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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #450 on: May 14, 2015, 06:42:26 AM »
GREAT Chapter. Well done.

Yeah always remember to check the age bars before leaving for vacation.  ::) I'm guilty of that too
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #451 on: May 14, 2015, 11:43:42 AM »
That was so well written.. Sdhoey is absolutely right.. GREAT chapter! And such a beautiful way to end it.. Just love that last screenshot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #452 on: May 14, 2015, 03:25:20 PM »
Thanks everyone. Well, update on the doctor career. I did jinx myself lol. Zahra has maxed out L8 and her progress bar has a tick at the end, and has done so for a sims week now. She can't get promoted until she delivers a nooboo... and the game hasn't generated a pregnant sim at the hospital. Sooo...she won't max her career before her adult birthday, which I'm bummed about as that was one of my mini goals... rats! It also means that my strategy for Caleb has gone out the window as I have to keep actively going to work with Zahra until a stoopid pregnant sim comes along.  ::) I'm trying not to panic as I'm sure the deliver a baby thing isn't glitched, least that's what I keep telling myself but if, after another sim week, it still hasn't happened I will have to swap careers and go all out to get that maxed. So, keep your fingers crossed for me that a pregnant sim arrives at the hospital asap!
Another tricky thing is I have the 'no fire leaf plant' known bug at Granite Falls. I have added a 'me too' to the bug report thread and have removed some of the wild plants in the hope that a normal fire leaf plant will re-spawn. So, of course that means I can't complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration with Caleb unless I get a work around. Between trying to remain at GF long enough for plants to re-spawn, not missing school and actively going to work with Zahra I'm going slowly nuts! Just gotta love The Sims! lol  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #453 on: May 14, 2015, 04:54:01 PM »
I'm just glad you still have time left for her to top her career or switch if the new patch doesn't get Zahra a pregnant Sim or two  ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #454 on: May 14, 2015, 10:27:20 PM »
Oh Play.. frustrating game play for you unfortunately.. Fingers crossed a pregnant sim comes in soon.. get your pollinator on the job!  ;)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #455 on: May 14, 2015, 10:31:03 PM »
Oh nooo!  Sorry to hear that the "deliver a nooboo" requirement is holding Zahra back.
 I haven't had the missing Poisonous Fireleaf (yet) but I had a similar thing with Toxic Chamomile. I took cuttings and disposed of all the cham plants, then did that reinstall thingy (because I'm impatient and couldn't wait to see if disposing them all would be enough).

Like Nettlejuice, I'm very relieved too that you have a backup plan.  I'm also annoyed that your game glitched and invalidated your original strategy.
Here's hoping you get a pregnant sim soon. Hey, I just checked the EA HQ site and found a thread about the doctor career.
Unless you're damiensmom, someone else is having the exactl problem as you, stuck at Level 8:

Fingers crossed for you, Playalot.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #456 on: May 14, 2015, 10:49:36 PM »
@oshizu, thanks for the link...and no, I haven't posted on that thread lol! Soooo, sounds like the having no pregnant sim at Level 8 could be a bug. Hmm... So, while I hate quitting something, this is a dynasty so I will give Zahra one more work shift and then swap her out into another career. I can work around the patients having no symptoms as if I nab them the minute they queue at reception I can see Starry Eyes and Bloaty Head symptoms there, so those I can successfully treat. If I leave them to sit on the bed then the symptoms disappear and I'm left guessing. But I can't work around not getting a baby to deliver.
I always forget to look at crinrits complied bug thread for issues I experience so, again, thanks heaps for that.

Thanks guys for your well wishes. I'm not going to post any more until I get this sorted one way or another as all I'm doing right now is watching Zahra at work, which you've all seen. Well, that and standing around in GF with Caleb waiting for plants to spawn. He's working on his guitar skill for his Musical Genius aspiration while waiting so at least that's not a total waste of time.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #457 on: May 15, 2015, 06:32:19 PM »
I was away for a couple of days cause my computer broke and I missed so much. First of all I'm really sorry about the lack of pregnant people. Second: there are so many deaths. When Blaize died and Jasmine was crying I thought I would too. Then Jasmine died and it got even worse for me.  They didn't even have their last trip to Sixam together. The only good thing is that they are reunited now. It was the first and only time I was actually mad at Grim. I was sad about Mal and Julius too but you know I was extremely attached to Blaize and Jasmine. I hope to see more visits from them soon  :'(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #458 on: May 16, 2015, 03:21:20 AM »
So quick update... I've managed to unstick my dynasty from the various glitches etc. After removing some of the wild plants it took four full days for them to grow back. Fortunately one of these was the fire leaf plant Caleb needed to get all 10 plants. Whew! The second problem was of course the lack of a pregnant sim appearing at the hospital. Well... after trying a few different ideas the only thing that seemed to make a difference was to clear out all the cache files. The down side of that was that all of my ghosts got culled except Malakai. So Jasmine and Blaize and Julius have now been wiped totally from my game and have disappeared from the family tree. *Sigh* I do wish this wouldn't happen. It was bad enough losing Zesty a while back but somehow losing Jasmine and Blaize really got to me. Still...I have them saved in my library so maybe one day they might appear in their own story.  :)

