Author Topic: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)  (Read 58736 times)

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #60 on: February 01, 2015, 03:59:20 AM »
I like how you've placed different flowers and shrubs around the graves to depict which world the graves are from.
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #61 on: February 01, 2015, 12:37:03 PM »
So many ghosts!

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 13 Part 1
« Reply #62 on: February 02, 2015, 04:13:35 AM »
Generation 13 - Aaren

Now they had decided on staying it seemed like a good time to do a little decorating of their new home.

The decorators had barely left when it suddenly all went up in flames. Needless to say the fireplace will remain unlit from now on, at least till it can be made fireproof anyway.

Aaren had a little surprise in store for his parents when he grew up, a pair of bright turquoise eyes just like his grandfather.

Aurora Skies was a great place to bring up kids and had good educational facilities such as the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center.

Being a tiny prodigy himself Aaren was soon whizzing about in the walker.

Then Aiya sat him down to explain the finer points of acting.

Aaren's first birthday arrived.

While his grandparents may not have been there for his party in person they were definitely there in spirit, well across the street at least if not in the actual house.

There was no shortage of kids in Aaren's elementary class at school, Bubba Clark, Dusty Ingberg and Johnathon Berge to name just three.

With luck there will be just as many in high school.

But first there is the weekend and a chance to visit the festival with his parents.

The Amin family were full of little hidden skills, passed down from one generation to the next, ever since Tara they have all been good at sneaking about, Stephanie had given them all immunity to fire but also made them into pyromaniacs, but sometimes that's a blessing when on a cold day an apple wont keep you warm but a transmogrified flame fruit in your pocket just might.

High school was almost over for Aaren, Shannon felt the need to give his son some rules before he went to prom, no fighting, no pranks and no getting involved with babysitters.

Of course he did all three of those things but his dad didn't need to know that.

But all thoughts of babysitters flew out of his mind when he found himself bobbing for apples next to a cute girl at the festival.

Now looked like the perfect opportunity to show off his new toy, the banshee banisher! he hadn't actually used it yet seeing as he'd only just got the job but Jennika Wong didn't know that.

Maybe his dad had been right about steering clear of babysitters after all, if he had he wouldn't be having to dump her right now because he'd met somebody far more appealing.

Aaren was a genius, this meant a few hours spent at the library juiced up on liquid job boosters saw him going to work on his first day with several promotions already under his belt.

With a better uniform and an upgraded banshee banisher to further impress the ladies with.

Although judging by the fact she called and asked him out on a date he didn't need it to impress Jennika.

They had only known each other for just a few days but Aaren had made his mind up on day one that Jennika was the girl for him.

He was going to China shortly with his parents and he didn't want to leave without being sure that when he returned Jennika would be waiting for him so he asked her to go steady, she said yes at the time but when he phoned her later from China she had no recollection of it. Not much he could do about it now though it would just have to wait until he returned home.

Aaren planned to use this trip to search the galaxy for new stars and planets. His father having a level 3 visa meant they had a nice long trip ahead of them which should give him plenty of time for stargazing.

And to meet his immortal grandmother Abi.

When his parents had sold the vacation home long ago they hadn't thought to take out some of the added extras the family had accumulated, this was causing them a bit of an issue with getting it back, they had the visa level for it but not the funds to actually purchase it.

So his father started raiding tombs while his mother collected metals and gems and anything else she came across in dig sites, eventually after being stuck at the base camp for a few days they finally got it back, which was great for Aaren as he wanted to set up his chemistry lab and base camp wouldn't allow it.

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 13 Part 2
« Reply #63 on: February 02, 2015, 04:20:22 AM »
Holiday over and Aaren was no sooner home than a call came in for him to deal with some ghosts, but he had something far more important to do first.

His ghostbusting was earning him all sorts of awards at city hall, when he saw Jennika standing amongst the crowd cheering him on he decided as soon as the ceremony was over he was going to ask her to move in.

They got home just in time for his parents elder birthday.

It didn't take long for Jennika and Aiya to become best friends.

Aaren had maxed his career long ago but he would still spend his time off roaming around the town collecting wayward spirits just for the fun of it.

Mostly what he needed now were opportunities, when he was asked to make some Falafel he debated if he should waste a trip just to get a recipe but he couldn't afford to pass it up, so he took Jennika with him and they had a great time camping out under the stars and exploring pyramids.

His adult birthday took him by surprise when he was on his way to a job in town, he didn't have time to celebrate though, there were ghosts to be caught!

Aiya and Shannon had always remained the very best of friends, it was one of the things that kept their marriage strong, along with the romance.

When Aaren got asked to solve a riddle war in China the family found themselves back there once again. While they could have made it a brief trip they decided to stay for just over two weeks.

