Chapter 41: Winston's Elder BirthdayI don't care whether you use castor sugar of soft brown... you're not going to be eating it anyway. Once you're old you don't get to eat nice stuff anymore or you'll get fat.Dude: Hmm, castor... Oh, you in a titch again?
I don't get in titches. <humpf>
Mackenzie: Woah! How do you do that dad?
Dude: Oh, easy once you know how. lol
Here's the bit I don't get... There's your cake, baking nicely in the oven...Dude: Umm, yeah!
Then when you grab it out the oven... it's all done.
See?Dude: Umm, now that you mention it, it is a bit odd. <Self-conscious grin>

Blaize: So dad, when you're really old like Uncle Zest, will you stay at home and sleep all day too?
Dude: Err, no. I think I'll go to work just like usual son.

Jasmine: Maybe you'll take a nap on the couch then when you get home so you have enough strength to walk upstairs to bed eh dad?
Dude: Umm.. no. I think I'll probably manage to stagger up the stairs... just though. You two might have to carry me at times.
<Snort> Don't tell them that Dude, they'll believe you!
Jasmine: Well I wouldn't care 'cos I love you and I'd carry you up every night if you wanted.
lol. Oh now look what you've started!Dude: Well, that's a lovely thought and you never know, I might take you up on that one day!
So you guy's will have to learn some new txting so you can understand your old man... LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out and probably GGPBL: Got To Go Pacemaker Battery Low.
Dude: Well kiddies, go get your mum and Uncle Zest, your dad's got a birthday to do.
<Gulp> Oh plumbob, this is it isn't it.Dude: Yep. Can't stall it any longer.
Do you wanna change into your swimming shorts for old times sake?Dude: lol NO! Geez watcher.

<Everyone singing> Happy Birthdaaaaaay Dear Winston/Daaaaaad

Dude: OMG... sheesh.
*depressed sigh*
Dude: Thanks Zest. Just doesn't get easier eh.
Zest: Nope.
I get first turn on dads computer
Jasmine: No
I get first turn, you always think you can win 'cos you're older.

Reagan: Happy birthday darling.
Zest: Well,
I'm having first turn so there. You can both get your homework done.
I'm off to drown my sorrows.
Dude: I'm off to dye my hair, way too young to go fully grey.

Dude: Oh my back....ow...OW.
*Depressed and somewhat juiced sigh* Yesh, I could have told you about that. Old age and exermasize jusht don't go well together.
Zest: So Dude, I have to tell you something....
Dude: Oh if it's about not doing a serious epic workout, I already found that out.

Zest: Umm, no it's more about the afterlife... and how Grim let's you know it's time.

Zest: I've had my second warning now.
Dude: Oh no <swallows a lump> Oh Zest, it's way too soon.
Zest: Well, I'm not thrilled but... I need you to know that it's been <swallows an even bigger lump> well... just great and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.