Author Topic: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Completed)  (Read 32895 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Gen 3 - 3/29)
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2015, 08:39:53 AM »
The University town has some good looking Sims. Cora does look like she'd have been fun with a nice balance of both her parents. Jalaso is super cute!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Gen 3 - 3/29)
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2015, 01:54:38 PM »

Generation 4: Cailyn Savidge
It's time to dance again.

Cailyn's traits: Athletic, Hates the Outdoors, Genius, Animal Lover, Easily Impressed

Growing Up
    Cailyn was born about two days, give or take a few hours, after her triplet sisters. For all intents and purposes, all four girls were the same age. And, apparently, four toddlers are exponentially more difficult than three, even with four adults in the house. Thank god for Helena's motive mobile, or no one would have survived the ordeal. So. Many. Toddlers.

Daddy Jal reading to little Cailyn at the library.

    This generation was the first to receive imaginary friend dolls in the mail. The triplets all managed to befriend theirs, so that they came to life once the girls were children. Cailyn, on the other hand, was so busy with requirements and trying to win attention from the grown-ups, that she never quite managed to spend enough time with her doll, Ricky. To this day, Ricky remains in her inventory, doomed to be nothing more than a toy forever.

    At prom, Cailyn was the only one in the family who didn't find herself a romantic interest. Probably because she had her eye on an older man, but that's beside the point. But, not to be denied her teenage first kiss, Cailyn went out and found the only teenager, besides her sisters, who she was remotely friends with, and planted one on him. Turns out, Cailyn wasn't the first to hit on Gator Wolff - her grandmother, Helena, had done it once, too. And she wouldn't be the last; Gator, the immortal teenage werewolf, would also briefly try hitting on one of Cailyn's children.

Ian Yates

Ian's traits: Flirty, Excitable, Family-Oriented, Nurturing, Angler

The spouse with the best faces.

    When Cailyn was a teenager, the family began to keep an eye out for potential spouses. It was probably Jal, who was often at the library, who first came into contact with Ian Yates, a handsome young adult mermaid. Cailyn had to busy herself with a teenage romantic interest at the time, but I kept my eye on Ian in the meantime. And sent Natasha (my charismatic instant befriender) to make first contact. Once Cailyn finally grew up, I sent both her and Natasha to the Yates household, and for the first time, Natasha's love charms actually came in handy. Cailyn moved in her new boyfriend right away.

A glitchy moment when Cailyn/Ian arrived home from China.

    As it turned out, Ian was already a father - he had two daughters, Summer and Cecilia, by an unknown mother. The girls were almost exactly the same age as Cailyn, which, I'll admit, is a little weird, but sometimes in dynasties you do what you have to do. I think they were both human when Ian and Cailyn first met, but Summer, at least, became a werewolf before long.

Summer and Cecilia Yates, generation 5's half-sisters.

    Ian spent more time with Cailyn than most dynasty spouses do, but only because they were working together to help Cailyn master Martial Arts. The rest of the time, Ian was usually out fishing. All the time, fishing. It was a quick and easy way to keep him out of my hair, and it earned him a fair amount of money, too.

The ultimate sparring partner.

Martial Artist
    Because she rolled Athletic as an infant, I knew early on that Cailyn would master the Athletic skill as an adult. The real question was, which other skill would she work on? I thought about it, and decided Martial Arts would be perfect for her.

    I just had to install World Adventures first.

    So I did, and after a quick trip to China, Cailyn and Ian were on their way to becoming martial artists. They spent countless hours sparring together, and meditating on the side.

Training in China.

Smashing space rocks. (Way to ruin your grandma's work and one of your dad's sources of brain power.)

Master Thief
    Following in her mother's (and great-grandfather's) footsteps, Cailyn joined the criminal career. But instead of becoming the Emperor of Evil, Cailyn opted for the thief track. It puts her athletic and ninja skills to use, anyway.

The master thief in a state of zen.

Dancing Queen
    When Cailyn is left alone, she does one of two things: she works out, or she dances. And most of the time, she chooses to dance. If there's a stereo anywhere in the house, Cailyn will be there, dancing like a fool.

