Author Topic: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge. Complete  (Read 52037 times)

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2015, 12:49:19 AM »
I know deth... least the five exhausted ones got a good sleep tho. *sigh* Makes me feel mean!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2015, 01:20:21 AM »
Sunday 14th

Dear Diary,

I managed to nap on the chair downstairs so I don't feel too bad, considering. Today's going to be a big day though. We have someone leaving us for the big wide world. But let me start at the beginning of the day before I get it all muddled.
Winston managed to bore himself silly in the motion gaming rig.

I guess being an artistic sim he doesn't really get the digital world. I asked him why he didn't just get out and he said he kept hanging on in there hoping it would get better. Bwhahaha. Jeez he cracks me up!

As I left for a quick dash around the neighbourhoods dig sites etc...

Winston was already back to painting and looking a lot happier there.

Turned out pretty good, very upbeat and, well, artistic!

I was looking forward to signing this friend out. I knew they'd be back to visit and I was happy to see them well.

We just kinda grinned at each other. Winston had already told me he didn't want to do any of that 'deep and meaningful' chatty stuff.

Instead he told me his latest unbelievable tale! It was pretty darn good.

I told him how glad I was that we were friends and wished him all the success in the world. Especially where women are concerned 'cos he obviously needed all the luck he could get there! LOL he just grinned at me in that way of his that leaves you feeling like he knows something you don't.

And then grabbed me in a bear hug.

Winston then told me quietly how much this place, how much I, had meant to him, and told me never to doubt myself.
Then it was time for the farewell party. Winston wanted a picnic in the park. Totally obvious for an outdoor loving sim.

Jon wasted no time by practicing his mischief skill. Had them both in fits of laughter.

I cooked up Winton's fav, grilled chicken.

And then we had a problem. Nick had had an 'accident' just before we left the house and was pretty deeply embarrassed by it all. Then this idiot guy walks in on him taking a shower.

Poor Nick was mortified... totally. I didn't know what to do to help him as he had waved me away and walked off by himself.

As we all sat and chatted, ate and told jokes etc I kept my eye on him, hoping he was going to be O.K. You can't see Nick in this photo as he had ducked down behind the building and was cloud gazing.

The time passed pretty quickly. Winston enjoyed himself and I think perhaps Alena did too.

Nick came out of hiding, still mortified but at least now with his head up, and played chess for a bit.

Winston chatted with Rachael and her friend for a while. He was moving in with her and Jon until they all decided to get their own places.

It was good seeing Jon again. He looked really happy.

I told Alena how pretty her outfit was.

She seemed really touched. I think that perhaps she is more vulnerable than she lets on. I hope I can really help her with that... I just have to figure out how.

It was time to go. I walked over to say good bye to Winston. "Oh come here." He said.

And gave me a hug while telling me he'd see me soon. I don't know why but I had to blink a bit of a tear away. It was probably the dust.

When we got back I looked at Nick and he looked back steadily. I could tell he was O.K. now.    Thing was... we were the only guys in a house full of females. We needed to stick together or we'd be run over! Well, at least until tomorrow when our new resident arrives. Whoever that may be.

All for now,


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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2015, 02:10:19 AM »
Scores as of when Winston left:

Passed out sims = 13 (minus 100 each)
Sims peed themselves = 5 (minus 100 each)
Friends made outside the Centre: = 2 (plus 200 each)
Skills maxed = 1 (cooking by Matt, plus 100)

Jons leaving score = 1070
Winston's leaving score = 1080

Total = 850

Patients Skills:

Pearl:     Fitness 5, Logic 5, Mischief 4
Arianna: Fitness 5, Logic 4, Mischief 3, Video Gaming 3
Bo:         Fitness 6, Logic 3, Mixology 4, Mischief 4
Kira:       Fitness 4, Logic 4, Mischief 4, Video Gaming 3
Alena:     Fitness 1, Logic 3, Video Gaming 3
Nick:       Fitness 7, Logic 3, Mischief 4, Cooking 2
Winston: Fitness 5, Logic 5, Painting 8, Video Gaming 3 and other low ranking skills
Matt:      Fitness 9, Cooking 10, Handiness 8, Gardening 7, Gourmet Cooking 7, Charisma 5

One thing that has surprised me is that most of the sims have cooked and although we have the cheapest oven there has been no fires! Of course I may have just jinxed myself by saying that!  ::)
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2015, 04:41:24 AM »
Two patients have already left, congrats to Jon and Winston! I am loving Alena in the house *fangirls over Alena*
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2015, 06:25:20 AM »
What a great farewell for Winston, I know that he will be missed. You are doing so well with this challenge! Can't wait to see who the next 'inmate' is! (ps.. still grinning..)


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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2015, 10:05:52 AM »
Aww cheerio Winston. Loving this, must get a bit manic at times but it looks a lot of fun!

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2015, 10:15:16 AM »
Whatever you do, don't let Alena see Don. She will be a goner!!! Lol

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2015, 01:08:55 PM »
@Nettlejuice , thanks, and yeah, isn't Alena great?
@KTK10, I was really bummed that Winston was next. I was tempted to cheat to keep him in the house! lol
@weaselpie14 , totally manic at times and hilarious. The things the sims do by themselves are just so funny!
@sdhoey, hahaha... that gives me an idea...*runs off to find Don*  ;)

Thanks for reading everyone. This has been so much fun to do so it's really cool that you are enjoying reading. This is the third time through for me. I tested it all twice before but just for about 10 sims days. The first time through a sim died on day 3! He was walked in on, starving and filthy...just all too much for the poor sim. Second time round it was just one flaming inferno after the next so I am definitely doing much better this time through.

