Author Topic: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Mar 1)  (Read 47053 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 21)
« Reply #60 on: February 21, 2015, 11:32:37 AM »
Walter's still around, he must have led a pretty healthy life. I loved Delilah and Darren's romantic day out.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 21)
« Reply #61 on: February 21, 2015, 02:29:50 PM »
Happy anniversary to Darren and Delilah! That was sweet of them to celebrate their anniversary at the spot where they got married  :)

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Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 21)
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2015, 09:32:07 PM »
Walter's still around, he must have led a pretty healthy life. I loved Delilah and Darren's romantic day out.
Yup, I remenber the first time I tried to play a mutli-generational family and the founding couple lived for-ever. And I need room in the house too LOL Thank you. The poor things don't get much time to spend together, so I like to make it count when they do <3

Happy anniversary to Darren and Delilah! That was sweet of them to celebrate their anniversary at the spot where they got married  :)
Thank you! I love that little spot in LP!

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 21)
« Reply #63 on: February 24, 2015, 10:08:37 PM »
Chapter 15

The birthday cake had been purchased. Darren, Danica and Walter had been summoned to celebrate. As Danica walked through the living room she noticed something was happening...

Poor Danica was rather upset.

Meanwhile Darren was distracted and ended up having his birthday on the side of the house. In the dark. Alone.

The Grim Reaper arrived and Walter faced him like a man.

Oblivious to what was going on at home, Delilah was promoted to level 8 in her career.

Another wasted birthday cake.

While the family grieved, Grim decided to hang out a while. Perhaps it was to remind the Dreamers what would happen if they failed in their quest for immortality.

It would take time before they stopped grieving, each of them handling things in their own way.

But life goes on and the living must life their lives fully, as those that have departed would wish for their loved ones to do.

Danica's prom night arrived and she was a vision of loveliness.

Her classmates must have agreed. She came home exhausted, but happy at having been crowned Prom Queen.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 24)
« Reply #64 on: February 25, 2015, 05:58:55 AM »
RIP Walter. Delilah's almost maxed her career, hopefully she can get to the top before too long. Poor Darren, everything seems to happen at the same time.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Malley

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 24)
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2015, 11:24:07 AM »
RIP Walter. Glad you got to hang around the dynasty for so long. And happy birthday to Darren  :)

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 24)
« Reply #66 on: February 25, 2015, 07:21:49 PM »
RIP Walter. Delilah's almost maxed her career, hopefully she can get to the top before too long. Poor Darren, everything seems to happen at the same time.
I had grown fond of Walter and I'll miss him. Yes, almost there! Darren can't catch a break, can he?

RIP Walter. Glad you got to hang around the dynasty for so long. And happy birthday to Darren  :)
Me too. He was level 9 in his career. One more promotion and he would have fulfilled his LW  :( Darren says, "Thank you!"

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 24)
« Reply #67 on: February 25, 2015, 07:25:38 PM »
Poor Walter, at least his life was a full one at the end.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with unused Birthday cakes. Mine are doing the same thing. Aging before they can get to the cake! LOL

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 24)
« Reply #68 on: February 25, 2015, 08:49:15 PM »
Chapter 16

Darren was the most supportive husband and father, immortalizing his family in art.

Delilah purchased the lot next door. She planned to create a lovely resting place for the mortals. There was a lack of funds to do anything with it just yet, so she laid Walter to rest near Gennie for the time being.

Instead she spent the funds on expanding the house for the living. The house was really starting to look grand.

And with Delilah's Performance Park fully upgraded, she was one step closer to immortality. Delilah looked forward to retiring and playing in her garden every day.

Darren worked hard on upgrading the memory of the replicator.

Danica never failed in getting her homework done in a timely manner. She loved athletics and selected the Lifetime Wish of becoming a Superstar Athlete.

Danica's museum pieces were half done.

Danica had grown close to her father and asked him to teach her to drive.

Zoe had her birthday and was now an elder kitty.

The ladies of the house found time to bond over a good meal.

Darren put in long hard hours.

And so did Delilah.

