Author Topic: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (Failed)  (Read 45746 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (05/04/15)
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2015, 09:38:38 AM »
@sdhoey @SFL Thank you both. I love Mitch's original getup but thought i could do better by giving him brighter colours to match his bubbly character.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (05/04/15)
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2015, 11:41:09 AM »
Chapter Ten: The Big Reveal

Dear Nettie,

I have great news for you!

*strides out of the bathroom before all the confetti falls to the ground*

Guess who's pregnant?

Uh... Nancy?

Don't be silly, it's me! We're having a mini us!

Are you sure because we only tried once.

Mitch, I took a test, wanna see?

No, no. I'm just... surprised is all. Wow, I'm going to be a daddy.

Being pregnant gave me plenty of time to prepare for Malcolm's birthday. We wanted to keep it small but he insisted on inviting the Goths around.

No guesses needed on what he wished for.

Well, Cassie is still into him in this life though it is absolutely inappropriate right now.

We all boogied down after all that cake we ate, except for Morty who was mortified at the idea of dancing.

I took family leave from work when it became obviously difficult to suit up and I didn't want to end up with a time baby or get probed by aliens.

Mitch feels he left us down on Malcolm's silver birthday and is practising constantly at the mixology bar. We're still getting used to the smell of burnt hair and glass shards.

I've been raising my logic skill as everyone deem repairing all the broken appliances too dangerous for me to fix. *sigh*

Grunkle Geoff works alone on the garden now that there are several pomegranates from all the grafting he and Granty Nancy have done between them.

Love, Kessy H Chant
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (11/04/15)
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2015, 02:51:41 PM »
Hurray!  ;D
Cake + Sims=Amazing

It is no joke that eating cake and playing sims is true awesomeness.
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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (11/04/15)
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2015, 02:55:09 PM »
Yay for nooboos! :) I gotta say, I just love your CC.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (11/04/15)
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2015, 08:48:24 AM »
@SFL Yay!  ;D
@Playalot Me too, there is so much out there though I have to install everyone one by one so I don't get the corrupt ones. So time consuming but worth the effort.
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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (11/04/15)
« Reply #50 on: April 12, 2015, 08:55:20 AM »
Chapter Eleven: The Kid


Well, you know what time it is. The Boss-Lady's upstairs in the nursery and no matter what I stuff into my ears, I can still hear her annoying screams.

Dad tapped me on the shoulder when it was all over and scolded me for being so 'immature'.

What's the Kid's name?

Er... Stardust.

Is she loopy?
(The Boss-Lady)

No, just different.

Kes went around fixing all the bathroom fixtures after someone kept sabotaging them. *snickers*

Then she was off on one of her space missions.

Goodbye everyone!

Now to smash that doll-house again. Mwahaha.

Hey, Mitch.

Shh, she's sleeping.

*quietly* Right. What's it like being a Dad?

Hmm, amazing.

Then it was my turn. Yup, this is definitely how you hold a baby.

Look into the camera, Star.

The Kid started screaming louder than her Mum, and both my parents fought over each other to calm her down. Dad won.

Did Uncle Mal upset my little Star?


Mum got all broody and suggested to Dad they have one of their own. I put my foot down and said we had to wait for Cassie and they were too old, anyway.

She sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star like she used to with me.

What? She's older already? Pfft. Mum fixed the doll-house for her, the little Brat didn't even change her outfit yet.

They locked the door so I couldn't go in and started playing dolls.

Hey, Mitch, someone hasn't done her homework!

They had to open the door then and Mitch made sure to supervise Star as she did her homework while I had a surprise waiting for her in the nursery. *snickers*

Please, Uncle Mal?

She can bat her eyelashes all she wants, I will refuse.

Pretty please?

*sigh* Fine, turn on the computers.

We sat for hours waiting for the satellite feed and nothing came through.

I'm going to bed.

She yawed and waved me away.

Get to sleep soon, Kid, or you'll get square eyes.

Hello, do you know where my Mum is?

The astronaut on the other end garbled nonsense and smashed his screen in response.

You're not upset?

Nope. I'll see her soon.

I started waving my arms around like a lunatic, this only made her giggle and blow harmless bubbles my way.

It's OK to cry. I won't tell anyone...

Uh huh. Look, I'm space walking!

Whoa. The Boss-Lady's back. All the smoke from her rocket went whooshing through the garden and dust settled onto the plants Dad has just sprayed and watered.

Hey, Kid, go see your Mum.

She went skipping towards the Falcon II and I watched as the smoke cleared and mother and daughter were reunited though that is an e-mail someone else will tell you all about.

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (12/04/15)
« Reply #51 on: April 12, 2015, 01:08:30 PM »
Aw, cliff hanger.  :P lol, great update!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (12/04/15)
« Reply #52 on: April 12, 2015, 01:37:21 PM »
Uncle Mal is a first class brat! LOL Great update

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (12/04/15)
« Reply #53 on: April 12, 2015, 04:11:58 PM »
Great update :) I loved reading it from Malcom's perspective, lol. And Star's outfit is so cute!

