Author Topic: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Mar 1)  (Read 47054 times)

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #75 on: February 26, 2015, 10:57:14 AM »
Chapter 19

With Danica now a Young Adult, Delilah took her in confidence and explained the Immortal Dynasty Challenge to her. Thankfully Danica did not scoff, but instead took it serious. After their chat it was time for the household to go and attend Danica's graduation. Much to Danica's happiness, Gerry was there.

Danica was class valedictorian and voted "Most Artistic" by her classmates.

With her family on their way home, Danica stayed to celebrate and talk to Gerry.

And to flirt with him.

And to ask him to be her guy.

Next Danica headed for the stadium to seek employment in Professional Sports.

With her career on the way, she jogged home working on her Supermax goal.

With all the graduation hoopla, everyone forgot is was Piper's birthday. Ooops. Delilah regretted the opportunity to point and laugh. She was still a little bitter and resolved not to share her Miss Clairol.

She was too busy loading up the second replicator.

Danica loved to take care of Shadow.

Piper was working hard at ice scilpting.

The day after graduation, Danica asked Gerry to meet her at the park.

Despite her mother's urging to take things slow with the evil Gerry and get to know her co-workers as a possible mate, Danica decided to do things her way.

They slipped away to the spot where her own parents had married and said their vows in private.

Gerry agreed to take the Dreamer last name for his own. After the vows were spoken, Danica discovered that Gerry was rather poor and didn't have any family in town. Besides evil, his other traits were: neurotic, adventurous, unlucky and vehicle enthusiast. His only skill was level 1 in guitar. His Lifetime Wish was Gold Digger (see the ghost of wealthy spouse). Well, Gerry, you're SOL there. Despite his flaws, Danica loved him.

And she was happy to be married to her best friend.

Darren wasn't entirely sure about this new son-in-law Danica sprung on him, but he was happy that finally there was finally another dude in the house besides the procession of ever changing maids.

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Online sdhoey

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #77 on: February 26, 2015, 12:25:00 PM »
ROTF!! He is So Out Of Luck!!! LOL This made me laugh so hard..

Great update

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #78 on: February 26, 2015, 04:13:41 PM »
Congrats to the happy couple. Gerry aged up nicely  :)
Thanks! Funny background story about Gerry. I was keeping an eye out for a potential mate as soon as Danica went to school. Her first friend she met was a girl. Then another girl . THEN another girl! I decided there weren't any little boys in LP when Gerry finally popped up. They were on their way to becoming friends when Danica turned into a teen. She kept the friendship going via phone calls until he finally turned teen as well. They became great friends and I was ready to stage a little teen romance, but EA's story progression had other plans... he showed up at the park already a YA *sigh* By showing up at graduation I could get them back on track tho  :)

ROTF!! He is So Out Of Luck!!! LOL This made me laugh so hard..

Great update
You should have seen my laughing when I saw what his LW was! Thanks you!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #79 on: February 27, 2015, 09:34:48 AM »
Hah, touch luck gerry. He has such awful traits, I'd go mad if I had to play him, lol. Congrats to theim getting married. I feel a little sorry for Piper  :P
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #80 on: February 28, 2015, 09:19:14 AM »
Hah, touch luck gerry. He has such awful traits, I'd go mad if I had to play him, lol. Congrats to theim getting married. I feel a little sorry for Piper  :P
IKR! He's like this awful toddler that has to be redirected all the time. I think he is more neurotic than evil tho, as I catch him always checking the sink, fireplace, etc. LOL Me too, I completely forget about her birthday!

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2015, 10:22:06 AM »
Chapter 20

Piper loved to bake and was more than happy to help Delilah keep the fridge stocked with good food for the family.

Sometimes Delilah worried about Gerry's traits and LifetimeWish. She resolved to keep a close eye on him.

Delilah loved her tractor, Ol' Greenie. She vowed that her post retirement plans would consist of the three Gs: gardening, grandchildren and gathering.

It was decided that Gerry should learn the science skill, among others and join the science career. He would be a scientist. An evil scientist muahahaha!

At her mother's instruction, Danica started searching for a helper.

Everyone seemed to get along in the Dreamer household.

A pool table was added to the game room. The young married couple gravitated toward it when they needed some down time.

