Author Topic: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge. Complete  (Read 52049 times)

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #120 on: February 15, 2015, 10:35:30 PM »
Monday 29th

Dear Diary,

Karli and Winston sure have a funny friendship going on.

They do enjoy each others company a lot though.

Perhaps more than they are ready to acknowledge even to themselves.

Mulan's been showing Kasen a few of her chess tricks.

And I've been painting my escape route. No, just kidding, I'm actually just enjoying experimenting on the easel.

I cornered Winston and asked him about Karli. He just pulled a face and said he wasn't ready to commit.

I said it wasn't about committing and told him about Pearl and me. He was pretty thrilled for us and then 'fessed up to really quite liking Karli, a lot.

I checked in to see how Alena was doing with her fitness. Now there's the face of commitment.

Kasen and Alena have become good friends and spend a fair bit of time chatting about their future plans and goals. It's good to hear people planning ahead.

As I tended the garden it suddenly occurred to me that this would be the last time I do it as the caretaker! I hadn't even thought about what I would exactly do next! Woah! Time to get my thinking cap on.

In so many ways I was actually going to miss this place.

I wondered where Pearl would like to live after we got married...

Probably somewhere in Willow Creek as I know she really loves the trees and the greenness of the outlook.

I decided that I'd phone Pearl as soon as I got finished with the garden to see if she had any thoughts.

I heard the cowplant coughing but decided not to look. That thing grossed me out!

Mind you it was looking a bit strange. I guess it needs milking from time to time.

Yeah, not really my thing at all. Ewww. note to self: see if anyone wants to take it with them

As I headed inside for breakfast I felt quite proud of everything I'd achieved.

I was so looking forward to getting my own place. It was starting to feel a bit crowded.

As the girls told themselves stories instead of each other I definitely felt it was time for a change.

Well, I guess tomorrow will be telling.

Over and out,


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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #121 on: February 15, 2015, 10:50:26 PM »
I can't help but giggle everytime a poor, hapless Sim goes for the cake XD I am a terrible person XD

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #122 on: February 15, 2015, 11:18:22 PM »
That was so funny! I was literally laughing out loud!!  ;D

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #123 on: February 16, 2015, 05:43:31 AM »
Congratulations to Matt and Pearl, I knew they had to get together or else  ;) I loved Mulan and Colt's chess match and all the girls cheering when she won, that was just perfect.
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #124 on: February 23, 2015, 03:57:41 PM »
Thursday 14th

Dear Diary,

It's been ages since I wrote anything but life has just been such a busy whirlwind of activity. So much has changed. I hardly know where to start. Well... the morning of the last day of The Fitzwilliam Centre being officially open was huge. Colt, Mulan and Alena all had their leaving interviews and headed off to their own brand new lives full of excitement and dreams. It was really quite sad seeing them all go but I was so proud of everything that they had achieved.

Then of course Kasen, Karli and Adelaide still needed some help and guidance and I was happy to have them stay on for a while until they felt ready to leave.

So I guess I should try to summarize what everyone has got up to.

Well, every time I visit Winston and Karli it's a blast!

They moved in together.

Winston has his art studio upstairs where he can look out over the river.

And Karli has taken up cooking and gardening along with her passion for sport. Although Winston got a bit grumpy when she tried to lift weights as he says it could harm the nooboo. I stayed out of the conversation.

It was really touching to see Winston with his little son.

Karli was a great mother.

Despite their busy lives there is always good food and great conversation to be had at their house.

And of course Davon has grown up to be a fine young man. Winston hopes he will become an artist and takes the time to teach him everything he knows. I think Karli's fine with whatever Davon wants to do, not that she spoils him too much as she is a stickler for homework!

I did question Winston about marriage. He replied that you don't need a fancy party just to prove you love someone. I don't think either of them are afraid of commitment, just more that they are free sprits in their own way. Either way, there sure is a lot of love in that household.

Talking about love... Arianna and Herbert were meant for each other.

They had a beautiful desert morning wedding.

Arianna has taken up writing. Her romantic novels are really good and I don't really read stuff like that.

Herberts fulfilling his life time wish of being a chef.

And watching every rerun  of The Sim Days of Our Life's. No wonder their marriage is great. They are both romantic souls.

This kept them pretty busy.

And I'm pleased to say Herbert continued with his fitness.

Their lives are perfect, that's what they said to me when I asked them. What more could a sim ask for really?

Actually that's what Bo said to me too. She loves her girly purple house.

She says she has never been happier. Her mixology skills are becoming quite famous now.

And her cooking skills are not far behind. But Bo says being a mixologist is what she has wanted to do forever.

She's busy writing down her best selling drink recipes and says some day she might publish them. I have a feeling it could be a Best Seller.

Well, Dairy, I'll write more tomorrow. I have some builders to see to now. Honestly there's nothing worse than having builders work on your house while you're still living there. I don't know what I was thinking.

Over and Out.

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #125 on: February 23, 2015, 04:20:30 PM »
Friday 15th

Dear Diary,

I must tell you about what Jon has been doing. Well, when Winston moved out to go live with Karli Jon said he suddenly realized what a great gal Rachael was.

