Author Topic: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Failed  (Read 61355 times)

Offline KTK10

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Two (21/02/15)
« Reply #150 on: February 22, 2015, 09:59:00 PM »
Great idea for the bear/hermit! Kestrel is such a pretty sim, and her personality just makes me smile everytime!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Two (21/02/15)
« Reply #151 on: February 23, 2015, 11:33:54 AM »
@KTK10 Now I'm glad Jaime got voted as a spouse or we'd never have Kestrel  :o I'm hoping to upload her to the Gallery once I figure out how to get rid of her complete aspirations and added traits.
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Two (21/02/15)
« Reply #152 on: February 23, 2015, 11:59:53 AM »
Mischief Managed

Dear Nettie,

I'd already wasted two days into my young adulthood in Granite Falls, now that I had returned home I joined the Astronaut career. Adventures in the forest wasn't my thing, perhaps space would open up a whole new world for me.

I did a little remodelling of my own in the garden and immediately set to work on my rocket ship HMS Falcon - clever name, right? (Actually she's named after the Millennium Falcon but as I'm writing this I realised the double meaning!)

In between work and building the Falcon I kept up with my athletics training, sometimes inviting Caiphus over to try out new moves.

I waved to the family as I left for my first space adventure and strapped myself in. There were no aliens in sight or blue-boxed time traveller, but I had a lifetime to find those.

Once my feet touched ground again I went around upgrading all the appliances and plumbing.

I don't know, you've invited me to a lot of fake parties before.

This time it's 100% real.


Jessie's going to be there.

R-really? I guess I can come.

I've been making plans for my first party for ages and invited a group of very special people - it took quite a long time to convince them all to attend. Although it's a Weenie Roast I preferred to call it the Mischief Managed Party.

Colten was on cooking duty and served up Camper's Stew. Granny was the first to grab a bowl, I swear she must have two stomachs or something.

We gathered round the fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and I began my long speech that I hoped would last all night. I apologised to the SKLs and Kellys, who had the privilege of being my first victims.

Then I made many, many more apologies to the Clones Whitlock cousins and an elderly Thomas Pancakes who kept asking me to repeat myself several times - this is what happens when you frequently abuse the air horn.

Destinee was getting quite fed up of socialising with my parents - their discussion on adding logs is enough to bore anyone to death.

Just as the evening was drawing to a close, a tiny ember popped from the crackling fire and into Mrs Kelly's lap. In seconds she went up in flames.

There was panic and mayhem, screams from Mrs Kelly as she flayed her arms and jumped on the spot. Daddy had two extinguishers but he was stunned by Kassidy's lack of sympathy. It didn't help that Olivia decided to grab my chest from behind as I doused the flames licking at Mrs Kelly.

Mr Kelly was doing a wild dance of his own, yelling for someone to please save his wife.

The other guests and my family made a run for it, followed by a scary looking Kali Kelly who decided we were all evil fiends and didn't want to use our shower or ever step foot on our lot again.

When the guests had left, Granny and Mum started drinking to calm their nerves. Only Caiphus and Kassidy remained to laugh about the whole deal and helped to tick off the last few party requirements for the Gold rating.

You know what my favourite part was?


When Olivia grabbed you!

Shut up, Caiphus!

Love, Kessy H Chant.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #153 on: February 23, 2015, 01:32:22 PM »
Okay.. that has to be one of the best Chant chapters EVER!! Loved it and especially loved all the screenshots and the way that you captured everyone!  ;D Kestrel apologising.. what on earth is going to happen next?? haha!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #154 on: February 23, 2015, 03:12:24 PM »
Loved all the subtle references in that chapter.  Clever stuff.  Can't believe our Kessy was actually apologizing.  She must be up to something.

Offline Playalot

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #155 on: February 23, 2015, 05:54:53 PM »
Just letting you know I'm loving Kessy now she's grown up a bit. I found her teen years a little challenging! Love the camping experience from her POV and the hermit kissing her hands... yeah, c'mon we all know how you befriended him.  :P Although I suppose a lady never kisses and tells.  ;)

Isn't it hilarious how most roast parties end in flames? I think perhaps Kessy is having a change of heart...maybe?
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #156 on: February 23, 2015, 06:42:46 PM »
I loved this. I love the camp fire, it's great to see the sims interact with each other. I have a great update coming up with Colt and the 3 boys.. LOL
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #157 on: February 24, 2015, 05:31:00 AM »
@KTK10 Thank you for the huge compliment! Believe me when I say it took a motherlode of bashing the C key to get the right screenies.
@PeregrineTook I planned this chapter way back when Kes was a child, so glad it all worked out. It was supposed to be during her YA birthday but since I can't get Gold for birthdays I delayed for a while. Kessy is always up to something, even I can't control her a lot of the times, lol.
@Playalot I loved her teen stage though I do also like that she has matured just a tiny bit. Sims fall in love too easily, I wanted either of them to reject the flirting but the opposite happened  :P Funnily enough during test runs of the Weenie Roast I had nothing out of the ordinary happen and just when I try for the Dynasty attempt we have a bit of excitement.
@sdhoey I love the campfire too but if there are too many Sims they tend to glitch into one another  ::)
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Offline EtnaFan666

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #158 on: February 24, 2015, 10:12:18 AM »
Sorry for bringing this up, but I saw your sig, and... Baba Yaga enthusiast?!? I know who Baba Yaga is, and I can't believe anyone is a fangirl of that child-eating witch.  :o

Uh, nice story, keep it up.  ???
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #159 on: February 25, 2015, 06:17:27 AM »
@EtnaFan666 I just really love stories of Baba Yaga even though she's such an evil old hag  :P
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #160 on: February 25, 2015, 07:35:39 PM »
I just finished catching up and i have to say I'm so impressed!  I love how your writing style is descriptive yet still has humor :) I also really enjoy how you make each character their own person instead of just focusing on the immortals. I will definitely be following this!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #161 on: February 26, 2015, 09:31:17 AM »
@Tess Hey Tess, thanks a lot for reading and commenting, it makes my day brighter  ;D I don't usually write in first person so this has been a fun experience for me and my Sims.
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three (23/02/15)
« Reply #162 on: February 28, 2015, 07:46:07 AM »
I made a huge mistake. I let my sister use my computer and she was deleting her music and picture folders and ended up deleting my Sim 4 files that I specifically told her not to touch. I'm trying one of the challenges and forgot to have a backup copy of the original dynasty folder  :( Please send this to the graveyard  :'(
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Failed
« Reply #163 on: February 28, 2015, 08:02:01 AM »
I'm moving this to the Graveyard at the author's request. The author can revive it at any time by contacting a moderator.
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