Author Topic: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)  (Read 58732 times)

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #45 on: January 27, 2015, 12:51:55 PM »
Oh I know, it's happened twice in this dynasty already, but despite the futility of it I still hoped it might work, yeah I'm daft like that  :P

And look where it got me  ::) Although it was fun having Kiran back for a bit, one thing I liked about the other dynasties was your heirs were always around, it's hard letting everybody die, that's why I like having the ghosts about.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #46 on: January 27, 2015, 02:00:41 PM »
Way to go Kiran  :o I almost had that happen to me too so I completely understand. Not fun...glad you got to continue and make it to the HoF in the end, though!

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 10 Part 1
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2015, 02:31:54 AM »
Generation 10 - Rohan

Rohan's first birthday was a somewhat sad affair, the family did their best to celebrate but they couldn't quite forget the person who should have been there with them.

Kiran proved to be a godsend during this time, his natural ability with children and the fact he wasn't so close to Leon had made it easier for him, and little Rohan idolised him.

He was always there to give a comforting word when things got too hard.

And to help teach Rohan his life skills.

After his surprise resurrection the family had finally purchased a lot to place the family graveyard. As much as they loved having him around they didn't want any more surprises. The ghosts soon settled into their new home.

When it came time for Rohan's next birthday things had gone back to normal somewhat, Tomeka had even begun to smile again a little.

There had been many dolls sent to the family over the generations, most went unplayed with but Rohan had played with Lucky a lot.

When Grim came for Tomeka for once in her life she didn't faint, in fact she was very brave about it and even shook his hand.

Job well done Grim settled in for a nice relaxing foot massage before the next one.

Which happened far quicker than anybody expected.

Kiran was very philosophical about it, after all he knew he shouldn't have even been let out of Grim's domain in the first place, can't blame a guy for trying though.

So now there were just the three of them, well four really but his parents didn't know that yet.

Soon both Rohan and Lucky became teens.

Rohan had already decided he wanted to become an inventor, his first invention was a gnome.

With Kiran gone the family had to go back to relying on the elixir store, one thing they never had in stock were fountains of youth, Hanson found that very suspicious especially considering Shiloh Devyn had manned the register ever since he was a child, she was human after all not a long lived fairy or vampire, was she drinking them?

Prom night arrived, Rohan did his homework while waiting for the limo to show up, when it did Lucky rushed outside but why? he wasn't going to prom surely.

But he didn't get in the limo instead he got in a taxi and drove off in the other direction from Rohan, went up the road near the wind farm, got out then vanished into thin air. He was back at the house when Rohan returned though which was a good thing as Rohan wouldn't want to lose him now he'd got his hands on an imaginary friend metamorphum potion.

But first they had to have their birthday then Lucky could finally become real, his parents were going to be in for a bit of a shock.

Rohan didn't care though, he thought Lucky looked great with his red and black hair dark skin and vivid turquoise eyes.

Despite never actually attending school Lucky got a graduation as well, just being real counts apparently not actual attendance.

So what was in store for these two, well for Rohan inventing was more of a hobby than a vocation, he actually wanted to be a DNA profiler, and Lucky wanted to be a Journalist.

Over the course of her career Stephanie had made many friends in town, saving lives does that, and stayed friends with some of her childhood ones such as Tabbi and Ethan, as shy as she was she would often attend the odd party, when it was all friends there.

Rohan met Tabbi at Varg's tavern once, she spent the whole time regaling him with tales of his mothers daring.

He could be pretty daring himself at times blowing up car parks full of abandoned cars, or reckless, depends how you look at it really. Unfortunately for Rohan the local authorities looked on it badly, but he had a solution, a somewhat controlled explosion with a professional firefighter on hand in case of any major incidents.

Stephanie worked hard that day.

But by evening Rohan had blown up enough old appliances so she got on the phone to let the authorities know it was over, just a few small fires nothing she couldn't handle and no injuries she told them, totally ignoring her rather singed son standing behind her.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 10 Part 2
« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2015, 02:38:23 AM »
Stephanie had finally put out her last fires, it was time to retire.

She still dreamed about them though.

