Author Topic: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)  (Read 58721 times)

Offline Trip

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #75 on: February 04, 2015, 01:42:58 PM »
If I'm honest I was kind of rooting for Bubba but Rajita stole him too, that woman is so greedy with men  :P

Oh wow.

At least it seems like a good choice was made regardless.
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Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 16 Part 1
« Reply #76 on: February 05, 2015, 05:01:47 AM »
If Lynae had liked Bubba I might have stole him away from Rajita instead I stole Stefan cos she liked him instead  ;D

Final generation coming up!

Generation 16 - Soren

Soren's mind was full of thoughts, his food forgotten while he contemplated his surroundings.

And all the things his grandfather taught him just added to them.

His mothers soothing words entered his ears and the smells that entered his nose filled him full of thoughts too.

As he grew he started thinking more about the world around him and what he could do to be more eco friendly, like trying to persuade his mother to only buy organic vegetables.

His grandmother taught him many things too.

He considered himself to be a very lucky boy to have such a loving family.

He was sad when his grandmother died.

And then his grandfather as well.

But despite his sadness he made himself go to prom as he knew they would have wanted him to.

Teenage years should really be the time you get embarassed by your parents but for Soren it turned out to be young adulthood.

Surely the upstairs bathroom would be safer.

Like the pieces on his chess board Soren's life just wasn't moving, he needed to get himself a job, something where he could put his perceptive genius to good use.

Soren Amin, Private Investigator had quite a nice ring to it.

Conducting stakeouts.

Breaking into peoples' houses.

Dusting for prints.

Yes he could see himself doing that easily so he applied for the job and to great success.

It wasn't enough though, he needed to do more and tutoring seemed like a good use of his intellect, the local teenage girls certainly didn't seem to mind a bit of extra homework help.

For quite some time there had been a rift in his family, he held no grudges though after all the events happened before he was born, and it seemed in her old age his great great grandmother had finally gotten over hers.

His tutoring lesson over Soren was as ready for a new challenge as his pupil was for her dinner.

So it was off to China for a tournament.

But not for martial arts, this tournament was a battle of the mind not body.

After days of playing chess matches against various opponents he finally won the rank of Grand Master. So what next, music maybe?

The generations had come and gone for the Amin family but one thing had remained a constant for many years, Lynae just wished she knew Abi's secret perhaps then she could have halted her own old age.

Stefan was still young, for now anyway. By the time they returned home Soren had not only mastered the chess tournament but also the drums.

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Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 16 Part 2 (Complete)
« Reply #77 on: February 05, 2015, 05:05:56 AM »
There was only two things left for him to do now, a couple more hours of tutoring and maxing his career.

A celebration was held in his honour at City Hall, for Soren it was also a celebration of having finished his requirements and his part of the dynasty.

But there was one slight snag, his ancestors had always been very prepared people, that was until they moved to Aurora Skies where quite frankly they had slacked off a bit so the family was a little short on funds for the last building upgrades. His mother had spent much of her life outside of music breaking space rocks, Aiya and Shannon had done the same so they had a cabinet full of uncut stones that Soren spent a day cutting for the money.

As he ran around town picking up anything and everything he could find worth selling he cursed the lack of foresight of his family, would he have to wait days to get the funds together or would he just manage it. Perhaps his mother might get lucky with a few more tiberium he could cut.

As it turned out it was his lucky day as Lynae did find that tiberium in a spacerock, after giving it a chance to grow they finally had the funds to do their last upgrade, so now the last two Amin heirs could finally declare this dynasty a success.