End result? The Hollingsworth dynasty is still in with a shot at the gold. Woo! Chapters to follow soon.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #459 on: May 16, 2015, 03:52:12 AM »
Chapter 102: Is That A....?

Caleb: Hungry? Hungry? Come know you are...

Caleb: WOAH!
Right! That's it...creepy cow plant thingy... you're history!
Caleb: You know watcher, I'm not gonna argue with you there.

Caleb: Thanks Gran for helping me.
Mac: It's really shouldn't leave it to the last moment though.
Caleb: Aww, I'm an ace A student... I'm kinda over the whole 'study hard' thing.
Mac: Well, if you give up you might lose that A.
Who's losing their A?
Caleb: No one... no one. *sigh*

Have a good day kid.
Caleb: Thanks *sigh* I'm not a kid anymore ya' know.
*eye roll*

Oh Jaron, sorry you're not feeling too well.
Jaron: Well, to be honest all this running isn't really helping.
Zahra: Nearly finished....

Zahra: Hold still sweetie, there we go. One more minute.
Kid: I don't feel well. I want my mummy.
Aww, poor wee thing.


OMG...Is that a...?

IT IS....ZAHRA!!!!! ZAHRA!!!!!

Zahra,'s a pregnant sim...omg...WOO. YEAH. DOUBLE WOO.
Ray: Sheesh... your watcher's pretty excited there Dr. Z
Zahra: Yeah, long story Ray. I'll get to you as quick as I can.
Ray: That's's gotta come first.

Zahra: Hmm...ok, follow me.

Zahra: Let me take you to the room that is riiiiiight at the end of the corridor, 'cos, you know, pregnant women really like walking long distances while in labour.

<Panicking> Oh Nooooo, don't tell me the machine's broken. Oh my plumbob, don't stuff this up, we might never ever EVER EVER EVER EVER get another pregnant sim... omg omg omg.
Zahra: If you can't control yourself watcher I will have security escort you from the room. Now BE QUIET!
<Stunned> Oh! Sorry
Zahra: Shhhhhhh

Zahra: Here we go Mrs Rutherford, your nooboo's looking good.

Zahra: Delivery in moments.

Zahra: Well done Mrs Rutherford! A beautiful, healthy nooboo.

Mrs Rutherford: Oh nooboo!

Well, that was really great Zahra. You delivered a nooboo perfectly.
Zahra: Yes, I did. Have you anything else to say?*cough* Sorry I panicked a bit back there. The stress of the moment kinda got to me.
Zahra: That's ok.

Patient: Doctor, this nurse and this orderly have been standing chatting and flirting in front of me for the last hour. I'm sick of this...and I'm sick of sitting here waiting for someone to cure me.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #460 on: May 16, 2015, 04:40:34 AM »
Chapter 103: A Weekend of Waiting

Huh, you finally got one.
Dude: Yeah,  I guess it's all the practice I've been doing.
Hmm, not like there's anything else you can do.
Dude: Nope. Don't get me wrong, I like holidays but this one just keeps on going.
It does...and unfortunately you'll be here even once Caleb's gone back home for school.
Dude: Oh well...need those plants eh.

Good grief! What the heck are you doing?
Dude: Burning....a little help maybe.

Relax, I got it. You're out now.
Dude: Sheesh!
Actually, that was a welcome little bit of excitement.
Dude: Speak for yourself.

Caleb: What happened? Did I miss something exciting?
Yep, you're great grandfather was on fire. It was quite cool.
Dude: If I wasn't so bored watcher, I'd think of some funny come back.
Caleb: Aw, dang it. I miss out on all the fun.

Your music is coming along really well Caleb.
Caleb: Thanks. It's pretty easy getting inspired while being surrounded by such beautiful wilderness.

Argh! No don't look around!
Dude: Aw, not that pesky woman again?
Yep...quick go fishing. She won't speak to you if you're in the fishy zone. Go! Quick!