Rohan was a bad boy and he knew it, you see he had a girlfriend of sorts, he'd hooked up with Andria Winstead in high school and was still with her even now. Yet that didn't stop him putting the moves on Shiloh Devyn on a trip to the consignment store.

Now she had retired Stephanie was spending much of her time breaking space rocks but because Hanson also did this she took one of the board breakers over to the family graveyard, you see she wanted to keep the gems she got this time for the family museum so she needed to know they were hers and not Hanson's.

It gave her the chance to have a chat over a cup of tea with Seth, and come to the conclusion that being a ghost may not be so bad after all.

Rohan and Lucky didn't spend quite so much time together as they used to now both of them were working, Rohan was moving up the ranks far faster than Lucky, who really wasn't living up to his name so far.

Either the elixir store truly had run out of fountains of youth or Shiloh had finally stopped drinking them, whatever the cause after two generations she had finally grown old.

Rohan didn't care though.

Up till now he'd done nothing but flirt, well it's in his nature he can't really help it, but this time he went a bit further.

Even so he still didn't tell Andria, as far as she knew she was his only girl.

If only she knew the truth.

And that truth was that he had fallen for Shiloh and fallen hard, he finally did the decent thing and broke it off with Andria, who was understandably livid.

But it left him free to finally ask Shilo to move in.

When Lucky missed out on a promotion by the mearest fraction he decided to pay his boss Addison Ross a visit, only he couldn't quite find her, somebody had answered the door but all he saw was a walking stick poking out of the floor, sounds familiar, he tried zapping her with the moodlet manager to no avail, then he had a brainwave, how about a fountain of youth instead!

It worked, a rejuvenated Addison popped out of the ground as if by magic, which I guess it sort of was. Needless to say he got his promotion, well she could hardly refuse after he'd not only rescued her from her predicament but saved her from an appointment with Grim as well.

A couple of days later she rang and asked Lucky on a date, he accepted and then brought her home for a makeover.

And a sleepover with unexpected consequences, well for Addison anyway, Lucky knew full well what he was up to.

Rohan was very nearly done with his requirements, his boss Donovan Steel was pretty good when it came to giving him those extra promotions.

As you may have guessed already Lucky was going to be a father soon, he may have slightly tricked Addison into it but he really was a decent guy deep down and he wanted to do the right thing by her.

Eventually anyway, in the meantime he spent as much time as possible with her and their son Shannon.

After years stuck behind a register Shiloh was enjoying her new freedom, while she lounged by the pool Rohan was working the last shift he needed to reach his goal of DNA profiler and finish his requirements.

As soon as he got home he sat down to a plate of Ambrosia with Lucky.

And then made Shiloh an extremely happy woman.

They married in the garden under the moonlight.

And soon Rohan had his own little one on the way.

At least Isaac has a guaranteed play mate growing up.

Generation 10 - Rohan Amin
Traits: Brave, eccentric, ambitious, great kisser, flirty
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in cash
Unique Maxed Career: Law Enforcement - DNA
Two Unique Best Friends: Andria Winstead, Ariane Winstead
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Diabolical Detonator, The Scrap Collector, Widget wonder
Four Black Ops: When Dreams Come True, Scrap For Toys, Nectar Emergency, Hard Core Training
Imaginary Friend - Lucky Amin
Traits: Brave, can't stand art, discliplined, bookworm, vegetarian
Lifetime Wish: Star News Anchor

Spouse - Shiloh Devyn
ambitious, over emotional, neat, schmoozer, missing

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #49 on: January 28, 2015, 08:44:01 AM »
An inventor with a firefighting mother is just perfect.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 11 Part 1
« Reply #50 on: January 29, 2015, 02:56:56 AM »
Generation 11 - Isaac

Lucky Amin liked being a father, so much so he wanted another child.

Addison was wise to his tricks now though and he was out of luck that day.

And quite possibly for some time in the future.

Shannon was slightly puzzled why his dad seemed so miserable but grown ups were always a bit strange. And his dad was one of the stranger ones.

Shiloh and Rohan were more than happy just having the one child.

But they grow up so fast.

At first Shannon looked a little unsure about Isaac but before long they were running around the house playing tag and parted the best of friends.

