Chapter 124: Another NoobooI thought you were tired.Caleb: I was, feel a lot better after my nap.
I really think you should probably leave the gardening for someone else. All that bending over can't be good for your You know, I think you're right. I'm going to watch TV instead.

Caleb: Ooo...watcher I really don't feel well. Can't you do something? Anything?

Malakai: Gosh Caleb, you know you're having a nooboo don't you?
Caleb: I am?
Malakai: Yeah, I think you should let the watcher take you to hospital.
Caleb: Are you sure granddad? I mean...I've never heard of a man having a noobo.... Ooooooo watcher? ? ?

Caleb: Oh thanks for coming with me Grim.
Grim: No worries, now get yourself in there man.

Grim: I can't come in with you 'cos the staff have taken a restraining order out against me...
Caleb: Yeah, I know. I had to file it the other day.
Grim: You'll be fine. Besides, you've got a nooboo to meet. Right?
Caleb: <Hesitant> Right.

Caleb: Ummm.... Caleb Hollingsworth.
Receptionist: Wicked mo!
Caleb: Same back...umm... how long, I'm in pain. Ooooo
Receptionist: The doctor's heading your way right now.
Where's your medical gown?Caleb: I'm not wearing a dress. Men don't wear dresses.
You were saying?Caleb: I don't care, just make the pain stop...OOOOOooooo
OMG. You've killed him! He's flat lining! DO SOMETHING. He's a dynasty heir! OMGDoctor: On it.....*panic stations*

Caleb: Oh, he's beautiful.
Well done doctor. Thought you had lost him there for a sec... but it's all ended well. Come on, let's go home.
Caleb: really was a nooboo.

Caleb: You were right G granddad.
Dude: I know, some day I'll tell you the whole story but for now, well, you've got some thinking to do eh.
Caleb: And work to go to.
Wow, talk about a trip down memory lane.Dude: Yeah. Isn't he gorgeous though.
He sure is.
Hans Solo: I'm out. I've been round long enough to know when a bust's about to go down.

Caleb: Busted!

Caleb: Well, looks like the writings on the wall for you.
Perp: I can't see any.

Caleb: Let's just cut to the chase eh? There you are... breaking in, entering and leaving.... Clear as day.

Perp: Oh plumbob. I did it. I'm so ashamed.

Caleb: Well, case closed then.
Perp: Just like that?

Caleb: One thing I don't understand. What made you do it?

Perp: What can I say, it was a crime of love...
Caleb: <recoiling> Oh heck! Don't say anything. Gross.
Aaaaand that's that!Caleb: Another one to chalk up eh.

Caleb: Well, next case is underway. Let's go home. I got two kids to hug.