Issac was getting a dab hand at flattering ladies, he knew just what to say to make them feel good about themselves, complimenting Tabbi on her haircut was sure to win her over.

And it worked.

Sadly Lucky passed away not too long after he moved in with Addison, she was heartbroken.

With only her pension coming in Shannon felt it was time to get himself a job and Issac just happened to know where there was an opening.

Isaac was getting better at styling but was still a bit hit and miss, sometimes customers loved it, other times they were just okay with it and then there were the absolute disasters.

Shanita though loved his work.

She took after her father more than her mother looks wise which was a shame, the only thing that wasn't rather generic was her nose, Isaac was very fond of her but only as a friend which made Shanita rather sad.

It had been quite some time since the family last visited China but now seemed like as good a time as any, especially seeing as Isaac had been asked to deliver a painting there.

It was becoming more and more obvious Abi knew something they didn't, how else was she still alive?

For Rohan and Shiloh this trip gave them a bit more extra time together, they both knew they were getting on in years so every moment counted. For Gloria watching her happy parents together the most she could wish for was to one day get married herself. But who would want to marry a simbot, another simbot maybe?

When Issac returned to work he got rather excited to see Tabbi on his appointments list, that was until he got to her house and discovered what it was she wanted, a new formal outfit to wear to her engagement party to Ethan Tanner.

Isaac buried his crushing disappointment beneath his professional demeanor listening politely as she enthused about her upcoming nuptials, and when he left Tabbi was non the wiser as to how he truly felt about this turn of events.

What made this situation so difficult was Isaac was also friends with Ethan who he had met through his grandmother, she would have been pleased for them he felt sure, her two best and oldest friends getting married.

So he decided perhaps he should just accept it and be happy for them too, that was why he took Tabbi an engagement present of one of his paintings.

But then the following night at a party hosted by one of his clients he witnessed Ethan trying it on with Emmie Irwin and wondered if Tabbi was really doing the right thing marrying him, but if he told her about Ethan's behaviour would it be for her benefit or his own?

After all why would she even be interested in him anyway when she was going to live for a long time to come and he was growing older by the day.

But Isaac getting old meant his parents were even older.

Isaac wasn't home when his mother died, he had been finishing off his final requirement, it meant he got to be young once more but it felt like little consolation at the time, Shanita willingly gave him a comforting shoulder to cry on.

Back home again and a phone call from Tabbi had him cursing at the phone afterwards, he really didn't want to help the woman he loved choose a wedding cake for her marriage to another man, but he said none of this to Tabbi instead agreeing to meet up with her to discuss the wedding arrangements.

A lot of what she wanted would be better done at home where he could sketch ideas out for her to look at so they headed back to the house.

They hadn't even stepped foot on the path when Tabbi suddenly turned around, jumped back in her car and rushed off home in a fury, looked like the wedding might be off after all.

As expected Tabbi and Ethan broke up, unfortunately shortly before this Ethan had moved in with Tabbi, she no longer wished to live with him so Isaac was quick to offer Tabbi an alternative solution. She mulled it over for a bit then agreed, but it would mean losing her wings.

There was a time when Isaac thought he'd missed his chance with Tabbi, he'd been given another one and he was definitely making the most of it.

While it was sad his mother wasn't there for the wedding marrying Tabbi was still the happiest moment of his life so far.

And just when he thought he couldn't possibly be any happier his daughter Aiya showed him just how wrong he was.
Generation 11 - Isaac Amin
Traits: neurotic, charismatic, loves the outdoors, artistic, perfectionist
Lifetime Wish: Fashion Phenomenon
Unique Maxed Career: Stylist
Two Unique Best Friends: Kelly Gardner, Kane Frederick
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Brushmaster, Proficient Painter, Master Painter
Four Black Ops: A Small painting, The business of decor, Deliver a painting to China, Fresco Fest
Spouse - Tabbi ClaremontNeurotic, loves the outdoors, nurturing, couch potato, light sleeper
Story Progression made Tabbi a fairy but I made Ethan a werewolf, they were both on my future spouse radar and I wanted to keep them around but so far nobody was interested in them, original sims were running out which is one reason Lucky had kids, of course he had a boy and then Rohan wanted a boy too, so I tried again and he got a girl but Shanita was almost a clone face. Then Isaac fell for Tabbi only for me to discover story progression was messing me about again and got her engaged to Ethan, the fact it then split them up was great because I was dithering on getting Isaac to do it, If Ethan became a future spouse did I want him to be enemies with Isaac? I couldn't decide but in the end I didn't have to.
Aiya was my deviation from the baby gender rule, other than Shanita there was one eligible female in town left, Christopher Shaw, she had a boys name and quite frankly she looked rather like a man in drag, dreadfully unfortunate face, and I didn't really want that in my dynasty, sorry Christopher