He shared his teenage birthday with his mother, Shiloh was about to get old once more.

She wasn't at all happy about it.

Isaac looked a lot like his mother, well almost all like his mother to be honest, the Monty genes hadn't held on for quite as long as some of the others in the past.

That night while everybody was tucked up in bed Hanson awoke to a strange feeling coursing through him.

Isaac was very upset about his grandfather, Stephanie tried to console him but he didn't want to be consoled.

He soon found some solace in his love of art, bumping into Shannon at the art gallery as well.

Lucky had eventually got his way with Addison, Shannon now had a baby sister named Shanita, Lucky still spent a lot of his time at Addison's house, he had taught Shannon all his toddler skills and would do the same for Shanita when she grew up, even though Shannon was now a teen Lucky still felt the need to make sure he was doing his homework, although Shannon looked less than impressed that his father was wagging his finger at him and bossing him about.

At least Shannon could take consolation in the fact he wasn't the only one forced to do homework.

Time was moving on and everybody was growing older.

It had been a long time since Lucky first asked Addison to marry him, it was about time they finally did just that.

Graduation turned into a reunion when Issac and Shannon both graduated together.

Issac got himself a job at the salon after graduation, while he may have artistic flair it's not always to everyone's taste, perhaps tone it down a little next time maybe. And maybe a little less scissor happy on the top.

Stephanie was very old now, not quite as old as Joanne when she died but very close, she knew going to the party with her family was taking a chance and she was right, no sooner had they arrived when she had to leave again, for good.

Before her death she had given Rohan something special, a heart shaped pink diamond, creating new life with the gift his mother had given him helped Rohan find some closure.

Unfortunately for Gloria her programming needed some adjusting, she begged to the watcher to please not make her go into the shower but the watcher had no sympathy, after all she told Gloria to do it in the first place.

So Gloria decided if she had to short out she'd at least go down dancing.

If he wasn't working at the salon or doing home visits Issac was mostly sat at the drafting table working on new fashion ideas, that is when he wasn't being distracted by his parents flirting.

Was he a little bit jealous? maybe, but a trip to the art gallery with Gloria led to some interesting meetings, for both of them.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 11 Part 2
« Reply #51 on: January 29, 2015, 03:02:42 AM »
Issac was getting a dab hand at flattering ladies, he knew just what to say to make them feel good about themselves, complimenting Tabbi on her haircut was sure to win her over.

And it worked.

Sadly Lucky passed away not too long after he moved in with Addison, she was heartbroken.

With only her pension coming in Shannon felt it was time to get himself a job and Issac just happened to know where there was an opening.

Isaac was getting better at styling but was still a bit hit and miss, sometimes customers loved it, other times they were just okay with it and then there were the absolute disasters.

Shanita though loved his work.

She took after her father more than her mother looks wise which was a shame, the only thing that wasn't rather generic was her nose, Isaac was very fond of her but only as a friend which made Shanita rather sad.

It had been quite some time since the family last visited China but now seemed like as good a time as any, especially seeing as Isaac had been asked to deliver a painting there.

It was becoming more and more obvious Abi knew something they didn't, how else was she still alive?

For Rohan and Shiloh this trip gave them a bit more extra time together, they both knew they were getting on in years so every moment counted. For Gloria watching her happy parents together the most she could wish for was to one day get married herself. But who would want to marry a simbot, another simbot maybe?

When Issac returned to work he got rather excited to see Tabbi on his appointments list, that was until he got to her house and discovered what it was she wanted, a new formal outfit to wear to her engagement party to Ethan Tanner.

Isaac buried his crushing disappointment beneath his professional demeanor listening politely as she enthused about her upcoming nuptials, and when he left Tabbi was non the wiser as to how he truly felt about this turn of events.

What made this situation so difficult was Isaac was also friends with Ethan who he had met through his grandmother, she would have been pleased for them he felt sure, her two best and oldest friends getting married.

So he decided perhaps he should just accept it and be happy for them too, that was why he took Tabbi an engagement present of one of his paintings.

But then the following night at a party hosted by one of his clients he witnessed Ethan trying it on with Emmie Irwin and wondered if Tabbi was really doing the right thing marrying him, but if he told her about Ethan's behaviour would it be for her benefit or his own?

