Chapter 43: Two Birthdays and A WeddingOh, umm <cough> cake's ready Reagan.
Regan: Well, here goes.

Reagan: Hmm...

Blaize: Happy birthday to yooOOOouuu...
Dude: Oh my back's gone out in sympathy.
Reagan: Oh! Ouch.

Dude: Happy birthday my love.

Jasmine: So you missed Reagan's birthday Uncle Zest.
Zest: Oh, darn. I was hoping to get back in time.
Blaize: So what's it like being dead anyway?

Jasmine: It's really good to see you again. I've missed you heaps.
Zest: It's good to see you too hun. Everyone looks good.
Oh is that what I think it is?Dude: Yep.

How's it taste?Dude: Fishy.
Well, my old friend, congratulations on reaching immortality. Only seven more of your descendants to go.
Blaize: Say uncle Zest, wanna play a couple of games of chess? I'm trying to get good enough to beat dad.

Dude: Ah, there you are darling. I love you so much, will you marry me, my love, now all my immortal requirements are out of the way?
Reagan: I can't wait to my love.

Dude: I knew from the moment I saw you, sitting in the park that day, that you were the woman for me.
Reagan: And I knew from the moment you spoke to me and made my heart miss a beat that I never wanted to be without you.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hollingsworth.
Oh Jasmine, who did this?Jasmine: I don't know.
Don't cry sweet, I'll go get your dad eh.Jasmine: <sniff> K.
Oh dang it!
Ya could have waited until his honeymoon woohoo was over you inconsiderate bunch of... I can't think of a word...Arghhh.
Oh Dude... I'm so sorry.

Mackenzie: Hey look watcher, I've completed my third aspiration. Woo!
Gosh! Well done Mac, I think it might be time for bed though, it's pretty late.
Oh thank heavens... are you ok?
Dude: Oh, my back.
<cringe> That sounds terrible. Really.Dude: Doesn't feel that flash either.
Well, today's Jasmine's birthday and I dare say she'll be up early.
Everyone singing: Happy birthday dear Jasmine...

Dude: Happy birthday Jasmine
Jasmine: Thanks dad. I don't have to look at the camera before I get some new clothes do I?
Dude: Lol, no love.

Reagan: Happy birthday sweetie.
Jasmine: Thanks! I really have to go change! Honestly, I don't see why we always have to age up looking so ridiculous.