Author Topic: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Mar 1)  (Read 47055 times)

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2015, 01:26:07 PM »
Chapter 5

The day before Darren's birthday started out beautifully. Delilah was so happy that she chose Lucky Palms for her immortal challenge. Delilah could not imagine finer sunrises or sunsets.

Delilah was ready to pose for her Young Adult Portrait. While Darren painted, Delilah worked on upgrading their land. She added a track for a tractor, even though she could not yet afford a tractor. She had a greenhouse built with a locking door, for growing those special plants needed for immortality. She said a little prayer that she'd be able to plant those unusual seeds soon and that some of them might grow into what she desired.

Max grew up to be a handsome cat. And at the end of the day, Delilah kept her promise to Darren. With her Young Adult portrait completed, she consented to try for a child.

Darren's birthday had arrived! Instead of dreading it, Darren was looking forward to spending the day having fun instead of working. Delilah felt that it was the least she could do for him, considering all he sacrificed for her.

They started his celebration by having breakfast at the Desert Diner.

Next up was The Boardwalk amusement park. Darren took Delilah's Young Adult picture with his little camera. One day they hoped to have a nicer camera and often checked the consignment shop for one. Immediately after her picture was snapped, Delilah was overcome by a wave of nausea.

Delilah sat her nausea aside long enough to enjoy a roller coaster ride with her man.

They played arcade games as well.

At the end of the day, they returned home and celebrated with a birthday cake.

Delilah confirmed her pregnancy and took maternity leave. She was loathe to take a break in her career, but intended to use the time wisely. Darren was coming along in his ice sculpting but Delilah was having doubts that she'd be immortalized in ice as a Young Adult.

Delilah received a letter from a lawyer. It appears that there was another large check in another life insurance account for her to inherit. Delilah was very grateful for the funds and set about by purchasing a building in town, The Desert Diner that she and Darren had celebrated his birthday at.

Collecting was slow work now that she waddled instead of ran.

Darren doted on her and their unborn babe, helping out as much as he could.

Darren also received an Inheritance from a great-aunt. Delilah put the funds to use immediately by purchasing a piece of property. She added as many upgrades as she could given their funds. She added another room to the house so that they would not be in a separate building from the baby. Darren couldn't help but point out that her mode of adding to the home would mean the baby sleeping in their room for now. Delilah was used to this complaining by now and refused to lose sight of her vision for a grand home for generations of Immortals to share.

Finally the time arrived for the birth of her little Dreamer!

It was a baby girl! They named her Danica. Her newborn traits were: Artistic and Athletic.

The day after Danica's birth, Delilah was exhausted and grateful to see her husband helping with her garden.

Darren helped keep an eye on Danica while Delilah completed opportunities.

And in between feedings, dirty diapers and snuggles, Delilah planted special seeds in hopes they'd be what she needed.

Because not only was she working hard for her own immortality, but also for the immortality of her precious child that she adored.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2015, 01:30:07 PM »
I can't wait to see their kid!
Me too as I think the Nooboos kinda look alike LOL

Coming along great. The kitties are going to bring her lots of buggies. Nooboo time??
Yep, it starting to feel that way! So far they are catching piddly, cheap stuff. I hope that changes as they skill up. Yesh!

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated with several chapter on Feb 1)
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2015, 05:48:48 AM »
I forgot how beautiful Lucky Palms is! Congratulations to Delilah for her promotions and welcome to the next generation  ;D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated with several chapter on Feb 1)
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2015, 03:24:16 PM »
I actually really like the house design. It's pretty and very unique. Welcome Danica! I love that name  :)

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated with several chapter on Feb 1)
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2015, 02:13:51 PM »
Your writing's great and I always appreciate a well-built dynasty house. :D
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Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated with several chapter on Feb 1)
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2015, 10:06:44 PM »
I forgot how beautiful Lucky Palms is! Congratulations to Delilah for her promotions and welcome to the next generation  ;D
I love Lucky Palms. One of my friend's has a 100BC there and I'm always drooling over her screenshots. Thank you!

I actually really like the house design. It's pretty and very unique. Welcome Danica! I love that name  :)
Thank you, I love to build. Thanks so much, I love it too

Your writing's great and I always appreciate a well-built dynasty house. :D
Thank so much!

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated with several chapter on Feb 1)
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2015, 11:47:44 PM »
Chapter 6

Danica's first birthday had arrived.

Danica woke up her sleep deprived parents entirely to early.

Her bleary eyed parents did their best to rally enthusiasm for the birthday girl's celebration.

Danica decided it was time to go back to sleep after her celebration, but her parents didn't have that luxury.

A knackered Delilah was surprised to find a gift in the mailbox from another seeker of immortality. It was a gift of potions, including one that might keep an exhausted husband awake and sculpting ice. Delilah thought it was nice, knowing that there were others out there rooting for her.

Delilah tucked the potions down in the basement Immortal Museum. It was starting to look lovely. She did feel a bit guilty spending so much money on a part of the house so few would see.

Darren worked relentlessly in creating ice sculptures.

Danica played quietly nearby while her parents advanced in their goals.

Delilah felt bad giving Darren a potion that would keep him up all night and then some. But she moved past that.

Quite frankly, she was a little jealous because she could use a potion like that herself.