Dude: Has she gone?
Yep *snicker*
Dude: Between hanging around with nothing to do and that pesky woman I think even my patience is nearing it's end.
Mine evaporated long ago. I'm telling you...I know it's no one fault, but far out! I hate it when my plans get ruined.

Dude: On it.
Oh my! Don't stuff this up.
Dude: I told you I got it.

<intake of breath>
Dude: Nearly....

Dude: Got it...oh...
Have you got it? Have you?...Well?
Dude: Not sure... *grin*

Dude: Woo! Got it!
Awesome! Thats so cool! I've been after one of these for ages!
Dude: lol, yeah. That's almost made up for the endless holiday that...
(Together)....just keeps going on and on... lol

Dude: Might as well try for some local rare fish eh.
Might as well. Oh wait! Hey Dude, there's someone over here I need you to meet....

I said M E E T. Not freeze. What the heck?
Dude: I know....but I'm so bored..
Aw geez. Oh well. I gotta fly home for Zahra's adult birthday.
Dude: Give her my love.
Will do...I'll be back in a jiffy anyway.

Mac: Glad you made it watcher.
No worries.

Yeah...umm...I'm kinda in a hurry. So could you stop just standing there laughing and actually get on with it?
Mac: Don't be so grouchy.
Well, if Zahra hadn't wasted half her life waiting for a pregnant sim... this would have been a very different celebration.
Zahra: It wasn't really my fault.
Don't care, gotta blame someone. Blow those candles out before my blood pressure hits the roof will ya.

<Grudgingly> Woo! Happy adult birthday Zahra. Maybe you could work on your fitness while we're away eh. See yaz

Your mum says hi.
Caleb: Cool
How long as pesky been watching you?
Caleb: Long enough that it's getting creepy.
<Snort> Let's go see the hermit. It's nice up there.

Gosh it's so pretty here!
Caleb: Hm hmm.

Caleb: You don't mind me harvesting all your mushrooms?
Hermit: No, not at all. they, mushrooms. So I'll have plenty more tomorrow.

Caleb: That was one fast trip watcher!
I know, it's just that we need to head for home.

Julius: Oh just my luck... a rotten hand.
Dude: Aw, things not going your way Julius?
Julius: Oh, I'm alright, just feel a bit grumpy.

Dude: Anything else on your mind? Caleb's doing really well. He's been an A student for ages now and has completed one aspiration already.
Julius: That's so good to hear.
Dude: Hmm, he's nearly completed his second aspiration. He's a good boy Julius, you should be very proud.
Julius: I am. I feel so much better knowing that he's on his way.
Dude: Cool. Keep your chin up eh.

Oh! Have you taken up gardening?
Caleb: Sort of. This is just my herbs and plants that I need to make my special potions and distillations and stuff.
Oh yeah, that's good thinking.
Caleb: Hmm...could you make me a basement to keep all my insects in?
Sure! I'll do that first thing tomorrow.
Caleb: Thanks! That would be really helpful
You're welcome Caleb.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #461 on: May 16, 2015, 05:15:15 AM »
Chapter 104: Zahra's Ready

Oooo is that a love letter?
Caleb: Yuk no way! I'm sending off another of my songs's getting licensed.
Cool, not nearly as gossip worthy, but cool nonetheless.

Caleb: Two grams of huckleberry, wait, maybe that was muckleberry...
You alright there?
Caleb: Yep, just trying out a few new recipes.
K, make sure you get to school on time. I'm off to meet your mum at the hospital.
Caleb: K, I will. See ya later.

Wow! That looks serious!

Zahra: Open wide, lovely.

Another surgery?
Zahra: Yep, an emergency. Shush for a min while I concentrate.

You doing ok Camilla?
Camilla SKL: Yes, Zahra's very good.
She is isn't she <surprised>

Gosh! How on earth did you get that stuck inside of you?
Camilla: Umm..
Actually, on second thoughts, don't tell me. Good job Zahra.
Zahra: Thanks. *Grin*

Camilla: Are you sure it's all gone Zahra:
Zahra: Totally, there's no sign of any foreign bodies whatsoever.

I hope that's a stride of pride.
Zahra: I suppose it should be.
Totally, you just maxed your job... you Chief of Staff you.

Zahra: Are you sure these are all of my paintings watcher?
It's not all of them hun, I've chosen the most expensive.

Dude: Woo! Congrats. You're nearly there!
Zahra: Thanks!

Dude: How do you feel?
Zahra: Really happy! I thought I might not make it for a while there.

Zahra: In fact, I was pretty sure that a change of career was on the cards.
Dude: Well, you made it just fine. In fact didn't you get promoted to Chief of Staff in one day?