After all why would she even be interested in him anyway when she was going to live for a long time to come and he was growing older by the day.

But Isaac getting old meant his parents were even older.

Isaac wasn't home when his mother died, he had been finishing off his final requirement, it meant he got to be young once more but it felt like little consolation at the time, Shanita willingly gave him a comforting shoulder to cry on.

Back home again and a phone call from Tabbi had him cursing at the phone afterwards, he really didn't want to help the woman he loved choose a wedding cake for her marriage to another man, but he said none of this to Tabbi instead agreeing to meet up with her to discuss the wedding arrangements.

A lot of what she wanted would be better done at home where he could sketch ideas out for her to look at so they headed back to the house.

They hadn't even stepped foot on the path when Tabbi suddenly turned around, jumped back in her car and rushed off home in a fury, looked like the wedding might be off after all.

As expected Tabbi and Ethan broke up, unfortunately shortly before this Ethan had moved in with Tabbi, she no longer wished to live with him so Isaac was quick to offer Tabbi an alternative solution. She mulled it over for a bit then agreed, but it would mean losing her wings.

There was a time when Isaac thought he'd missed his chance with Tabbi, he'd been given another one and he was definitely making the most of it.

While it was sad his mother wasn't there for the wedding marrying Tabbi was still the happiest moment of his life so far.

And just when he thought he couldn't possibly be any happier his daughter Aiya showed him just how wrong he was.

Generation 11 - Isaac Amin
neurotic, charismatic, loves the outdoors, artistic, perfectionist
Lifetime Wish: Fashion Phenomenon
Unique Maxed Career: Stylist
Two Unique Best Friends: Kelly Gardner, Kane Frederick
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Brushmaster, Proficient Painter, Master Painter
Four Black Ops: A Small painting, The business of decor, Deliver a painting to China, Fresco Fest

Spouse - Tabbi Claremont
Neurotic, loves the outdoors, nurturing, couch potato, light sleeper

Story Progression made Tabbi a fairy but I made Ethan a werewolf, they were both on my future spouse radar and I wanted to keep them around but so far nobody was interested in them, original sims were running out which is one reason Lucky had kids, of course he had a boy and then Rohan wanted a boy too, so I tried again and he got a girl but Shanita was almost a clone face. Then Isaac fell for Tabbi only for me to discover story progression was messing me about again and got her engaged to Ethan, the fact it then split them up was great because I was dithering on getting Isaac to do it, If Ethan became a future spouse did I want him to be enemies with Isaac? I couldn't decide but in the end I didn't have to.

Aiya was my deviation from the baby gender rule, other than Shanita there was one eligible female in town left, Christopher Shaw, she had a boys name and quite frankly she looked rather like a man in drag, dreadfully unfortunate face, and I didn't really want that in my dynasty, sorry Christopher  :P

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2015, 11:12:31 AM »
A girl named Christopher? That's odd. Story progression worked out for you in the end, wish I could have said the same, anyway I'm pleased Isaac was able to marry Tabbi after all.
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 12 Part 1
« Reply #53 on: January 30, 2015, 04:15:05 AM »
Generation 12 - Aiya

Rohan loved being a grandfather, and thanks to some mistakenly eaten ambrosia he was going to see far more of his granddaughter growing up than he ever expected.

They had grown up together and they had grown old together so Isaac knew that time was running out for his childhood friend, he had tried in vain to get Shannon to eat some ambrosia but Shannon would only ever pick it up and put it in the fridge. He did this at his own house and at Isaac's which is how Rohan ended up eating some, Shanita soon polished off the ambrosia in her fridge as well.

Isaac was frustrated and getting rather worried that his friend would die before he could help him, with Shanita having got her wings so soon after reaching young adulthood she would live for a long time to come, Isaac wanted to offer Shannon the same chance but a fountain of youth wasn't an option at the time, until Shannon finally quit his job at the salon, they both came over for Aiya's first birthday and as soon as he entered the house Isaac was ready with the potion. He wasn't about to lose his best friend yet, especially not at his daughter's birthday party.

