Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465115 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #330 on: May 05, 2015, 08:49:52 AM »
Mac is gorgeous, congrats on completing everything. I am in awe of your strategy.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #331 on: May 05, 2015, 09:13:20 AM »
Mac is really pretty. She reminds me a lot of Reagen. I missed the abductions. This was a very nostalgic post for me  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #332 on: May 05, 2015, 09:49:39 AM »
In Chapter 73, that first shot of Zahra and Dude fishing initially shocked me because Zahra so resembled Reagan from the back.
Congrats on Mac completing all her requirements.
And how incredible that she finished them while still a young adult!!!

I'm not sure if I've encountered a pattern or not, but I've been checking recently and my alien has been getting an angry reaction (instead of the Xenophile response) when he's discovered by a sim who's not his friend (zero/low friendship status).  Need to experiment more.
*Crosses fingers for Blaize...

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #333 on: May 05, 2015, 02:20:14 PM »
(muttering about conspiracy theory via alien abduction)  Soooo, another abduction eh?  Mackenzie is drop dead gorgeous but it's still Dude that makes the heart go pitty pat.  He's such a hunk.  How on earth did you manage to complete everything while still a YA?  WOW!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #334 on: May 05, 2015, 02:55:12 PM »
@Joria, I agree with you on matter how many other sims I make, he still remains my fav. As to completing everything just before Mac's adult birthday. Well... she already had all the skills maxed that she needed for her job before she started it on the day she became a young adult and she had been working on writing every night since being a teen (work requirements later anyway) so every best seller she made I put aside for the museum. Her mischief skill she worked on every night once her writing for her work was done and the actually mischief tasks only took one day in the sim weekend. Mac also started her job at level 4 as I had bought her the Connections reward. She also had enough points to get Creative Visionary, Marketable and Entrepreneurial.  Because she had completed all the childhood aspirations and because the first aspiration I selected (but then changed once she finished aging up) was Nerd Brain she got the bonus trait of Quick Learner which means she levels her skills up extra quick.  (Artistic Prodigy = faster writing skilling as adult as well and I think the bonuses stack.) As soon as she met Mal she started working on her charisma skill which was already at L5 by the time she hit YA. She got the Great Kisser reward and maxed the rest of that skill in one day at the same time completing Soul Mate Aspiration (which is shared between all immortals). Mac worked hard every work shift and kept at least a happy moodlet due to renewing her wedding vows with Mal. She only just scrapped in her last promotion that morning and I sent her to work without using her cake even though she had had the 'throw a rocking party' notice, risking her coming home early to age up but I just wanted to see if she could actually complete it all before becoming an adult.
Oh one last thing, she got pregnant the day of her YA birthday, the day that Mal moved in and so that, in effect, gave her three extra days as a YA as sims don't age while pregnant and I didn't take family leave...just kept her slogging away! lol
Forgot to add that because Mac had maxed charisma it meant that I could use the "ask for a bonus" (or whatever it's called) interaction on the phone and I made sure she was very VERY inspired and had completed her writing for the day before using it and so it never failed. It can still fail even when you do everything right but so far both Dude and Mac have been lucky with it... hopefully that luck will continue for Zahra.
*edited: I also made sure that whatever skill each of my heirs need, that I have a helper who has already maxed this skill so they can mentor the heir so they skill up even faster.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #335 on: May 05, 2015, 03:04:58 PM »
@Nettlejuice, thanks. I have it kinda sorted so I can complete a career in one life stage. Young adult or adult mainly due to charisma bonus and the skills already maxed before the career is started and the bonuses from quick learner trait and childhood aspiration bonus traits. (I said all that to Joria though so I'm not going to repeat it all lol )

@Cristina , I was quite surprised by the double abduction! It had been a while so I wasn't expecting them.  :)

@oshizu , yes I used the same hairstyle just 'cos I really love it. I did wonder if it would be confusing! Hmm, that could be the reason why Blaize gets the angry reaction but honestly he only has to speak to a sim and they discover him! It's so weird, Jasmine can chat away, become good friends etc and they still don't discover her! Poor Blaize! lol It cracks me up actually. It's like  "Hi I'm Blaize, say what do you do for a job?"....<<<omg you're an alien!!!!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #336 on: May 06, 2015, 01:50:41 AM »
Chapter 75: Friends

Mac: You really shouldn't leave your homework until the last minute each morning Zahra. If you are late even once that dynasty will fail.
Zahra: Sorry mum, I'll do it in the afternoon from now on.
Mac: Good girl. Have a great day at school, work hard!

Kenneth: It's good to see you Mac. Work's been quite busy lately.
Mac: Well it's really nice to have the time to sit and chat.
Fabian: (White T-shirt) I don't think I've ever seen you just sit and do nothing!
Mac: Tell me about it!

Hiya Mal.
Mal: Hi watcher.
Whatcha gonna do today?
Mal: I thought I might take my wife on a trip.

Mal: I love you darling.

Mac: Aww, I love you too. I can't tell you how lovely it is to be here, with you.

Mac: Mwhaaa!
Mal: Oh!

Mal: You know that you get more beautiful every day.
Mac: Oh Mal, you say the nicest things.
Mal: All true my love.

