Chapter 131: Night OutHmm, stars and a rash...looks like it's time for medicine Julien.Julien: Oh stop being such a nag. Between you and G gran, gran and mum I'm totally hen-pecked.
I was just...Julien:...trying to rule my every minute of my whole life... yeah, I get that so just back off eh.

Julien: Great to see Esqu.
Esqu: You too, ready to let rip?
Julien: *Grin* totally.

Julien: I think we need to pry everyone away from the bar and come dance...*Yells* Oi! Come on and dance everyone!

Esqu: So what's been going on?
Julien: Bossy women. Ugh... It's just like the pressure never ceases. Do this, go here, practice this, eat that, sleep now...
Esqu: lol, what you need is some noise cancelling earphones.
Julien: lol

Grim: Oh, I've got some really good ones you could borrow if you like. Use 'em when widows and such just won't stop whinging at me after a reaping.

Grim: Woah! Love this

Julien: Some liquid refreshments for everyone babe... throw one in for your pretty self as well.
Bartender: *giggle* OK, coming right up.

Grim: What the heck! Ugh, don't they clean the floor in this bar?

Kobe: I think you might find it's your inability to hold your juice that's causing the problem...

Julien: Woah! *looks at the floor under Grim* Hahahaha.
Kobe: *Cracking up*
Grim: Dang it!

Esqu: Well... that was one good night! *world spinning*
*Snicker* What are you even doing?Julien: What! OMG! GET OUT!

Your son's getting really stroppy.Caleb: Two days till he's a young adult watcher. What do you expect?
Oh, I suppose so. Still, some common manners might be nice.Caleb: Then don't nag him. No kid likes to be nagged...and no man likes a pushy women.
What is IT with you Hollingsworth men. ARGHHH! You are all SO FRUSTRATING! I'm OUT.Caleb: *Grin*

Cristine: So, just what is this food watcher? Its quite, unusual.
Oh...umm, that's a fish taco.Cristine: I see.
It's got no, you know.Cristine: Oh! Well, in that case I'm sure I will grow to love them.
Well, I've got a feeling you and I are going to get on just fab. Welcome to the dynasty house hun.Cristine: Thanks!

Dude: Well, next time the watchers driving you nuts, just slip out... ask her to go do something then just travel somewhere. Usually by the time you get back she's forgotten all about the argument. You see son, it's always best to side-step any fights with her 'cos after all she has the power to remove every toilet in the house...
Julien: She wouldn't do that would she?
Dude: Don't know for sure. She's come pretty close to it in the past. Mind you, nowadays I think she'd just probably build a jail cell in the basement.
Julien: Oh...right, lockable jail doors. Bummer.
Dude: Exactly.

Brandon: So are we related Mac?
Mac: No, but I think you must be the GGGG Grandson of Johnny. Is that right?
Brandon: Yeah, 'cos Goopy's my uncle.
Mac: Right.
Hi guys, whatcha' doing?Mac: Just trying to figure out our family trees.
Brandon: It's all pretty confusing actually.
Tell me about it! Doesn't help that EA's family trees go blank after 4 gens...
Julien: If you've come here to tell me that I'm not allowed to work out 'cos I'm a teen you can just go away again.
See ya then.