Rachael is still fitness mad and although Jon really gets into his fitness his main interests are computers and gaming.

Rachael's taken up gardening.

And Jon the guitar. Rachael say's he's not the best at it actually but if it makes him happy then she's good with sitting through his performances with clenched teeth.

The three of us still get together and hang out.

And Nick still pops in to visit Jon as often as his work allows him. Although Nick is strangely reticent about what his work actually entails. I can never seem to get a straight answer from him.

Rachael and Nick seem to enjoy play fighting a lot. I guess it's their love of fitness that leads them to do that. I'll tell you what though, Rachael can sure hold her own!

Jon's house is cool for hanging out and playing cards and chatting. There's always someone new to meet. Rachael has a lot of friends probably due to the time she has spent mentoring people down at the gym.

Kasen was quite surprised at the number of remote controls Jon and Rachel have. Not that surprising considering Jon's a geek.

And of course Colt and Jon still are good mates. They seem to really enjoy gossiping chatting about the latest gaming guru geeks. I don't really get it all but they spend ages talking about it all.

We all still meet at the gym. It's really nice actually, to walk in there after a hard day at work and see all your mates there. I love it that we have all stayed good friends with each other.

I really enjoy the quite times too. Like just sitting on Jon's porch sorting out the woe's of the world, as you do.

Actually, we sort out most of the simverse's problems here.

Although Rachael says sometimes she feels like the third wheel when Alena and Don start staring at each other.

Not that I think she has time to think about anyone else all that much once Jon gets home.

I think it's safe to say that Rachael is the love of his life.

They got married down on the bridge where Jon said he first realized that he loved her.

Well, on that note I guess I'll finish. It's made me feel quite reflective, all this retrospective writing. If my life ends up even half as well as Jon's I think I'd be a very happy man.


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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #126 on: February 23, 2015, 04:46:35 PM »
Saturday 16th

Dear Diary,

Well at last the builders have finished with my house. I must say it was really getting on my nerves, all the dust and dirt. Not to mention the noise!

Anyway, let me tell you about Colt and Nick. Well Nick moved out from living with Kira to go flat with Colt. Kira and Nick have remained really good friends but he said the pink house was getting on his nerves a bit.

They seem an unlikely pair really but somehow neither of them has burnt the house down or got food poisoning. Despite their, umm, errr kitchen hygiene not being the best.

I think the mess gets to Nick at times but not enough to actually do anything about it. He says that when it gets really bad they just invite Kira around and then sit back and let her cleaning frenzy begin!

Nick and Colt discuss their evil plans all the time. Personally, I think it's just all talk.

They certainly don't bother Herbert who says he can still pull the wool over Colt's eyes so how bad can their dastardly plans really be?

Nick aced his fitness with two more works outs. He was so close when he left the house so I'm glad he stuck with it.

He's also taken to jogging. That's Colt's and his flat behind him, right next to Kira's house which is at the end of the street.

Colt says he's met someone. He won't tell us much more.

All I do know is that he seems pretty keen and is not only on his best behaviour around her but is out to impress!

A while ago someone told me they saw Colt and Nick in the deep forest.

I don't think this person has got their facts right though because when I asked Nick he said he'd never even heard of the deep forest.

Apparently they were spotted entering a cave or something. Which doesn't sound all that evil anyway... even if they were there.

Bu this know it all person said that they stayed and waited to see what would happen and that when they both came out that they were extraordinarily pleased with themselves.

And that they could tell by what they were wearing and the snippets of conversation that they overheard, that whatever they were doing, it was no good. I guess it will remain a mystery unless Colt or Nick ever come clean about it all.

Now, let me tell you about the girls. Mulan and Alena moved in with Kira. Mulan has taken up painting as she says she knows exactly what illustrations she wants for her stories.

I still get on really well with Kira. I often wonder if I hadn't met Pearl

Alena has taken up cooking, which makes me a little nervous as she has a tendency to hurl the knifes around like some sort of circus act.

I enjoy hanging out with the girls. The energy is quite different, more relaxed I guess.

They certainly know how to chat up a storm!

Now I've asked Alena point blank about her and Don. I know that was kinda rude but they are like magnets the two of them.

Completely drawn towards each other.

And yet both of them deny anything is happening.

Alena says Don is a flirt and she's not sure that is what she wants in her life.

I think Don's going on the charm offensive and that if I were a betting man, my odds would be with Don.

Anyway, as long as everyone's happy as that is what really matters. You know, life is pretty short so you have got to grab onto the good stuff when it comes along.

More tomorrow.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #127 on: February 23, 2015, 05:06:59 PM »
Sunday 17th

Dear Diary,

It wouldn't be a complete recount if I failed to mention the best day of my life.

This is Pearl and I coming down the stairs.

I was a bit nervous waiting for everyone to arrive and take a seat.

I look serious in this photo but I just couldn't get over that today was the day I was finally getting to marry my beautiful girl.

As I kissed my wife I thought all my dreams had come true.

Alena started the party.

And I stole another kiss from my wife.

After I had spent some time chatting with everyone.

And Pearl had caught up with the girls..

