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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #285 on: April 28, 2015, 01:17:55 PM »
You can tell who is who...because you'll never see Mac's face until she has completed all her requirements for ambrosia.  :)

Oh, you're doing THIS again. *sigh*  ::) Still, your Dynasty is coming along nicely. Keep it up!
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #286 on: April 30, 2015, 07:05:36 PM »
@Lizzycakecool ,welcome silent reader!  ;D Woo! Always very cool to know I have another reader lurking out there in the cold! Glad you came in and commented.  ;) Nooboo's name coming right un in the next chapter. Thanks for reading.

@sdhoey, @Nettlejuice, @Shewolf13   ty. Only did a cliff hanger 'cos I forgot her name actually... lol   ::) A sign of way too much simming!

@Cristina I am so hoping the genes stay pretty this time around. 1st dynasty the sims started to scare me how ugly they were looking *shudder*

@dethdukk chapter 60 was a literal walk through of Winston's day at work. It's so funny now that he is max +4... basically the game just throws up a whole lot of mischief for him to do, then pays him for doing it. lol

@EtnaFan666 yep THIS is what I do.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #287 on: April 30, 2015, 07:33:17 PM »
Chapter 62: A Little Bit of Mischief

Oh such a sweet little dear. I'm amazed that you've been left alone long enough to sleep. Poor wee Zahra, everyone queuing up to cuddle you all the time.

Blaize: Heeey! Micah, good to see you.
Micah: I'm not disturbing your writing am I?
Blaize: Heck no! I can come back to this any time.

Blaize: Hm Hmm! I've missed you.

Oh Auntie Jasmine to the rescue!
Jasmine: Isn't she the cutest little baby in the simverse? It's amazing how much love you can feel for such a tiny little, incy wincey nooboo.
You must have it bad if you can say that while changing her!

Jasmine: Oh! She smiled at me watcher...Look...Aren't you just such a clever wee darling.
Why thank you! I didn't realize you felt that way about me.
Jasmine: Not you watcher... Zahra.
Oh! I knew that.

Mac: Hmm... hubble bubble boil and trouble...? Hmm...
Hi Charlee... how's things?
Charlee: Yeah good, well I do feel a little weird.

What are you doing with that glass of water...Oh, all over the floor. Mac! Have you gone nuts?
Mackenzie: Shh, concentrating...

Charlee: Hmm? Whash that you shaid watcher?
Umm...You look a bit, umm...well...juiced Charlee. Have you been drinking?
Charlee: Nope <hiccup>
Mac: *Giggle* Cool! It works.

O.K. Something fishy is going on here.
Mac: No there's not.
<Looking in amazement at Mac> What ARE you doing? You know you've got a baby upstairs if ya wanna cuddle something...

Charlee: Well, Heelloooo there watcher. <Coy Look>
Oh! Eww...*shudder* I'm outta here. I'm quite convinced you've all gone loco.

Mac: Hey sis, could you mind Zahra for me for a little while? I've just got a few things to do.
Jasmine: Sure! Don't need to ask me twice!

If Charlee's going to act all "strange", I'm not staying, as much as I love visiting the Goths and all that.
Mac: We won't even need to talk to anyone.
Huh? Then why are we visiting?
Mac: Just do your job and watch, ok?

Oh, nice! You've come to fix their plumbing. Wonder why they didn't ask your dad though. He can fix things instantly, less standing around waiting you know.
Mac: Hmm...

Oops! You seem to have made it worse!
Mac: Yeah. Come on, next house.
Next house? Are you just going to leave this broken?
Mac: Yep.
That seems a little rude...
Mac: Are you coming or not?

How strange that everyone's been asking you to fix their sinks. They don't even seem that broken.

Welp! It sure looks broken now!
Mac: Come on, just enough time for the last one.

Mac? I'm starting to feel a little uneasy about this. Are you sure their sink is broken?
Mac: Nope, but I'll be sure in a minute.
O.K. then.

Well...I don't think that much of your handiness skills my dear. All you seem to have done is blocked up everyone's plumbing.
Mac: Indeed.
<Scratching head> O.K> Well, I guess it's time to head home eh?
Mac: Sure. I think we can call tonight a success.