Where she gets it from - (from left) Cora, Cade, and Bridget moving to the music.

This really is what she does all day now.

  • Traits: Hates the Outdoors, Athletic, Genius, Animal Lover, Easily Impressed
  • Lifetime Wish: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
  • Career: Criminal (Thief)
  • Partner: Ian Yates (Mermaid)
  • Offspring: Adriana (Fairy), Isla (Fairy), Sebastian (Fairy), Nerisse (Mermaid), Dillon (Fairy)
  • Toddler: Best Friends Both Parents, Xylophone, Logic Books
  • Child: Honor Roll, Pile of Permission Slips
  • Teen: Romantic Interest Gator Wolff, Honor Roll, Mausoleum Clerk Level 3
  • 1 Best Friend: Monica Baird (Fairy)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Athletic Certificate, Golden Fox
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: Welcome to the Family, Egyptian Delivery, Keep It Up
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Queen of the Fae, Meditative Trance Sleep, No Bills Ever, Fireproof Homestead
  • 5 5k+ Wishes: Master Athletic Skill, Work Out for 12 Hours Straight, Meditate for 24 Hours, Master Martial Arts Skill, Reach Level 10 of Criminal Career
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Body Builder, Marathon Runner, Timber Terminator, Fitness Nut, Sim Fu King, Master of Meditation
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Ninja Vanish Potions
  • Vacation Days Used: 6

Cailyn's section of the family mauseoleum.

    This generation, I did not think things through when it came to Cailyn's pregnancy, and it cost the dynasty several weeks of lost time. There were now five adults living at home, and Cailyn's first pregnancy added another set of triplets. If you do the math, that adds up to eight. Which, without mods, is the maximum number of Sims that can be present in a household. And because each triplet was a fairy, there was no heir.

    And so, Generation 5-A began. Adriana, Isla, and Sebastian, fairies all, needed to grow up and move out before Cailyn and Ian could try again for a mermaid child. Because they were all spares, they underwent a rapid aging process. As soon as I knew they would age up well (i.e. they learned their basic toddler skills and earned A's in school as children and teenagers), they moved on to the next age bracket. Finally, they were old enough to move out.

    With Cailyn's next pregnancy, I tried to keep it to a single birth. Apparently, I only get single births when I'm not trying, because she had twins: Nerisse and Dillon. Dillon was a fairy like his mom and older siblings, but Nerisse got her scales from her dad (who passed down his mermaid state to only 1 out of 7 children).

Generation 5 Spares

Adriana Savidge: Perceptive, Loner, Computer Whiz, Animal Lover, Evil

Inherited the more unfortunate family genes; there's always one. First family member to actually have the Evil trait, despite there being a long line of criminals in the Savidge house.

Isla Savidge: Genius, Loner, Equestrian, Frugal, Disciplined

Possibly the most gorgeous child of the dynasty thus far, and holds a special place in my heart. In my head, Isla is genderqueer, or possibly trans; I could never quite figure out which. I would love to use them in a future dynasty (de-fairified, of course).

Sebastian Savidge: Grumpy, Artistic, Neat, Childish, Never Nude

Got Grandpa Jal's green hair, which looks awesome on him. Went into music, and would become his brother-in-law's boss. Also got zombified at some point.

Dillon Savidge: Perceptive, Insane, Unlucky, Workaholic, Disciplined

Nerisse's twin; they were the best of friends. Well, actually he was closer to Zee, his imaginary friend. I made Zee real and got them hitched just before Dillon moved out.

Note: Before gen 5, I will likely be posting at least one or two interludes. I have a bunch of pictures of Cailyn and Ian - their wedding, their sparring matches, and Ian's faces. And I'd like to do an interlude for gen 5a, which got a little shortchanged and deserves some love. Also, eventually some more Natasha flirting with all the wrong people, and various Savidges scaring Helena.

