating away. It's cute.

Mac: So Maegan, let me get this straight, Cristine told you that her and Julien had got back together...
Julien: We didn't, we've never even been 'together'...
Mac: Hang on a sec... and then she told you that Julien didn't want to see you?
Maegan: That's correct.
Julien: Oh I never. I would never do that to you Maegan...We've always been able to talk.
Maegan: I know, I guess I was just shocked.
Mac: Well, you know what, I've got a few things to do upstairs so I'll leave you to have a chat.

Maegan: Before you say anything, let me say I know you didn't do or say any of those things. I should have answered my phone and then we would have sorted this all out days ago.
Julien: <tongue-tied> Look, not that I am... but if I ever didn't want to not see you again, well I wouldn't not tell you. I would always tell you that I didn't want to see you... Only I'll never say that. it wouldn't be true.
Maegan: lol... I think I understood that.

Julien: <rueful laugh> I think what I am trying to say is that we have always been good friends and I would never treat a friend so shabbily.
Maegan: I know. Now we have to figure out what to do about the situation, right?
Julien: Right.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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