Well....not to be mean but maybe this is some kind of cosmic pay-back for your rubbish handiness skills....
Mac: <Shocked gasp> Watcher?
See ya in an hour Mac.

Mac: HELP!!!!!
Shhh.... you'll wake the baby!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #288 on: April 30, 2015, 08:25:09 PM »
rofl.  cosmic payback, eh?
I guess we can assume that she's close to finishing the Chief of Mischief aspiration.   :D

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #289 on: April 30, 2015, 08:33:13 PM »
Mischief Managed  ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #290 on: April 30, 2015, 09:00:16 PM »
Yeah, Macs just got to level up to 10 and she'll have completed the Chief of Mischief aspiration. You can check here on the stats page. I keep it up-to-date with where I'm playing so maybe at times the stats will kinda be like a spoiler but I prefer to keep it updated to where I am actually up to in my dynasty rather than where I have posted up to...if you see what I mean!  :)

So Mac hasn't really done much more actual mischief than what you see, mostly because she's busy writing books for her museum contribution but also because it's quicker to level up mischief by trolling the forums on her tablet or pc than actually getting out there and being a little mean. I also don't find writing about a sim doing mean things works with my head and this dynasty! It's like I haven't quite got Mac pegged as a 'mean' or mischievous' it's more like she trolls 'cos being a writer she can be a little 'sarcastic' on the forums as part of her job! Well... that's my 'take' on Mac's character anyway. Who knows... maybe a 'mean' sim might come along in future generations!  ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #291 on: April 30, 2015, 09:27:46 PM »
Chapter 63: Another One Bites The Dust

Winston: Well, finally little girl, your grandpa gets to have you all to himself.
Yeah. I took the door out in build mode so no one else will barge in on you.
Winston: Lol, nice. It's like a busy train station this room... yes it is Zahra, with everyone wanting to look at you all day long. Wow, my first grand child. Amazing.
It suits you.
Dude: Thanks.

Dude: It's like we're finally on our way eh.
Eh. Totally. Kinda feels like we've been through the wringer, you know.
Dude: Oh, I know. *Deep sigh* Still, we're here now. And barring any stupid mistakes from you, we should be ok.
I should resent that remark...strangely, I don't. Still, we've got some way still to go.
Dude: Yep...I wish Reagan was here. She would have loved to see her grand child...
<Deep sigh> I know.
Dude: Maybe she looks down on us all ...keeps us safe. I like to think that.
Me too.

Ah, cool. Welcome back.

Aaaannnd...touch down!
Mac: Don't even talk to Watcher. I'm in a foul mood. How DARE they probe and ...and...and...ARgghhhhhhhhh
Woah! I never even knew you had a temper!

Thanks Pete. Mackenzies a, busy right now.
Pete: No worries. Isn't she a little darling?
Yep. No bones about it...she sure is.

So, you been happy here Pete?
Pete: I have. It's been quite lovely. I've enjoyed learning a few new skills and having the time to dabble in painting and music. Quite delightful.
That's good. I'm glad you've been happy. <Slight pause> So did Grim actually tell you when?
Pete: No, just said soon. I'm ready though. I'm hoping my darling wife will be waiting for me.
I'm sure she will Pete. I'm sure she will.

Ah Ha! I wondered where you'd snuck off too!
Malakai: lol, just to feed my little princess. I think I've never been so happy. I thought marrying Mackenzie made me happy...but this, well this just blows my mind!

Mal: <sniff> Aww, you smiling at your daddy...
<Bigger sniff> Aw stop that... you'll get me all emotional.

You know Mac, I've never seen such a happy wee baby. She sure does smile a lot.
Mac: That's 'cos she knows she's got a whole house full of sims who adore her.

<Whispering> Aww, she's nearly asleep. Nite little Zahra.

Blaize: Hmm? What's that?
I said...if you want a quick cuddle of Zahra before anyone else claims her, you better go now.

Blaize: Oh! Did your big mean Uncle wake you up hunney?

Blaize: Well, there you go. You go right back to sleep baby girl.

Pete: Oh!'ll have to finish the mac and cheese for me. It's time.