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Gen 4 - 4/5)
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2015, 05:32:34 PM »
I strongly approve of your choice of Ian as a spouse, he has excellent genes and I'm looking forward to seeing more of him and Cailyn. I also can't wait to see Natasha's romantic endeavors! I'm looking forward to your next update  :D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Gen 4 - 4/5)
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2015, 11:24:13 AM »
Those are some gorgeous kids, thank goodness the nose didn't get passed down! Looking forward to seeing more of Cailyn and Ian.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Gen 4 - 4/5)
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2015, 11:24:33 AM »
Interlude 2: Ninja Masters
Being a tale of Cailyn and Ian Savidge.

For the most part, Savidge spouses play minor background roles, and barely interact with the heirs they married. Thanks to the necessity of a sparring partner to master martial arts, Ian Savidge was the exception. He and Cailyn spent more time together than any other couple, and I photodocumented some of it.

The early days of their partnership, in China.

The first - and probably last - Savidge couple to have a wedding party.

The obligatory kiss shot.

Everyone else is in formalwear, but Grandma Helena shows up... in her underwear, of course. Also, she's sunburned - how does a vampire do that? - and talking to herself. And the random cat is just thinking about the honeymoon.

Cailyn, honey, turn around; Ian's cutting the cake all by himself.

It's easier to fly through the air when you have wings.

Serious faces for serious business.

To the mirror: "Look at this face; look at how sexy I am. No wonder my wife always wants me."

Post-woohoo in the shower...

Seriously, he has the best face ever.

Cailyn's not far behind, though. She's a ninja and she knows it. But Nerisse, in the background, doesn't care; she just wants her bottle.

"I'm too sexy for this family. Just saying."

Hence why Natasha can't keep her lips off him, even with his wife and son standing four feet away.

"Yay, Dillon! I didn't just make out with your great-great grandmother or anything!"

I blame it all on Natasha.

But Cailyn won't let that slow her down. She'll just keep dancing.

Ian eventually moved out with his son Dillon. He would be spotted several times as an elder by his daughter Nerisse, hanging out in the park.

Cailyn... just keeps dancing.

Next up: An interlude featuring the triplets of generation 5A.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (4/11)
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2015, 11:34:11 AM »
I love it, Natasha is just so naughty xD
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (4/11)
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2015, 09:00:02 PM »
I can't believe Natasha did that, I love her! She's probably one of my favourites with all her quirks and drama.  :D

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Offline goldenwanderer

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (4/11)
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2015, 06:57:07 PM »
Interlude 3: The 5A Children
AKA The lost generation of beautiful people.

Thanks to some poor planning on my part, Cailyn and Ian had five children together, in total. Adriana, Isla, and Sebastian - the set of triplets, born first - experienced an accelerated life cycle, so that I could get around to having an heir. I don't have as much pictures of them as I thought, but I wanted to give them a little screentime, to make up for the days of life they missed.

"I think I can hear them!"

"You can't, idiot. But it's sweet of you to talk to them, anyway."

Proud Grandpa Jalaso holding Adriana or Isla... in his underwear. Classy.

But he's not the only one. It's a wonder these kids aren't scarred for life. That's little Adriana, by the way.

No pictures of them as kids, but here are all three as teens having a pie-eating contest. Sebastian looks a little overwhelmed.

At least Seb's not getting hit on by the creeper Gator Wolff, who is still a teenager somehow.

"Didn't you date my mom once? And my great-grandma?"

"Your point?"

Seriously, this kid is creepy.

Natasha likes food-eating contests, too. Here she is with the triplets' older half-sister, Summer Yates.

And with her grandson.

I didn't want to let Isla go. Snagged a picture outside the library after Isla moved out.

Funny story: Sebastian showed up outside the house one evening, sometime after moving out, all normal and everything, so someone invited him in. Almost immediately afterward, the moon rose, and I realized Sebastian was zombified. But it was too late... he was already invited inside. The Savidges spent the night avoiding the zombie attacks inside their house. It was a stressful night for all.

And a preview of the upcoming update, featuring gen 5 heir Nerisse:

"They think they know evil? I'll show them evil. After I eat this bread and jam, of course. Mwahahaha."

