Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465121 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #405 on: May 10, 2015, 09:09:34 PM »
I'm so happy that the household worked through their issues with Julius' past and that Zah finally accepted his proposal.

How sad about Mal dying during the wedding!  Your timing sucks, Grim!
You know, I've always thought that if you shave off Julius' goatee and gave him a cowboy hat, he'd look a lot like Mal.

When Winston and Blaize are sad, they have the same eyebrows (forming diagonals slanting down from the inner edge to outer edge).

Thanks for sharing about the doctor career.  Sounds really hard!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #406 on: May 10, 2015, 09:49:13 PM »
Poor Mac just looked so sad in your Screenshots - you did a great job capturing those tears. Poor Zahra and Mal.. he loved his life, it would always have been too soon  :'(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #407 on: May 11, 2015, 03:03:40 PM »
@Nettlejuice , it really bugged me that Mal missed meeting Caleb by less than an hour... still not over that fact.

@oshizu , yeah,  Mal and Julius kinda do look similar. Let's hope Caleb takes after them

@Tigerskin , I really liked Mal too  :'(

@KTK10 ,unbelievably bad timing reminiscent of TS3
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #408 on: May 11, 2015, 04:01:02 PM »
Chapter 92: Focus On The Positives

Have you not slept?
Zahra: I had a nap...couldn't really sleep.
Haven't you got work soon?
Zahra: Yep, that's what I'm doing, getting focused and ready. I really miss dad though, he would always help me.
He'll be proud you're getting on with things though.
Zahra: I'm trying to stay focused on the positives.
Good, 'cos you're a mum now. Caleb will be relying on you.

Blaize: Hey! Caleb! Happy birthday!
Caleb: Thanks great uncle Blaize, hey! Are you an alien?
Dude: Watch your manners young man, and yes he is.

Caleb: Aww dad, I've got today off school, why do I need to do my homework?
Julius: You need to not only get your homework done but also skill up and complete four aspirations.
Caleb: What? In one day.
If only...
Julius: No, but you'll be expected to work hard.
Dude: We all work hard in the house Caleb, you'll be fine.
Caleb: Cripes, some birthday.
You're lucky nooboos can't learn skills... 'cos if they could you'd have been learning them from the get-go.

Caleb: K, homework done. Now what?
Danika: Aww give the kid a break watcher...
No way... drawing skills next, chop chop!

Caleb: Hmm, this is actually quite fun.
Julius: Yeah, the watchers all bark and not much bite...

Blaize: I'm telling you dad,  no matter how often we discuss this, Picard is the BEST captain... no one else came close.
Dude: Pfftt, look I agree he was pretty good, but if there hadn't been Kirk then Picard would have never existed!

Look you old fogies, don't over do it, K?
Dude: We're <grunt> fine.

Jasmine: Dad, you can't keep doing these epic workouts, just do some stretches or something.
Dude: Cripes Jasmine, you're starting to sound like the watcher!
That's because she's a woman with sense....ya know.
Dude: Look, a workout a day keeps the doctor away.
And an epic workout a day brings Grim all the way, so just quit it will ya.

Caleb: So this is you with your stripy t-shirt on and this is mum, and here's the rose that you give mum everyday.
Julius: I can totally see that, very good!
Caleb: I'll give it to mum when she gets home from the hospital.
Julius: She'll love it.

Dude: Good to see you're cracking the whip with my great grandson.
Hmm, I think he might be a handful when he grows up.
Dude: Really?
Yeah, every now and then he just gets this twinkle in his eye... not unlike his great grandpa. <wry look>
Dude: lol

Caleb: You're my best friend dad.
Julius: Yib sims for sure.

Caleb: Dad, will you read me the story about the mad robot that goes on a killing spree?
Julius: Sure!

Well, it seems like Caleb's off to a good start.
Dude: Of course.
Yeah, it's all a bit tricky with Zahra's work schedule.
Dude: There's heaps of time, it'll be fine.

Julius: Now remember your opening move is your most important. It sets the path of your game.
Caleb: Argh, so many things to remember dad. I'm not sure I'm going to ever be as good as you.
Julius: Takes practise and yes, you will be even better, 'cos you'll learn all my tricks and then have some of your own too!
Caleb: Cool.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #409 on: May 11, 2015, 04:43:59 PM »
Chapter 93: A Day Out

Julius: Huney, this is your day off, why don't we go out and spend some time together.
Zahra: Are you asking me on a date?
Julius: A big, long, all day date!
Zahra: I can't think of anything I'd rather do.
Julius: Well, let's go now then, before the watcher catches us.... let's slip away without her!
Zahra: lol, great idea!

