Author Topic: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Mar 1)  (Read 47058 times)

Online sdhoey

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 7)
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2015, 11:42:09 AM »
Sleep well Gennie. At least you gave her some love. Poor Darren, you have drove the poor man cra cra!! He needs slaves... I mean help soon. Lol

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 7)
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2015, 08:52:36 PM »
Chapter 8

Delilah's birthday arrived. She was already cranky and tired from working so hard, the fact that she did not have an ice sculpture in the museum irritated her to no end.

Delilah tried to be cheerful. After all an ice sculpture wasn't a requirement.

But Delilah was a completionist and wanted the dang sculpture. So she was whiny.

Darren assured her that he was thisclose to being able to sculpt unmelting ice sculptures. Based on that assurance, Delilah took the day off of work and set about her gardening chores.

After her chores were complete, Delilah ran to the field next door, resolving to stay close to the house. She also resolved after walking past cat puke to hire a maid.

And then he was ready.

And thank freakin' goodness, it was done.

Her birthday occurred before she could get to the kitchen or her cake. Well, Danica's birthday would be arriving shortly and they still had leftover cake from Darren's birthday. Delilah tended to Danica, getting her fed and to bed while Darren ate and collapsed in exhaustion in the rocking chair. So for her birthday, Delilah ate leftover cake. Alone. While staring at her sleeping husband.

But she was pleased that her man came through. Delilah hoped that in the future, tasks wouldn't be completed at the last minute like that again.

The first full day of her adult life and the cool, rainy weather coincided. But the sunrise was as brilliant as ever.

Zoe and Max were becoming close companions and advanced hunters, although they weren't catching anything worth too much.

Delilah's gathering and gardening efforts were paying off. She had now harvested one Death Flower and several Life Fruit.

Delilah invested more time and money into her Performance Park. She still had a ways to go, but she was getting there.

Darren finally could take a short breather and spend time getting to know his daughter.

However, Delilah didn't feel as if she could take a breather. She kept pushing herself, while telling herself that once she completed her tasks, she could enjoy life. Meanwhile a niggling voice in her head kept asking, "What if it doesn't work and you slaved your life away for nothing?"

The cool and the rain had arrived and Darren was back at work because Danica wouldn't be a toddler for too much longer.

It was Delilah's turn to work herself into exhaustion.

It was only fair. One person couldn't be pulling the load all of the time. They were a team.

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2015, 08:57:19 PM »
Farewell to Gennie, her gravesite is so appropriate for her. Poor Darren has so much to do for one Sim and congrats to Delilah for her promotion  :)
Yes, poor Gennie didn't get to enjoy her retirement long. Yes, Darren is worn slap out. Half-way there! Yay!

Sleep well Gennie. At least you gave her some love. Poor Darren, you have drove the poor man cra cra!! He needs slaves... I mean help soon. Lol
Gennie has now entered the long, deep sleep. Poor Darren has flipped his ever loving mind, but he'll get some rest now. Yesh!

Online sdhoey

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2015, 09:02:43 PM »
Danica is so cute. Congrats on getting her stuff done. YAY

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2015, 04:56:52 AM »
Well done Darren, I know that sculpting is one of the most annoying ones to complete and Delilah too!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2015, 03:31:57 PM »
Congrats on managing to get the ice personality skill challenge done before your founder left the YA stage! That is a tough one, as I totally understand from my own ID  ::)

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2015, 08:16:28 AM »
Danica is so cute. Congrats on getting her stuff done. YAY
Well done Darren, I know that sculpting is one of the most annoying ones to complete and Delilah too!
Congrats on managing to get the ice personality skill challenge done before your founder left the YA stage! That is a tough one, as I totally understand from my own ID  ::)
Thank you all <3 You are all an inspiration to me. I am way behind in reading your challenges, but I am so wowed at what y'all have accomplished! My challenge writing is very plain Jane in comparison LOL Life got very intense and busy starting last summer and I pretty much did not sim again until the beginning of this year. I wanted a way to play, to have fun with the sims, but to keep it simple (on the story telling part) so that I wouldn't get bogged down and consider it a task. In this simple Sims 3 file without mods, pose player, CC and very few store items, I am rediscovering what made me fall in love with Sims 3 again. Not to mention there is so much of this game I have never explored and this challenge is forcing me to branch out in my playing style  :D

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Online sdhoey

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2015, 08:31:28 AM »
Thank you all <3 You are all an inspiration to me. I am way behind in reading your challenges, but I am so wowed at what y'all have accomplished! My challenge writing is very plain Jane in comparison LOL Life got very intense and busy starting last summer and I pretty much did not sim again until the beginning of this year. I wanted a way to play, to have fun with the sims, but to keep it simple (on the story telling part) so that I wouldn't get bogged down and consider it a task. In this simple Sims 3 file without mods, pose player, CC and very few store items, I am rediscovering what made me fall in love with Sims 3 again. Not to mention there is so much of this game I have never explored and this challenge is forcing me to branch out in my playing style  :D

I know, I thought you knew all things Sims. But you the 100 BC expert. LOL Your doing great so far and you will continue to do so. Oh yeah, Colt said to tell you that he better see you reading his stuff soon.. :P

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2015, 08:55:13 AM »
Chapter 9

Delilah decided to make her favorite dish, pumpkin pie, for breakfast. Just because.