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (4/23)
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2015, 06:03:26 AM »
Haha, I would have loved to see the zombie attack! Those are some good looking kids and Nerisse, what a way to leave us hanging.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (4/23)
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2015, 03:41:26 PM »
Ooh I'm really looking forward to seeing Nerisse  :D

Offline goldenwanderer

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (4/23)
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2015, 06:50:17 PM »
Interlude 4

I know you're all waiting for Nerisse's update, but it's not quite ready yet, so here's a very brief interlude to tide you over.

The only way to play pool is in your underwear.

"Oh, no."

"I didn't sign up for this!"

I missed it, but I'm pretty sure she kissed this guy.

Helena, doing the Thriller dance apparently. She's not nearly as frequent a dancer as Cailyn, and for good reason.

Jal, playing outside in the leaves.

This time, Natasha tried kissing an alive girl, instead of a ghostly one. Probably a better experience, I'd imagine.


Coming soon: The generation 5 update, finally, and at least a few more interludes: one featuring the various Savidges scaring each other, and one in which almost every Savidge is interested in the gen 5 spouse. Fun times.

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Updated 5/5)
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2015, 04:35:17 AM »
Really enjoying the little snippets of their lives and can't wait to meet the gen five spouse  :o
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Updated 5/5)
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2015, 10:08:56 AM »
Good for Natasha, she finally moved onto the living. I can't wait for the interludes and the Gen 5 spouse  :D

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Updated 5/5)
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2015, 08:15:02 PM »

Generation 5: Nerisse Savidge
One of us is going down.

Out of all the children born to Cailyn and Ian, Nerisse was the only one who inherited her father's scales. She temporarily brought pets into the Savidge household. And, more significantly, she's the first one to put Natasha in her place.

Nerisse's traits: Athletic, Artistic, Animal Lover, Evil, Loves the Outdoors

Growing Up
    Nerisse and her twin brother Dillon were the second round of children born to Cailyn and Ian. Her early years were mostly uneventful. She spent most of her time playing with either Dillon or her imaginary friend, Jaden.

"See, Grandpa Jal? This is how you play sports."

"Our family is crazy, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Does that make us the normal ones?"

"... not a chance."

    Also, she started a trend - scaring unsuspecting members of the family. At least, I'm reasonably certain it didn't really start until Nerisse came along.

Just one example of many.

Jaden Savidge

Jaden's traits: Workaholic, Virtuoso, Loser, Frugal, Disciplined

Somehow even more irresistible than his father-in-law.

    When Nerisse and Dillon received dolls in the mail during their infant days, I knew that Nerisse's would be the next dynasty spouse. Simply put, I wanted to use the life state in the dynasty, and there was no guarantee the gen 6 heir would be given a doll. And this time around, I made sure Nerisse spent as much toddler time with her doll as possible, so she wouldn't end up like her mother, with a lifeless toy forever in her inventory.

Om nom nom.

    When the twins became young adults, I immediately had Nerisse make Jaden real. Then he promptly started working as a musician and playing his guitar all over town. For the entire time he lived in the house, Jaden played the guitar whenever he could, at home or at the park. He did very little else.

    Except attract attention from the older Savidges. To my surprise, Natasha wasn't the only one who tried to hit on Jaden. In fact, she wasn't even the first.

This was taken when Helena tried, unsuccessfully, to flirt with him.

    Eventually, Natasha did get in on the action; she wouldn't be herself if she didn't. But Helena would also try again. And Jaden managed to get along well with Jal and Cailyn as well. But I'll save the other photos for a future interlude.

    Nerisse was the second heir in a row to roll Animal Lover. After she rolled Loves the Outdoors too, I decided to be nice and let her have the one pet I can stand in this game - a horse. Or, to be more precise, several horses. A grand total of ten, I believe, but not all at once.

"I think I'm doing it wrong."

"Oh, that's much better."

    Nerisse gave most of her attention to one horse in particular, whom she adopted as a foal. Odo became her primary racing horse. Every day, she'd take him to the Equestrian Center across town and participate in a race - or two, when I got the timing right. Odo also proved to be the most fun, with his habit of glitching and somehow showing up in the middle of a building.

Feeding baby Odo.

Twice Odo mysteriously ended up in the kitchen.

But he wasn't the only one. This horse ended up in the family mausoleum. Which only has one door, which is locked for everyone.

