Rajita was at the festival with some of the rest of the Spann household, Lynae decided to be brave and finally said hello to Stefan, once she actually talked to him it turned out he was nowhere near as scary as he first appeared.

In fact he was quite cuddly.

But Stefan's boldness prompted a reaction that Lynae just wasn't prepared for.

Why she was apologising she had no real idea, after all Stefan was the one flirting, and in any case what business was it of her great grandmothers, didn't she have a new boyfriend already in Bubba Clark.

But maybe their relationship wasn't that solid else why would Bubba keep giving Lynae flowers every time he saw her.

After braving it with Stefan and finding out he was a softie really Lynae decided she could maybe brave asking Stein for a promotion, turned out he was a softie too.

Most of her time outside work was spent at her piano now but a phone call asking her out on a date was enough to draw her away from it for a bit.

She didn't know what her great grandmothers issue was but at this moment Lynae didn't really care what Rajita thought, she wasn't here and Stefan was.

And Lynae knew exactly what she wanted.

But not just a fling, she wanted more than that.

Her musical career had gone from strength to strength, as an artist Rajita idolised her work.

But as her great grandaughter she was furious with her for seeing Stefan, and Lynae was just as furious at Rajita for always sticking her nose in where it didn't belong.

But maybe Rajita had more reason than Lynae realised.

If only her grandmother had still been around, or if only her father had known so he could have warned her, perhaps then Lynae would not have got involved with the very man who had caused a rift in her great grandparents marriage, the same man that Rajita despite her long term relationships had never let go.

If he thought she was going to let him near her now Stefan was very much mistaken.

But he didn't want to let her go that easily, although apologies over the phone just weren't going to cut it, he'd have to try harder than that to win her back.

If only her love life could have been as straightforward as her parents, still blissfully happy after all these years.

A concert at the park ended in yet another bust up for this bizarre love triangle.

Even Stein was getting fed up with his brothers behaviour now, feeling the need to apologise for him.

But it wasn't his apologies she wanted, it wasn't even Stefan's, what she really wanted was for Rajita to stop trying to hold on to something that she should have ended a long time ago.

With nothing holding him back anymore Stefan decided to try again, and this time he didn't grovel on the telephone, he didn't just pounce on her like in the past, he started with a small but very sweet gesture that Lynae happily accepted.

And Lynae had a couple of her own too, a potent cure and a fountain of youth.

Slowly they rebuilt the trust between them until one day Lynae felt ready to finally put the past behind her and look to the future.

Joren soon had somebody else to speak nonsense to, who knows maybe this little one will understand it.

For years Stefan had been the other man hiding in the shadows while Rajita lived her life as she wished, now at last he was free to have a life and family of his own and whether she liked it or not Soren was her family too, hopefully she would love him regardless of any ill will towards his father.
Generation 15 - Lynae AminTraits: Excitable, Virtuoso, ambitious, over emotional, disciplined
Lifetime Wish: Rock Star
Unique Maxed Career: Music - Rock Branch
Two Unique Best Friends: David Spann, Stella Scarborough
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Master Guitarist, Money Maker (Guitar), Master Pianist
Four Black Ops: Filing the Application, Cat Herding to Music, Keep It Up, Piano for Profits
Spouse - Stefan SvardGood Sense of Humour, Virtuoso, Charismatic, Easily Impressed, Friendly
So yes Stefan was my memory lapse, for some reason I had it in my head Johan must have been Rajita's affair because of them getting together after their partners died, then of course her reaction made me realise my mistake, I moved him in thinking I'd have to get him to call it off but she had dropped him already, I guess she felt rather betrayed but I consider Rajita to be the cheater not Stefan, cheating on three different partners just to carry on her affair with him.