Chapter 77: Party TimeAlina SKL: It's so nice of the Caliente's to let us all party up here, don't you think Zayden?
Zayden Goth: Totally, I wish my parents would be so relaxed.

Mal (hot dog): Well, everyone's costumes just look lovely.
Zahra (Pizza Delivery): Umm...thanks for wearing the dog suit dad.
Mal: Never let it be said that I don't love you... I think this proves it!
Oh! Jasmine! You got stuck with the maid and the hotdog head costume!Jasmine: Yeah, not quite what I was expecting.
Zayden: What's that? I can't hear anything with this helmet on...
Clinton: *sigh* I don't really like dressing up, makes me feel silly.
Jasmine: Tell me about it.

Zahra: Thanks for coming up here and listening to some music with me. It's a bit squishy with us all in here at once.
Mal: You're doing just fine for your first party hun.
Aden SKL (Astronaut2): Totally, it's been a blast!

Blaize: Well Katelyn, that's a gold medal party done!
Katelyn: Yep, pretty good result. Hey! Are you an alien?
Clinton: Woah! That's pretty good spotting Katelyn.
Katelyn: Well I wouldn't have guessed apart from that one rather alien feature...
Blaize: *sigh*

Aden: (suit) Woah, I think I got changed too quickly...
Zayden: Woo, party number two here we go!
Julius: Boy, I'm just glad not to be Grim anymore, it was getting a bit freaky.
Dang Julius, you look pretty hot there!Julius: You mean you've never noticed? *smirk*
No...I guess I wasn't really looking...
Oh Danika! You poor girl, you had a bear hat on all the way through your childhood...and now you have a hotdog head. Oh my poor girl.Danika: I like it this way watcher...I'd do anything to hide my bright red 'Caliente' hair!
Keep cracking those jokes Blaize, we need three of you playful A.S.A.P.
Cool, you're on a hilarious conversation roll too... keep it up...need two more playful sims.
Zayden: Hmm, nice cake!
Clinton: Agree!
Fabian (white T-shirt): I feel a bit underdressed for a house party, I think I preferred the costume.
Katelyn: *Snort* That's 'cos you thought all the chicks were digging you in your Grim outfit.
Zahra: *giggle*
Uh oh, hysterical Julius?Alina: Yep. Think he might need to calm down watcher.
No. NO jokes in the mirror. Calming thoughts Julius....breath with me, iiiinnnnn and ouuuuut. That's it.
Wow, you all dance with your eyes closed?Katelyn: We're in the zone watcher.
K, *whatever*. As long as you're all happy.
Better?Julius: *depressed sigh* Such a downer watcher....
What are you all watching?
Dude: Sport... fav teams just about to score the winning goal....

Dude: Oh I can NOT believe you transported us away with only seconds left in the game! Sheesh...
Sorry, but party number three's starting.
Where are you three off to?Mal: Getting happy with it...

Zahra(green dress): So, thanks for coming everyone. How's everyone's day been so far?

Mal: I can't stop looking at that playful painting
Julius: I still don't see why they have to be here in the bathroom.
It's just the easiest place...Jasmine: Maybe you should build us a playful room?
I can't risk it really, Mal's already hysterical just by looking at these paintings.Mal: I can't help it, I'm a playful sim.

Zahra: Grub's up everyone!
Zahra! Oh my gosh... say it politely, this is supposed to be a dignified dinner party...Zahra: Dinner's ready! Come and choose what you want... better?
Not really....
Clinton: Well, this is a very healthy menu.
Blaize: Yeah, well after all the cake we've been eating today the watcher put her foot down.
Danika: Typical, she's pretty bossy eh.
Clinton: It's very tasty anyway.

Mal: Well, my dear, I think our daughter's on her way.
Mac (Black dress): I think so too.
Ah! Jaron, not sure if two drinks at once is a safe option for you sims.Jaron: Hmm...?

Mac: Oh dear! How on earth did you get in there hun?
Mal: I don't really know. One minute I was cleaning up and the next I was stuck here.
Yeah, seems like the stairwell is a sim-death-trap. Unintentional of course, still, might come in handy in some other setting so not that keen to change it.Mal: Umm... well could you at least let
me out?
Sure...hang on a sec.
Zahra: You look very handsome in that red jacket Julius.
Julius: You look pretty swell yourself kid.
Mac: So, three gold parties, well done love.
Mac: Hmm.... what were you saying mum?