A rather surprised looking Aiya grew up to be yet another dark haired toddler, but also a good mix of mum and dad in the looks department.

Gloria was the resident alchemist of the family now, and made Shannon a little something to help him keep his youth a bit longer this time.

A quick makeover from Isaac finished the transformation.

In her mind Aiya Amin was a star! her dreams were big, she wanted so be a superstar actress when she grew up.

But first she had to finish school.

There was time for play as well though, Gloria was just a big kid at heart so made a great playmate.

But Gloria had another playmate of her own, Jaycen Hendrix, they had met at the art gallery the same day that Isaac met Tabbi and discovered that they both liked toys, Rohan had made Gloria several toys over the years, she loved her toy whale the most but she was willing to part with her toy cow for a friend.

Or maybe more than a friend.

It was a strange romance, the simbot and the werewolf, Jaycen was never one for commitment but in Gloria he'd finally found somebody who not only understood his childishness but loved him for it. They were a match made on an inventor's workbench, with maybe just a little help from heaven.

Teenage years saw Aiya becoming ever more dramatic, from her outfits right down to her attitude.

But despite appearances and a tendency to whine about her life she was a sweet natured girl really.

Lucky Palms had got rather old lately, Aiya was the only kid in high school and decided to forgo prom, what would be the point of it anyway if it was just her attending, not quite the star lifestyle she had hoped for.

But while Aiya was getting older Gloria decided she was going to stay exactly as she was forever, it was fine while her father was about to give her a tune up but when he was gone who would care for her? so she took a potion that would make her never rust and and never break down, she basically made herself immortal.

It was a proud day when Aiya graduated, for Rohan it was extra special seeing his grandaughter graduate.

Aiya applied for a job at the movie studio but as it was the weekend and she had a couple of free days before work started she decided to go visit the festival.

Being asked to spin on the skating rink is nothing new, finding yourself holding hands and staring into the eyes of an attractive stranger can happen as well, but when that stranger is the man who betrayed your mother perhaps it's best not to mention this encounter to your parents.

Finding yourself also developing a bit of a crush on your dad's best friend might also be a thing better not mentioned.

Life was just one long drama for Aiya.

For Rohan though life was finally over.

Aiya never told her mother about her growing friendship with Ethan, Tabbi had never quite forgiven him for what he did to her and no amount of flowers would win her over.

Ever since that trip to China so long ago Gloria had wished to get married, at the time she had no idea who to but it was her dream and she'd never let it go, and then she had met Jaycen.

And found that even a commitment phobe like him could love a mechanical girl like her enough to say yes.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 12 Part 2
« Reply #54 on: January 30, 2015, 04:22:58 AM »
Aiya was slowly turning her family into juiceaholics by littering the garden with her various mixology drinks.

She started inventing her own unique cocktails as well.

When she wasn't working she was mixing drinks or telling jokes and pulling faces at Gloria.

Shortly after her adult birthday she took a brief trip to France, once she finished what she went there for she went exploring, even managed to find a rare Glowy Fly for the family collection.

She really should have brought her dad along for the trip as some of the people at base camp were in desperate need of a stylist.

A few days after her return home Aiya achieved her dream of becoming a superstar actress, for once she wasn't acting or being overly dramatic as she wiped tears of joy from her eyes.

Aiya frequently attended parties around town, people liked having somebody famous on the guest list, at one such party she found herself spilling her heart out to Shannon's girlfriend.

But it wasn't her own heart that was broken, it was Ethan's

Feeling sorry for him she decided to cure him with the moodlet manager, at least this time he hadn't caused it himself.

Aiya was done with her requirements now so could happily eat some ambrosia, but as to her future well at the moment she wasn't totally sure what she wanted to do with it. Since achieving her dream the gloss had worn off stardom, she was bored with it and wanted to try something new and exciting.

Over the years she'd become quite close to Shannon, they were the best of friends and he was always full of good advice for her, his suggestion was perhaps she could go traveling.

She decided to give it some thought, as much as she'd like to see the world she didn't want to leave her parents just yet, and there was Gloria's future wedding to Jaycen to think about as well. So for now she just made do with a family night out to relieve her boredom.