It was Delilah's morning to tend to Danica.

Because there was a rumor that Darren had been arrested and he wanted to sue for slander.

Delilah begged her plants to "GROW!"

Delilah had learned the importance of relaxing and having fun because going to work with a bad attitude didn't not fare well for promotions.

And she needed to be in a good mood to keep a smile pasted on her face to cater after her regular shift, on the other side of interstate no less.

Walking into a messy house was not what a woman needed at the end of a long working day. This woman was calling for maid service!

A new section had been added to the house, but at this point it was just a shell with a roof. There wasn't enough funds to do more.

Delilah was knackered and slept in...

while Darren set about accomplishing an important task.

After that they celebrated Danica's birthday! Her new trait was Loves the Heat, an important trait if you are working outdoors in the desert and do not wish to go up in flames.

And the maid had arrive! Hooray!

Relaxing before work was so much nice than scrubbing toilets.

Darren finally found a nice camera at the consignment shop!

Darren was able to take his boat out and fish in the lovely spot by the falls. He complained that it was outdoors. Whatever.

Going to work with a good attitude paid off. So did kissing the boss' behind. Promotion the level 6 had been accomplished!

Things were going well for the potential immortals.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 8)
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2015, 09:00:44 AM »
I know, I thought you knew all things Sims. But you the 100 BC expert. LOL Your doing great so far and you will continue to do so. Oh yeah, Colt said to tell you that he better see you reading his stuff soon.. :P
Thank you and "Yessir, Colt!"

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 10)
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2015, 09:55:13 AM »
Chapter 10

Darren and Danica ate leftover birthday cake for breakfast, because there are "starving children in Strangetown" and you shouldn't waste food.

They were up so early that Darren decided to go ahead and sculpt before they started the rest of the day.

He took longer than he anticipated and made Danica late for her first day of school. And he scolded her for being late. Jerk.

Delilah loved her tractor and being able to garden barefoot in her jammies.

Delilah also loved having a maid.

Darren did not love being outdoors to fish. Whatever.

Danica went to check out the neighborhood pool after school.

Meanwhile Delilah ran all over the desert gathering.

Darren was a good dad and helped Danica with her first night of homework.

But there was still time to enjoy the evening.

Delilah was dismayed to see the bills and taxes increase and decided it would be best if there were No Bills Ever.

Delilah had the day off work and Danica had the day off of school so they planned to go to The Boardwalk. Darren and Danica set out, but Delilah had a task to accomplish first.

Delilah asked her friend and co-worker to meet with her at the festival.

Delilah would rather be having fun with her family, but her quest dictated otherwise.

Delilah asked Piper to move into the household.

Piper said "Yes." But her ninety-seven year old father came with her. Alrighty, then.

With the extra funds in the household, Delilah could go to the bookstore and buy cookbooks.

Dear old Walter made himself right at home.

Delilah realized that she needed to buy another table, because a table for three just wasn't going to cut it anymore. And Darren had fleas from the cat. They could probably use a tub sooner than later as well.

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 10)
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2015, 10:56:11 AM »
"Starving children in Strangetown" That's funny.  Great updates..  The house is looking lovely..

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 10)
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2015, 12:02:18 PM »
But her ninety-seven year old father came with her.

I can't believe I'm laughing so much at this one line. Delilah and Darren are doing so well, the house looks lovely with each addition. Danica looks great in the outfits you've chosen for her.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 10)
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2015, 11:39:48 AM »
Darren and Danica ate leftover birthday cake for breakfast, because there are "starving children in Strangetown" and you shouldn't waste food.

I'll have to remember that for my birthday next month... ;)

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 10)
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2015, 08:13:05 AM »
"Starving children in Strangetown" That's funny.  Great updates..  The house is looking lovely..
Use that on Sean, next time he doesn't want to eat supper  ;) Thank you. I've been playing like crazy and it looks gobs different now, but the exterior still isn't complete LOL

I can't believe I'm laughing so much at this one line. Delilah and Darren are doing so well, the house looks lovely with each addition. Danica looks great in the outfits you've chosen for her.
I had not checked the Wiki, so I was rather surprised about Piper's dear ol dad LOL Thank you. I don't have hardly any store outfits or hairs (not to mention no CC) in this game file so I feel like it's a bit of a challenge getting everyone cute. But oh goodness, does my game load up fast LOL

I'll have to remember that for my birthday next month... ;)