The last time Aaren was here he almost lost Jennika, this time he made sure that would never happen again.

Aiya never did return to showbiz but she did still practice mixology from time to time.

In fact she spent most of her fortnight getting tipsy on cocktails.

With the arrival of winter back home she got to do something that had never been possible in sunny Lucky Palms, snowboarding!

Aaren was almost finished with his requirements at last, he just needed some best friends.

And to turn in his last opportunity.

And then he could finally get married.

While on vacation Jennika had spent her time reading cookery books, Shannon was an angler so had spent his catching death fish in the garden pond Leon had made there, this meant she could now make ambrosia for the family but her preparations got interrupted by a new family member making itself known.

It was icy outside but cosy by the fire so Jennika decided she would have the baby at home instead of traipsing to the hospital on such a cold dark night.

A few hours later found her holding her new baby son Joren, wrapping him up tightly in his blanket to keep him warm she snuggled him until he fell asleep in her arms.

Generation 13 - Aaren Amin
Traits: Brave, Genius, loves the cold, family oriented, great kisser
Lifetime Wish: Paranormal Profiteer
Unique Maxed Career: Ghosthunter
Two Unique Best Friends: Dax Fernandez, Julianne Fernandez
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Celestial Explorer, Skill Professor, Master Chemist
Four Black Ops: Spooky Props, We Love Falafel, Riddle War in China, The Spa Restoration

Spouse - Jennika Wong
Clumsy, Excitable, Good, Virtuoso, Lucky

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #64 on: February 02, 2015, 05:01:57 AM »
That eye colour looks lovely on Aaren and Aiya certainly is enjoying elderhood.
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #65 on: February 02, 2015, 10:40:07 AM »
Awwwww, his eyes his eyes his eyes!

Is Jennika an original townie? She sure looks like it.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #66 on: February 02, 2015, 11:20:03 AM »
Aaren and Jennika are both amazing-looking. I hope that carries on with their son.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #67 on: February 02, 2015, 12:09:12 PM »
Yes Jennika is a toddler at the start, I'll admit I wasn't overly familiar with the town so I had to check myself at first, I'd read through most residents at the wiki before the move but I forgot about her, also forgot about some other stuff I read as well so had a few surprises down the line and a few moments of "oh of course!"

I'm very much with Trip when it comes to dynasty spouses now, I like original townies or their offspring, when I first started my immortal I had rarely played past two or three generations and always on long lifespans using Twallans SP so had no real idea about the clone face, by the time that was over I was sick of the sight of them so avoid them like the plague now.

I was a little dissapointed Aaren looked so much like his dad with barely anything of mum but those eyes were awesome and stood out so much on his darker skin, what's really funny though is before I started in Lucky Palms I scouted out the town and checked out all the kids and unborn babies and made notes, one of them said Addison Ross - avoid, also had Tabbi Claremont - strange nose and Hanson Gilbert - bit generic, so yeah I really stuck to my guns there  ;D

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 14 Part 1
« Reply #68 on: February 03, 2015, 07:27:52 AM »
Generation 14 - Joren

Joren was a very happy toddler.

He loved being read to by his dad.

And bathed by his grandmother.

Sadly he never really got to know his grandfather.

Aiya started teaching him to talk.

But she was too heartbroken to finish it and she too passed away.

Joren was too young to really understand what had happened, which might have been a blessing really.

As he grew his love of books continued.

But teenage years saw a few personality problems rise to the surface when he started talking to himself and speaking total madness to others.

Still he survived the insanity long enough to reach young adulthood.

Luckily he loved the cold because swim trunks in winter were never a good idea, but there was a roaring fire next to the desk so perhaps he felt too hot otherwise.

More than anything Joren wanted to be a writer, but that was something he could easily do in his spare time so he got a job in journalism, it was not quite what he had hoped for at first but being across the hallway from that cute girl in the business office helped cure the boredom or sorting papers.

When he wasn't working he was writing, his brain was a jumble of words that he just had to get out, writing helped to calm the madness a little.

But sometimes he couldn't help it from escaping even if he didn't really mean what he said, especially to his loving parents.

His parents were both old now but Aaren still spent his time hunting ghosts, Jennika had worked at the police station for a time but she retired after she reached old age.

Aaren also used his hunting skills to hunt down beetles for the family collection.

Joren was quite lucky in a way, his boss was his grandmother Rajita Wong so quite willing to give her one and only grandchild a promotion if he asked, Jennika got on well with her mother, her father died before she met Aaren but her mother being a fairy meant she was now younger then her.

Spring finally arrived and with it the spring festival, and a chance for Joren the tiger to have his first kiss.

Maybe not quite the kiss his hopeless romantic heart dreamed of but the kissing booth lady enjoyed it.

Joren spent a lot of time at the library, it was a good place to write, and to meet people.

