Author Topic: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [complete - just a summary]  (Read 8743 times)

Offline Alex

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The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [complete - just a summary]
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:31:23 PM »
House 1: Riverview

Jebediah Wilson
Reached level 10 of the Medical career
Completed Architectural Eye and Teacher Extraordinaire.

Elaine Joy
Reached level 10 of the Culinary career
Completed Architectural Eye and Menu Maven.

Gen 1: Maeve

Traits: Brave, Loves the outdoors, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Photographer’s Eye
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Spouse: Gustave Delven

1 Maxed career: Photographer
2 Unique best friends: Colette Bonet & Tatiana Ivanov
3 Skill challenges: Paparazzi; Human form expert; Photog (photography)
4 Opportunities: French photos; Al Simhara; The Sphinx; Photo Contest (photography)

Maxed skills: Photography, Charisma

Gen 2: Merlin

Traits: Good, Heavy sleeper, Ambitious, Supernatural fan, Workaholic, Lucky
LTW: Alchemy Artisan
Spouse: Eveline Fouchier

1 Maxed career: Alchemist
2 Unique best friends: Keli Forsythe & Susie Broke
3 Skill challenges: Master Alchemist; Excellent Elixirs; Alchemists Anonymous (alchemy)
4 Opportunities: Scavenger Hunt: Rare Elements (special); Alchemic Mastery (alchemy); Charismatic Cash (charisma); Tricks of the Tarot (fortune teller career)

Maxed skills: Alchemy, Charisma

Gen 3: Mia

Traits: Friendly, Excitable, Ambitious, Irresistible, Charismatic, Workaholic
LTW: Super Popular
Spouse: Carlton Ratcliff(!?)

1 Maxed career: Education
2 Unique best friends: Leo Arryo & Cortney Daugherty
3 Skill challenges: Professional Greeter; Match Maker (social networking); Electrician (handiness)
4 Opportunities: School Snacks; Field Trip; Private Tutoring (education career); Shower Upgrade (handiness)

Maxed skills: Social networking; Logic; Charisma
Other maxed career: Sports agent*

*I’d intended for Mia’s unique career to be Sports Agent until I noticed how much the trophy you get is worth – then I decided they’d make a lovely shiny collection. Since Mia was already doing the Education career for Black Opps, she got pushed through it as quickly as possible and used that as her unique career instead.

Gen 4: Malcolm

(Despite several attempts, I only seem to have screenshots where he’s blinking)

Traits: Artistic, Loves the heat, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Savvy Sculptor
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Spouse: Julienne Knack [in Twinbrook]

1 Maxed career: Sculptor
2 Unique best friends: Yubi Yat Sen & Mack Berg
3 Skill challenges: Prolific sculptor; Master sculptor; Ice personality
4 Opportunities: Sculpture for a Friend; Help the School; High Quality Delivery; An Old Ruse (sculpting)
Maxed skills: Sculpting

Riverview stats:
All buildings and properties owned and upgraded.
4 trips (1x France, 1x Egypt, 2x China)

4 large tombstones: Elaine; Jebediah; Maeve; Merlin

4 career rewards:
Photographer’s Key to Riverview (Maeve)
Ingredient Eviscerator 235X (Elaine)
MinusOne Kelvin Refrigerator (Elaine)
Successful Sculptor’s Medal (Malcolm)

4 sets of 4 objects:
Photographs (§43,496) taken by Elaine, Jebediah and Maeve;
Lifetime happiness rewards (§192,000) earned by Elaine and Jebediah;
Elixirs (§8,456) created by Merlin;
Metals (§9,981) collected by Elaine and Mia;

Total value of House 1 collection: §253,933

Offline Alex

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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [just a summary]
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2015, 12:35:30 PM »
House 2: Twinbrook

Founding spouse: Julienne Knack
Reached level 10 of the Business career
Completed several friends-related charisma challenges

Gen 5: Miles

Traits: Brave, Athletic, Ambitious, Lucky, Handy
LTW: Swimming in Cash (I thought Firefighter Superhero would be impossible on medium speed – then the jammy git got two earthquakes, so he would have been okay)
Spouse: Cho Sonwhun

1 Maxed career: Firefighter
2 Unique best friends: Kim Chong Louie & Guang Shin Yi
3 Skill challenges: Fitness Nut; Marathon Runner (athletic); Tinkerer (Handiness)
4 Opportunities: Add It Up; Secret Techniques; Adonis in the Making (athletic); Try the Traps (handiness)