Julius: Well, say! What's a gorgeous lady like you doing sitting here all alone without a husband to keep her safe?
Zahra: *giggle* I don't know sir!

Julius: Well, I think I better just sit right here and get to know you. Do you come here often?
Zahra: Oh, every now and then....<fluttering eyelashes> How about you?

Julius: I'll be hanging out here all the time now I know gorgeous babes like you hang here.

Julius: For my love.
Zahra: Thank you Julius, you spoil me.
Julius: And so I should.

Zahra: It's heavenly here, all alone, just you and me.
Julius: Isn't it just!

Julius: I love you Zahra.

Zahra: And I love you.
Juluis: Oh! *grin*

Julius: Let's go grab some lunch, I know a little place...

Julius: So, we probably need to talk about the future love.
Zahra: I know. It's your elder birthday tonight isn't is?
Julius: It is. I guess I need to know that you're going to be ok with work and all your other requirements.
Zahra: I will be, and with mum and grandpa to help I'm sure it will all work out.
Julius: I want you to know that this has been the best time of my life. I love you Zahra and wouldn't have changed a thing.

Zahra: You know Julius, if it hadn't been for your encouragement I'd never have pursued my dream of becoming a doctor. Without you I would have just gone on to be a painter I guess. Which I still am... but my hearts desire would never have come true. So, thank you love.
Julius: You have no idea how happy that makes me!

Zahra:Doctor, this bucket has a hole. Would you please repair it?
- Are you stupid! Do you know who I am?
- Yes I do – you are specialist in plastic surgery…

Julius: Oh Zahra! Lol That's terrible!
Zahra: Plenty more where that came from!
Julius: No! lol, no more, I give in!

Zahra: Wow! The view from up here is stunning.
Julius: It's pretty good from here too.
Zahra: Lol Julius! Shh! Someone will hear you!

Zahra: Actually, I don't care if they do!

Julius: Well that's a good thing wife, 'cos I love you to bits!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #410 on: May 11, 2015, 05:09:44 PM »
Chapter 94: Farewell Blaize

Blaize: Dad, I've had my final warning from Grim.
Dude: Oh no!

Blaize: I need you to know that I love you and need you to go on and make this dynasty a success for me.
Dude: I love you too son and I will. I will make this dynasty a success because of you and Jasmine. Oh son.
Blaize: It's been a blast dad! Come on...we'll miss Julius's birthday if we don't hurry. There's nothing more to say Dad that hasn't already been said.

Happy Birthday Julius!
Julius: Aw, cripes!

Caleb: Happy birthday dad!
Julius: Hey! Thanks Caleb!

Zahra: Happy birthday darling.

Dude: Happy birthday!
Blaize: Have a good day at school Caleb!
Caleb: Thanks great uncle Blaize. What are you going to do today?
Blaize: Well your aunty Jasmine and I are going to take a quick trip to Sixam.
Caleb: Aww lucky!

Jasmine: You all ready to go?
Blaize: Yeah, but the sun's so bright...I....
Jasmine: Blaize? ?

Blaize: Oh, I feel so tired all of a sudden.
Jasmine: Oh no...Blaize, don't go...

Blaize: Tell dad I love him. I love you sis... be brave for dad.
Jasmine: I will, I love you.

Oh nooo! Blaize! :'(
Grim: It's his time Jasmine, you need to let him go.
Jasmine: I can't.

Grim: Why are you staring at me watcher.
<Sniff> I can't look at Blaize.

Grim: No smart words watcher?
Grim: Boring.

Mac: Oh Jasmine...It's not fair...

Mac: Where did Grim go?
Jasmine: I don't know Mac.

Mac: Oh, there you are, my old buddy.
Grim: Oooo OOo

Mac: Actually, listen in....I've got such a juicy secret!
Grim: OoO I love secrets...

Mac: Well, try this one out for size...

Mac: Hahahha
Grim: <losing his temper> Argh... that's a rotten trick...

Mac: And that's for my husband... and that's for my brother...

Grim: Ohhh...<cringe>
Mac: Don't like it? Well, you can always LEAVE.

Woah! That was awesome Mac!
Mac: Made me feel a bit better. Tell you what though watcher....I'm going to kick his backside every time he shows his face in this house from now on!

Oh Jasmine...
Jasmine: I'm so sad.... I can't breath properly. I miss him so bad it hurts.