Thomas: I will do that for you Pete. Oh, I'm going to miss you old friend.

Grim: Oh bother! I miss-timed it. I was looking forward to that mac and cheese.

Grim: Dang it. It smells so good.

Grim: You know you're next, right?
Thomas: Well... that's a bit rude I must say. Either that, young man, or you've got a very dry sense of humour.

Grim: Look, if ya wanna earn some brownie points, how about you go cook me that mac and cheese?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #292 on: April 30, 2015, 09:32:09 PM »
*smh* Grim is something else. Oh he loves the camera..
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #293 on: April 30, 2015, 10:00:49 PM »
Chapter 64: Zahra's Birthday

Dude: Morning watcher!
Morning! You look rather happy.
Dude: You bet! Feel on top of the world.

Mal: Morning Thomas. Want a challenge?
Thomas: Sure!

Dude: Do you know what day it is today? No?'s your birthday today! Yes, that's right, you get to be a real live girl today.

Ma: Your grandpa's getta be a big girl today....aww, who's a little cutie pie? Hmm?

Darn cute kid. Outta be a law against such cute nooboos...hijacking everyone's posts and taking up all the screenshots.
Mal: Don't you listen to the watcher...she's just impatient for you to grow up and start on your dynasty work.

Mal: Here we go...
Zahra: Hee UP! Woo!

Zahra: Wow! Finally! CooOOOOoool.

Well, happy birthday Zahra!
Zahra: Thanks! <Grin> Wow! There's so much to look at!

Mal: Happy birthday darling.

Dude: Happy birthday angel.
Zahra: Ohh <squeezy hug> Thanks grandpa.

Mac: Happy birthday!
Zahra: Thanks mum.

Mal: Well, seeing as you want to go see everything, go grab some food then we'll hit the park eh?
Zahra: Thanks dad, that'll be awesome.

Mal: Didn't we do good!
Mac: lol, we certainly did. Isn't she just gorgeous?
Mal: What did you expect with you as her mum. I love you Mac.

Zahra: Hi everyone. I'm Zahra.
Curtis: (Red Hair) That's a funny name!
Zahra: It means flower...
Katelyn: I think it's pretty.

Oh Thomas! Nooo...oh!

Micah: Oh no, watcher, do something.
Help! Oh..I can't...oh.

Grim: Yeah, sorry Blaize, it's totally time.
Blaize: I'm going to miss Thomas so bad..oh watcher, can't you do something?
No..oh I just can't. Oh this is horrible.

Blaize: He was my best friend..please...watcher...
Grim: You might wanna hug your boyfriend Micah, I gotta reap. Ya know.

Micah: I'm so sorry sorry.
Blaize: <sobbing>

Dude: Sorry...I guess I'm a little too sad to play right now.
Chess guy: That's ok. I'll just practice.

Jaron:(Green vest) So...are you going to be at school on Monday?
Zahra: Yep. Is it fun?
Jaron: Umm...its ok. My teachers quite nice but her jokes suck. They're the sort that make you groan but we all laugh so she doesn't feel bad.
Kurtis: Well, my teachers horrible. She made me pick up playground rubbish just 'cos I threw my empty chip bag on the ground... like so what!
Danika(Bear hat) Gosh! you shouldn't litter. That makes the world a dirty place.

Kurtis: I bet you can't get across the monkey bars without stopping...Go on, I dare you.
Zahra: Oh, can So. me...

