Perhaps Abi knew the secrets his ancestors once did, the trick to immortality, he knew it involved ambrosia but obviously that wasn't all of it else that alone would have worked to keep some of his family alive in Monte Vista, Seth had never passed the secret on but then maybe he didn't really know it himself, perhaps it was a closely guarded secret of elderly grandmothers like Abi and Seth's ancestral founder.

It didn't really matter it was just nice to see her once again.

As their first day in China came to an end Stephanie was already perfecting her moves.

Back at base camp she put her handiness to use fixing all the broken plumbing.

Tomeka had spent her time running here and there collecting rocks and metals and various other items for the locals in an attempt to get her visa up to level 3, she finally did it so got straight on the phone to the estate agents.

That night they moved back in to the vacation home that had once belonged to Lucie and now belonged to Tomeka.

There was a good reason for getting that particular house, it contained a very important artifact and one that Tomeka needed so she could go exploring.

By the time the trip was over Stephanie and Hanson were getting quite adept at martial arts.

While on vacation Tomeka had done a lot of skill book reading, she had finally mastered cooking so could make some ambrosia at last.

Stephanie upgraded her a replicator so she could store plenty for future use too.

As mentioned before, rescuing Hanson was only Stephanie's second most heroic deed, her first most heroic deed was this.

Somedays you just can't help being awesome, this was one of those days.

That night she had one more job to do, those criminals had been at it again, the huge clouds of smoke billowing across the sky meant Stephanie was hours trying to put it out but eventually she did.

She celebrated with a plate of ambrosia then went home and proposed to Hanson.

They were so caught up in the moment they failed to notice the man who suddenly ran past them and out the front door, somebody spotted him though and the next day Leon went in search of his missing relative.

At first the events of Kiran's sudden resurrection were a little sketchy but it soon became clear what had happened. In Monte Vista the family had it's own personal graveyard, here they had yet to acquire one so the tombstones of their ancestors had been placed in storage, before the trip to China they were taken out and placed at home, it was only meant to be temporary but on returning they didn't get round to removing them.
Now at the same that time Stephanie was enjoying a plate of ambrosia at the hangout down the road from the criminal building, Hanson was supposed to be eating his own plate at home, only he didn't do so, instead he replicated it and put it down then wandered off, so while Stephanie was busy proposing the ghost of Kiran was busy munching on Hanson's meal. Even in death he still misbehaved.
Leon wasn't about to let him get away that easy though, after all what would he do, become some hobo living homeless on the streets, he was family and he should be with his family, so Leon asked him to stay.

I'm sure never in his wildest dreams did Kiran think he would attend his great great great great great great granddaughter's wedding.

But now he was back he might as well make himself useful once more.

With three martial artists in the house money was no problem, the garden was full of strange plants these days.

But for a time Stephanie had to stop breaking space rocks as she was expecting.

She drove herself to the hospital in her fire engine, well why not? it was an emergency after all.

There she gave birth to a son, they named him Rohan.

Leon never got to hold his grandson, they returned from the hospital to find a very unwelcome visitor in the garden.

But at least Tomeka got that chance.
Generation 9 - Stephanie AminTraits: Brave, disciplined, easily impressed, Shy, handy
Lifetime Wish: Physical Perfection
Unique Maxed Career: Firefighter
Two Unique Best Friends: Charlene Swafford, Brain Swafford (not a typo

Three Unique Skill Challenges: Tinkerer, Plumber, Electrician
Four Black Ops: Settle an argument, Broken Laptop, Handiness How-To, Bursting with energy
Spouse - Hanson GilbertGood Sense of Humour, disciplined, bookworm, excitable, easily impressed
Time for some explaining I imagine, basically this is what happened, Stephanie finished her requirements late on her elder birthday, I really didn't want her to get old so had Hanson replicate her some ambrosia then dragged it into her inventory, as soon as she came out the criminal warehouse I sent her to the nearby hangout with some potent friend elixirs, all she needed was her two best friends and she was done.
Once that was sorted I told her to eat the ambrosia, it's a small place but full of tables inside, she could have picked any of them but no she chose the one picnic table outside that EA had placed against the wall, and she put the plate on the wall side of the table, grrrrrrrrrr!
So now she complained she couldn't eat it and I couldn't move it myself either, I guess some other hungry sim on the lot was trying to get to it as well. This went on for some time but eventually I resorted to getting somebody at home to buy the lot on the computer just so I could move the plate and finally get her to eat it.
At the same time I first told Stephanie to eat hers I told Hanson to get his own plate but with all the goings on I didn't check if he actually ate it, I just assumed. That was my biggest mistake as by the time Stephanie got home and was proposing to him Kiran had appeared. I saw him float past one second then a live version ran back the other direction and out the front door, gobsmacked doesn't even begin to describe my reaction, my annoyance with Stephanie was suddenly forgotten in the shock that I might have failed.
And to cap it all Stephanie aged up anyway

I have to say a big thank you to Trip for letting me continue for HoF after this happened, and to Shirin for her helpful input in the dynasty thread, I think I would have carried on regardless as I was enjoying myself but the drive was stronger to continue knowing it was still eligible.