Jasmine: <sobbing uncontrollably>
I've got to tell your dad before he finds out...oh...heck! I'll be back soon Jasmine.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #411 on: May 11, 2015, 05:15:28 PM »
--blubbering like a baby-- Oh that's just awful... Goodbye Blaize!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #412 on: May 11, 2015, 05:16:28 PM »
Absolutely brilliant job, Mac! RIP, Blaize =[

I love the daily rose Mal gives Zahra, so sweet.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #413 on: May 11, 2015, 07:05:37 PM »
Aww! That's sad! RIP Blaize  I forgot that one day he will leave us.... :'(
You go Mac! Teach that Grim a good lesson!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #414 on: May 11, 2015, 07:43:01 PM »
I, I just can't
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #415 on: May 11, 2015, 09:07:28 PM »
Awww, the hard part of a dynasty is watching some of the loved ones go.
On the bright side, Blaize didn't pass during Julius' birthday.
And I cracked up that Caleb got to get his "Oh hi, Uncle Blaize. Hey, are you an alien?"
Lol, Grim stamped his feet while Mac was giving him grief (back).

Gah, Julius is already an elder!? That was so quick!
I am consoling myself with Caleb's cuteness.  He'll be a heartbreaker as a teen, I bet.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #416 on: May 11, 2015, 11:06:47 PM »
Bye Bye Blaize.. :'(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #417 on: May 12, 2015, 03:01:58 AM »
So yeah, not my most favourite day of play.  :( I really, really hate losing my sims. No matter how often I tell myself 'any moment now', it still chokes me!

Still... looking at the positives... more room for some new sims, eventually.  :)

Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #418 on: May 12, 2015, 03:28:26 AM »
Chapter 95: Mac's Elder Birthday

Umm... are you sure you are qualified to do surgeries?
Zahra: Totally! Come along Mrs Sunham...I'll have you feeling wonderful very soon. <Whispering> Watcher?
Zahra: I haven't got a clue what I'm doing...
Oh plumbob! I really don't want you getting demoted you know.

Zahra: That's it...just remain nice and still.

Zahra: Hmm...I wonder what bit of her body that is?
Jings! Don't ask me! Umm...maybe her arteries?

Zahra: Argh! The glue's squirting everywhere!
Glue? Wait! What?

Zahra: Agh...errr...Plumbob! Machines gone and got tangled.

Zahra! The machiney thing isn't actually going in the hole...Cripes! It's nearly making a dent!
Zahra: I'm trying. Oh!

<Gasp!> ZAHRA!!!! NO...omg...That's her heart...quick! Put it back in!
Zahra: I know it looks bad...but I've got it under control...Sort of.

Oh...a hospital emergency! Someone's passed out in reception.

Umm...hurry Zahra!

Zahra: Follow me sir, I'll take you right into surgery.
<Gasp> Oh! Poor guy!
Zahra: Shhh watcher.

Oh, well least the thing is going into the right hole now.
Zahra: See! I'm getting better!

Yeah...<sarcastically>much better.
Zahra: Opps! *Nervous giggle*
Patient: What the.........<flat lines> ____________

Zahra: See watcher, look. The lazer's zipping him all back together... Healed and good to go!
Well! That's good, really good actually.
Patient: You're telling me!

All's well that ends well I guess.

Zahra: Thank you for cleaning that orderly.
Orderly: You're welcome. See you tomorrow Doc.

Mac: Time for my birthday watcher.
Gosh! So soon! Wow!

Well, that's a high leap!
Mac: It's all the workout's I've been doing!

Hmm, well maybe a few more needed. Happy Birthday Mackenzie! I have to admit to being very pleased to see you this old!
Mac: Thanks, I think.

Dude: Happy birthday!

Jasmine: Happy birthday sis.
Mac: Thanks.

Umm, yeah. Might need a new wardrobe eh. Forever's a long time to go around looking like an outdated teenager.

Dude: I'm so excited for this.
Dude: Well it means that I won't ever lose Mac...
Ahh, I see.

Eat it all up my dear.
Dude: *Happy sigh*
Mac: Ummm <choking> Is it supposed to taste like this?
Mac: I feel a bit ripped off. I thought ambrosia was the food of gods!
Apparently ones with no taste buds.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #419 on: May 12, 2015, 05:27:17 AM »
Congratulations, Mac. Loved Zahra's mishaps at work but it must not have been as funny for her Watcher ;)
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