Chapter 27: Or Not So LuckyDude: Looking in good form there Grim.
Grim: Thanks.

Kiersten: Less chat more action. Do it.
Dude: Look Kiersten, I appreciate you mentoring me, I do... but pushy women really wind me up.

Blaize: So Micah are you related to Uncle Zest too?
Micah: Yeah, he's my dad.
Blaize: So... how come you never visit?
Micah: I just never seem to have the time. We live in Willow Creek so usually I hardly ever come over here.
Blaize: Well, maybe you might come over now you know me too?
Micah: Sure.

Beatix: Can I come too even though I'm not related?
Blaize: Of course! I'd love it if you guys came over to play.

Beatrix: Told you coming over to play here was a good idea. Micah says we never meet anyone new...
Blaize: ...and now you have! Well, I'll see you later. Home time for me.
Micah: Me too. Seeyaz.

Dude: Woah! What the heck are you doing Grim?

Dude: Don't look Alexander... Grim can get pretty 'touchy' about stuff like this.

Grim: Ohh, that doesn't feel so flash. I hope no one saw...

Stefan: So is it normal for you sims to have other sims yell at you while you work out?
Zest: <Sarcastically> Apparently so.
Dude: Not all trainers are so <grunt> vocal as these ones. Eh Kiersten?

Grim: Oooo emergency call out! Woo. Gotta go.
Dude: Oi! Watch where you're waving that scythe thingy around will ya. Too close for comfort.
Grim: Sorry Dude.

Dude: Ohh, think I've picked up that darn stomach bug again. Either that or I've pulled some abs or something.
*Rolling eyes* K, then. Home time.
I thought we'd got away with it this time for sure... no symptoms right until the end of the day. *Sigh*Zest: Oh well, least we know how it goes now eh.
Well, it seems strange that you guys aren't aging up together like you always do.Zest: Yeah, how did that happen?
Dude: Seems that while I am infected with this darn stomach illness, I don't age.
Zest: Hmm... well I guess that makes sense. Sort of like the same for women.
Dude: Do women get this bug too?
Just blow out the candles Zest... not that I am in any way, shape or form, in a hurry for you to be old, but this conversation does my head in.
Ahh, you wanna age up cowboy style?Dude: Lol... you just want to delay it for as long as possible don't you.
I do... I really do.Zest: It's fine.... look I love it here, let's just get my birthday happening.

Dude: Here we go.
Zest: <big breath> I wish for....

Zest: Oh a new mattress on my bed.... cripes. Ouch.
Dude: Hmm, those paintings sure are ugly.

Dude: Happy birthday Zest.

Dude: And I want to thank you for ever thing you've done. I've completed every thing and I couldn't do it without you.
Zest: My pleasure, seems strange being different ages though eh.
Dude: Yeah, tell me about it.
Well, no point in having a 'reveal' eh, your face has been plastered on every shot just about.Dude: Yeah, I forgot about that 'no face shots' rule.
<Snicker> I didn't.
Dude: Hmm.. so I don't really feel like going on a date with Emma. My stomach keeps hurting and I feel quite ill, and just well, indescribably strange.
That's ok. You do need to start thinking about settling down though.
Dude: Really? Can't I be a wild boy all my life? <Grin>
<Grin> Nooo. lol. So, You gonna marry Emma?Dude: That would be telling.