The Dreamers set up a science laboratory for Gerry.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 28)
« Reply #82 on: February 28, 2015, 10:29:35 AM »
That look on Gerry's face, he wants Danica to choke on cupcake!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 28)
« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2015, 11:16:01 AM »
Chapter 21

At last, the moment that Delilah had worked so hard for arrived.

Delilah was promoted to level 10 in the Culinary field and fulfilled her LifetimeWish of becoming a Celebrated Five-Star Chef. She was now thisclose to becoming immortal.

And she received a nifty new fridge as a bonus.

Danica eagerly attended to Shadow's needs and was sad when he passed away in the near future.

Gerry was finally off to work and out of everyone's hair for a few hours.

Delilah felt relaxed. All she had left was to have six best friends. That would be easy enough, right?

As luck would have it, it starting pouring down. And no one was at home.

Searching in the storm, Lucky Palms seemed like a ghost town.

She finally hit pay dirt at the coffee shop. It made sense that's where everyone would retreat to in this weather. She made new friends and called up older friends and co-workers to meet her there as she strengthened their friendship.

Next she went home and made her peace with Piper. Piper was a generous soul and had given much to the Dreamer household. In fact, Piper had received her inheritance from her father's passing and gave the money to Danica. Danica was able to purchase her building: Goody's Groceries.

Delilah had her six best friends: Ariel Hudson, Ted Hudson, Addison Rose, Marisol Loera, Patty Chin and Piper Sparks. She was almost in disbelief as she unlocked the door that lead down to the museum in the basement. She took her time viewing her museum pieces.

Then she walked over the the replicator filled with Ambrosia.

Delilah pushed the button.

And sat down to feast on this divine meal.

It was divine tasting, but did it really work?

And then suddenly Delilah felt it. Yes, Ambrosia really worked. Delilah Dreamer was now Immortal.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 28)
« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2015, 11:21:13 AM »
That look on Gerry's face, he wants Danica to choke on cupcake!

I love the three G's of elderhood. So true for the immortals  ;)
Isn't it tho? Even with the tractor, gardening takes so much effort. Too bad the tractor doesn't dispose of dead plants or plant seeds for them LOL

Online sdhoey

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 28)
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2015, 12:43:50 PM »
Can't have ya being to lazy now can we??

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 28)
« Reply #87 on: February 28, 2015, 01:44:19 PM »
Can't have ya being to lazy now can we??
:o :P ;)

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 28)
« Reply #88 on: March 01, 2015, 12:24:01 PM »
Chapter 22

Darren enjoyed painting. When he wasn't creating museum pieces, he was either writing or painting for pleasure.

"Don't even think about harming a hair on my daughter's head."

Gerry received his first promotion.

Piper was an excellent artist. Her art was displayed on the walls even more than Darren's was.

Darren obtained another replicator and worked on upgrading it's memory.

Gerry's experiments did not always worked out as planned.

But a lot of times they did.


Danica received her first promotion.

Darren and Delilah spent time "togther" like many modern couples do.

This winter is was cold enough for frost! The garden even went dormant.

Danica finally selected a helper. Cassandra Shaw was a co-worker. Danica gave her a call and invited her over.

Although Cassandra had a questionable fashion sense and was grumpy, she seemed pleasant enough. She agreed to move in, quit work and work on painting and sculpting for the Dreamer household. In exchange she was offered a very spacious bedroom and studio, nicer than Danica and Gerry's. Gerry grumbled about that, but as Cassandra brought a nice amount of cash and a very expensive car to the household, Gerry could just quit whining.

Things were falling into place for the second generation.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Mar 1)
« Reply #89 on: March 01, 2015, 12:51:43 PM »
Chapter 23

Cassandra jumped into her artistic endeavors immediately.

At 93 years of age, Darren was thisclose to achieving his LifetimeWish. He needed to bump his painting skill up by a bit and he'd be there.

But things don't always go according to plan.

Life isn't always fair.

"What's happening?"

"Nooooooo!!! Daddy!!!"

Grim was heartless, but Darren faced him bravely.

"I want my daddy..."

Delilah had been out gathering and she rushed home to stand in the spot where her husband passed on. She wept at his unfinished painting and leaving things as they were, locked up Darren's studio.

She knew this day would one day come, but she didn't expect it this soon.

Delilah went next door to the Dreamer Cemetery. It was not complete yet, but what had been done was lovely.

She walked slowly into the mausoleum that housed her husband for his long sleep.

