Chapter 53: Party!Mackenzie: Thanks Taylor, for letting me throw my house party here.
Taylor: No worries, it'll be a blast!

Jasmine: Hi Micah. Cute hat!
Micah: Thanks!
Umm Sienna... what are you doing?Sienna: The pretty...
Party crashers! <Blows a raspberry at UFO>
Thomas: Thanks for coming Alex.
Alex: Wouldn't miss it, nice to be one of the 'oldies' for a change, no responsibilities to rush home for.

Dude: You hungry Beatrix?
Bea: Yeah... kind of. What are you cooking?
Dude: Black and White cake.
Yes! My favourite! I'm so glad it's not taco casserole. Eww.
Alfonso: Blaize! Come and try the cake, leave the cleaning man... the cake's going fast!

Herman: Hmm, this really is delicious.
Dude: Thanks.
Tierra: Nice house Taylor.
Declan: Oh, I'm Declan, Taylors twin brother. Everyone get's us mixed up.

Mac: Well, you guys make getting a gold medal easy! All that's left to do it just enjoy ourselves 'till it's home time.
Tierra: Congrats Mac!
Mac: Thanks.

And so... Winston got his story telling vibes on, Blaize got a little flirty chatting to Micah (MMmmmmmm) and everyone danced the night away.

Oh, and party girl Mackenzie met Rusty Louis who also had a penchant for unbelievable yet true stories.

Mac: Thanks for helping me with my homework Rusty.
Rusty: You're very welcome Mac. I'm amazed I haven't forgotten everything I learnt from high school.
Dude: Been a while has it?
Rusty: Since high school? Yeah, just a bit.
Dude: Hmm.

Mac: Did you enjoy the party Herman?
Herman: Sure did. It's all pretty tidy through there too.
Rusty: Cool! Well, night everyone.
Mac: Night Rusty, thanks for coming.
Herman: Home time eh?
Dude: Yep.

Micah: Night Blaize.
Blaize: Ok, it's safe to go out.
Micah: Lol, whatever do you mean?
Blaize: No UFO's... you're good to go! Actually, maybe I better walk you home....Just in case.