Sometimes Darren felt a little overwhelmed living with a house full of women.

Danica made honor roll.

But her true love was athletics.

Piper was trying her hand at sculpting.

Darren gifted Delilah with the deathfish.

Delilah decided it was time to make the ambrosia.

Max also had a birthday.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 24)
« Reply #69 on: February 25, 2015, 08:51:03 PM »
Poor Walter, at least his life was a full one at the end.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with unused Birthday cakes. Mine are doing the same thing. Aging before they can get to the cake! LOL
I like to think his life was the better for having moved in with the Dreamers. IKR! I'm like, that cost money, people! LOL

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 25)
« Reply #70 on: February 26, 2015, 08:23:28 AM »
Chapter 17

Darren occasionally had opportunities too.

His previous romantic interest hired him to paint for her. Delilah wasn't bothered as Darren was devoted to her.

One of the cats caught a cute black and white rat. Danica kept it as a pet and named it Shadow.

Danica received another promotion and was now only one promotion away from topping out her career.

Like most teens, Danica spent a great deal of time on the phone, usually with her best friend, Gerry Custer.

Danica finished learning how to drive.

Each time Delilah collected seeds, she hope that she'd find one for another deathflower. She wasn't having any luck so far.

With the keys to the truck and the freedom that a driver's license gives, Danica meet her best friend at the festival. During their chats, she learned he was evil.

Delilah's elder birthday arrived. This time she was able to celebrate with a cake and her household around her. It was lovely except for that cow Piper, pointing, laughing and making "over the hill" jokes.

Delilah was feeling rather self-conscious and dejected about aging, thanks to Piper.

But she enjoyed her birthday cake, before escaping to the bathroom for a date with Miss Clairol.

"Ignore Piper, Mom, you still look great."

Darren loved to paint and when he wasn't helping out with tasks, he painted lovely paintings for the home.

Delilah encouraged Danica to work hard achieving her goals, although she kept the reasons to herself for now. The teen years should be carefree from adult worries, Delilah thought.

Delilah had never seen the point of having a TV in the house, there was so much to do. But everyone needed to be able to sit and relax, relieving the stress. Delilah used the funds to splurge on a media room for the house.

Darren worked hard at upgrading the replicator that Delilah obtained.

But he still found time to spend with his only child.

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #71 on: February 26, 2015, 08:34:41 AM »
I hate grey haired dynasty spouses!!  :'( I know whats coming and it makes me sad!! But Darren is a great husband and dad. He is doing such a great job. His white hair looks great on him.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #72 on: February 26, 2015, 09:12:14 AM »
Chapter 18

Life was good in the Dreamer household.

Danica worked hard on her opportunities. She was tackling her fourth while she was still in school.

But she did not neglect her studies.

Delilah splurged on a pizza oven for the side porch.

A great move as it turns out homemade pizza offers many happy feels.

Recognizing that Darren's years alive was finite, Delilah resolved to spend more time with the man that loved her. He had given up so much to make her happy and she was very grateful. There isn't any way she could have accomplished even half of what she had without him by her side.

The pizza oven made lovely breakfast calzones too.

A special day had arrived.

It was Danica's birthday.

Danica's YA trait was Neat. Maybe one day they could fire the maid  ;)

Piper was now doing ice sculptures.


Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #73 on: February 26, 2015, 09:13:37 AM »
That painting looks wonderful in the bathroom, so luxurious. The house is also at last taking form, great planning. Happy birthday to the kitties and Delilah.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 26)
« Reply #74 on: February 26, 2015, 09:18:59 AM »
I hate grey haired dynasty spouses!!  :'( I know whats coming and it makes me sad!! But Darren is a great husband and dad. He is doing such a great job. His white hair looks great on him.
I know  :'( He is a handsome man!

That painting looks wonderful in the bathroom, so luxurious. The house is also at last taking form, great planning. Happy birthday to the kitties and Delilah.
I am sometime wowed by the paintings they do. This is one of them. Thanks, I've been working off a floor plan I found on the web. It's fun seeing it come to life, bit by bit. Yas, happy birfdays galore  ;D ;D ;D