It still surprises me how much a sim can learn uncontrolled. I think that had Winston stayed in the house eventually he would have maxed painting and some of the other sims, like Nick for example, would probably max fitness. Although saying that, the first time round, no matter how inspired I got Winston he never touched the easel, so I guess there is an element of luck/chance in there too.

Anyway... more updates soon, we've got a new resident to meet!
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2015, 02:23:57 PM »
Monday 15th

Dear Diary,

I have to admit to be just a little nervous while waiting for our new resident. Mr Smith had sent me a letter telling me that he believed I was ready for the unique set of challenges that this patient would bring. I wonder if he thinks this has all just been a walk in the park so far!

I didn't have to wait long. Our new resident came striding in... he owned the place.

I was just starting to introduce myself when he said, "Well, jerk what have you to say about yourself." I was stunned!

It got worse, before I could even think of a come back what to say next he launched into a full blown slanging match. Told me what he'd be doing and what I'd be doing... and how things were going to be a lot different now he was here...

Umm, yeah, not my best photo. I was pretty stunned tho', in my defence.

Once Colt had finished yelling I managed to get a few words in. I just stated facts, told him about the rules, the bathroom facilities... you know.

Actually, thinking back, that's when he started to laugh, well more of a sort of chuckle that had dark undertones to it. He told me that everyone else would, from now on, be using bathroom facilities else where as he now had full rights to the facilities here. I was in the middle of explaining why that wouldn't happen...

...when I decided to use a different tactic. After all his eyes had glazed over and I knew he wasn't listening to a thing I said.

However, Colt took that as an invitation to brawl. I tried to put him off, after all... I can't go fighting the people I'm supposed to be helping. I was a bit fired up and the idea of smushing his smug face was kinda appealing.

Anyway, Colt took the situation out of my control by launching himself at me.

I managed to get him into a headlock with the intention of calming things down a little.

I'm sure I could have had him if he hadn't used that darn karate chop at the end. What the heck! I haven't seen action like that since the last Jackie Chan movie.

Next thing I know we're both laughing.

Then Colt grabs me and gives me a hug!

We stood talking for a few minutes until I noticed his attention had wandered again. Then I gave him the 'hands off the girls' chat. Must remind the girls to stop wandering around in their blasted nighties and pj's.

Luckily for me, Colt decided to take it out on the punching bag!

For someone who has no fitness skill he sure has a mean right jab.

And a wicked left hook.

Pearl came upstairs for a chat. As I was busy telling her an unbelievable story, Colt yells over that when she got sick of listening to 'all-talk-and-no-action' over there that he had plenty of action happening. I just snorted.

Then picked my jaw up off the floor when Pearl fell for it!

Alena did a 'Kira'.

Funny thing is Nick didn't even know 'cos he was fast asleep.

We had a laugh about it and I told Alena not to worry too much. She said she'd only gone in there as she couldn't work out what the noise was. Turns out Nick snores! I sorted it with him later.

I've included this photo as this is the moment I maxed my fitness levels and my first aspiration. Woo! Now I can start upcycling the centres rubbishy furniture and make things easier for everyone.

I'll write more later today but for now, I've got some furniture to sort!


Colt Brooks has been kindly lent to me to torture our residents and make my life hell by sdhoey. He really doesn't need any introduction but you can find his amazing Immortal Dynasty story here. Thank you so much sdhoey, for lending out Colt.
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2015, 03:17:58 PM »
I think you meant that Matt gave Colt the "hands off the girls" talk? Anyway this has been great fun. Congrats to Jon and Winston! And I knew sims could fall asleep in the bathtub, but I never saw one do that on the toilet.
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2015, 04:10:51 PM »
Yep I did mean that... does it mean something different the way I wrote it?? The poor tired sims fall asleep everywhere!  :)
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2015, 04:22:04 PM »
Just got in from seeing the new SpongeBob Movie.

*Looks innocent* You know how he is. When he's not home, I can't promise he will behave himself. LOL

Yes, Colt is a student of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Loves their work. So watch out. And watch him around the girls. He ain't actually got a "slow hand"

You are most welcome. I enjoyed seeing him this. I look forward to seeing more.

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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #57 on: February 08, 2015, 05:40:32 PM »
lol... "ain't got a slow hand" too funny! Well he sure is a lot of fun.  ;D Glad you're enjoying his 'new' insane self  :P
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #58 on: February 08, 2015, 05:54:56 PM »
Monday 15th Night

Dear Diary,

I thought I'd add some more thoughts. The days been a bit strange...
At first I was really pumped to have finished my aspiration and to have topped my fitness. I felt on top of the world and like I could do anything. Well, actually I just went out and weeded the garden.

Maybe it was the birthdays that got me a bit down.

This didn't help much either. I don't know how it even happened. I just walked in...yeah, anyway. *sigh*

I don't think Colt felt too chuffed about it either.

Although he perked up quite a bit when Arianna sat next to him.

After that he took himself off the park. I don't think he was as much playing chess as plotting revenge.

The evening was pretty mellow.

Jon popped in.

Nick and Bo hung out and chatted over chess.

Then I joined Nick in a quick work out. Even that didn't really cheer me up.

Colt told Kira to knock off the weird stuff and quit talking to the bookcase.

I fixed a few things around the house. I must upgrade this thing. Maybe tomorrow.

I was glad to see Winston.

But as he left it hit me. I wanted to be out there, getting on with my life. It's not that I'm unhappy with the work I've been doing. Maybe it's more that there is still so much to do. Either way, it wasn't good watching my friend leave when I couldn't.

Over and out.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Fitzwilliam Centre: An Asylum Challenge.
« Reply #59 on: February 08, 2015, 06:05:49 PM »
I honestly screamed when I saw Colt. You're adding all my favourite Sims in one place! Nick sleeping on the toilet and Colt just have me in a fit of giggles!
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