Thank you everyone, I can certainly see about putting Shani on the swap shop

World 2 Monte VistaMonte Vista Game SettingsSeasons: Summer only 28 day cycle
Population: Fairies, Vamps & Werewolves on all others off.
Fixed moon phase
Founders Shani & OrionShani AminTraits: Friendly, loves the heat, ambitious, natural cook, great kisser
Orion LawlessTraits: Neurotic, bookworm, natural cook, grumpy, genius
Italian and Latin names are thrown into the mix for this world along with the Sanskrit and Egyptian of the first world.
Generation 5 - ElianaShani and Orion arrived in Monte Vista early one morning. They had spent almost all their money purchasing a house out in the hills, it was not the biggest of homes but it had a massive garden and an extra building that might prove useful in the future.

Shani had also spent a little more money on a special gift for Orion.

They married there and then, a new home and a new start as husband and wife putting their past troubles behind them for good.

They wasted no time in starting a family and before long Eliana arrived. Although a slightly darker shade she was green like her father, but it seems the magic got left behind in Dragon Valley for despite her unusual appearance she was human.

She also had her mothers yellow eyes, and her grandmothers black hair.

Money was tight at first, Orion and Shani had both transferred their jobs but his was only at the mausoleum so didn't bring in a lot, Shani kept trying to create a tiberium the same way as Donna had before her but all she ever made were emeralds or jades.

Eliana was quick to make friends when she started school, Horace Rossi had been born a fairy thanks to his father changing into one while his mother was pregnant, there were several children in town the same age as Eliana and a few older ones too.

Orion had planted a few alchemy plants in the garden shortly after they arrived, now she was old enough Eliana took over caring for them, early one morning she went outside to water and weed when suddenly things got rather dark.

Realising what was happening she called her parents and they all ran as far away as possible, the meteor hit smack bang on the spot where Eliana had been standing, wrecking her garden and starting several fires.

But despite the mess and the large crater it turned out to be worth a tidy sum so their money worries were averted for a bit longer.

It paid for a rather old car so Orion could teach her to drive.

And there was a very good reason to learn, you see it also paid for a tractor so now Eliana could really get her garden growing.

High school was over, now she could concentrate on her gardening full time, and with her new tractor it should be a breeze.

Before leaving Dragon Valley Shani had learnt the Ambrosia recipe and now thanks to Orion learning to fish via tabcasts on the multitab she could finally make some, but first she needed to upgrade the replicator she had purchased so there would be more than enough to last for generations if needed.

One nice thing about this town was its market, Eliana could pretty much get any plant she desired there, apparently when he isn't playing for the Llamas Pepe Moretti likes to tend vegetable stalls in his free time.

Eliana's garden was coming along nicely, she spent hours watering, and fertilizing, the days were filled with the noise of her tractor going round and round, she loved that thing and was rarely off it.

But she did sometimes leave it alone to go out, like when she went on a date to the beach with Mikhal Costa one of her old school friends.

And then there were the swimwear parties Horace invited her to, surrounded by semi naked men and she didn't even bat an eyelid.

But then a chance meeting in the park changed her life forever, Orlando Romano had been a child when Shani and Orion arrived in Monte Vista, he was in high school when Eliana was in elementary and left when she started high school, like ships in the night they had passed each other by, until now that is.

The attraction between them was strong, they stayed in the park all afternoon neither one wishing to say goodbye, even Orlando's mother gave them a knowing smile when she passed them by as if she too could sense where this was heading.

And it did, having become the garlic growing queen of Monte Vista Eliana was finished with her requirements and could now do as she pleased and there was only one thing she wanted to do.

They got married in the garden watched by her parents, despite the invite Paola had failed to turn up to see her son marry.

All this time though Orlando had been hiding something, he'd never once let on to Eliana about his true nature but it soon came out once he had moved in.

Had she made a mistake marrying this mean spirited man? maybe if inappropriate Mikhal had tried to kiss her before she was married and pregnant he might have got somewhere and Orlando would have been out of the picture, but then again Orlando had never been anything but a gentleman to Eliana and there were ways of making sure he always would be, perhaps a mid life crisis was in order before the baby arrived.

Any last remnants of Dragon Valley vanished with the arrival of Jay, a rainboo no more, although maybe there would still be a little bit lurking in his eyes.
Generation 5 - Eliana AminTraits: Neurotic, loves the heat, over emotional, green thumb, family oriented
Lifetime Wish: Perfect Garden
Unique Maxed Career: Gardener
Two Unique Best Friends: Ariceli Ortega, Irene Ortega
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Master Planter, Master Farmer, Botanical Boss
Four Black Ops: Absolutely Great Produce, Uncommonly Good, Outstandingly Rare, Stomping Grapes
Spouse - Orlando RomanoLoves the outdoors, athletic, family oriented, flirty, mean spirited ( changed to genius)
Green thumb sims
love that tractor, it was nice in a way as I never needed to worry about the garden while Eliana was alive, in fact it was probably over watered and fertilized, she never autonomously harvested which was a good thing as at first I worried about others using it but they only did so if I told them to.
A couple of generations on and I forgot about telling them to water the plants occasionally so all my money trees vanished leaving a pile of bills worth almost 200,000