Mal: A rose for you.
Mac: Oh, red! My favorite! Thank you hun.

Mal: lol, I always seem to blink at the wrong moment.
Mac: I thought you were just doing your smexy squint.
Mal: Of course I was, quite right! Time to head home love...maybe we might get the house to ourselves... maybe.

Zahra: Katelyn! So good to see you!

Zahra: You look fab! Did you have a good birthday?
Katelyn: Yep, it was pretty good.

Zahra:... and then I spent the whole weekend fishing ...
Katelyn: Aw! Lucky! I got roped into babysitting my little sis.

Zahra: Have I shown you the txt that Fabian sent me?
Katelyn: Fabian?
Zahra: Yeah!
Katelyn: No!
Both: *giggle*

Jaron: Hiya. What's so funny?
Katelyn: Oh, nothing much.

Jaron: So, you want me to help you with your homework?
Zahra: Huh? Oh, have you had your young adult birthday already?
Jaron: Yep, yesterday.
Katelyn: Gosh, we're all getting old!

Blaize: Good to see you son.
Clinton: You too dad.

Zahra: *Giggling uncontrollably*
Clinton: Man these girls are so giggly!
Jaron: I'm glad you're here Clinton, I can't make head nor tail of half of what they talk about!

Zahra: So cuz, how's your day been?
Clinton: Good thanks. See Jaron's starting his new job tomorrow.
Zahra: I know... I kinda miss the days when we just hung out at the park.
Clinton: I can't wait to be a young adult...
Zahra: Gosh! I can... I don't really want to see everyone grow old.
Clinton: Well, that's not going to happen overnight! I'll see ya at school then.
Zahra: See yaz.

Blaize: How was your day?
Zahra: Really good! I'm loving being a teen... it's so fun!
Blaize: lol, that's really good hun. Need any pointers with your art?
Zahra: Not tonight thanks, thought I might just go with the flow.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #337 on: May 06, 2015, 02:51:36 AM »
Chapter 76: A Trip

For a lazy sim you're doing really well! Don't you think so Blaize?
Blaize: Sure he is.
Julius: I'd like to say you've made me see the error of my ways but the reality is the minute you stop watching me I'm heading for the couch.
*Sigh* I know, least you're honest.

You girls are looking a lot slimmer too.
Mac: I wonder if we could kill her or do you think someone might notice.
Jasmine: lol I'm pretty sure someone would probably comment on the fact that she seems rather quiet.
Right here people!

I just simply don't get why, after getting all sweaty and stuff, you'd put your everyday clothes back on....go have a shower and then have to put these clothes back on again. Why don't ya just stay in your athletic gear?
Julius: Against the latest fashion policy.
Julius: Staying in work out gear is now against the latest fashion policy.
Well, it's stupid.

So what have you got planned for today? Everyone seems really chill today.
Blaize: Hmm, I think Jaz and I might go to Sixam for a while.

Mac: Why don't you go and do something for yourself today watcher? I mean we're all good here you know.
Yeah, I might. I kinda feel a little bored actually just watching you all do boring stuff...

How you feeling?
Julius: Not that happy really. I hate exercising.
Poor you. Suck it up big boy, you still got 5 levels to go.
Julius: I quit.

Jasmine: There you are! I've been waiting for ages!
Blaize: Sorry, just wanted to squeeze in a quick work out.

Jasmine: *Happy sigh* Ohhhh, it's so great.
Blaize: Yep.

Jasmine: I'll see you in a bit, just going to explore over here.

Blaize: Hmm, hoping for a new crystal.

Blaize: Hi! Nice to meet you.
Donnell: Hi! I'm Donnell, nice to meet you too. Have you been here before?

Blaize: Yeah, once or twice. I gotta admit to not getting up here as often as I should. Somehow everyday life seems to get in the way.
Donnell: I know what you mean.

Blaize: Lemme just see what your personality traits are.... hm hmm. Cool! You like the outdoors.
Donnell: Yeah...woah!

Blaize: Nice outfit. Is that the latest daywear from Splork?
Donnell: Yeah! It's pretty cool eh.
Blaize: Totally, I must say it's pretty flash.

Donnell: Well, I better run. Nice chatting.
Blaize: Yep. Feel free to drop in some time. There's usually someone home pretty much 24/7.
Donnell: Nice! I'll do that. See yaz.

Jasmine: That was great, trust you to make a new friend though, all I did was collect some new crystals!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #338 on: May 06, 2015, 04:23:47 AM »
Oh, Jas, I love her pose at the end  ;D You take lovely screenshots too!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #339 on: May 06, 2015, 10:22:28 AM »
Thank you so much for Sixam! I love Blaize and Jasmine's trips. It was nice to see Blaize interacting without being yelled at. They seem to belong there  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #340 on: May 06, 2015, 05:53:00 PM »
Thanks! I love that pose too. I've only seen aliens do it so I'm not sure if ordinary sims can to. Your welcome Cristina, it's very pretty place for sure. I'm itching to build there but that can't happen in a dynasty.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #341 on: May 06, 2015, 06:35:14 PM »
Chapter 77: Party Time

Alina SKL: It's so nice of the Caliente's to let us all party up here, don't you think Zayden?
Zayden Goth: Totally, I wish my parents would be so relaxed.