It was time to cut the cake and eat. I don't know what happened to the photos of Pearl and I cutting the cake. I think they must have got lost in all the confusion when the builders were here.

It was a fantastic day. We all chatted and laughed, just great.

I though I had never seen Pearl look more beautiful.

Mulan took some time out to paint us a picture and Rachael tried out her mixology skills.

No-one wanted the cow plant so it's still with us. I've included this picture as it shows where I moved the garden too. The lawn area will be perfect for a jungle gym when Pearl and I have kids.

So the day just raced past.

I felt sad to say goodbye at the end of the day. I know I'll be seeing everyone soon but it was nice having the house full again.

The one good thing about staying here and fixing the house up is that we are close to everyone. Adelaide and Kasen moved in together across the road from us and everyone else is only a short trip away.

But I guess now it is all about Pearl and I and what we do with our lives together as Mr and Mrs Fitzwilliam.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #128 on: February 23, 2015, 05:23:17 PM »
Well the final scores are:

Passed out sims = 13 (minus 100 each)
Sims peed themselves = 6 (minus 100 each)
Friends made outside the Centre: = 3 (plus 200 each)Note: Everyone was at least a friend of everyone else by the time they left
Skills maxed = 5 (cooking, fitness, handiness, gourmet cooking, handiness and gardening by Matt, plus 100 each)
Aspirations Completed = 3 (Matt, Body Builder, Free Lance Botanist and The Curator plus 500)

Jons leaving score = 1070
Winston's leaving score = 1080
Pearl's leaving score = 1080
Kira's leaving score = 2100
Nick's leaving score 2200
Bo's leaving score = 2,700
Arianna's leaving score = 2,200
Herbert's leaving score = 2,300
Colt's leaving score = 1,800
Mulan's leaving score = 1,700
Alena's leaving score = 1,100

Total = 20,030

Patients Skills:

Mulan:     Fitness 5, Logic 5, Video Gaming 6, Mischief 3
Arianna: Fitness 5, Logic 5, Mischief 3, Video Gaming 5
Bo:         Fitness 6, Logic 5, Mixology 5, Mischief 4, Video Gaming 4
Alena:     Fitness 5, Logic 5, Video Gaming 7, Mischief 3, Cooking 3
Nick:       Fitness 9, Logic 4, Mischief 5, Cooking 2, Video Gaming 5, Comedy 2, Charisma 2, Gourmet Cooking 2
Colt :      Fitness 5, Logic 5, Video Gaming 7, Mischief 3
Matt:      Fitness 10, Cooking 10, Handiness 10, Gardening 10, Gourmet Cooking 10, Charisma 8, Comedy 5 and a few others

Now the following 3 didn't actually 'leave' the asylum but here are there ending skills:
Kasen:    Fitness 5, Comedy 5, Video Gaming 4,  Gardening 3
Karli:      Fitness 5, Video gaming 4, Charisma 3, Gardening 3
Adelaide, Fitness 4, Logic 2, Video Gaming 2, Cooking 2, Gardening 2

Thanks for reading everyone. This was a really fun way to play sims for a change. Usually I am a complete control freak and micro manage everything especially in my ID and Legacy files so it was great to experience sims in a different way.

A big thank you to dethdukk, KTK10, Shewolf13, sdhoey again for lending me their precious sims. I gave them a happily ever after that they deserved after having to live through the asylum! lol Your sims were so much fun to play with. After the asylum had officially closed and I began to play them all rotationally I had such a 'moment' when I took Matt to the gym and there was everyone, working out, doing their thing...  I was a bit star struck because of all your famous sims being there.  :)
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #129 on: February 23, 2015, 06:02:12 PM »
Congratulations on finishing!  I loved the end story with Colt and Nick, heh.  The robber clothing was perfect.  Also, holy cow did you churn out a ton of chapters all at once, I can see why it took you some time to wrap everything up. 
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #130 on: February 23, 2015, 06:35:55 PM »
AWWW!! That was great. Congrats on finishing.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder about Nick and Colt now. Just what was happening in that cave?? LOL

Congrats to Matt and Pearl

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #131 on: February 23, 2015, 11:25:21 PM »
Congrats!! Well done in finishing this. So sweet seeing Winston and Karli together.. and Arianna and Herbert.. and Jon (*sigh*) with Rachel.. Colt with .. well either Nina or Nick! haha and of course the girls. What a tremendous way of finishing a great challenge.  ;D

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #132 on: February 24, 2015, 01:28:01 AM »
Thanks guys! I'm glad you enjoyed reading. As for Nick and Colt, well they were pulling a heist... good old The Sims 3 way, you know, disappearing into a 'rabbit hole' to commit their crime. LoL you girls, I don't know where your minds got to on that one!  :P

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #133 on: February 24, 2015, 05:03:36 AM »
I do love a good ending, and I'm over the moon that Matt and Pearl can finally have a life together! I wouldn't mind rooming with the girls even with a purple themed house. Congratulations!
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #134 on: February 24, 2015, 06:39:43 PM »
Awwww!  I loved it!  So awesome to see Matt happy!  And you are quite welcome ^^   I loved seeing Mulan a midst all my favorite Sims!  Hm... *gets possible idea*