Maxed skills: Athletics; Handiness

Gen 6: Marshall

Traits: Disciplined, Athletic, Ambitious, Loves the heat, Natural born performer
LTW: Physical Perfection
Spouse: Stacey Boulton

1 Maxed career: Acrobat
2 Unique best friends: Deshawn Mattingly & Chauncey Middleton
3 Skill challenges: Body Builder (athletic); Timber Terminator; Master of Meditation (martial arts)
4 Opportunities: Showtime in the Park; Talking Mimes; Twisted Science; Happy Pamper (acrobat profession)

Maxed skills: Athletics; Martial arts; Charisma

Gen 7: Megan

Traits: Loves the outdoors, Loves the heat, Ambitious, Lucky, Equestrian, Workaholic
LTW: The Jockey
Spouse: Nolan Carey

1 Maxed career: Horsewoman
2 Unique best friends: Bobo Horse and Beasley Horse
3 Skill challenges: Horse Friend; Mustang Master; Equestrian Champion (riding)
4 Opportunities: Professional Horse Training Seminar (special); Fixing the Books; Fixing the Celestial Slump (logic); Caring for the Careless (medical career)

Maxed skills: Riding; Logic

Gen 8: Max

Traits: Artistic, Loves the heat, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Avant Garde, Workaholic
LTW: Reach Max Influence With All Social Groups
Spouse: Blair Wainwright [in Sunset Valley]

1 Maxed career: Art Appraiser – Acquisition Branch
2 Unique best friends: Bart Carroll & Brannon Ivy
3 Skill challenges: Brushmaster; Proficient Painter; Master Painter (painting)
4 Opportunities: Advanced Art Training; Skilled Painting; Brilliance; Masterpiece (art appraiser career). Also completed Fresco Fest.

Maxed skills: Painting; Charisma; Social networking
Other maxed career: Sports Agent (in House 3)

Twinbrook collections:
All buildings and properties owned and upgraded.
3 trips (1x China, 2x Egypt)

4 large tombstones: Julienne; Malcolm; Marshall; Miles [& Megan]

4 career rewards:
Firefighter’s Key to Twinbrook (Miles)
Firefighter’s Medal of Aegis (Miles)
The WooWoo 4000 (Miles)
NATHCR Championship Trophy (Megan)

4 sets of 4 objects:
Sculptures (§127,347) created by Malcolm;
Relics (§16,554) collected by Megan and Miles (I think) – possibly picked up by Marshall/Malcolm/Julienne, who all had a go at tomb-raiding and excavating;
Upgraded objects (§60,000) purchased by Malcolm, Julienne and Miles, and upgraded by Miles;
Gems (§175,122), from boards broken by Marshall, and picked up and cut by Miles and Megan.

Total value of House 2 collection: §379,023

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Offline Alex

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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [just a summary]
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2015, 12:38:35 PM »
House 3: Sunset Valley

Founding Spouse: Blair Wainwright
Reached level 5 of Law Enforcement, then level 10 of Sports Agent.
Completed several of the friends-related charisma challenges, and Teacher Extraordinaire.

Gen 9: Miranda

Traits: Genius, Couch potato, Ambitious, Bookworm, Workaholic, Charismatic
LTW: Professional Author
Spouse: Osvaldo Keaton (formerly the Keaton foetus)

1 Maxed career: Video Game Developer
2 Unique best friends: Malcolm Landgraab & VJ Alvi
3 Skill challenges: Prolific Author; Speed Writer; Specialist Author (writing)
4 Opportunities: To Boldly Go; A History of One; Correcting Past Mistakes (writing); Promotional Pomp and Circumstance (video game developer career)

Maxed skills: Writing; Logic; Charisma; Social networking
Other maxed career: Sports Agent

Gen 10: Michael

Traits: Genius, Perceptive, Ambitious, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, Workaholic
LTW: Renaissance Sim
Spouse: Lolita Goth

1 Maxed career: Private Investigator
2 Unique best friends: Clarissa Rodriguez & Wade Hathaway
3 Skill challenges: Free Range Scientist; Experienced Experimentalist (science); Master Chemist (logic)
4 Opportunities: The Case of a Little Dirt; The Mystery of the Naked Ring Finger; The Case of the Aloof Academic; The Case of the Rumour Mill (Private Investigator)
Maxed skills: Logic; Science; Charisma; Social networking
Other maxed career: Sports Agent

