Chapter 51: Too SoonJasmine: Morning watcher.
Morning. Jasmine: I thought I'd play you a song I wrote a little while ago...
It's lovely.Jasmine: Thanks.

Dude: So, I feel fine. I guess they just wanted to run me through some diagnostic tests or whatever.
Reagan: Well, I'm pleased that you're fine, of course, but I can't help wishing that they would just ask instead of whipping you away like that. It's so worrying.
Dude: Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get used to it, that's for sure.

Dude: Ah well, I guess it's because I have so many alien friends, not to mention Blaize and Jasmine of course, so I suppose this is just how it's always going to be.
Reagan: Oh love, trust you to look on the bright side of it all.

Dude: Well, time for work. You know I love you don't you.
Reagan: I do. I love you too. Have a lovely day at work. You're thinking of taking a vacation day aren't you? I know that twinkle in your eye.
Dude: I am. It would be nice to go snuggle up in bed with my lovely wife for a while...
Reagan: We've got the weekend to do that! Lol, go!
Dude: Going! <Grin>

Some time later that same evening...
Jasmine: You're getting so much better! That's sounding really fantastic.
Writing again?Blaize: Hmm.
Mac: Yeah, I need three best sellers pronto. My editors being a bit pushy.

Dude: So, how've you been?
Zest: Ok. I guess. It's a bit strange visiting and seeing the kids growing up so fast!
Tell me about it. I can hardly believe that Blaize is a young man now. Zest: Seems like yesterday that we were changing his diapers.
Dude: Lol, don't tell him that!
Oh! Best seller?Mac: *sigh* No, unfortunately. I seem to have hit writers block. The best I'm writing at the moment are deemed as excellent.
It'll happen. Don't worry. Maybe take a break for a while eh?
Oh no.Reagan: I think I don't feel very well...

Winston: Oh my love!

MacKenzie: Mum...Oh no! Don't leave me!

Reagan: I love you my dear with all my heart, look after your father.
Winston: I love you Reagan...
Reagan: <Faintly> And I you....

Grim: I'm sorry Winston, it's definitely time.
Good bye sweet Reagan, you will be missed and thank you for everything you've done for this dynasty. You will live on, you know, through Mackenzie and all her descendants.

Blaize: Reagan's gone hasn't she watcher?
Yes Blaize. How did you know?Blaize: I felt a knife in my heart.

Blaize: I know Reagan wasn't my real mum, but she was, you know watcher?
I know.
Mac: I can't talk about it. I'm writing it out...
I'm here if you need me.Mac: Mum's last painting is there. I asked her to paint me something with butterflies for my bedroom <sob>. I can't look at it now.
You will be able to soon and then each time you look at it you will remember all the good times and it will make you smile a little. Trust me.