    For the most part, Nerisse's other horses only stayed until they were Best Friends with their master. Then she put them back up for adoption, or sold them. She tried to make friends with wild horses, but for some reason, once I actually started looking for them, they were nowhere to be found. It proved to be too much work, so I gave up on that fairly quickly.

    After her equestrian skill challenges were done, I promptly got rid of all the horses. I was a little sad to see Odo go, but not enough to keep him around.

Sculptor Extraodinaire
    When Nerisse wasn't racing with Odo or befriending random horses she adopted for the purpose, she was hard at work at the sculpting station. It was a good way to put that Artistic trait to use... and it let her play with a chainsaw on something other than people.

"Take that, ice! Who's in charge now? That's right, I am!"

    Nerisse is the first Savidge heir to inherit the Evil trait. When properly entertained, through riding horses or sculpting with chainsaws, Nerisse does just fine. But, when she's left on her own for too long...

...this tends to happen.

    Nerisse has gotten into fights with a few people around town. I have to be careful when I send her to the park; she likes to take the opportunity to pick a fight. But, for the most part, Nerisse only gets into trouble at home.

    More specifically, with Natasha. Probably because Nerisse is Evil and Natasha is Good. But also because Natasha probably deserves it.

Natasha has kissed both her dad and her husband. If anybody's got a right to hit her, it's Nerisse.

"You wanna go again? I could do this all day."

    Nerisse isn't entirely too difficult to manage, as long as I keep her away from Natasha. Sometimes she'll sculpt autonomously. Otherwise, I'll often find her in the small pool I built for her; the other Savidges like it too.

Practicing for her next fight. Though since she's only done this once, it probably won't help much.

Swimming in the ocean... her natural habitat, supposedly.

Her just-pulled-off-a-trick face.

  • Traits: Athletic, Artistic, Animal Lover, Evil, Loves the Outdoors
  • Lifetime Wish: Renaissance Sim
  • Career: Sculptor
  • Partner: Jaden Savidge (Imaginary Friend)
  • Offspring: Sam (Imaginary Friend), Jessica (Imaginary Friend)
  • Toddler: Best Friends Both Parents, Painting Books, Xylophone
  • Child: Honor Roll, Stinky Bugs
  • Teen: Romantic Interest Jessie Grover, Honor Roll, Mausoleum Clerk Level 3
  • 1 Best Friend: Summer Yates (Werewolf)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Successful Sculptor's Medal, Sculpting Certificate
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: Sculpture for a Friend, The Banquet Centerpiece, Professional Horse Training Seminar
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Permanent Mermaid, Animal Expert, Artisan Crafter, Raised by Wolves
  • 5 5k+ Wishes: Master Riding Skill, Master Sculpting Skill, Make a Masterpiece Sculpture, Earn 10,000 Simoleons Sculpting, Earn 20,000 Simoleons Sculpting
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Chiselmaster, Master Sculptor, Prolific Sculptor, Equestrian Champion, Ice Personality, Horse Friend
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Giraffe Topiaries
  • Vacation Days Used: 0

Nerisse's section of the family mauseoleum. And yes, that is a headless giraffe topiary. Nerisse likes that one best.

    I decided this time around that I wanted a male heir - Jalaso was feeling a little overwhelmed by all the women in the house - so Nerisse ate several apples to make it happen. Then Nerisse and Jaden each rolled the wish to have a girl, but it was too late. Their first child was a boy and an Imaginary Friend, so he became the heir.

    I decided to give little Sam a sister, since both his parents seemed to want that. And then while Nerisse was pregnant again, she and Jaden decided they wanted a boy instead. Make up your minds, people!

Generation 6 Spares

Jessica Savidge: Loves the Cold, Loves the Outdoors, Good, Technophobe, Neat

Born just for the heck of it. Or to keep Sam company. Otherwise didn't stand out very much.

Coming Soon: Adventures in Savidge Scaring, and all the trouble the Savidges put Jaden through. Plus, eventually: generations 6 and 7.

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Re: Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty (Gen 5 5/10)
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2015, 05:51:54 AM »
I love her fights with Natasha, someone really needed to put her in her place, lol.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