Isaac was a realist, he'd already been old once before so he knew what to expect the second time. He just wanted to be sure that whatever happened in the future his daughter would still have somebody she could rely on when both he and Tabbi were gone.

Although he knew he could rely on Gloria she was leaving soon to begin her own life with Jaycen, besides he wasn't totally sure those two were grown up enough to look out for themselves let alone Aiya, and if he was honest there was only one person he trusted to always look out for his little girl.

But it was Aiya who ended up looking out for Shannon when his girlfriend passed away.

It was a tough time all round, knowing his family history Issac had felt sure he would be the first to go, he was wrong.

Instead he outlived Tabbi by a few days.

While Gloria had Jaycen to support her a heartbroken Aiya turned to the one person she knew would understand and who shared her sense of loss.

Try as she might she just couldn't shake off her unhappiness.

But Shannon wasn't exactly having a great time of it either, a long time ago he had moved out of the house he grew up in and moved in with his girlfriend, almost as soon as she died her hot headed relative had moved in bringing her evil son with her, Shannon was seriously thinking of moving back in with Shanita right now.

Buy Aiya had another idea.

The following day Gloria invited Jaycen over.

The time had come for Gloria to fulfill her wish at last.

Then she drove off into the sunset with her new husband, or at least across town.

After they left Aiya got on the phone to the travel agents, she had decided she was going to do as Shannon had suggested and go traveling but with one slight alteration, she was taking him with her.

Generation 12 - Aiya Amin
Traits: light sleeper, good, star quality, dramatic, ambitious
Lifetime Wish: Superstar Actor
Unique Maxed Career: Actor
Two Unique Best Friends: Alison Santiago, Lea Cheng
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Master of mood, cool creator, comedian
Four Black Ops: Background Acting, State of the City, Better Mixology, Just Business

Moving Shannon in was very spur of the moment, when his girlfriend died those two sims moved in, I wasn't bothered about that until she started having a go at him and her evil son was laughing maniacally in the background, I took pity on Shannon and couldn't leave him there with those people, he was born outside the house but I had still raised him via Lucky and he always felt like one of my own sims, at this point Aiya was still completely undecided about her future spouse, she never rolled any wishes for anybody giving me no clues who to pick and I was as undecided as her, still wasn't sure at this point even though I moved Shannon in.

She had three options really, Shannon, Ethan or wait until after the move, if you saw my HoF entry you can probably guess what happened, if you didn't no peeking! you can find out tomorrow.

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2015, 06:12:24 AM »
I love Aiya, dramatic Sims can be fun when the right person plays them  ;D I find Gloria and Jaycen's story so cute, he's the last person I'd thought she'd end up with.  I'm so happy Shannon can be part of the family (I hope, I haven't checked the spoilers).
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Farewell to Lucky Palms
« Reply #56 on: January 31, 2015, 03:37:08 AM »
Yeah Gloria and Jaycen surprised me too, she already knew him when she rolled that wish to get married then the next time she saw him she rolled a wish to kiss him, so I thought well why not go with it, he kept flirting with her too, then she wished to propose so it was all down to her really, she knew what she wanted so I let her have it.  ;D

Farewell to Lucky Palms

One of the reasons for this visit to China was to get the vacation home ready for sale, another reason was to visit one of the few remaining family members Aiya had left.

The eternal grandmother Abi Yat Sen.

Aiya had occasionally tried the martial arts equipment at home but never seriously got into it but being in China made her feel a little more motivated to try again.

Shannon made use of his time getting himself a level 3 visa.

But once that was done he joined Aiya in martial arts practice.

Over the course of the trip their relationship slowly changed from one of two best friends traveling together.

To something a little more.

But soon it was time to return home again. Aiya said goodbye to Abi not knowing if this would be the last time or if she would one day see her again.

Back home again and Aiya still had some vacation time left over, she made the most of it lounging about in the hot tub while sipping romantic cocktails.

But even though their relationship had changed somewhat Aiya wasn't quite ready for the eyeful she got when Shannon decided to join her later on.

You see Aiya had still not stepped over that line yet between friend and boyfriend but she was getting closer.