That cute girl from the business office turned out to be the girl next door, she lived in the red house at the end of his garden with her sister Karen and Loki Beaker, Karen's boyfriend.

And it seemed that Kristin Helgason had been eyeing up Joren too.

On his day off he decided to pop round to her house, Kristin was certainly not backwards in letting Joren know she liked him.

It was love day you see and only one person was on her mind.

But much to Loki's annoyance he was on Karen's too.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 14 Part 2
« Reply #69 on: February 03, 2015, 07:35:26 AM »
For Joren though only one woman mattered and that was Kristin.

A few nights later they went on a date, and being a gentleman he walked her to her door afterwards, but he couldn't leave her there without at least a kiss goodbye.

After yet another promotion from grandma all Joren needed was one more to be finished with his requirements.

And he finished just in time too as his elder birthday was fast approaching, some ambrosia soon sorted that out and put it off for a little longer.

With everything now done Joren felt sure this would be a good time to propose to Kristin. He tracked her down to one of the local hangouts and there he got down on bended knee and asked if she would marry him, without hesitation Kristin said yes.

But perhaps she shouldn't have been quite so fast, maybe she didn't realise her other man was there at the time, Dax Fernandez his father's best friend and apparently he was Kristin's romantic interest before Joren came on the scene, he was not happy to say the least.

Okay so he had good reason to be angry but Kristin gave as good as she got.

That was until he raised his hand to her.

Up until now Joren had just stood back and watched it all unfold but that was a step too far for him, he had to defend his lady's honour!

Perhaps it was his insanity that made him then start enthusing about the wedding to Dax, understandably Dax really wasn't interested.

But his parents were delighted.

And soon looking forward to becoming grandparents.

Kristin's parents had divorced when she was just a toddler and she had been raised by her father, even though she'd had a good relationship with her mother she vowed that nothing would ever part her from her daughter Lynae.

Or her goofy husband, especially when they were so adorable together.

Generation 14 - Joren Amin
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Loves The Cold, Bookworm, Insane, Hopeless Romantic
Lifetime Wish: Professional Author
Unique Maxed Career: Journalist
Two Unique Best Friends: Andre Glover, Molly Nair
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Speed Writer, Prolific Writer, Specialist Writer (articles)
Four Black Ops: A History of One, Photojournalism, To Boldly Go, Extra Curricular Activity

Spouse - Kristin Helgason
Athletic, Easily Impressed, Hates the outdoors, Dramatic, Gatherer

I seriously wished I could have kept Joren a toddler forever, he was just so adorable  ;D  it's a shame Kristin's sister was dating Loki, I'd have liked him in the family if only for Sims 2 nostalgia but despite them not actually being married he showed up as uncle to Lynae and brother in law to Joren.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #70 on: February 03, 2015, 06:25:08 PM »
Joren is one good looking Sim and glad he slapped Dax for hitting a woman.
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 15 Part 1
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2015, 04:13:15 AM »
Generation 15 - Lynae

From an early age Lynae showed an aptitude for music.

Her grandfather spent a lot of time with her when she was small.

Sadly her grandmother died before she ever got the chance to know her.

Aaren found great comfort in caring for his granddaughter after Jennika passed.

And as she grew their bond just got stronger.

That's not to say she didn't get on with her parents, Kristin spent a lot of time tutoring Lynae and Joren was always up for a game of tag.

But her grandfather held a special place in her heart.

Aaren continued ridding the town of ghosts, on this job though he hadn't expected the ghost to be the client.

Lynae's teenage birthday arrived, it was already obvious she was more of a Ross than a Helgason, Shannon had looked like his mother, Aaren mostly like his father and Joren while more of a mixture was still more Ross than Wong.

But despite the dark colouring and full lips Lynae turned out to have her mothers nose and eyes, minus the dazzling blue.

Some new residents had moved to town recently, she soon made friends with David Spann, at the time she assumed the werewolf was a visitor to his house like her but she later learnt otherwise.

David even came to her fathers elder birthday.

As soon as high school was over Lynae got herself a job at the theater, her boss turned out to be Stein Svard, the werewolf she had seen at David's house.

Now seemed like a good time to go and introduce herself. Stein had not been visiting David, he lived there along with his brother Stefan and David's parents.

And one other person, her great grandmother Rajita, she had recently lost her long term partner Johan Wrede, they had been together since soon after Aaren met Jennika so it had been a long time.

A very long time, Aaren had lived longer than anybody else ever in the history of his family, when Grim finally called time he was 65, yet still he wanted to stay.

Lynae's first few days at work were going well, her relationship with her boss was a little up and down though.

Truth was she found him a bit scary, his brother looked quite intimidating as well.

But if she wished to visit Rajita or David she had to be brave and try and ignore the growling.