Mal (hot dog): Well, everyone's costumes just look lovely.
Zahra (Pizza Delivery): Umm...thanks for wearing the dog suit dad.
Mal: Never let it be said that I don't love you... I think this proves it!

Oh! Jasmine! You got stuck with the maid and the hotdog head costume!
Jasmine: Yeah, not quite what I was expecting.
Zayden: What's that? I can't hear anything with this helmet on...
Clinton: *sigh* I don't really like dressing up, makes me feel silly.
Jasmine: Tell me about it.

Zahra: Thanks for coming up here and listening to some music with me. It's a bit squishy with us all in here at once.
Mal: You're doing just fine for your first party hun.
Aden SKL (Astronaut2): Totally, it's been a blast!

Blaize: Well Katelyn, that's a gold medal party done!
Katelyn: Yep, pretty good result. Hey! Are you an alien?
Clinton: Woah! That's pretty good spotting Katelyn.
Katelyn: Well I wouldn't have guessed apart from that one rather alien feature...
Blaize: *sigh*

Aden: (suit) Woah, I think I got changed too quickly...
Zayden: Woo, party number two here we go!
Julius: Boy, I'm just glad not to be Grim anymore, it was getting a bit freaky.
Dang Julius, you look pretty hot there!
Julius: You mean you've never noticed? *smirk*
No...I guess I wasn't really looking...

Oh Danika! You poor girl, you had a bear hat on all the way through your childhood...and now you have a hotdog head. Oh my poor girl.
Danika: I like it this way watcher...I'd do anything to hide my bright red 'Caliente' hair!

Keep cracking those jokes Blaize, we need three of you playful A.S.A.P.

Cool, you're on a hilarious conversation roll too... keep it up...need two more playful sims.

Zayden: Hmm, nice cake!
Clinton: Agree!
Fabian (white T-shirt): I feel a bit underdressed for a house party, I think I preferred the costume.
Katelyn: *Snort* That's 'cos you thought all the chicks were digging you in your Grim outfit.
Zahra: *giggle*

Uh oh, hysterical Julius?
Alina: Yep. Think he might need to calm down watcher.

No. NO jokes in the mirror. Calming thoughts Julius....breath with me, iiiinnnnn and ouuuuut. That's it.

Wow, you all dance with your eyes closed?
Katelyn: We're in the zone watcher.
K, *whatever*. As long as you're all happy.

Julius: *depressed sigh* Such a downer watcher....

What are you all watching?
Dude: Sport... fav teams just about to score the winning goal....

Dude: Oh I can NOT believe you transported us away with only seconds left in the game! Sheesh...
Sorry, but party number three's starting.

Where are you three off to?
Mal: Getting happy with it...

Zahra(green dress): So, thanks for coming everyone. How's everyone's day been so far?

Mal: I can't stop looking at that playful painting
Julius: I still don't see why they have to be here in the bathroom.
It's just the easiest place...
Jasmine: Maybe you should build us a playful room?
I can't risk it really, Mal's already hysterical just by looking at these paintings.
Mal: I can't help it, I'm a playful sim.

Zahra: Grub's up everyone!
Zahra! Oh my gosh... say it politely, this is supposed to be a dignified dinner party...
Zahra: Dinner's ready! Come and choose what you want... better?
Not really....

Clinton: Well, this is a very healthy menu.
Blaize: Yeah, well after all the cake we've been eating today the watcher put her foot down.
Danika: Typical, she's pretty bossy eh.
Clinton: It's very tasty anyway.

Mal: Well, my dear, I think our daughter's on her way.
Mac (Black dress): I think so too.

Ah! Jaron, not sure if two drinks at once is a safe option for you sims.
Jaron: Hmm...?

Mac: Oh dear! How on earth did you get in there hun?
Mal: I don't really know. One minute I was cleaning up and the next I was stuck here.
Yeah, seems like the stairwell is a sim-death-trap. Unintentional of course, still, might come in handy in some other setting so not that keen to change it.
Mal: Umm... well could you at least let me out?
Sure...hang on a sec.

Zahra: You look very handsome in that red jacket Julius.
Julius: You look pretty swell yourself kid.
Mac: So, three gold parties, well done love.
Mac: Hmm.... what were you saying mum?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #342 on: May 06, 2015, 06:48:29 PM »
Hmmmm, great job Zahra
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #343 on: May 06, 2015, 06:50:52 PM »
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #344 on: May 06, 2015, 07:13:25 PM »
Julius looks so different with the black-framed glasses. I had to go back and check if he always had a goatee or not, lol.

Enjoyed the trip by Blaize and Jasmine to Sixam, and laughed out loud (by myself outdoors on my laptop, some stranger passing by stared at me) at the conversation when Katelyn "discovered" Blaize was an alien.  Poor Blaize.  Was Katelyn cool with it?
(I took my alien to the household's retail shop and so many customers got angry about the "alien discovery" that I had to send him home, lol.)

Hmmm....Zahra and Julius?