Zahra: Oh! I guess I need to find another friend now. Oh well, that's life. Happy birthday Kurtis. I liked your old hair-do better.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #294 on: April 30, 2015, 11:05:17 PM »
Well that stinks!!!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #295 on: May 01, 2015, 03:01:51 AM »
So much death  :( But at least we got to see Grim again. Zahra is adorable and I don't think you need to worry about any horrible genes  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #296 on: May 01, 2015, 05:22:46 AM »
Pete and Thomas both gone, RIP  :'( Zahra is gorgeous and she also has my cousin's name, cool  ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #297 on: May 01, 2015, 09:53:42 AM »
RIP, Peter and Thomas, and Zahra is adorable. And maybe someday, Playalot, you'll be able to have a dynasty heir become childhood friends with someone and end up marrying them -- it was too funny when Kurtis aged up.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #298 on: May 01, 2015, 05:14:29 PM »
Kurtis was the fourth kid to age up on, just my luck! The two youngest SKL kiddies aged up first and then one of the Elmore kids. These would be Zest's grandkids...I'm finding it really interesting watching the genetics of these 9 households that my pollinators are maintaining. Zest's genetics are pretty strong still where as Thomas's are a little more difficult to discern seeing as he had brown hair and brown eyes. It's sort of like having a game within a game. Quite fun.
Kurtis, Danika (Bear Hat) and Katelyn are all Calientes... grand kids of Zest and children of Thomas. The red hair is still going strong though!
In the background I have used Blaize to keep the population going too...his kids are all blue and don't seem to have any alien powers although I can't be totally sure. I'll include a few screenshots in the next chapters. Blaize is good friends with all his kids and the rest of the dynasty house are either friends or good friends with them as they are pretty much constantly on the door step! Poor wee things, I feel so bad for them I always feed them before they go home!!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #299 on: May 01, 2015, 06:24:49 PM »
Chapter 65: Blaize's Adult Birthday

Still trolling?
Mac: I'm not trolling, I'm just making some pointed replies, that's all.

Hey! How was school?
Zahra: Hmm, it was OoooKaaay.

Isn't that one of your wee buddies over there?
Zahra: Yep, its Jaron.
Hmm...I can't quite make him out. Maybe I need glasses but everything seems quite fuzzy...

Zahra: Hi!
Jaron: Hiya Zar.

Jasmine: So what do you think of my latest masterpiece?
Mac:'s very...interesting.
Jasmine: It's entitled 'My Niece'.
Mac: Right. <Stage whisper> I don't get it watcher.
Me neither. Just smile and nod.

Zahra: ...and then my teacher made me stand up in front of EVERYONE and call out the answers.
Jaron: Yuk! What a meanie.
Mal: Were they all correct?
Zahra: DaaAAd!

Zahra: And <indignantly> my teacher's got an ugly mole right next to her mouth and I just can't stop staring it at...ewww *shudder*
Jaron: Hahha, that's funny.
Mal: Now Zahra! That's not like you.
Zahra: I don't mean to be horrible dad... but I just keep staring at it... like my eyes won't look anywhere else.
Mal: I think you kids should go outside and let some steam off eh.

Zahra: Come on guys.

Jaron: Woah! Check out your grandpa! Wicked!
Zahra: Yeah, he's a scientist. Hi Grandpa.
Katelyn: Hi Mr Hollingsworth.
Mal: <thinking to himself> Hmm, that Jaron's a handful.

Zahra: Oh I love it out here.
Katelyn: You're so lucky having this space ship. We've got no toys at home.

Zahra: Well, you're welcome here always Katelyn, even if I'm not here. Just come on over and play. K?
Katelyn: Thanks.

Katelyn: I think there are incoming enemy on the horizon. I think it could be the Borg!
Zahra: Oh NO! I'm too young to be assimilated...Quick, man the guns! I think this might be our last mission...I can't see a way out of this.

Zahra: I think it may have been a false alarm ensign. The horizons look clear.
Katelyn: Thank goodness captain *Whew*

Zahra: I declare the emergency over. Cancel the Red Alert!
Dude: *Wicked chuckling*

Dude: ROAAaaaaarrrrrr
Katelyn: *Screaming in fun terror*
Zahra: Arghhh!

Katelyn: Setting course for 27658929.1 Warp 9
Zahra: On my mark.... ENGAGE!

Blaize: I really don't want to have a birthday.
Mal: You'll be right, be the same age as me.
Has to be done!

Everyone singing....
Blaize: Hmm... sugar frosting.

Happy Birthday Blaize! Make your adult years count my boy!

Dude: Happy birthday son.
Blaize: Thanks dad.

Mac: Happy birthday big brother.

Mal: See, it's not so bad eh.
Mac: Hmm, that cake sure looks good!

Jasmine: Happy birthday

Jasmine: May you live long and prosper.
Blaize: And you.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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