Gen 11: Maisie

Traits: Loves the outdoors, Loves the heat, Ambitious, Green thumb, Eco-friendly
LTW: The Perfect Garden
Spouse: Neil Thacker

1 Maxed career: Gardener
2 Unique best friends: Ashlee Lajoie & Blair Waddell
3 Skill challenges: Master Planter; Botanical Boss; Master Farmer (gardening)
4 Opportunities: Uncommonly Good; Great Plums; Outstanding Tasting Ingredients (gardening); Extra Appendages Are Fun! (science career)

Maxed skills: Gardening

Gen 12: Molly

Traits: Loves the outdoors, Good, Ambitious, Bookworm, Green thumb, Kleptomaniac
LTW: Renaissance Sim
Spouse: Darren Dreamer [in Lucky Palms]

1 Maxed career: Nectar Maker
2 Unique best friends: Arturo Abernathy & Britta Laws
3 Skill challenges: Flavorful Feet; Mix Master; Master of Nectar Making (nectar making)
4 Opportunities: Amateur Olympics (special); Excellent Veggies (gardening); The Importance of Sculpting (sculpting); Merging Towards Overtime (business career)

Maxed skills: Nectar making; Gardening; Handiness; Social Networking; Charisma

Sunset Valley stats:
2 trips (1 China, 1 France)
All buildings and properties owned and upgraded.

4 large tombstones: Max, Blair, Miranda, Michael

4 career rewards:
Eagle-Eyed Eavesdropper Medallion (Michael)
Bouquet in Repose (Max)
XS 4258p Laptop from Landgraab Industries (Miranda)
Gardening Hero’s Trophy (Maisie)

(Blair also had a Police Cruiser, but it got lost at some point)

4 sets of 4 objects:
Paintings (§30,230) created by Max*;
Career rewards (§100,000) earned by Max, Blair, Miranda and Michael;
Beetles (§13,600) created by Michael;
Stolen objects (§44,052) acquired by Molly.

*Max’s paintings stopped appreciating for a while, so the value is far lower than it should be :(. There should also have been a collection of his sketches, but they were also affected by the glitch, so Molly ended up kleptoing in this town instead of next. This was about the point I decided that the game didn’t want me to care about collection value!

Total value of House 3 collections: 187,882

Offline Alex

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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [just a summary]
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2015, 12:42:22 PM »
House 4: Lucky Palms

Founding Spouse: Darren Dreamer
Completed Celestial Explorer and Teacher Extraordinaire.

Gen 13: Mary Anne

Traits: Loves the outdoors, Good, Ambitious, Angler, Family Oriented, Nurturing
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Spouse: Hanson Gilbert

1 Maxed career: Daycare
2 Unique best friends: Seneca Inman & Dusty Seals**
3 Skill challenges: Amateur Ichthyologist; Commercial Fisherman (fishing); Comedian (charisma)
4 Opportunities: A Plumber and a Fisherman; Fishing for Suits; Aquarium Fishing; Funny Looking Fish (fishing)

**Incidentally, she was also best friends with Albert Fouchier, who was Mia (Gen 3)’s grandfather – they must have some seriously good ambrosia in France!

Maxed skills: Fishing

Gen 14: Mark

Traits: Loves the outdoors, Genius, Ambitious, Avant Garde, Loves the heat, Brave
LTW: Paranormal Profiteer
Spouse: Angie Morgan

1 Maxed career: Ghost Hunter
2 Unique best friends: Ben Silva & Eugène the XIII
3 Skill challenges: Always Wanted; Precision Sprayer; Master Muralist (street art)
4 Opportunities: Commissioned Street Art (street art); Spooky Props (ghost hunter career); The Wrong Pair of Shoes (law enforcement career); Deliver a Painting to China (painting)

Maxed skills: Logic; Street art

Gen 15: Matthew

Traits: Eccentric, Excitable, Ambitious, Lucky, Born salesman
LTW: Living in the Lap of Luxury
Spouse: Alaina Larson

