Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 468036 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #540 on: May 23, 2015, 04:22:34 AM »
Chapter 125: A Farewell

Julien: Do you want to play dolls? Girls like dolls, right?
Martina: Sure! I really like dolls.
Julien: Cool.

Julien: Who do you want to be, Barbie or errr... Barbie?
Martina: The other one is Cindy.
Julien: They look like twins.
Martina: They just dress that way 'cos otherwise Cindy gets jealous.
Julie: Wow! Poor Barbie.

Martina: I kinda think that Cindy should just be proud of who she is... ya know. I mean not everyone can be super popular.
Julien: Exactly, but I feel sorry for Barbie 'cos she probably feels really awkward around Cindy and they live together.

Mac: Oh, it's pretty sad isn't it watcher.
Yeah. I can't dwell on it. I just can't.
Mac: *sigh*

Caleb: How's your day been?
Julien: Good, I didn't get into any trouble today, just like I promised you dad.
Caleb: Good boy. Son, today we send little Zeke back to his mummy and back to his own planet.
Julien: I'm going to miss him dad.
Caleb: Me too son, me too.

Julien: But you've got me forever dad and I promise to be good every day for you.
Caleb: I love you Julien.

Julien: I'll never forget you little Zeke, little shooting star. <Whispering> I love you.
Caleb: <swallowing a lump>

Caleb: You know Julien, I'm very proud of you. I know that you're a really special boy and I can't wait to watch you grow up and fulfill all your dreams.

Helena: Good bye little Zeke, you're very loved little man.

Caleb: Aww little darling, let me get you all changed. I'll never forget you, not ever.

Caleb: Farewell ...<voice breaks> little son.

Dude: You won't be feeling too great right now Caleb. But it get's easier.
Caleb: Yeah *sigh*
Dude: I had to do the same thing with my first little nooboo. Destiny went back home to her mum and lived a wondrous great life, but I never forgot her.
Caleb: I'd like to think Zeke will have a good life.
Dude: I'm 100% sure he will. So...what now for you?
Caleb: I think I'll keep busy.
Dude: Good idea.

You doing ok?
Caleb: Hm. I guess so, I'm just keeping busy, you know watcher.
I know.

Caleb: I like working with my hands.

Caleb: In fact, I think I might take this up as my hobby.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #541 on: May 23, 2015, 04:27:26 AM »
*grabs a box of tissues

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #542 on: May 23, 2015, 04:28:29 AM »
I know...

So, because I'm such a sop about my sims I had to just send Zeke home straight away this morning. I had been figuring out timelines all night trying to make the timing work but it just would have caused my dynasty to come to a screeching halt. So, woke up...loaded the game and zapped him home. Now...on with the story 'cos like Caleb I had to keep busy.  :(
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #543 on: May 23, 2015, 04:58:24 AM »
Chapter 126: Julien's Teen Birthday

Bit early even for you aint it?
Dude: I've taken a holiday day.
Oh nice! You hardly ever do that. What are you going to do?

Dude: Pretty much this.
All day?
Dude: Yep.
I get that. Enjoy.
Dude: Will do. What are you going to do?
Hang out with Caleb, just to make sure he's ok. that would make it all about here. That's an anomaly. I'm just not getting this. Ugh
Maybe you've got two crimes, instead of one...
Caleb:<snapping> No! How could I have done that. <Pause> Sorry *deep breath* I'm a bit out of sorts.
It's ok. Really.
Caleb: Let's go check out your theory watcher, might be right, you know.

Good morning.
Lady: Are you here about the recent out break of chronic littering?
Caleb: I am.

Caleb: Have you seen the person responsible?
Lady: Not up close but he was wearing a baseball cap... backwards!
Caleb: I see.

Caleb: Morning Ezeq, any info you can give me would be great.
Ezequel: Oh that's easy. It was that Pancake guy.
Caleb: Pancake?
Ezeq: Yeah, can't remember his first name. Shady sort of guy.
Caleb: Ahh! I see, thanks!

Caleb: Citation issued! This environment is for all sims to enjoy it's unspoiled beauty. Littering is a no no.
Mekhi Pancake: Oh darn it all.
Good job!

Randolph: No guessing who's the insane teen perp you guys are looking for *snicker*

Perp: I think I did it... or it might have been the other me...or her.
Caleb:? ? ?

Caleb: Look, there are a multitude of witnesses. I think it would really help if you could please tell me about the crime.
Perp: Well, I did it. We all did. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean no one really wanted the rocket so I just took it.

Caleb: Well, young lady, let this be a lesson to you. You can't just build a rocket in your back yard and take off to the stars in it. You need a license and the proper certification.
Perp: Ok. Well....bye.
Caleb: Umm, no. You're going in front of the judge.

Perp: Is he nice?
Caleb: This is doing my head in.

Well, that was a rather unusual case to end on.
Caleb: End?
Yeah, that's the last case you need to solve before your next and last promotion.
Caleb: Wow!
I know right. You'll be the Chief before you know it.

Caleb: Well watcher, that's all my paper work up to date. Let's go home eh.

Julien: Dad!
Caleb: Hey son! Have a good day?
Julien: Yep, no trouble.
Caleb: Well done. So, you ready to become a hormonal mess?
Julien: lol, you bet!

Happy Birthday dear Julieeeeeeen....

Helena: Happy birthday son. So tall!
Julien: Thanks mum. I'm not sure I like my clothes though! Heh.

Dude: Happy birthday Julien, welcome to the world of moody highs and lows! lol
Julien: Oh plum! It can't be all bad!
Dude: *grin*

Oh! *eyes bug out* Look behind you Dude.

Dude: <grumpy> You forgot to turn on the satellite again didn't you?
Yes *cough*

Julien: Watcher?
Yes Julien.
Julien: You suck.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #544 on: May 23, 2015, 05:33:38 AM »
Chapter 127: Friends and Parties

Zahra: I can't believe you're letting me out.
Zahra: Well away.
Zahra: Away from the easel.
Ohhh! Oh, you'll be back there once you've made 5 good friends and one BFF.

Zahra: What happened to my old friends?
Nothing, just quicker to make some new ones.
Zahra: I liked my old ones.
You'll like your new ones too. That's one by the way.

Oh Caleb issued him with a citation yesterday....
Zahra: Do you want me to do this or not.
Oh totally do it.

Ezeq: Hey! Looking good Julien!
Julien: Thanks.

Zahra: He's actually really nice once you get to know him.
Yeah, well nice for a Pancake spawn.
Zahra: Don't be so mean.

Umm..still got four to go. I wouldn't get too excited just yet.


Oh! How rude. Don't you go yelling at my boy you big meanie. Tell him to go away Julien.
Julien: K, sheesh!
Umm, four by the way Zahra.
Zahra: OK watcher.

Hahahha, told you not to do that trick.

Dude: Wow, seeing stars.
*snicker* Stoopid old man

Gosh! Party time already! Thanks for getting it started Helena. You look very pretty by the way.
Helena: Thank you.

Umm, Goopy. Where did you get that distillation from?
Goopy: It was just lying around upstairs.
Oh...okay then. They aren't really just for drinking, but whatever.

Oh good! That's six and BFF... don't know where your fifth got to. Must be camera shy.
Zahra: So, party time?
Totally. Come on.

Everybody eating?
Randolph: It's great watcher!
Journey: Thanks for inviting me.
No worries, boy, you sure look different all aged up Journey!

Dude: Oh, that's too bad. <listening to Eseq complaining about his long dead parents>

Dude: What's so funny?
Kobe: Beats me.
Caleb: It's your dancing...hahahha
Hlelena: *giggle*

You look nice in your party clothes.
Zahra: Too bad I'm still stuck painting. my goal and you'll be free.
Zahra: *sigh*

Kobe: Hmmm, yummy.
Oh! There are glasses...<thinking> Are you a glutton by any way?
Kobe: Yep <smacking his lips>. Delicious.

Randolph: I know I should be used to your back-to-back parties but they still disorientate me.
Mac: I know, just try not to think about them too hard.

Julien: Yes! Four people eating cake. Nice!
Maegan: You're pretty dedicated to getting gold aren't you Julien.
Julien: Yeah well, I want to be a party animal so only the best parties will do.

So that's where you all got to.
Dude: Hmm...I was trying to train in peace...
Zahra Hollingsworth go and PAINT!

Thanks for coming everyone. And I said PAINT Zahra not pretend faint.
Zahra: *sigh*

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #545 on: May 23, 2015, 05:47:47 AM »
So sad to see little Zeke go but it's understandable you had to do it. I loved the Barbie and Cindy reference, I never knew which one to like better, lol. Congrats to Caleb, hopefully this means we get to see his face soon.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #546 on: May 23, 2015, 05:50:16 AM »
Chapter 128: Zahra's Immortality

Malakai: Oh darling, lovely to see you.
Mac: And you my love.

Mackenzie: You're so handsome. *sigh*

Dude: So you've got two gold parties under your belt. That's good, but you can't relax you know. You have to keep pushing hard until you complete all your goals.
Julien: I will GG grandad. I'm not a silly kid anymore, honest.

Julien: I've got a plan. Lots of parties, lots of friends, you know. It will be fun even though it's work. Right?

Dude: It can be fun, just as long as you don't get distracted.
Julien: By what?
Dude: Girls, fun, you name it... you need to stay on course, right?
Julien: Huh? What did you say GG Granddad?

Thought I'd find you here.
Julien: Maegan's so cute...
*sigh* Oh plumbob and so it starts....
Julien: <indignant> What?
Nothing. *eye roll*

Morning Zahra
Zahra: Morning.
I need you to come with me for a min hun.

Mac: If you could just put down your phone for long enough to do your homework.
Julien: Aw but it's the weekend. I've got things to do.
Mac: Yes, homework.

Julien: Yeah, this is great! I'm gonna be a mixologist. How's your drink G Gran?
Mac: Lovely dear *cough*

Julien: Check this move out watcher!

Zahra: *Happy sigh*
Well done Zahra. Eat up hun, enjoy.

Zahra: Oh I've waited for this moment for soooo long.

Last mouthful? Welcome to the extraordinary world of the immortal my dear.

Zahra's final museum paintings. From left to right: 13,750: 11,172: 11,111: 10,984: 10,813: 10,678: 10,071: 9,990: 9,503: 9,105 Total = 107,177.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #547 on: May 23, 2015, 05:55:39 AM »
Hurray, many congratulations to Zahra! Julien is already on the prowl, ladies watch out  ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #548 on: May 23, 2015, 06:06:24 AM »
I like how Julien turned out... And his taste in clothes!  Congratulations on your third immortal. Poor Zahra though, she didn't get to participate in any of the parties!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #549 on: May 23, 2015, 06:13:05 AM »
Thanks Nettlejuice and Deth, poor Zahra painted right until she had the bubbles... and even then I pushed her to paint two more lol. Then my fear got the better of me!  ::)  Yeah, I'm quite attached to Julien already. He aged up with one of my fav voices so that's kinda cool too.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #550 on: May 23, 2015, 08:53:11 AM »
"I said go paint, not pretend to faint" LOL that was great. Great on Julien becoming a teen. He could still be a handful.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #551 on: May 23, 2015, 09:42:14 AM »
Congrats to your third immortal (and Zahara of corse!) :D The immortal Museum looks great as always.
Happy birthday to Julien in becoming a teen. Already starting to be a little bit of a trouble.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #552 on: May 23, 2015, 10:14:58 AM »
LOL!  Oh my... Ok, this part had my howling right in the middle of the store I work at: "Watcher?  Yes Caleb?  You suck!"  I laughed way too hard at that lol.  I love Julien... I can only imagine what a knockout he is!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #553 on: May 23, 2015, 10:51:17 AM »
Congratulations to Zahra! And so sorry about little Zeke. I love the way you incorporate Grimmy into this.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #554 on: May 23, 2015, 05:54:32 PM »
Thank you everyone for commenting and/or reading.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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