Zahra: Yep, with a little help from negotiating a bonus the day before.

Dude: So what was the most difficult thing?
Zahra: Probably when everyone got a bit upset about Julius and I. It was pretty terrible having everyone so worked up.
Dude: Well, you know, that all turned out for the best. Isn't Caleb such a great kid?
Zahra: Sure is.

Dude: Congratulations Zahra.
Zahra: Thanks granddad.

Zahra: I've still got to finalize all my friendships and maybe another painting or two but I've still got plenty of time.
Dude: You do indeed, so remember that and take the time to smell the roses eh.
Zahra: <laughing> Will do granddad.

Oh! That time already?
Mac: Hm hmm. This tastes particularly bad today.

Well, least Zahra's nearly all done.
Mac: True, that's good news indeed watcher.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #462 on: May 16, 2015, 06:28:27 AM »
Chapter 105: Insects and Parties

Caleb: How many more insects do I need watcher?
Umm, needed 15, the you caught 3. Then 3 more. Then 2...umm and plus this 3...4? I think you need 4.
Caleb: K, well we better head back to camp then.
Right. I'll go round up ...
Caleb: Ramin, his name's Ramin watcher.
Right. Ramin.

Come on lover boy, we gotta roll outta here.
Ramin: Two mins.
<Snort> You got a pretty high opinion of your charms if you think you can get a first kiss in two mins.

Ramin: 20 bucks says I can.

Ramin: You were saying watcher?
<Stunned> Well I'll be....

I'm a bit 'over' insects.
Caleb: Hmm

Caleb: Oh rats! I, it's ok. I got them.
Yeah! Woo! Another bit of your aspiration checked off.
Caleb: Still need some bees.
Oh plumbob, that means yet another trip out here eh?
Caleb: Yeah, maybe in a week or so. After my birthday.
*Loud sigh* K then.

Dude: Got everything done?
Caleb: For this trip, yeah.

Ha! Betcha can't crack this one. She's already giving you the evil eye! lol
Ramin: Nothing like a challenge.

Caleb: I think the watcher's a bit 'over' the whole outdoor thing.
Dude: Na, she'll be fine. She just likes to moan about stuff she can't control.

Dude: Besides she'll be so stressed trying to micro-manage all the party chaos soon that she'll be delighted to come back here next weekend.
Caleb: lol cracked evil-eye?
Ramin: <smugly> Yep.
Rats. <Hands over another $20> Umm, Caleb, I think your distillation is sticking to the bottom of the pot hun.
Caleb: Hmm?

Woah! Hiya Randolph Goth. You look more and more like your dad every time I see you!
Randolph: lol, even mum calls me Julius sometimes.
I bet!

Starting a bit early on the drinking there Winston.
Dude: Well, we'll see how you feel after spending a few hours chatting and rounding up flirty teenagers eh watcher.
Hmm, <looking at Randolph> Good point.

Hey Danika, still sporting that hotdog head I see.
Danika: You're just jealous.
Brianna(Tiger hat): Oh that's terrible Mr Hollingsworth, I didn't know the local youths were so terrible.
Lol...You ARE one of the local youths you're our ONLY neighbor. *Snicker*

I'm not going to even ask. *Sigh*...

Well Mateo, you're looking pretty chill there. Enjoying the party?
Mateo: Yes thanks watcher. Did you know that I'm just about the only sim here who isn't related to everyone else?
Lol, yep. We're just one big happy family.
Mateo: Doesn't that make things tricky?
Nope, there's always enough random townies like you to met.

Umm Drew, you did know that this was a house party and not an incognito, right?
Drew: Yeah <scoffing> of course.
K, then!

How was the cake Malakai?
Mal: Really tasty thanks.
Things ok?
Mal: Just fine watcher.
Jaron: Nice hat Drew.
Drew: See, I told the watcher it was all the rage.

Caleb: Well, I think that's a wrap! Thanks so much for coming everyone!
Mateo: No worries. It was pretty out there being in a room with so many siblings.
Danika: How many people in your family Mateo?
Mateo: Three.
Danika: Huh, unfathomable!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #463 on: May 16, 2015, 07:03:07 AM »
Chapter 106: More Parties

Take it upstairs Ramin...sheesh. Whatcha cooking Winston?
Dude: Ummm, I've sort of lost track. I think it's a hamburger cake. Or is it a delicious desert?
Beats me. I can't even remember the name of this party.
Ramin: <coming up for air> It's an incognito watcher.

Wow! You feeling alright?
Dude: Little light headed.
Maybe chuck down some medicine eh.