1 Maxed career: Inventor
2 Unique best friends: Serena Ellington & Anastasia Meza
3 Skill challenges: Master Inventor; The Ultimate Invention; Widget Wonder
4 Opportunities: Master Invention, Harvester Delivery (inventing); Late Night Latrines, Escaping the Pit (military career)

Maxed skills: Inventing, Handiness

Gen 16: Melissa

Traits: Loves the outdoors, Virtuoso, Ambitious, Loves the heat, Natural born performer
LTW: Vocal Legend
Spouse: Dan Hale

1 Maxed career: Singer
2 Unique best friends: Lane Ochoa & Margaret Self
3 Skill challenges: Amateur Rock Finder; Awesomest Rock Collector in the Universe; Master Guitarist
4 Opportunities: Kumbaya, Showtime Headliner (singer); Some Hogan Rock, In the End (guitar)

Maxed skills: Guitar

Lucky Palms stats:
All buildings and properties owned and upgraded.
3 trips (2x France, 1x China)

4 large tombstones: Molly, Darren, Mark, Matthew

4 career rewards:
Nectar Maker’s Symbol of Honor (Molly)
Fabulous Angler Medal (Mary Anne)
Ghost Hunter’s Key to Lucky Palms (Mark)
Inventor’s Accolade (Matthew)

4 sets of 4 objects:
Nectar (§25,874) made by Molly
Fish (§29,384) caught by Mary Anne
Space rocks (§69,574) acquired through a combination of mining, star gazing and dodging to avoid being crushed under falling objects! Collected by various heirs, and analysed by Melissa
Wedding presents (§27,775*)

*the best value I got all game. Despite several generations in the decadynasty getting huge fountains, most of the couples in this game were given calendars or worse.

(Rather bizarre collection of wedding presents, including a Digital Tattoo Applicator! Every home should have one.)

Total value of House 4 collection: §152,605

Overall stats
Finish date: Week 69, Day 1
Overall value of collections: §973,443

Melissa with the Lucky Palms collection:

Joyson family tree

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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [complete - just a summary]
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2015, 12:56:19 PM »
Wow, good job! Those Fouchier features did not want to let go, did they?

I'm moving this to the Completed Dynasties board too. :)
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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [complete - just a summary]
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2015, 01:17:29 PM »
Interesting genes and impressive collection value despite glitches. Congratulations  ;D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [complete - just a summary]
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2015, 03:03:36 PM »
Interesting genes and impressive collection value despite glitches. Congratulations  ;D

By 'interesting genes', I assume you mean 'occasionally alarming'? ;) I spent ages trying to find a hairstyle that made poor Megan look okay, but there wasn't one!

Thank you :D

Wow, good job! Those Fouchier features did not want to let go, did they?


I didn't really notice how strong the Fouchier genes were until I put all the screenshots together, but they were ridiculously resilient.

Awesome job! Congrats on completing another dynasty  ;)

Thank you! :D

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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [complete - just a summary]
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2015, 05:54:57 PM »
Two weeks ??!!! :o

Spouse: Carlton Ratcliff

!!!  :D  Do you have a screenshot?  Does he look anything like the Carl in Union Cove?
(I thought Firefighter Superhero would be impossible on medium speed – then the jammy git got two earthquakes, so he would have been okay)

That is sensationally jammy.  I’ve had normal-lifespan firefighters die of old age before achieving their LTW.

I see what you mean about Mel and El…

And I can’t help noticing that you beat my museum value, despite the speed run and bugs… :P  Congratulations!

Offline Alex

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Re: The Joyson 4x4 Dynasty [complete - just a summary]
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2015, 06:19:20 PM »
Two weeks ??!!! :o

I liked medium speed :D That, and I mostly did professions/university careers/self-employment, which are especially quick if you combine them with elixirs and basil.

!!!  :D  Do you have a screenshot?  Does he look anything like the Carl in Union Cove?

I don't have Union Cove - but almost certainly not, given Carlton's slightly improbable colouring. He only appears in one screenshot, and it's taken from the side, but you get the idea.

That is sensationally jammy.  I’ve had normal-lifespan firefighters die of old age before achieving their LTW.

I know! Why couldn't that happen when I play the wish?!

And I can’t help noticing that you beat my museum value, despite the speed run and bugs… :P  Congratulations!

I did have the advantage of playing with Seasons + Movie Stuff, though - they certainly helped. First really good use I've found for Movie Stuff!

And thanks! :D