Generation 16 - Soren Amin
Traits: Couch Potato, Genius, Eco - friendly, Lucky, Perceptive
Lifetime Wish: Chess Legend
Unique Maxed Career: Private Investigator
Two Unique Best Friends: Kaitlin Floyd, Doreen Davidson
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Grand Master, Teacher Extraordinaire, Master Drummer
Four Black Ops: The Mystery of the Naked Ring Finger, The Case of the Crush, The Bad Call, Ballot Buffoonery

Family Museum Total = 17, 525

Collection 1 - Skill Certificates - Drums 600, Logic 1000, Martial Arts 1000, Writing 600 = 3200
Collection 2 - Books - 641, 518, 80, 81 = 1320
Collection 3 - Beetles - 3 Rainbow at 1050 each, Assassin 600 = 3750

Collection 4 - Career Rewards - Actor Trailer 3000, Yomoshoto Evasion 5880, Case Board 75, Frosted Door 300 = 9255

Career Rewards - Spooky Trophy, Ghost Hunters Ribbon, Paranormal Momento, Ghost Hunters Key

Tombstones - Aiya Amin, Shannon Amin, Aaren Amin, Joren Amin (plus spouses)

All properties and buildings owned and upgraded, four vacations used.

The Amin Family Graveyard.

Finished Week 89 Day 2

Total Museum Value = 337, 578

So yes I sort of dropped the ball here, in all the other towns I was quite focused on the end goal of owning it all and the museum value but this time I left it rather late and didn't really work on getting the funds together, then it was a mad scramble to pull together a collection as can be seen by the paltry 17,525 that just barely scrapped past the minimum.

I think this is the first Dynasty where I have planned out every generation as far as careers and skills go, I always knew the last one would be a Private Investigator because it saved on opportunity hassles after so many generations, as for Soren's name I had a list of possible names on a scrap of paper and was having trouble deciding, my boyfriend said 'use that one' so I did then only later thought it sounded a little too much like Joren, but the deed was done and I wasn't going to change it.

And he taught me something I didn't know, body hair gets inherited! It isn't something I tend to use unless a sim comes already hairy like Stefan, I had no idea that happened but I actually found it suited Soren, so did a beard.

Well that's about it for the Amin dynasty so farewell from Aurora Skies and thanks for reading!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #78 on: February 05, 2015, 05:35:56 AM »
Congratulations on another complete challenge! Hope you have another one coming in the future.

I adore that first screenshot of Soren, cute beyond words!
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Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #79 on: February 05, 2015, 06:06:12 AM »
Thank you Nettlejuice  :D

I still have two dynasties I've not done yet, both tried and failed in the past, I might try again one day, currently messing about with a Zombie Aftermath challenge I found at MTS, just fancied something short and fun for a change.

Zombie Aftermath

I've tweaked those rules a little, using some suggestions further on in that thread, and I found a really neat custom world for it too called Roseward, only just started but it should be quite fun.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #80 on: February 05, 2015, 10:12:40 AM »
Sounds fun, best of luck with it  ;)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Trip

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #81 on: February 05, 2015, 12:06:46 PM »
And he taught me something I didn't know, body hair gets inherited!

It took me until my 4x4 to learn that too. Weird.

Congrats on finishing! I'm moving this to the Completed Dynasties board. :)
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Offline Shirin

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #82 on: February 06, 2015, 02:41:08 AM »
Congrats, Turoskel!

I really like your family graveyard too, by the way. That's just gorgeous!

(My 4x4 tombstones just hung out in the family inventory until world 4.)

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #83 on: February 10, 2015, 05:32:01 AM »
Aww thank you Shirin, I wanted to do something tree like but it took me ages to get it looking good, I'm hopeless at doing anything intricate with the terrain paints, there was much erasing and starting over before I finally got what I had envisioned.

I built them a basement underneath with a tea set, television, games console, dart board and rocking chairs, they were very happy ghosts  ;D

Offline KRae

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #84 on: February 10, 2015, 09:47:39 AM »
A basement is such a good idea! I'm always spoiling the look of my cemeteries with rockers, hot tubs, and so forth. Very smart of you.

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« Reply #85 on: February 14, 2015, 03:10:17 AM »
For the first time ever I've hit my bandwidth limit at photobucket, and one day before it resets too  ::)

Pictures should all be back tomorrow hopefully.