Hahha Danika, you've still got a hotdog head. (Hotdog costume at end of table)
Danika: It's getting old watcher.
Not to me hun.
Caleb: (Grim costume) Well, all twelve of you have the most sickest costumes on eh.
General hubbub: Nice, thanks..etc etc

Caleb: Well, another gold. That's a wrap people.
Leland: (Clapping) Woo! Well done Caleb. let me just get this straight. Even though it's like really early in the morning...we're throwing a dinner party?
Dude: Right.
OK... you know what. I'm good with that.

Helena: This is a very nice bathroom. Umm, why are we all in here again?
Randolph: I was just about to ask that. hehehehhe
Feeling playful yet Randolph?
Randolph: Hm Hmm.
Cool...lets head back out to the party...
Randolph: K, that was weird.

Dude: Everyone seems to be having a blast Caleb. Good job.
Caleb: Thanks. It's pretty full on though eh.
Dude: Yeah, that's half the fun. Don't you think?

Randolph: Cool trick Mr H!
Dude: Thanks're wasting your flirty charms on Danika.
Ramin: We'll see...
No really. There's eight sims in her house.

Dude, you're going to have to do something about Russel. He's yelling and insulting everyone. In fact that's all he's done since he got here.
Dude: Nice, don't have to ask me twice.

Russel: Oh noooo....
Dude: *Chuckle*
Randolph: Lol, I bet that thing doesn't even work.

Randolph and Friend: Holy crap!
Dude: You were saying...?

Mac: You don't look too well Zahra.
Zahra: Hmm *giggle giggle*
Mac: Take some medicine love.

Well, that was some party!
Ramin: Say that again. Who's this in here anyway?
Ramin: Hmm, he's a pretty mean sim.
Yeah <thoughtfully> He is quite pretty.
Ramin: No, I meant he is quite mean.
Yeah, that too.

Russel: Oooooo so vvery ccccold.
Ramin: Might cool your temper for a while then. Hmm?

Caleb: I'm actually quite tired...maybe we could work out together later granddad?
Dude: Yeah, better to just grit your teeth and get it done Caleb. The watcher's pretty strict about working off the cake calories.
Caleb: Oh I knew there would be a down side of all those fun parties.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #464 on: May 16, 2015, 07:39:25 AM »
Chapter 107: Caleb's Young Adult Birthday

Well, nice day for a family outing eh.
Dude: Hmm just smell that fresh air!

Grim: So you just got to keep checking of those goals Caleb, one after the other till you get them all done.
Caleb: K, I'm sort of doing that. Maybe I should make a list.
Grim: For sure, or a spreadsheet on your tablet, you know. That's how I keep all my reapings organized. Honestly, you wouldn't believe how irate people can get if I make a mistake!

Caleb: Hey, did you hear the one about...
Grim: Oh gross....that's so bad!
Caleb: *Chuckle*

Caleb: It was cool hanging with you Grim. Wanna play some chess?
Grim: Na, I might just stay here watching clouds for a while.
Caleb: K then.

Some time later...

Helena: You're friends with the Grim Reaper?
Caleb: Sure! He's a nice guy. Funny too.


How's the fish count going? *Yawn*
Dude: 'bout 11 or so.
Nice. Home time?
Mac: That's a good idea watcher.

Caleb: Nice to see you again. I'm heading home now....umm... Actually, why don't you come too. I'm throwing a small party for my birthday.
Helena: I'd love to.

Caleb: Hmm, no it's just a small party, yeah, just family really.

Ooo, so exciting!
Caleb: Lol watcher!

Everyone singing... Happy birthdaaaaaay dear Caleeeeeb...

Dude: Happy birthday Caleb. I know for a fact that your dad would have been so proud of you.
Caleb: Thanks Grandad, thanks for everything.

Caleb, what are you doing out here. The party's inside.
Caleb: Just sorting out a career.
What have you chosen?
Caleb: I don't think you're going to like it....
*Sigh* Tell you what...don't tell me till tomorow. K?
Caleb: Deal.

Dude: That's one loud toast dear!
Mac: So here's to Caleb! Happy birthday!

Helena: Well! That was very nice! I was just wondering what you were doing out here!
Caleb: Let's go back in then eh.

Caleb: Mwhaaa! You're so pretty Helena.
Helena: Rather handsome yourself Caleb.

Helena: Oh....opps.

Helena: Umm....I know this is going to be a shock, considering I've only just moved in and everything... *deep breath* but we're going to be parents!

Caleb: Woo! I'm so excited!
Helena: You are?
Caleb: Heck yes!
Helena: Oh me too then!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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