On the other hand her vampiric uncle was positively charming, she liked Loki a lot.

Her parents had both retired now and spent their days just enjoying themselves doing fun things like pumpkin carving.

And being quite good at it too.

Or just making out on the couch like a pair of teenagers.

A trip to the festival was a good chance for a family picture and as Rajita was there they asked her to join them.

Just one big happy family, for the moment anyway.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 15 Part 2
« Reply #72 on: February 04, 2015, 04:27:06 AM »
Rajita was at the festival with some of the rest of the Spann household, Lynae decided to be brave and finally said hello to Stefan, once she actually talked to him it turned out he was nowhere near as scary as he first appeared.

In fact he was quite cuddly.

But Stefan's boldness prompted a reaction that Lynae just wasn't prepared for.

Why she was apologising she had no real idea, after all Stefan was the one flirting, and in any case what business was it of her great grandmothers, didn't she have a new boyfriend already in Bubba Clark.

But maybe their relationship wasn't that solid else why would Bubba keep giving Lynae flowers every time he saw her.

After braving it with Stefan and finding out he was a softie really Lynae decided she could maybe brave asking Stein for a promotion, turned out he was a softie too.

Most of her time outside work was spent at her piano now but a phone call asking her out on a date was enough to draw her away from it for a bit.

She didn't know what her great grandmothers issue was but at this moment Lynae didn't really care what Rajita thought, she wasn't here and Stefan was.

And Lynae knew exactly what she wanted.

But not just a fling, she wanted more than that.

Her musical career had gone from strength to strength, as an artist Rajita idolised her work.

But as her great grandaughter she was furious with her for seeing Stefan, and Lynae was just as furious at Rajita for always sticking her nose in where it didn't belong.

But maybe Rajita had more reason than Lynae realised.

If only her grandmother had still been around, or if only her father had known so he could have warned her, perhaps then Lynae would not have got involved with the very man who had caused a rift in her great grandparents marriage, the same man that Rajita despite her long term relationships had never let go.

If he thought she was going to let him near her now Stefan was very much mistaken.

But he didn't want to let her go that easily, although apologies over the phone just weren't going to cut it, he'd have to try harder than that to win her back.

If only her love life could have been as straightforward as her parents, still blissfully happy after all these years.

A concert at the park ended in yet another bust up for this bizarre love triangle.

Even Stein was getting fed up with his brothers behaviour now, feeling the need to apologise for him.

But it wasn't his apologies she wanted, it wasn't even Stefan's, what she really wanted was for Rajita to stop trying to hold on to something that she should have ended a long time ago.

With nothing holding him back anymore Stefan decided to try again, and this time he didn't grovel on the telephone, he didn't just pounce on her like in the past, he started with a small but very sweet gesture that Lynae happily accepted.

And Lynae had a couple of her own too, a potent cure and a fountain of youth.

Slowly they rebuilt the trust between them until one day Lynae felt ready to finally put the past behind her and look to the future.

Joren soon had somebody else to speak nonsense to, who knows maybe this little one will understand it.

For years Stefan had been the other man hiding in the shadows while Rajita lived her life as she wished, now at last he was free to have a life and family of his own and whether she liked it or not Soren was her family too, hopefully she would love him regardless of any ill will towards his father.

Generation 15 - Lynae Amin
Traits: Excitable, Virtuoso, ambitious, over emotional, disciplined
Lifetime Wish: Rock Star
Unique Maxed Career:
Music - Rock Branch
Two Unique Best Friends: David Spann, Stella Scarborough
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Master Guitarist, Money Maker (Guitar), Master Pianist
Four Black Ops: Filing the Application, Cat Herding to Music, Keep It Up, Piano for Profits

Spouse - Stefan Svard
Good Sense of Humour, Virtuoso, Charismatic, Easily Impressed, Friendly

So yes Stefan was my memory lapse, for some reason I had it in my head Johan must have been Rajita's affair because of them getting together after their partners died, then of course her reaction made me realise my mistake, I moved him in thinking I'd have to get him to call it off but she had dropped him already, I guess she felt rather betrayed but I consider Rajita to be the cheater not Stefan, cheating on three different partners just to carry on her affair with him.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #73 on: February 04, 2015, 07:01:59 AM »
I'd have thought Stein would be the one she'd fall for, but Stefan is just as cute. And came with more drama, lol.
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #74 on: February 04, 2015, 08:31:49 AM »
I didn't mind which brother she picked, I wasn't 100% sure what they looked like as they became werewolves so early on, then after she'd already decided she wanted Stefan I saw Stein in his normal human form and thought curse you Lynae, but Stefan was okay too thankfully.

If I'm honest I was kind of rooting for Bubba but Rajita stole him too, that woman is so greedy with men  :P