Delilah felt overwhelmed. Running a house, raising a child and accomplishing her goals seemed like the impossible task. She and Darren just couldn't do this without help.

Delilah thought of a potential solution. She called her co-worker, Gennie Gomez, and asked her to meet up in the park at the center of town.

Delilah proposed that Gennie move in with the Dreamers. In exchange for housekeeping, child care and room and board, Gennie could retire and would have time to spend on enjoyable activities. It was only after Gennie agreed to move in that Delilah discovered that Gennie was convinced she was a mermaid. Delilah was concerned that Darren might not be thrilled to have a senile nanny, but she suspected that he was too tired to object.

Hopefully it would all work out for everyone, because the stakes were high.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 4)
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2015, 04:49:20 AM »
Danica's so cute. Good idea to get an elder in the house and not a young adult.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 4)
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2015, 06:40:54 AM »
How nice of that other Immortality seeker to help you out.  ;D

Danica is so cute.. *kisses that cute face* poor Darren, but he will learn. Welcome to the house Gennie. Hope she doesn't hang around as along as Simis and Jocosta have. They still haven't passed. :o

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 4)
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2015, 09:04:22 AM »
Danica's so cute. Good idea to get an elder in the house and not a young adult.
Isn't she tho?!? Oh, that's what I thought, but she was older than I expected LOL

How nice of that other Immortality seeker to help you out.  ;D

Danica is so cute.. *kisses that cute face* poor Darren, but he will learn. Welcome to the house Gennie. Hope she doesn't hang around as along as Simis and Jocosta have. They still haven't passed. :o
Very much so! I wouldn't have even had a chance, seeing as how this is my first try and I seem to be doing everything all wrong LOL Yes, she is a doll. I am starting to feel guilty, I've never pushed a sim like this before! Oh, don't worry Gennie won't be outstaying her welcome LOL

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 4)
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2015, 09:06:40 AM »
Isn't she tho?!? Oh, that's what I thought, but she was older than I expected LOL
Very much so! I wouldn't have even had a chance, seeing as how this is my first try and I seem to be doing everything all wrong LOL Yes, she is a doll. I am starting to feel guilty, I've never pushed a sim like this before! Oh, don't worry Gennie won't be outstaying her welcome LOL

Don't feel guilty... it's all the rave.. LOL You'll get the hang of it. I'm just a text away and if I can't figure it out, the great peeps here can always help.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 4)
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2015, 12:55:17 PM »
You're not doing everything wrong, don't worry. The founder always has the most work to do.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 4)
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2015, 08:38:54 AM »
You're not doing everything wrong, don't worry. The founder always has the most work to do.
Our poor wittle founders LOL I'm doing this by the seat of my pants, with little to no planning. We will see how that method works! LOL

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 4)
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2015, 09:46:02 AM »
Chapter 7

Even with a new member of the household, there was no rest for the weary.

Darren sculpted and Delilah gardened.

Not wanting to shove everything off onto Gennie, Delilah found a way to spend quality time with Danica.

Gennie bought a nicer vehicle into the household and given her insistence that she was a mermaid (and eating only kelp), Delilah didn't think she should be driving. Gennie consented to selling the car and Delilah called the builders at add onto the house, things were very cramped as they were. In his quest to advance, Darren was resorting to coffee to stay awake longer.

After her gardening chores were complete, Delilah went out gathering. While she was still out, she received word from Darren that Death had came for Gennie. Sometimes plans do not go according to our wishes, this was one of those times.

Upon returning home, Delilah was pleased to see the addition to the house was complete. They now had a generous living and kitchen area and Danica would sleep in a separate room of her own. But she did not go in to survey it immediately.

Instead she gathered Gennie's headstone and place it in the town's cemetery, under a tree and beside the water. Fitting for a "mermaid" Delilah mused as she mourned the loss of her friend and former co-worker.

Upon returning home she found Darren enjoying the new rocking chair in front of their new fireplace. The chair would be perfect for napping once his caffeine buzz wore off. Sadly, Darren would need to resort to eating fresh produce and napping in order to have a chance of sculpting a Young Adult ice sculpture of Delilah. Time was of the essence.

There were other surprises for Darren, inside the new garage and beside their truck was a new boat. They'd be able to enjoy their wedding site on their own boat. Once they had free time that is.

With the addition to the house, the taxes and bills were adding up. Delilah thought it prudent to rid the household of bills sooner than later, but first replicators should be obtained.

With Gennie gone, Delilah resolved to handle as much of the household chores as she could. She also resolved to get another household helper soon.

Meanwhile Darren was having issues resulting from his lack of proper rest.

Delilah was pleased with how her garden was expanding.

Delilah still checked for a better camera at the consignment shop without any success yet. She also eyed the clerk as a potential roommate.

Just when Delilah was congratulating herself for living in an area without deer, she was proven wrong. That meant dipping into the household funds and finally surrounding their land with fencing.

Without household help, Darren had to take brief breaks from sculpting to care for Danica while Delilah went to work.

Delilah was thrilled to receive another promotion. She was now half way up her career ladder and her Lifetime Wish as well.

In the middle of the night, Darren finally cracked. He started "dreaming" about being abducted by aliens.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Feb 7)
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2015, 10:23:40 AM »
Farewell to Gennie, her gravesite is so appropriate for her. Poor Darren has so much to do for one Sim and congrats to Delilah for her promotion  :)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast