Author Topic: Immortal Dreamers (updated on Mar 1)  (Read 47052 times)

Offline Zosa

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Immortal Dreamers (updated on Mar 1)
« on: January 30, 2015, 10:04:27 PM »
As a good friend of sdhoey, I've been intrigued by her Immortal Dynasty Challenge and her Brooks men. When I found out she was restarting her challenge, I decided to join her. I'm not known for following the rules to a "t" in my Sims 3 challenges, so this is a huge challenge to me: following the rules precisely and expanding my very limited knowledge and playing style with this game. I am bringing to you, Immortal Dreamers

My Options:
World: Lucky Palms
Lot: 228 Sedona Lane
Lunar Cycle: Waxing Gibbous
Memories: Disabled
Populations Controls: All unchecked, opt household out of celebrity system
Weather: Summer for three weeks, no precipitation (representing spring, summer and fall). Spring for one week, with rain enabled (representing winter).

Family Tree (may contain spoilers)

Immortal Dreamers

Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11,
Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16,
Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21,

Chapter 22, Chapter 23,

Offline Zosa

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Re: Under Construction
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2015, 10:04:51 PM »
Immortal Stats:

Name: Delilah Brown Dreamer ~ IMMORTAL (Week 8, Day 3)
Generation: Founder/Generation 1
Traits: Gatherer, Photographer’s Eye, Natural Cook, Hopeless Romantic, Loves the Heat
Spouse: Darren Dreamer
(X) Lifetime Wish: Celebrated Five-Star Chef
(X) Career: Culinary
(X)SuperMax: Gardening
(X) Building: The Desert Diner
(X) Property: Performance Park
(X) LTR:  1) Inheritance 2) No Bills Ever 3) Food Replicator
(X) Best Friends:  1) Ariel Hudson 2) Ted Hudson 3) Addison Rose 4) Marisol Loera 5) Patty Chin 6) Piper Sparks
(X) BlackOps:  1) Overtime Hours 2) All-New Bi-Pedal Dishwashing Machine 3) Stomping Grapes 4) Cater Event 5) Catering Time! 6) Learn a Recipe
(X) Museum Pieces: YA Portrait, YA Photograph, YA Ice Sculpture, A Portrait, A Photograph, A Ice Sculpture, E Portrait, E Photograph, E Ice Sculpture

Name: Danica Dreamer
Generation: Generation 2
Traits: Athletic, Artistic, Loves the Heat, Lucky, Neat
Spouse: Gerry Custer Dreamer
( ) Lifetime Wish: Become a Superstar Athlete
( ) Career: Professional Sports
( )SuperMax:
(X) Building: Goody's Groceries
( ) Property:
( ) LTR:  1) Fireproof Homestead 2)  3)
( ) Best Friends:  1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)
( ) BlackOps:  1) Scavenger Hunt: Precious Materials 2) Work/School Learning Project 3) The Boiler Room 4) A Fishy Science Project 5)  6)
( ) Museum Pieces: t Portrait, t Photograph, t Ice Sculpture, C Portrait, C Photograph, C Ice Sculpture, T Portrait, T Photograph, T Ice Sculpture, YA Portrait, YA Photograph, YA Ice Sculpture,

Generation: Generation 3
( ) Lifetime Wish:
( ) Career:
( )SuperMax:
( ) Building:
( ) Property:
( ) LTR:  1)  2)  3)
( ) Best Friends:  1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)
( ) BlackOps:  1)  2)  3) 4)  5)  6)
( ) Museum Pieces: 

Generation: Generation 4
( ) Lifetime Wish:
( ) Career:
( )SuperMax:
( ) Building:
( ) Property:
( ) LTR:  1)  2)  3)
( ) Best Friends:  1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)
( ) BlackOps:  1)  2)  3) 4)  5)  6)
( ) Museum Pieces:

Generation: Generation 5
( ) Lifetime Wish:
( ) Career:
( )SuperMax:
( ) Building:
( ) Property:
( ) LTR:  1)  2)  3)
( ) Best Friends:  1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)
( ) BlackOps:  1)  2)  3) 4)  5)  6)
( ) Museum Pieces:

Generation: Generation 6
( ) Lifetime Wish:
( ) Career:
( )SuperMax:
( ) Building:
( ) Property:
( ) LTR:  1)  2)  3)
( ) Best Friends:  1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)
( ) BlackOps:  1)  2)  3) 4)  5)  6)
( ) Museum Pieces:

Generation: Generation 7
( ) Lifetime Wish:
( ) Career:
( )SuperMax:
( ) Building:
( ) Property:
( ) LTR:  1)  2)  3)
( ) Best Friends:  1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)
( ) BlackOps:  1)  2)  3) 4)  5)  6)
( ) Museum Pieces:

Generation: Generation 8
( ) Lifetime Wish:
( ) Career:
( )SuperMax:
( ) Building:
( ) Property:
( ) LTR:  1)  2)  3)
( ) Best Friends:  1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)
( ) BlackOps:  1)  2)  3) 4)  5)  6)
( ) Museum Pieces:

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Offline Zosa

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Re: Under Construction
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2015, 10:13:45 PM »

Death had stalked Delilah Brown her entire life. When she was just a mere toddler, Delilah was in a horrific car accident with her father and expectant mother. Death took her father instantly. And Death had taken her mother as the doctors pulled her baby boy from her belly. Delilah’s baby brother had not even made it through his first night before death came calling for him. The newspaper said that Delilah was a lucky little girl walking away from that accident without so much as one scratch on her. But how can you be lucky in losing your family?

But Delilah was fortunate to have loving grandparents to care for her in her parents’ absence. However, Death still stalked her. It came calling for her grandfather when she was in grade school. And then it came again for her beloved grandmother when she was barely a teen. Placed in a group home, Delilah withdrew from life, living in her daydreams where death did not exist. Daydreams full of family and love filled much of her waking hours. The other kids teased and tormented her, calling her Delilah Daydreamer. She didn’t have any friends or even sympathy from the adults in her life, because Delilah did have what the others didn’t. Her grandmother had left a life insurance in trust to be given to Delilah when she turned into a young adult.

The closer that time came, the more those around her grew cruel. Then the time for graduation and her birthday arrived. Like all the other foster children, she was gifted a camera with her diploma from the school. The gifts given at the aging out ceremony were of a much lesser value. The other kids shoved Delilah aside until there was only a splintered wooden box with peeling paint left for her. Heather, a particularly cruel girl, laughed and tossed it hard at Delilah. Delilah sidestepped to avoid being hit by the box and cringed at her pitiful gift hitting the ground and splitting open.

The matron barked at her to clean it up and as Delilah bent down to place the pieces in the trash, she spotted a small and very old book titled, “The Secrets to Becoming an Immortal” peering out from the pieces of the box. Delilah slipped the book into her pocket before placing the splintered wooden box in the trash. Unlike the others turned out into the harsh world the next morning, Delilah had a destination. She boarded a bus and headed for the law firm to receive her inheritance check. She began reading the little book on the bus and continued reading throughout the day, waiting for lawyers, banks and paperwork. The secrets within the old pages couldn’t be true. Or could they?

The ancient book shared that immortality was sought after since the beginning of time. The created angelics and daemons had immortality, but no free will to live as they wished. The writings of old, spoke of The Creator placing the Tree of Life in The Garden but guarding it jealously. The Garden that had been located upon the beautiful land of Atlantis had sunk below the oceans thousands of years ago. Men and women still sought immortality mostly through the Curse of Bloodthirst. Yes, this was a way to become immortal, but at a harsh price. A life driven by bloodthirst and fearing the sun wasn’t a life at all, but instead a curse.

Howver, there was another way to truly live an immortal life. Rules, many rules must be followed. Not just by one person, but by the one that consecrated his or her life to immortality and the next seven generations to follow. All of the rules must be followed to the letter, no deviations or exceptions permitted. This little book declared that there had never been a “tree of life”, instead it was a modest and very rare garden plant. That gift of light combined carefully by a knowledgeable person with the gift of dark (death’s own fish) created Ambrosia. With Ambrosia one could extend life for some time, but the Ambrosia must be consumed until the fulfillment of the eighth generation had been made immortal. And then with that fulfilment, true immortality would be obtained.

Once all tasks were completed, the eight immortals would be granted a magical elixir and the power to become a young adult again, frozen in age and never needing Ambrosia again. All of their loved ones that had been buried over the many generations could then be resurrected and also be made young again, forever together. Future generations born would never age beyond young adult. They would become an immortal clan for the ages to come. Death could never touch them and indeed would flee at the sight of them.

Delilah pondered these things with her inheritance in hand. Perhaps it would be foolish to pursue this, but what did she have to lose? At worst she’d be disappointed at the end of her life, meanwhile having accomplished much during her years. Would that be a bad thing? No, it wouldn’t. Delilah shivered in her thin sweater at the biting cold swirling around her. She spotted a sign proclaiming land for sale. She would need land for herself and the generations to come. She walked into the real estate office and her eyes were drawn to a place sunny and hot. It took the majority of her inheritance to purchase her land, but it would be worth the cost. Delilah was ready to take on Death and crush it under her heel.

Offline JudesSims

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2015, 10:19:44 PM »
Lovely beginning! Good luck.

Online sdhoey

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2015, 10:34:43 PM »
Good start. Can't wait to read more .

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2015, 11:05:21 PM »
Chapter 1

Delilah arrived in Lucky Palms with high hopes of bright sunshine, a future family and immortality.

She quickly saw why the property had been so affordable. It was out of town and a field of power windmills filled her view. But it was a beautiful place.

Rather than spend her money all in one go, Delilah opted to buy a tent, a chair, a odd twig light, a MultiTab 600 and a sprinkler. Be it ever so humble, it was a start.

The first task was getting a job. Delilah grabbed her taxi tokens and went to The Blooming Cactus Bistro and procured a job by lying that she knew how to cook. She'd need to work on that skill sooner than later.

Before Delilah left the bistro she grabbed a local free magazine. The monthly magazine profiled the bachelor of the month: Darren Dreamer. He was hot, rich and available. Delilah looked up his address and was on her way to his house for an introduction.

Delilah was charming.

Delilah was flirty.

Delilah was bold.

Delilah wanted and received a commitment.

Delilah proposed they "celebrate" their new status in the house. Walking through, she regretted that she couldn't move into this fabulous home my the water.

But she was happy that her first time to woohoo with the man she intended to become her husband was in this lovely home rather than her tent in the desert.

Afterward, while Delilah was in Darren's bathroom a neighbor stopped by...

... maybe living in the desert without close neighbors was a good idea! Darren needed to run out and Delilah wanted to visit the community garden. Learning to garden would come in handy in her quest, besides she was hungry and had limited funds.

As Delilah bit into the apple, she couldn't help but be bemused by the symbolism.

Once she returned home, she called and invited Darren to come over. And fittingly gifted him with an apple.

A few whispered promises and kisses later, Delilah managed to convince a juiced up Darren to move in with her. He must have been very juiced up as he agreed to move into a tent despite the fact he hated the outdoors. He brought a nice chunk of change, not to mention a car and book to be sold for cash. They wouldn't be living in a tent for long. Delilah was making plans for a home befitting eight generations of immortals.

Darren was enamored, but Delilah was focused on the book's promises. She wasn't heartless by any means. Darren was a lovely man and she intended to be a faithful and devoted wife. However, she couldn't lose sight of her goals. Without a house or a bathroom at hand, they went off to the gym for a shower and then to the diner for breakfast.

Next they visited the Paint A Desert Art Gallery. In front of a beautiful landscape, Delilah spoke sweetly of supporting Darren in his art endeavors. She longingly spoke of building a home for a family.

Darren got the hint loud and clear...

... and he pulled out a ring, proposing they make her dreams come true.

Delilah eagerly accepted. She couldn't wait to become Mrs. Delilah Dreamer. Her new last name would be fitting for her. With the proposal accomplished, Delilah pulled out her MultiTab and barely managed to obtain one skill level in cooking before she arrived at her first day of work.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2015, 11:07:24 PM »
Lovely beginning! Good luck.

Thank you!

Good start. Can't wait to read more .

Thank you and thanks for answering my three billion questions regarding this challenge!

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2015, 11:14:53 PM »
No problem.. That's what friends are for. Poor Darren, hates outdoors and she is forcing him to live out doors.  ???

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2015, 11:28:55 AM »
I love her new name, the backstory is so sad. Welcome to the forum  :)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2015, 09:16:00 AM »
No problem.. That's what friends are for. Poor Darren, hates outdoors and she is forcing him to live out doors.  ???
Well, he doesn't have to live completely outdoors for long!

I love her new name, the backstory is so sad. Welcome to the forum  :)
Thank you, Nettlejuice!   :D

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2015, 10:24:05 AM »
Chapter 2

Delilah arrived home just before Darren and she arrived in their new truck that had been delivered to her workplace. It wasn't as fancy as Darren's SUV had been, but it was a better use of money right now.

Darren wasn't pleased with the new home. The layout didn't make sense to him. There were two different buildings. One hosted a nice bedroom and attached bathroom. The other had an itty bitty kitchen with a fridge and microwave as well as a table with a computer on it and a sculpting station. Why did they have to sit outdoors on a picnic table to eat? He also groused that he wanted an easel, but Delilah soothed him by convincing him that well-rounded artist earned more. Deliah asked him to concentrate on sculpting for now and he'd get an easel later.

Delilah nuked a hot dog dinner and Darren reluctantly ate it outdoors in the dark.

Delilah had her ways of distracting her complaining fiance.

Darren had to admit the the sunrises in the desert were amazing.

But Darren still grumbled about eating outdoors.

Delilah was thrilled to have not only a private bathroom, but a very nice one at that!

While Darren uncomplainingly learned to sculpt indoors, Delilah took a look at investing in real estate. However, even with building a modest beginning to their home, she lacked the funds. Lucky Palms was very expensive!

Delilah started her little garden with planting an apple tree.

While Darren practiced sculpting with clay, Delilah listened to a cooking tabcast while scouring the desert for rocks and gems. While searching the desert she found the perfect hidden spot for an intimate wedding. She couldn't wait to show Darren.

Back at home, Darren completed his first sculpture worth a mere $29. It paled in comparison to the $555 space rock Delilah found, but he was gifted and would soon be bringing in funds of his own.

Darren hated not only the outdoors, but all the little desert creatures scurrying about. His solution was to adopt a kitten.

Darren adopted a little black and white kitten that he named Zoe. Delilah didn't know how they'd find the time to spend with her as they were both so very busy, not to mention she was too young to keep the critters at bay.

Delilah was tired and discouraged. She and Darren worked so hard all day long. She received her first promotion, but even she was disgusting with eating a microwaved meal outdoors in the dark after a long shift. What was the point of being immortal, if your life was filled with drudgery?

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2015, 11:10:47 AM »
Chapter 3

Finally Delilah had a day off from work and her wedding day had arrived!

They agreed to spend the day apart working independently on their tasks. She started with collecting bugs.

And gems. It turned out the unattractive field of power windmills hosted a great deal of items for gathering.

Delilah decided that a butterfly lighting upon your hand was a good wedding omen. She resolved to keep this insect rather than sell it to the science center.

Delilah kept listening to her cooking tabcast as much as possible throughout the day and even visited the community garden to gather plants and build her gardening skill as well. For someone who planned to live forever, Deliah felt pressed to accomplish so much in so little time.

As the evening drew closer, Delilah raced to meet her man at their wedding spot.

In saying her vows, Delilah realized that she had grown to love Darren deeply.

Truth be told, this knowledge pained her. One day Death would take him for a long sleep and it would break her heart.

Delilah pushed her pain aside and pledged herself to this man, heart and soul.

Now Delilah had a greater incentive to complete her tasks; she wanted to spend her immortal years with the love of her life.

Darren surprised her with renting a boat and taking her out on the lake near the waterfalls for a wedding gift. Delilah resolved that one day she'd buy him a boat of their own and come out here for their anniversaries.

Offline Zosa

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2015, 12:09:23 PM »
Chapter 4

Delilah and Darren settled into busy days of accomplishing tasks all day long. Delilah frequently focused on cooking. This included the simple microwave meals she made for them.

She tried to take time to stop and watch the butterfly now and again, but those moments were rare.

Delilah gifted Darren with an easel for their wedding. While she was very anxious for him to progress in sculpting, she was conscious of the fact that his time on earth for now was shorter than hers. He should be allowed some pleasure now and again.

As Delilah had expected, they did not have much time to spend with Zoe and she was often lonely. Darren had a solution to that.

He elected to adopt another black and white kitten that they named Max. The two kittens could keep each other company.

Often they worked very late, well into the night until they were exhausted.

Sometimes even exhausted and ready for bed, she'd lie there listening to her tabcasts before permitting herself to fall into an deep sleep.

There were bad days on top of the exhaustion. Days when it seemed all was going wrong and Delilah was tempted to chuck the entire legacy aside for some fun.

Conscious of Darren limited days, Delilah tried to find the time to spend with him. Sometimes it was as simple as buying a radio and dancing with her man after dinner.

Or sitting down and eating breakfast with him at the beginning of the day.

Delilah began to develop Baby Fever. She longed to hold her and Darren's babe in her arms, but pushed that longing aside to work on her skills and career.

Darren was progressing in sculpting and now able to sculpt with ice.

Delilah even tried to take on some of the mundane house chores so he could concentrate on his craft.

Delilah was now receiving opportunities at work as well as another promotion.

Zoe grew up into a big cat and would finally be able to learn to hunt.

A couple of days before Darren's birthday, he confided that he too had developed Baby Fever.

Delilah gave Darren an early birthday present, she added another room to their home. A room large enough for a stove for her and an indoor table with chairs for Darren.

Darren couldn't help but point out that this was in yet another separate building. Why couldn't they have a normal house? Delilah explained as time goes by the house would start looking more like a normal, grand even.

With all of Delilah's hard work and opportunities, she received another promotion. Delilah decided that it was time to put some life changes in motion.

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2015, 12:38:56 PM »
I can't wait to see their kid!

Online sdhoey

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Re: Immortal Dreamers
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2015, 12:41:03 PM »
Coming along great. The kitties are going to bring her lots of buggies. Nooboo time??