Chapter 125: A FarewellJulien: Do you want to play dolls? Girls like dolls, right?
Martina: Sure! I really like dolls.
Julien: Cool.

Julien: Who do you want to be, Barbie or errr... Barbie?
Martina: The other one is Cindy.
Julien: They look like twins.
Martina: They just dress that way 'cos otherwise Cindy gets jealous.
Julie: Wow! Poor Barbie.

Martina: I kinda think that Cindy should just be proud of who she is... ya know. I mean not everyone can be super popular.
Julien: Exactly, but I feel sorry for Barbie 'cos she probably feels really awkward around Cindy and they live together.

Mac: Oh, it's pretty sad isn't it watcher.
Yeah. I can't dwell on it. I just can't.Mac: *sigh*

Caleb: How's your day been?
Julien: Good, I didn't get into any trouble today, just like I promised you dad.
Caleb: Good boy. Son, today we send little Zeke back to his mummy and back to his own planet.
Julien: I'm going to miss him dad.
Caleb: Me too son, me too.

Julien: But you've got me forever dad and I promise to be good every day for you.
Caleb: I love you Julien.

Julien: I'll never forget you little Zeke, little shooting star. <Whispering> I love you.
Caleb: <swallowing a lump>

Caleb: You know Julien, I'm very proud of you. I know that you're a really special boy and I can't wait to watch you grow up and fulfill all your dreams.

Helena: Good bye little Zeke, you're very loved little man.

Caleb: Aww little darling, let me get you all changed. I'll never forget you, not ever.

Caleb: Farewell ...<voice breaks> little son.

Dude: You won't be feeling too great right now Caleb. But it get's easier.
Caleb: Yeah *sigh*
Dude: I had to do the same thing with my first little nooboo. Destiny went back home to her mum and lived a wondrous great life, but I never forgot her.
Caleb: I'd like to think Zeke will have a good life.
Dude: I'm 100% sure he will. So...what now for you?
Caleb: I think I'll keep busy.
Dude: Good idea.
You doing ok?Caleb: Hm. I guess so, I'm just keeping busy, you know watcher.
I know.
Caleb: I like working with my hands.
Caleb: In fact, I think I might take this up as my hobby.