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (12/04/15)
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2015, 10:01:45 AM »
Great update.
I love that you let Malcolm write the letter this time.

Star looks so pretty :)
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (12/04/15)
« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2015, 11:08:52 AM »
@Playalot Yeah, it's another cliffhanger, sorry! xD
@sdhoey Yes he is, I enjoy playing him this time around and he has an overall good relationship with everyone - mostly Star  ::)
@ManiSims I have a lot of CC for kids and it is difficult to choose just one, lol.
@Ferretmania I get a little writer's block if I keep writing as Kes, plus Mal's a fun guy to be around  :P
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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (12/04/15)
« Reply #56 on: April 13, 2015, 11:15:51 AM »
Chapter Twelve: Black Hole Sun

Dear Nettie,

It was less than a week ago that I gave birth to my daughter Stardust, but I was itching for a well deserved promotion. I know you'd think it was wrong of me to leave her when she's just a baby but there are a handful of family members to help Mitch out. Now I'm on my return journey home after delivering some 'goods' to Sixam.

Hey, Chant, d'you think the Captain's acting strange?

I paused for a moment and turned to look back at Captain Cornell.

Uh oh. Someone's gone space mazey.

Valentine's a new recruit and eager to please the Captain so she gets up from her seat.

Hey Boss, if Boba Fett can survive space with the Freezer Bunny, so can you!

He roared obscenities at her and she sat down pronto. *giggles*

*Whispering* Chant, maybe those aliens in that Sixam bar gave him something weird? They sure did point and laugh at him a lot.

I stopped mid-sentence of a report I'd delayed in writing up. Aliens are one of my pet peeves, they take mischief making to a whole other level like getting male Sims pregnant - just ew. As the most senior officer under the Captain, if he got pregnant then that meant I'd be in charge. Hmm, I like that idea.

Captain, you're scaring Valentine, what were you drinking at Waylon's Interstellar Haunt?

Nothing. I wasn't drinking.
*eye twitch*

Are you sure?

Get your butt back to your seat, Chant, I'm sure the bosses back at base would LOVE to know what we were really doing on our SALVAGE mission.

Valentine shrugged her shoulders as I glared at her and returned to my report.

I didn't become an astronaut to babysit a space mazey Captain, you deal with him.

Moments later there was a scuffle as Valentine threw herself at the Captain, a potion of fizzing Moodlet Solver in one hand and handcuffs in the other. The Captain smashed the contents of the potion against one wall and lifted her off her feet in a violent wrestling takedown.

If the situation hadn't been so dire I'd have clapped and ordered popcorn.

One Hurricane Punch later the Captain was complaining about bruises in hard to reach places.

I'm taking over as Captain, Cornell, do you understand?

Mutiny? You wouldn't dare! I'll have your gartles of gutters, your yellows over mellows, dinkums on... on... *passes out*

While he was unconscious we injected him full of Moodlet Solvers and when he came to, the Captain mumbled apologies and thought it was about time I took over the reins for a while.

As the new Captain I set him on several admin tasks and an extra report on why drinking on the job was out of the question and what to do when a crew member goes space mazey.

Oh, I do love being the Boss. Of course, I earned a ton of respect from Valentine.

Hello beautiful world, I'm back!


Love, Kessy H Chant.
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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (13/04/15)
« Reply #57 on: April 13, 2015, 11:38:10 AM »
Very nicely done chapter!  I love the set up for the inside of the rocket ship.  How long did it take you to make the room and set up those interactions?
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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (13/04/15)
« Reply #58 on: April 13, 2015, 01:21:42 PM »
*claps* I LOVE this update!! You out did yourself on that. I love how you did the scenes from inside the rocket ship.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Re-Enchanted: An Immortal Dynasty (13/04/15)
« Reply #59 on: April 13, 2015, 04:46:15 PM »
@dethdukk Longer than it should have, lol. I mistakenly put Kes in a orange suit so it would seem Star had contacted her in space but she has the white suit >.< Then I had to think of a new idea and created her insane Captain and a random Sim to get beaten up  :P I believe the room itself took an hour even with so little furnishing - the bar is much larger and was completed in twenty easy minutes. Though I had to wait a month for GTW to be released and get the aliens added in. I'll share screenshots of the overview after work tomorrow. Thank God no poses were involved, those are trickier x.x

@sdhoey Thanks so much! I feel the need to add in non-official parts to the tale once in a while. This is what happens when they choose not to make the astronaut career an active one ::)

For those who are curious, the chapter title is a song by Soundgarden and the Captain is named after the frontman. Valentine is Cindergarden who covered the song a while ago. The music video freaked me out when I was younger so it's fitting for a space mazey chapter =D

Lastly, virtual cookies to whoever recognises the other bar guests ;D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