In the back of her mind there had always been obstacles holding her back, Shannon being her father's best friend, what would he think if he saw them now, would he be happy for them? and then there was Ethan, she was attracted to him too but she'd had to think how her mother would feel, so she had always kept her feelings to herself. Yet if she looked back at her life who had been the one who was always there for her instead of the other way around, who had been her shoulder to cry on instead of her being theirs.

There was only one answer to that, and sadly for Ethan it wasn't him. Aiya had had her fill of Lucky Palms, she wanted to see the world and she wanted to see it with Shannon.

She realised as she hugged him she wasn't just saying goodbye for now, but goodbye forever.

Over the next couple of days they started planning, Aiya gave the keys to her Margaret Vaguester and the house to Gloria, it would be a far nicer place for her to live than her current home with Jaycen.

She wasn't sure where they would end up but she promised to send her postcards along the way.

Shannon said goodbye to his sister and left her the motive mobile as a parting gift.

Goodbyes had been said and tomorrow they started their long journey but in this moment right now Aiya only had to take one tiny little step to finally be over that line.

Family Museum Total = 187,167

Collection 1 - Tiberium - 43056, 36156, 46782, 35673 = 161667
Collection 2 - Butterflies -  3 Rainbow at 1026 each, Glowy Fly 675 = 3753

Collection 3 - Paintings - 4172, 3991, 3728, 4224 = 16115

Collection 4 - Time Machines - 1408 each = 5632

Career Rewards - Firefighter's Axe, Firefighter's Coat, Sims Choice Award, Green Orb Award

Tombstones - Leon Amin, Tomeka Amin, Stephanie Amin, Rohan Amin

All properties and buildings owned and upgraded, four vacations used.

Farewell from  Lucky Palms, see you again under the northern lights!

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #57 on: January 31, 2015, 05:07:23 AM »
Congratulations on finishing another town.  That neon painting collection was quite something :).

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #58 on: January 31, 2015, 11:01:58 AM »
Fond farewell to Lucky Palms and I'm waiting to see what the Amins get up to in Aurora Skies.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Journeys End
« Reply #59 on: February 01, 2015, 03:39:41 AM »
World 3 Aurora Skies

Aurora Skies Game Settings

Seasons: Spring & Summer 14 days, Autumn & Winter 21 days
Population: Fairies, Vamps & Werewolves on all others off.
Fixed moon phase

Founders Aiya & Shannon

Aiya Amin
Traits: Light sleeper, good, star quality, dramatic, ambitious

Shannon Ross
Traits: Friendly, computer whiz, adventurous, excitable, angler

When Rohan married Shiloh I added Hebrew to the name mix, I looked up Icelandic names but didn't really find much so we are going with Scandinavian instead.

Journeys End

It had been fun traveling together, just parking the trailer whenever they felt like stopping for a few days.

They had tried many activities on their travels but ballooning was a new one.

She may have quit showbiz but Aiya still loved to be dramatic.

It was getting a bit hot in that balloon and it had nothing to do with the flame.

But when Aiya came down sick afterwards at first she wasn't sure what to blame, could it have been the champagne, or maybe the hotdogs from the night before?

Or maybe something else entirely.

It seems Shannon was more like his father than he realised, but unlike Lucky he wasn't going to wait until old age before marriage.

It may have altered their plans somewhat but Aiya didn't mind, in fact she was weeping with joy.

With a baby on the way they needed more than a trailer to live in, no matter how fancy it might be, so they bought themselves an unfurnished house on the outskirts of town. They had just enough money left for a cheap tv and a sofa.

And a crib, although Aiya didn't like it very much.

Shannon was looking forward to fatherhood.

Which was great for him as he had the easy part.

Aiya was tired and ready for bed when the baby decided it was time, she'd almost doze off until yet another contraction woke her with a start.

The promise of a new life seemed to call to the ghosts of their ancestors, many emerged from their graves that night, only to find themselves once more in a strange place with no idea how they got there.

It was too much of a shock for one of them.

Later that night Aiya finally gave birth to a son she named Aaren.

Looking down at her baby boy Aiya realised her wanderlust had finally gone, there was only one place she wanted to be, in her new home with her new family for the rest of her days.